
The Trump Campaign Discussed Reaching Out to WikiLeaks after WikiLeaks Helped Them Win

Trump refused to answer whether he discussed a pardon for Julian Assange. The Mike Flynn cooperation memo shows that Flynn was involved in discussions with top campaign officials about reaching out to WikiLeaks after WikiLeaks helped Trump win.
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The Scope and Results of the Mueller Report

Almost a month after the Mueller Report got released, there's still debate about its scope. Here's my understanding of what it includes and does not include.
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Cloud Computing and the Single Server

An abbreviated primer on cloud computing and points to ponder about the mythological 'single server'. This is an open thead.
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Rick Gates' Status Report Suggests Trump Will Be a Focus of Roger Stone's Trial

Trump's lies to Mueller are perhaps best documented as they pertain to WikiLeaks. Using Gates as a witness at Stone's trial will make the trial an exhibition of the President's lies as much as those of his rat-fucker.

A Tale of Three (Former) Mueller Dockets

Mueller has been done for three weeks. But there's still interesting things going on in the dockets of top Trump flunkies.
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Sweden Reopens Assange Rape Case

There was a bit of drama and excitement that went down in the middle of the night. The Swedish Prosecution Authority has officially reopened the case against Assange on the remaining rape allegation. Here is the official statement: Deputy…

Trump's Excuse for His Promised Speech on Hillary Clinton

The "Clinton dossier" Guccifer 2.0 released on June 21, 2016 largely matched the topics that Trump said would have been included in a June 13, 2016 speech targeting Clinton.

In a Shoddy Attempt to Inflate the Single Server Fallacy, Roger Stone Suggests Communicating with Guccifer 2.0 Would Be Criminal

In a frivolous pair of motions, Roger Stone is going after CrowdStrike's analysis of the Russian hack. In the first, he demands full unredacted copies of CrowdStrike's reports on the hacks. He bases that demand on a claim the CrowdStrike reports…

NC Election Investigations and the Yard Sale at the 18th Hole

What's going on with the federal investigation of voter fraud underway in North Carolina? And just how many non-English-speaking Russians now live in the US? This is an open thread.
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On the Curious Timing of Daniel Everette Hale's Arrest

It's not surprising the government indicted Daniel Everette Hale as the Intercept's suspected Drone Wars source. It's surprising they waited five years.

The Orange Injector and the Troubling Tariffs

As if a constitutional crisis wasn't enough, he did it again — trashed the market with tweets. And we're stuck on this crazy ride with him. This is an open thread.
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Why Didn't Mueller Hold Counterintelligence Suspect Mike Flynn Responsible for Sanctions Call?

For some reason, Mueller did not hold Mike Flynn responsible for -- at a time when he was under active counterintelligence investigation for his ties to Russia -- undercutting the official policy of the US on punishing Russia for its election year attack. I wonder whether the any counterintelligence interviews may explain why.

Undead Testify: Welcome to the Zombie Apocalypse

The zombie apocalypse wasn't supposed to look like this; it should have been more cinematic. And yet here we are, surrounded by the undead. This is an open thread.

Did Rod Rosenstein Pressure Mueller to Enter the Plea Deal with Paul Manafort?

According to Andrew Weissmann, there was a lot of pressure to enter into a plea deal with Paul Manafort last September, which had the effect of shifting attention from the Mueller investigation during the election. We now know that prosecutors already knew he was lying to them when they entered into that plea deal.

One Man's Declination Decision Is Another Man's Criminal Suspect Failson

One thing Robert Mueller's March 27 letter to Attorney General William Barr reveals -- in addition to the fact that Mueller is as pissed as he has ever been in his career -- is that the two men think very differently about the redactions in…

William Barr Absolved Trump of Obstruction without Having the Faintest Clue What He Obstructed

In his SJC hearing today, the Attorney General said it was okay for Trump to obstruct the Mueller investigation because (he claims) Trump was falsely accused, without being aware that the report showed that several of the key allegations against Trump -- including that his campaign manager coordinated with Russians, including one Barr agrees is a bottom-feeding scum-sucker" with ties to Russian intelligence -- were actually true. 

Useful, but Willful, Idiot: "Page or" "Or JD Gordon" [Updated]

It turns out there was a lot more implicating Carter Page as a willful agent of Russian than those wailing about his FISA application have let on.
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Paul Manafort Violated Campaign Policy in Risking a Meeting with Konstantin Kilimnik on August 2, 2016

The Mueller Report makes something else clear about the August 2, 2016 meeting between Paul Manafort and Konstantin Kilimnik. Trump's campaign manager attended a meeting with a guy his deputy believed was a Russian spy at a time when everyone else in the campaign was being told to defer such meetings because of the attention on his own ties with Kilimnik.