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How David Weiss May Plan to Prove His Case against Hunter Biden

To take his Los Angeles indictment to trial, Hunter Biden has to be willing to let a paparazzi press spend valuable 2024 campaign reporting time on how Joe Biden's son could spend $383,548 on sex workers and $100,330 on adult entertainment in one year, 2018.

John Paul Mac Isaac's Undisclosed Home Movie

Another look at interesting intersections between the Rudy Giuliani timeline and the computer repairman's.

Ratifying Sedition: The Proud Boys 404(b) Evidence

At the Proud Boys trial, prosecutors made Trump's role in their conspiracy clear. Now, leading up to the former President's own trial, DOJ has said they will present communications that amount to an agreement in September 2020 and ratification of the Proud Boy attack on the country in September 2023.
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Three Things: Brilliant Opportunities Disguised

Some news outlet will point out how the failings of the state GOP parties in Florida, Michigan, and Texas are somehow bad news for Joe Biden, and not the brilliant opportunities they represent for Democrats. But not this site.

DOJ Will Show that Trump's Campaign Intended to Cause a Riot at TCF Center in Detroit

In a court filing, DOJ says it will show that Trump intended to cause a riot on November 4, 2020 at the TCF Center in Detroit.
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Principal Senior Assistant Special Counsel Leo Wise Insinuates David Weiss Lied to Congress

Abbe Lowell's request to subpoena Bill Barr and others produced far more flopsweat from David Weiss' team than I imagined. It also seems to have gotten Leo Wise a fancy promotion.
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NYT Covers Up the Still-Ongoing Trump-Russian Effort to Frame Joe Biden

The NYT is right: A second Trump term would be worse than the first one. But repeating that, over and over, even while misinforming readers about Trump's ongoing five year effort to frame Joe Biden is not the best way to prevent a second term. 

When John Eastman Acknowledged that Candidate Trump Spoke in His Personal Capacity

When John Eastman moved, on Trump's behalf, to intervene in Texas v. Pennsylvania, Eastman described that Trump spoke "as a candidate for re-election," he spoke in "his personal capacity." That motion plays a key role in the Blassingame decision, and may have important implications as Trump appeals Judge Tanya Chutkan's ruling on absolute immunity.
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James Comer's War on Christmas: The Burial Ground of a Dick Pic Impeachment

James Comer has declared a War on Christmas!! He wants to impeach Joe Biden because the then-Vice President invited his son to a holiday party!
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Judge Tanya Chutkan Had to Tell Trump That, "There is no 'Presidential Immunity' Clause"

In an opinion booting some of the more difficult questions on presidential immunity to the DC Circuit and SCOTUS, Judge Tanya Chutkan informed Donald Trump that there is not presidential immunity clause in the Constitution.

Sandra Day

Sandra Day O'Connor has passed away. Don't let anyone spoof you, she was one of the nicest, brightest and best people you could ever hope to meet. Gracious is not enough of a word to describe her. She went from the smartest girl in the…

DC Circuit Rules that a President's Speech as Candidate Is Not Official

The DC Circuit just held that when a President campaigns for re-election, he acts as an office seeker, not an office holder entitled to absolute immunity.
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Hunter Biden Gets a Step Closer to Vindicating Twitter's Takedown Decision

On the same day that, in sworn testimony before Congress, Michael Shellenberger claimed "there's no evidence" that the hard drive Rudy Giuliani shared with the NY Post was manipulated, Vish Burra asserted (laughing) that he would hack Hunter Biden again.
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Boris Epshteyn's Absence and Presence in Trump's Alleged Crime Spree

Boris Epshteyn, who was the focus for months of reporting about his role in Trump's twin federal indictments, has all but disappeared. Indeed, ABC's scoop about Little makes clear that his reportedly significant role in the stolen documents case never even made the indictment. 

Finally: War Criminal Dead at 100

This is an open thread. Leave your comments about Henry Kissinger and war crimes here rather than pollute other threads.

Donald Trump Insists He's Too Special To Use Same Database 1,200 Other January 6 Defendants Have Used

In Trump's discovery demand, he argues he should be treated better than his mobsters who have also been prosecuted for their actions on January 6.
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Abbe Lowell Calls James Comer's Bluff

Abbe Lowell has raised the stakes on Jamie Comer's demand that Hunter Biden testify privately, rather than publicly.