
The WaPo Scoop on the DNC Hack (Temporarily) Killed the Trump Tower Deal

Between the time Michael Cohen agreed to meet Felix Sater to finalize his trip to meet Vladimir Putin and the time he canceled, the story that Russia had hacked the DNC broke out.

Felix Sater Promised a Putin Meeting with Michael Cohen Minutes after Don Jr Promised to Revisit Magnitsky Sanctions

As Mueller's filings had previous suggested, the efforts to set up a meeting between Michael Cohen and Vladimir Putin did take place in the wake of the June 9 Trump Tower meeting.

The Timing of the Inauguration Subpoena

The SDNY move on Trump's inauguration corruption likely means Mueller has finished that aspect of his own investigation.
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KonMari-ing the Confederacy's Son

What really sparks happiness and peace? What is it we should jettison if we are truly keeping that which is honest and trustworthy, responsible, respectful, caring, and fair?
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45 Days Plus 45 Days: Is Trump Violating His Own Election Tampering Executive Order?

Today is the deadline for the Trump Administration to decide whether to sanction Russia for its efforts to tamper in the mid-term elections. Instead of doing so, they're likely to bury the report showing that Russia tried.

Fun with Dr. Corsi's "Forensics"!

I think it quite likely that Mueller's team will use real forensic analysis to show that Jerome Corsi's claims in his book about using forensic analysis to guess WikiLeaks would drop John Podesta's emails to be utter bullshit.

Super Bowl Sunday 2019 Trash Talk

Well, here it is, Super Bowl LIII game day. The last time Atlanta hosted a Super Bowl, it was basically a disaster. It was freezing cold with frozen rain, transportation was sketchy, many integral events had to be cancelled, the game was a thriller…
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Jerome Corsi's Theory of Roger the Rat-Fucker's Mule Prosecution

Jerome Corsi believes that he's a key cog in a theory (either his or Mueller's) of prosecuting Roger Stone that includes both WikiLeaks and Guccifer 2.0.

A Good Walk Foiled

Today's round is just a good walk foiled. This is an open thread.

NYT's Trump Interview: Money for Nothing and Clicks for Free

It's not just that the NYT lets Trump off easy when they interview him, but their reporting out of that transcript also botches the job.
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The Disinformation Campaign Targeting Mueller and the Delayed Briefing to SSCI on Russian Election Interference

The news that Mueller was targeted as part of a disinformation campaign is interesting. It gets far more interesting, though, in conjunction with all the secrecy surrounding the IC's report on Russia's tampering with the 2018 election.
[Photo by Piron Guillaume via Unsplash]
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A Neoliberal Argument for Medicare for All

Why are industries which aren't in health care providing health care programs at all? Why can't we provide health care for everyone so that businesses can focus on their own businesses?
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Let Them Eat (Starbucks' Coffee) Cake

A couple of older billionaire white dudes have been shooting off their mouths. One of them is partially clued in. The other one apparently lives on a different planet where the sky is a groovy coffee-colored plaid.

The Big Dick Toilet Salesman Speaks

Even if, as Matt Whitaker said, Mueller is close to being done, reports Mueller is heading towards a report should be taken as the statements of a man hired to make statements like this. The actual evidence suggests that Mueller is still pursuing damning conspiracy indictments. 

Unwinding a Multithreaded Beast

Perhaps these two threads -- the IRA's information warfare and Stone's hacked email ratfucking -- weren't guided by a common entity. But they certainly sewed toward the same outcome.

Two Details That Many Are Missing in/about the Stone Indictment

The claims that Roger Stone's indictment proves there's no conspiracy case against him seems inconsistent with two details in and about the indictment.

Golf for Fun and Profit(eering)

On a cold and snowy afternoon a friend and I asked ourselves this simple question: if one owned a luxury private golf course club or resort, how could they launder money or make unreported income? This is an open thread.

Things Not Said in Roger Stone's Indictment: "Trump Directed" and Other More Damning Details

Robert Mueller is finally getting credit for his speaking indictments. But Roger Stone's indictment is most notable for the silences.