
Mike Flynn Was Renting His Name to the Highest Bidder While Ostensibly Working for Trump

Unlike the other three people the FBI first focused on in the Russian investigation, Trump didn't fire Mike Flynn during the campaign. Still, the things Flynn did during the campaign easily merited a the counterintelligence investigation he got.
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The Logic of Assange's EDVA Indictment Is Inconsistent with Mueller's Apparent Logic on Assange's Declination

In the case of election interference, then, Barr does not consider the publication of documents identified on a wish list that hackers subsequently steal to amount to joining a conspiracy. But in the case of Chelsea Manning's leak, his DOJ does.
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History's Rhyme, Part 2a: 'Abuse of Power' Sounds So Familiar

It's not just Nixon's obstruction of justice Trump's acts have mirrored, though Trump has kicked Nixon's butt with regard to abuse of power. Achievement unlocked, Donnie. *golf clap* This is an open thread.

For Three of the Four Early FBI Subjects Tied to the Trump Campaign, the Campaign Agreed with the Mueller Report Conclusions

Of the first four people tied to Trump's campaign who were investigated by the FBI -- Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and Paul Manafort -- the Mueller Report came to remarkably similar conclusions as the campaign did when all three were fired in 2016. That makes Bill Barr's investigation into the origins of the investigation all the more scandalous.

Trump Claims He Was Joking When He Gave Russian Hackers a Wish List to Hack Hillary, But His Senior Aides Disagree

Like a child whose mother catches him saying something improper, Trump claimed -- in his responses to Robert Mueller -- that he was joking when he asked Russia to find Hillary's missing 30,000 emails (a claim he repeated on March 2). d. On…

The Three Theories of Prosecution for Julian Assange

There are three theories of prosecution EDVA used in the superseding indictment against Julian Assange. One charges him for soliciting the leaks of stolen information, which will endanger people like Jason Leopold. One charges him for attempting to help hack and therefore obtain classified information, which is relatively risk free. And one charges him for disclosing the identities of US sources, which is dangerous because, on a smaller scale, journalists do the same.

The Charges Against Julian Assange

An overview of the new charges against Assange.
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Here for Misogyny's Ratio

It's 2016 all over again when the woman frontrunner is trashed by white dudes' tweets and crappy reporting. Come on already. This is an open thread.

Did Some Republican in Congress Leak Details of the Mueller Report to Roger Stone?

Did one of the 7 Republicans in Congress who have seen the less-redacted Mueller Report already leaks details of it to Roger Stone?

Bill Barr's Bullshit Claim that Trump Obstructed the Investigation Out of Frustration and Anger

I've grown increasingly bothered by the justification William Barr made for Trump's obstruction of the Russian investigation. Basically, the Attorney General of the United States argued that because the President was "frustrated and angered"…

Why Trump Believed He Could Withhold the June 9 Email: Because He Succeeded in Withholding Moscow Trump Tower Ones

In June 2017, when Donald Trump was trying to sustain a false story about the June 9 meeting by suggesting that if just one lawyer dealt with the matter, the email disproving that story would not be "leaked," Alan Garten was ensuring that the email disproving Michael Cohen's false story did not get turned over to Congress. That's why Trump thought he'd get away with the lie. Because he almost got away with it on the Trump Tower Moscow story. 

A Growing Problem: Agriculture, Climate, and Trump

Agriculture is complex even in the best of times. It's nightmarish faced with the mounting climate emergency and the crises Trump creates. This is an open thread.

Michael Cohen's HPSCI Testimony Proves Trump Lied in his Answers to Mueller

Given the great lengths Trump went to to not answer any of Mueller's questions, it would take some doing for him to tell a demonstrable lie. But Michael Cohen's testimony to HPSCI shows he did just that with regards to the Trump Tower meeting.
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The Politics Of The Green New Deal: Conclusion

Ed Walker
The Democrats must act like a real political party. Activists have to try new ways to communicate. What we're doing now isn't working.

The Mueller Report Redactions and the Claims about "Collusion"

Contrary to what a lot of people assume, most of the redactions of the Mueller Report are quite reasonable, though how Barr talks about them minimizes the lying and obstruction of Trump's people. The exception are the redactions that hide Trump's personal role in exploiting the WikiLeaks releases. These descriptions go to the heart of why Trump obstructed this investigation.

"I Have Been Sending Everything to Victor:" On Paul Manafort's Treasury-Sanctioned Meeting Planner, Viktor Boyarkin

There's been a lot of attention to Konstantin Kilimnik's descriptions in the Mueller Report. There's been less focus on the meeting that Viktor Boyarkin, who set up a January 2017 meeting with Paul Manafort to recreate the old friendship he had with Oleg Deripaska, set up.

Mike Flynn's "Cooperation" Did Not Extend to Remembering Bob Foresman's Back Door Discussions

For a guy supposedly cooperating with Mueller, Mike Flynn forgot an interesting effort to ensure he spoke with the right Russian. Maybe that's why he was cheering Mueller's biggest critics as the same time as claiming to cooperate.

William Barr Ratchets Up the "Witch Hunt" over an Investigation He Judges to be "Anemic" Given the Threat

According to comments Bill Barr made in SJC testimony on May 1, he opened an investigation into the genesis of the Russian investigation because he believes the surveillance used in the early days of the investigation was "anemic" given how serious the threat was.

In a Bid to Jettison Flynn, Trump Suggests Hope Hicks and Steve Bannon Lied to the FBI

In an effort to insulate himself against the disclosures Emmet Sullivan ordered the government to provide, Trump is now accusing Steve Bannon and Hope Hicks of lying to the FBI.

Chuck Ross Gets Pissy about Russian Disinformation

Chuck Ross not only bolloxes his latest attempt to spin the possibility that the Steele dossier got fed Russian disinformation, but to sustain his bolloxed story, he hides the pee tape.