Gul Rahman and Manadel al-Jamadi Investigations: The New Information

In his announcement that John Durham is investigating the deaths by torture of two CIA detainee, Eric Holder suggested that John Durham reviewed information that had not been reviewed by the prosecutors who had earlier declined to prosecute…

Betting for the Little People: Timmeh Geithner Departure Watch

Apparently, Timmeh Geithner has told Obama that he may leave after a budget deal, citing family considerations. I'd be singing "ding dong the wicked witch" if I didn't know that his replacement will almost certainly be even worse. But…

Two Dead Detainees May Get Justice. The Other 99 Will Not.

Eric Holder just released an announcement revealing that John Durham has recommended criminal investigation of two detainees tortured to death. But cases of the remaining 99 detainees whose treatment Durham investigated will be dismissed. On…

Bahraini Riot Police Attacks Citizens on Day After Human Rights Inquiry Announced

Yesterday, Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa announced a human rights inquiry into crackdowns on protestors. Human rights violations would not be tolerated, he claimed. King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa announced the move in a speech at an…

Bank of America Offers to Pay $8.5 Billion to Stay in Business

DDay and Masaccio and Yves Smith have already covered Bank of America's offer to pay 2 to 3 cents on the dollar to make good on its securitization misrepresentations. But I wanted to point out one issue of timing. In her coverage of it, Yves…

US Refusing to Let Truth-Tellers Visit Country Again

The lawyer representing the innocent victims of drone strikes in Pakistan just got denied a visa to speak at Columbia Law. (h/t curiouser_georg) I am a Pakistani lawyer who is suing the CIA for killing innocent civilians through drone strikes…

The Fed Gives JP Morgan Chase Another Multi-Billion Dollar Bailout

Remember that swipe fee measure that passed the Senate twice? It lowered the amount credit card companies can charge merchants to $.12 a transaction. It was a stunning victory that retailers (which admittedly includes WalMart but also includes…

Defending the Corporate "Freedom to Relocate"

I wasn't entirely fair when I quipped on Twitter that, if Obama asserts that "as a general proposition, companies need to have the freedom to relocate," then shouldn't people, too, be able to flout laws--like mortgage contract laws or immigration…

More Evil in One Wyoming House than Dick Cheney?

In Nicholas Shaxson's book, Treasure Islands, he traces out a network of offshore locations, like Cayman Islands, where corporations and crooks hide their cash. But he also noted that the incorporation laws in various US states allows those…

William Welch's Gimmick and the Harassment of James Risen

As Josh Gerstein reports, Leonie Brinkema has unsealed her November 2010 ruling quashing the government's subpoena of James Risen to testify before the grand jury. Gerstain describes several interesting details revealed in the ruling--including…

Max Baucus Finally Gets His Grand Bargain!

Usually, when Max Baucus tries to craft a grand bargain, oversized legislation starts by getting progressively worse, at which point the legislation finally dies. But he has finally succeeded in getting a grand bargain, with a deal to extend…

Waxman Gives Obama Lessons in Negotiation, Again

Update: As Dday corrects me, both these lessons in negotiation describe the same confrontation that took place on June 2. DDay linked to this story describing Henry Waxman confronting President Obama because he had given the Republicans the…

The Charlie-Savage-Used-to-Be-Richard-Lugar's-Intern SFRC Libya Hearing

Boy has Charlie Savage caused a headache for Barack Obama and Harold Koh. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee had a hearing to grill Koh today, in part, because of Savage's report that Obama overrode OLC, DOJ, and DOD lawyers in deciding…

Jim Webb: We Are Endorsing Assassination of Leaders of Countries We Recognize

I'm watching the Senate Foreign Relation Committee's grilling of Harold Koh--either bmaz or I will post on that later. But Jim Webb just made a really important point. He noted that we have suspended, but not severed, our relations with Libya.…

National Archives Spends 3 Days Declassifying 11 Words Declassified 40 Years Ago

The Pentagon Papers were declassified earlier this month. In advance of its formal declassification, the National Archives had announced that 11 words would remain classified. But ultimately, the entire document was released. Kudos to Steven…

Obama Capitulates to GOP and Withdraws Labor Protection from Colombia Trade Deal

The website for the US Trade Representative still has a link to the inadequate--but nevertheless improved--labor protections that the US had demanded from Colombia to support a trade deal with the country. But according to Sander Levin--who…

"SWIFT" Boating the Russian Mafia

Remember that GCHQ/MI6 agent, Gareth Williams, who was found dead in a duffel bag last year? At first, the narrative around his death centered on rumors he had been killed in a weird gay sex game. Amid such sensational reporting, other articles…

NSA Managers Modified or Supressed Studies on ThinThread and Trailblazer

As bmaz reported while I was looking at flowers in Northern MI, POGO liberated via FOIA the Inspector General report central to the Thomas Drake case. While much of the report is redacted (except for, perhaps unsurprisingly, a number of comments…

James Risen's Community of Interest

I'll probably have several things to say about the James Risen filings of the past week. But for the moment, I wanted to focus on his assertions about the government's access of his phone records. Remember, these assertions are not new: Josh…

Trash Talk: Fox TV Sucks a Bag Of Big Honking Salted Dicks

Americans were denied the ability to watch the Grand Prix of Europe live and have no alternative but to watch it on tape delay long after the checkered flag dropped for Sebastian Vettel. This is just craven and malignant jackassery by Fox.
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