Things Not Said in Roger Stone's Indictment: "Trump Directed" and Other More Damning Details

Robert Mueller is finally getting credit for his speaking indictments. But Roger Stone's indictment is most notable for the silences.

Mueller Plays Hardball with Roger Stone

Roger Stone just got indicted and arrested, in a show of force that seems designed to get him to talk about others. Such as who sent a senior campaign official to get Stone to find out what else WikiLeaks had coming.
Photo: Pavan Trikutam via Unsplash

Day 33+11H: Flood the Zone

McConnell scheduled a vote for 2:30 p.m. today on Trump's 'phony compromise' bill, which means you need to make calls NOW.

It's Not So Much that Manafort Lied and Lied and Lied, It's that His Truth Evolved

Paul Manafort's explanations for his alleged lies to Mueller appear to be that his truth evolved.

How Trump "Directed" Don Jr's June 9 "No Follow-Up" False Statement to Congress

We can see, with documentary evidence, what BuzzFeed claimed happened with the Trump Tower deal: Donald Trump dictated a lie, and his staff and family repeated it, including before Congress.

Jerome Corsi's Gazillion Dollar Lawsuit Against the Same Media Targets that Individual-1 Is Targeting

In amending his already frivolous lawsuit against Mueller yesterday, Jerome Corsi wove in several of the same media targets that Trump is also targeting.
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Day 32+11H: Trump's Other Wall

This post is about a wall. Nope, not about Trump's narcissistic pipe dream made of steel slats and Fox News-borne ego fluffing.

A Primer On Ideology

Ed Walker
A few basic concepts from the theory of ideology.

Rudy Is Relying on Tapes to Claim Buzzfeed Is Phony: But There Aren't Tapes of Everything

Rudy was relying on tapes -- presumably, those that Trump and Trump Organization got to review as part of the Special Master process reviewing privilege claims of the stuff seized in Michael Cohen's raid -- to claim that Thursday's Buzzfeed story is phony. But not everything would be taped.
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Trump's Lawyers Raised Concerns with Mueller's Office about Testimony They Shouldn't Know Whether Is Phony or Not

Rudy said yesterday he doesn't know whether Trump and Michael Cohen spoken before the latter lied to Congress. Yet somehow, he was so sure the story that Trump told Cohen to lie was phony he wrote a letter bitching about it.

Open Thread: Don't Shoot the Freezer

Looks like the regulars may have cabin fever. Pour some boat drinks and bring your off-topic content here to air it out.

Rudy Claims Credit for Peter Carr's Correction of BuzzFeed, Which Had the Goal of Tamping Down Impeachment Talk

On Jake Tapper's show, Rudy Giuliani appeared to take credit for Peter Carr's statement Friday pushing back on the Buzzfeed story about Michael Cohen. If that's right, it suggests DOJ's request for a statement may be even more inappropriate under Special Counsel regulations.

Championship Sunday 2019 Laissez Le Bon Temps Rouler

There are notable football weekends in the year, both for the Pros and the Joes. But nothing matches the conference championship games weekend nor the Super Bowl.

The House Intelligence Committee Can and Should Subpoena the 18-Minute Gap on the Trump Tower Deal

Over the last few days the following happened: Buzzfeed published a story stating what the evidence already shows: Trump suborned perjury Mueller's spox Peter Carr issued an unprecedented rebuttal to a specific story WaPo, in a story…

DAG Rod Rosenstein Involves Himself in Mueller's Press Response to Buzzfeed Story

According the WaPo story presenting the official version of what happened with the Buzzfeed story the other day, Rod Rosenstein's office called Mueller's to see if he was releasing a statement. That seems to violate SCO regulations.
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The SCO Statement and Why Cohen Should Not Testify Feb. 7

Marcy wrote a great post this morning titled "Peter Carr Speaks". I agree with almost all of it, if not all of it, but feel compelled to add a couple of things. As to what the motivation of Carr and Mueller was, it is, at this date, unclear,…

Shutdown Day 28+15H: When Negotiations Fail, Add More Hostages

Is it really too much to ask for a president and Senate Majority Leader to simply do the right thing by the country and reopen the government without fueling more political conflict?

Peter Carr Speaks

Robert Mueller has the unenviable task of needing to sustain as much credibility for a bunch of serial liars as possible, starting with Michael Cohen. Buzzfeed's story -- whether generally true or erroneous on details about Trump Organization witnesses or totally wrong -- threatened that effort.  And that's why, I strongly suspect, Peter Carr finally publicly spoke.