Tom Brady et. al v. The National Football League Stay Decision
bmazJudge Susan Nelson of Minnesota District Court has denied the stay of her decision on Monday lifting the lockout imposed by the owners collectively acting as the National Football League. Here is the hard hitting order denying the say and granting the players a temporary victory.
Roberts Court Sticks Another Dagger In the Back Of Consumers
bmazThe Supreme Court has given big business a huge gift with its decision today in AT&T v. Concepcion.
The Cover Story that Serves as a Cover Story
Check out this sentence, which appears at the end of the Executive Summary of a document purporting to debunk the "cover stories" of detainees who claimed to have traveled to Afghanistan to teach the Koran.
Mujahideen that traveled to Afghanistan…
The Drone "Debate" and Friendly Fire
Last week, Spencer reported on an Air Force contract for software to move towards self-piloted drones.
The Air Force recently gave Stottler Henke Associates $100,000 to deliver a software package that can keep drones from colliding into human-piloted…
Tortured Confessions and the Gitmo Protection Orders
An unfortunate side effect of the NYT and NPR's attempt to preempt WikiLeaks' embargo on the Gitmo Files is that their coverage--rather than the coverage of those who had been working on the files for several weeks--got the most attention. Notably,…
Illegal Wiretap Leak Probe Dropped
According to Josh Gerstein, DOJ decided not to charge anyone in the illegal wiretap leak probe.
The Justice Department has dropped its long-running criminal investigation of a lawyer who publicly admitted leaking information about President…
DOJ Warns Gitmo Defense Attorneys Not to Use Gitmo Files
The defense attorneys representing detainees at Gitmo in habeas proceedings received this email today.
Subject: Information in the public domain 2nd reminder
As many of you have undoubtedly heard or read, government documents that…
The US Training Manuals al Qaeda Used
Back in April 2009, I wrote a post outlining how purported al Qaeda training manuals formed the basis of Bruce Jessen and James Mitchell's torture program.
The SASC Report on Detainee Treatment reveals that some information collected from al…
The Gitmo Documents Reveal Disparities between US and Other Countries' Assessment of Risk
I'm working on weedy readings of the Gitmo Files released today. But I wanted to note the important revelation--and the source of the government's concerns--regarding the release.
These files assess how big a risk these prisoners are. And…
The Gitmo Files: Abu Zubaydah's File
As bmaz posted, WikiLeaks is (finally) releasing the Gitmo Files, review files on 758 of the detainees who have passed through Gitmo. For background, here's the story Carol Rosenberg (with Tom Lasseter) wrote about the files. Among other things,…
Gitmo Detainee Files Working Thread
bmazA working thread for the Gitmo detainee files release.
Happy Easter
Hi folks, Happy Easter! It has been a pretty frustrating week on a lot of the fronts we follow here. There are far too many such weeks. Even the one piece of positive news, the reinstating of the charges against the Blackwater Nisour Square…
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
There are two key takeaways I get from this comprehensive WaPo piece on why Gitmo will never close.
First, after just one Congressman--VA's Frank Wolf--bitched about the plan to bring innocent Uighurs to the US, the plan was shut down (apparently…
Obama Pretends the Bob Woodward Law Doesn't Exist
Yesterday, Michael Whitney pointed out how irresponsible it was for the ultimate commander of all the people who will decide Bradley Manning's innocence or guilt to state publicly, before his trial, that "he broke the law." But there was…
DC Circuit Reinstates Blackwater Nisour Shooting Prosecution
bmazThe Blackwater Nisour Square shooting prosecution may be back on for now, but I would not be surprised in the least to see the case dismissed again. Here is why.
DOJ Sits On Its Thumbs A Year After Macondo's Mouth Of Hell Roared
bmaz A year after Macondo the Mouth of Hell roared in the Gulf of Mexico, forever altering the ecology and lives of those who depend on the Gulf for their existence, it is business as usual for BP and a complicit Department of Justice.
Manning Protesters Sing to Obama: "We Paid Our Dues; Where's Our Change?"
At today's presidential fundraiser in San Francisco, several attendees sang a song to Obama protesting Bradley Manning's treatment. (From the White House pool report)
Mr. Obama was in the middle of his remarks when a woman in a white suit…
CIFA 2.0 Back in the Outsourcing Business
Remember the Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA)? Here's how I described it back in 2007.
CIFA is, along with the National Security Letters Congress is now cracking down on, probably the biggest abuse of civil rights and privacy BushCo…
What Happened to Bradley Manning in January
I wanted to put a few details about what happened to Bradley Manning in January together.
The other day Manning's lawyer, David Coombs, revealed he had been about to file a habeas petition when DOD suddenly decided to move Manning to Fort…
As Expected, DOD Charges al-Nashiri; Will the US Also Charge His Torturer?
DOD has filed charges against Abd al Rahim al-Nashiri, the alleged mastermind of the USS Cole bombing. (h/t jl)
The Department of Defense announced today that military commissions prosecutors have sworn charges against Abd al Rahim Hussayn…