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Boiled Frog Journalism: Is Trump an Agent of Saudi Arabia, and Other Pressing Questions Buried under Biden's Age

Trump might literally sell out the next journalist who opposes him to be chopped up by some foreign dictator. Yet the journalists covering his campaign don't seem to care.
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Aileen Cannon Makes Clarence Thomas' Calvinball Newly Significant

John Roberts says the president has maximal authority in his prosecutorial function. But Clarence Thomas says, only if Congress agrees.
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Aileen Cannon Unwound the Stolen Documents Prosecution Back to November 2022

While DOJ can charge aspects of the stolen documents case via US Attorney, they would have to recreate some of the investigative steps they have already taken.

The Taiwan Snub

In addition to abandoning Ukraine in the RNC platform, Trump's party also abandoned its former commitment to help defend Taiwan.

Shooting at Trump Event

Comment on shooting at Donald Trump rally.

What If You Had a Military Summit Defending the Future of Democracy and No One Gave a Damn?

To find actual news of Joe Biden's efforts to defend democracy against growing authoritarianism, you'd need to scroll to ¶18 in a story buried beneath a half dozen articles providing different takes on Biden's verbal stumbles.

Trump May Attempt to Disavow Project 2025 -- but He's not Disavowing Viktor Orbán

Trump may be disavowing Project 2025 -- or attempting to. But he's not disavowing Viktor Orbán, whose influence operations flow right through the Heritage Foundation. On the contrary, Trump and Orbán seem intent to run, hand in hand, to clothe a Transatlantic authoritarianism in the face of Christian nationalism.

NYTimes Launders Its Own Agency

NYT has now matched its scold to Biden about what he "should" do and order to Democrats about what they "must" say with an op-ed on Trump, observing that he "is" unfit to lead with no more than an urgent call on voters to do something about it. Would that NYT would match that opinion with equal parts reporting on why Trump is unfit.

WaPo's Manufactured "Landslide"

A "landslide" consisting of one Democratic senator was more important and featured on WaPo's front page rather than Trump's truly awful campaign-plus-grifting speech.

The Lie David Sanger Told to Sustain NYT's Non-Stop Campaign against Joe Biden

In February, David Sanger reported that even before Trump threatened to let Vladimir Putin invade NATO countries, European allies were discussing the possibility the US would withdraw from NATO. Now, he claims they're doing so only because Biden had a poor debate.

Reading the NYT Front Page, So You Don't Have To

An annotation of the front page of the NYT, pointing out that NYT calls Biden "defiant" twice, two NATO stories claim they're about Biden when they're not, and NYT is spinning their own adoption of a conspiracy theory about Parkinson's. Not mentioned? The GOP's radical and deceitful platform.

Peter Baker Argues Joe Biden Is Unfit because Peter Baker Is Too Lazy to Read the Homework

Peter Baker read a report saying that Biden's physician added a movement disorder neurologic specialist to treat Biden's gait problem, and instead concluded that the movement disorder neurologic specialist who has been visiting the White House must there about the Parkinson's that Biden's team specifically ruled out.
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Imagine if Dana Bash Knew Trump Had Been President Before?

When Dana Bash let Marco Rubio lie at length about whether Trump had ever targeted his rivals for criminal prosecution, she let slide a fabricated claim that Joe Biden received a bribe from Ukraine.
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The Self-Satisfied and Often Wrong Media Frenzy

Joe Biden has a point that the mob calling for him to drop out of the race have often been proven wrong about elections in the past. But the mob has a point that he may not have the stamina to run while also fulfilling the duty of President.

The Second Round of Macron's Insane Election

Take a deep breath, because here we go again. The French legislative election is on Sunday. As the clock turns over to early Saturday morning, we entered Silence électoral, or the blackout period, when media coverage and campaigning stops…

Memory Lane: Did You Forget about the Golf?

It's Saturday, it's golf day, and Trump is probably cheating at golf on his own golf course as he did on our dime for four years. But Joe Biden is old. This is an open thread.