Choo Choo Track Attacks
I'm bemused by this first report on the intelligence from Osama bin Laden's compound. Apparently, al Qaeda wants to derail trains.
A new bulletin issued tonight by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security and obtained by ABC News describes…
The Weird Circumstances Surrounding Hassan Ghul's Interrogation
As I noted earlier, the AP and other outlets have reported that Hassan Ghul was among the first to inform American interrogators of the importance of Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti. Here's what the AP reported.
Then in 2004, top al-Qaida operative Hassan…
Monica Goodling Finally Gets Reprimanded
According to the Virginia Bar and in a filing that she agreed with, Monica Goodling committed "a criminal or deliberately wrongful act" that reflected badly on her "honesty, trustworthiness or fitness to practice law."
Monica Marie Goodling,…
Obama's DOJ Advocated Lying to Judges in June 2009
Back in 2006, a bunch of Islamic groups FOIAed the FBI to find out what kind of records the FBI had on them. The FBI blew the request off, so in 2007, the groups sued. When the groups got their data, they complained the FBI had improperly labeled…
Beneficiary of Revolving Door Pork to Head Blackwater Ethics Committee
As Spencer reports, former Attorney General John Ashcroft just got named the-Company-formerly-known-as-Blackwater's ethics chief.
The consortium in charge of restructuring the world’s most infamous private security firm just added a new…
Jose Rodriguez Brags that He Got Terrorists to Deny Things Using Torture
Jose Rodriguez, the guy who as head of Counterterrorism Center oversaw the torture program and who as head of Clandestine Services had the videotapes that would prove torturers exceeded torture guidelines destroyed, has chosen this moment to…
KSM Was Lying about OBL's Location While Hiding the Courier Who Could Locate Him
I apologize for yet another post on why the torture apologists claims that torture got us Osama bin Laden are wrong.
The debate is now manipulating the question at issue, suggesting that the fact Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Faraj al-Libi…
ISI Raided Abbottabad Compound in 2003, Looking for Abu Furaj al-Libi
The BBC has a claim from Pakistan's ISI that, if true, ought to put the torture debate to bed once and for all. ISI claims that they raided the compound in Abbottabad in 2003, while it was under construction, believing they'd capture Abu Faraj…
Tracking the Courier ... Through Hassan Ghul
Adam Goldman and Matt Apuzzo have fleshed out the story I linked here, describing the threads of intelligence that led to the courier--whose name they report as Sheikh Abu Ahmed--who in turn led to Osama bin Laden. The story includes the following…
The Osama bin Laden Trail Shows Waterboarding Didn't Work
The AP has confirmed that intelligence leading to the courier that in turn led to Osama bin Laden came from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and--as I surmised earlier--Abu Faraj al-Libi while in CIA custody. But partly because of the language AP uses…
And about that Nuclear Hellstorm Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Promised if Osama bin Laden Was Killed?
When the WikiLeaks Gitmo Files were first released last week, the Telegraph's top headline warned of a "nuclear hellstorm" if Osama bin Laden were captured or killed.
One of the terrorist group’s most senior figures warned that al-Qaeda…
Apaches, Seminoles, and al Qaeda
As I noted several weeks ago (and as Carol Rosenberg has reported in depth), the government pissed off the Seminole tribe earlier this year by claiming that Seminoles defending themselves in territory held by the Spanish during the early 19th…
Abu Faraj al-Libi and the Trail to Osama bin Laden
According to reports, we first started tracking the couriers who would ultimately lead us to Osama bin Laden over four years ago.
The stream of information that led to Sunday's raid began over four years ago, when U.S. intelligence personnel…
Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad: Pakistani Incompetence or Complicity?
It's probably just a coincidence that the US finally got Osama bin Laden at a time when its relationship with Pakistan is at a post-9/11 low. President Obama said the discovery of OBL came from a lead first generated last August.
Then, last…
BREAKING: Unusual Hasty Sunday Night Obama Statement
bmazEmergency Presidential statement set for tonight, very unusual for a late Sunday night.
US Assassinates Saif Qaddafi and Three Qaddafi Grandsons
bmazA Nato air strike in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, has killed the son and three grandsons of the Libyan leader, Colonel Gaddafi, a government spokesman has said
Two WMD Terrorists, the President's Daily Briefing, and Lone Wolves
This Time article is designed to be a swan song to Robert Mueller's career; it builds over almost 6,500 words to the conclusion that, "Most people inside the bureau believe that the blown opportunities to head off 9/11 would not recur today."…
Bradley Manning Protest: White House Bans Journalist for Doing Journalism
To a degree, this reminds me of the Joshua Claus moment, when DOD banned reporters like Carol Rosenberg and Michelle Shephard because they uttered the name "Joshua Claus" in their coverage of his testimony in Omar Khadr's trial. (Shephard had…
The Blowjob that Shall Not Be Named
Politico has a festival of stupidity on yesterday's release by Obama of his long form birth certificate. The varieties of stupid in the article include:
Ignoring the real precedent of the blowjob that shall not be named
Blaming birtherism…
Saifullah Paracha's Gitmo File Contains Suspect Details, but His Defense Attorney Can't Point Them Out
I'm going to be in transit for another half day yet, but I wanted to comment on this motion David Remes, Gitmo detainee Saifullah Paracha's attorney, filed to request emergency access to the Detainee Assessment Brief on his client released by…