
The Parallel Tracks of Disclosure on Why Manafort Shared Campaign Polling Data with His Russian Co-Conspirator

There are currently two parallel efforts considering whether to liberate the details of Manafort's sharing of polling data with Konstantin Kilimnik and through him Russia: one led by Bill Barr, who may have incentive to suppress it, and one led by DC prosecutors, who may not.
Graphic: Quino Al via Unsplash (mod by Rayne)
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Three Things: This Ain't No Fooling Around

This ain't no disco. Have your phones at the ready for these three things -- now with more about Puerto Rico. This is an open thread.

Oleg Deripaska's Co-Columnist Admits Oleg Deripaska May Have Fed Christopher Steele Disinformation

If Christopher Steele was relying on Oleg Deripaska for dossier intelligence, it would make the single most credible claim in the dossier all the more interesting.

Pressure Works: After Four Days, William Barr Capitulates and Gives an Estimated Page Count!!

In which William Barr says the letter that he sent Sunday that "summarize[d] the principal conclusions reached by the Special Counsel and the results of his investigation" was not a summary, and other hackish reversals.
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Three Things: Hey You, Mr./Ms./Mx. Pissed-Off

So you're angry -- welcome to the club. Get your war face on and let's kick ass. This is an open thread.

The Grand Rapids Gerald Ford Tribute Reporters Should Visit

The Federal Building in Grand Rapids has a sign with Gerald Ford's quote, "Our Constitution works; our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men." That might be a better spot to reflect on our current situation than anything in his museum.
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The Roger Stone Indictment Proves Barr's Memo Understates Trump Flunkies' Complicity

I've made this point implicitly a few times, but it bears making explicitly. We have proof that Bill Barr's memo spins the known contents of the Mueller Report to minimize the complicity of Trump's flunkies. That's because we can compare what…

Three Times William Barr Said Trading Pardons for False Testimony Was Obstruction of Justice

In the discussion of the Bill Barr memo in the last two days, the discussion of Barr's claimed views on obstruction have mostly focused on the crazier parts of the memo that got him the job, and not even the passage at the bottom of the first…
Creative Commons

The Politics Of The Green New Deal: OMG It’s Socialism!

Ed Walker
It’s time for government to exercise its democratically earned power to protect us from Capitalism, and to protect Capitalism from itself. That's the meaning of the Green New Deal.

Rod Rosenstein Didn't Even Clear Trump on All the Topics He Hired Mueller to Investigate

In conspiring with Barr to give Trump the all-clear, Rosenstein didn't address a significant part of the job he gave Mueller. 

How William Barr Did Old Man Back-Flips to Avoid Arresting Donald Trump

William Barr just did something totally cowardly to avoid fulfilling the promises he made in his confirmation process.

The Mueller Report, the Short Version

Robert Mueller punted to both William Barr and Congress, but it's clear the case against Trump is fairly damning.

Rod Rosenstein's Unfortunate Vocabulary: Defining a Criminal Investigation by "Links" and "Collusion"

Rod Rosenstein is the very unlikely hero of the Mueller investigation. "Rod is a survivor," Jim Comey said after getting fired. "And you don’t get to survive that long across administrations without making compromises." Yet here we are,…

After Mueller: An Off-Ramp on Russia for the Venal Fucks

Now that Mueller has said whatever he has to say about why the evidence of Trump's ties to Russia do not amount to a crime, both sides need to focus on preventing Russia from attacking the country again.

The Mueller Report Has Been Delivered

The Mueller Report is done. But the only thing we know ... yet is that neither the Acting AGs nor Barr vetoed any of Mueller's decisions.
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There's a Decent Chance Jon Karl's Source Is Being or Was Investigated for Obstruction

If Jon Karl's certainty about the Mueller Report comes from one or another of Trump's lawyers that is or was being investigated for obstruction, he ought to be a lot more circumspect about their claims.