
The Steele Dossier and the Mueller Investigation: Carter Page

In the first of a series on what the public record shows about the Steele dossier's influence on the Mueller investigation, I'll show that it definitely had a role in the investigation of Carter Page, but for different reasons than commonly understood.

OPEN THREAD: FIFA Women's World Cup — England vs United States

I need a break from all the heavy. Let's watch the Women's World Cup semi-finals.
Graphic: Quino Al via Unsplash (mod by Rayne)
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Whip It Good: Impeachment Inquiry — Do You Even Math? [UPDATED]

Yelling at House Speaker Pelosi is useless when it's is on you to exercise representative democracy. This is an open thread.

Jim Jordan's Bubble Has Allowed Him to Remain Painfully Stupid about the Mueller Investigation

Jim Jordan thinks he has a doozy question for Robert Mueller: Why Mueller didn't decide he couldn't charge conspiracy until after the mid-terms. Jordan would more productively ask Donald Trump that question than Mueller.

Freedom And Inequality: Introduction and Index

Ed Walker
Are freedom and inequality in conflict? How can we have a democracy if they are?

Amid Description of Kushner's Shadow Foreign Policy, Tillerson Counters a Jared Claim to Mueller about Kirill Dmitriev's Plan

Rex Tillerson told the HFRC some pretty alarming things about how Jared pursued his own diplomatic plans without informing him. That makes Tillerson's claim -- that Kushner did not (as Kushner told Mueller) share a Russian reconciliation plan more interesting.

Roger Stone's Latest: When Legal Categories of Innocent or Guilty become Disinformation and Pardon [Updated]

Roger Stone's prosecutors are calling for a reconsideration of his release based off recent Instagram posts he made attacking the Russian investigation. I think this is a far closer call than his earlier shitposting.

Jay Sekulow Seems Worried that Trump's "Collusion" Is Visible from Space

Given a conspiracy theory hatched by the President's defense attorney this week, Jay Sekulow must worry that Trump's "collusion" is visible from space.

Questions for Robert Mueller (and His Prosecutors) that Go Beyond the Show

Most of the questions people have drafted for Robert Mueller are designed solely for show. Here are some that get at the substance of his investigation.

According to Hope Hicks's Testimony, Trump Should Applaud Paul Manafort's Conviction

According to Hope Hicks, Trump was worried in real time that Paul Manafort might have divided loyalties while he was working for him. So why does Trump want to pardon him for crimes involving those divided loyalties now?

The FBI Maintained Paul Manafort's Email Account

Among the things revealed in the release of the Mueller docket yesterday is that the FBI controlled Paul Manafort's dmpint email account.

Livestream Tonight: The Investigation -- Mueller Report in 10 Acts [UPDATE]

Tonight only at 9:00 p.m. Law Works will stream a live play based on the Mueller Report. This is an open thread.

Hope Hicks Had More Awareness of the Flynn-Kislyak Aftermath Than the Mueller Report Discloses

Among the things that Hope Hicks didn't want to answer last week pertain to her testimony about Mike Flynn's actions during the transition.
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Hope Hicks' Very Well Lawyered Efforts to Protect Trump

Hope Hicks didn't answer questions last week because White House lawyers told her not to. But given her responses about the campaign, it's pretty clear she'd try hard to protect Trump even if White House lawyers didn't tell her not to answer.
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The Ongoing Proceeding into Paul Manafort's Kevin Downing-Related Texts

Not noticed among the chatter about Hannity's texts with Paul Manafort is that Amy Berman Jackson considered holding Kevin Downing in criminal contempt over them -- and there remains an ongoing proceeding about a second set of communications.

Paul Manafort Seemed Certain Mueller Would Indict Jared Kushner

When Manafort made a show of accepting a plea deal, he agreed to cooperate against someone with a 7-character last name. But then he changed the story he was telling. That makes his repeated descriptions to Sean Hannity that Mueller planned to indict Kushner next very interesting.

Manafort Told Hannity Gates Was in for the Long Haul after Discussing Pardons with Him

A month after Rick Gates first proffered his cooperation with Mueller and days before he pled guilty, Paul Manafort assured Hannity that Gates was "totalky united with trump and m."
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To The Phones: Stop the Gulf of Tonkin, Iran Edition

Some crazy bullshit happened last evening, very nearly resulting in an attack on Iran. Trump called it off while U.S. planes were en route. This madness must stop — make calls now.