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The Steele Dossier and the Mueller Investigation: Michael Cohen

The frothy right thinks it's really important to ask Robert Mueller about the role of the dossier in his investigation of Trump people like Michael Cohen. But the public record suggests it didn't predicate the investigation into Cohen, who was the villain of the Steele dossier.

Democrats Are Setting Themselves Up to Fail on Mueller Hearings

Democrats on HJC and HPSCI are reportedly assuming Mueller will successfully dodge pointed questions to which a truthful answer will be very illuminating and separating discussion of the cover up from the actions hidden by that cover up. I think that's a mistake.

The More Puzzling Inaction in SDNY: National Enquirer

There's a redaction in SDNY's letter accompanying the release of the Michael Cohen materials that raises new questions for me about the disposition of AMI's crimes associated with Donald Trump's campaign finance crimes.
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The Cohen Material Just Released By The Court

Okay, as you may recall, the Judge William Pauley in the Southern District of New York had indicated he would release additional materials from the Cohen case there. As some background, here is our friend Adam Klasfeld of Courthouse News (if…

Roger Stone Lawyer Bruce Rogow Concedes His CrowdStrike Ploy Was Just That

Roger Stone's lawyers effectively admitted yesterday they didn't really need the CrowdStrike reports they've used to stoke conspiracy theories to defend Stone.

Renewing My Obsession with Paul Manafort's iPods: Robert Mueller's 2,300 Media Devices

DOJ just told Jason Leopold that Mueller obtained the contents of around 2,300 media devices.

The Original Subpoenas in the Mike Flynn FARA Investigation

Now that the government is trying Bijan Kian without Mike Flynn's cooperation, they're moving to compel production of documents that he had previous provided voluntarily.
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On CNN's WikiLeaks Exclusive: Remember the Other Document Dumps

CNN has a piece that focuses on visitor logs when it should instead focus more on the Ecuadorian politics over Julian Assange's presence in their embassy and the inventory of devices accessible to Assange. It also
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On Mike Flynn's Previously Undisclosed Interactions with Ekim Aptekin

The news that Flynn and Turkish cut-out Ekim Alptekin had more ties than previously known makes some of his claims to Rob Kelner -- which his current firebreather lawyer Sidney Powell just released thinking it helped him -- may actually prove that he lied.
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A Feud for Fun and Profit

None of the internecine squabbling between House Democrats' factions gets them any closer to doing what the 2018 Blue Wave told Democrats needed to be done. When will House Dems pull out of their navel-gazing spiral?

Sidney Powell Believes She Can Bullshit Emmet Sullivan at No Risk to Her Client Mike Flynn

Sidney Powell made an claim in a June 27 meeting with Bijan Kian's prosecutors designed to blow up the prosecution. But she still wants to claim -- the cooperation schedule notwithstanding -- that her client is cooperating in that prosecution.
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The Gina Haspel Honorary 2020 Intelligence Authorization Might Criminalize Linked In Resumes

Gina Haspel is trying to make it harder to hold the CIA accountable and legally more risky to leak classified identities to WikiLeaks. But the effort may backfire, making it easier for Assange to beat charges for leaking the identities of informants (which is a good thing).
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With Latest Stunt, Mike Flynn May Save Bijan Kian from Prison Time But Double His Own

When Mike Flynn hired new counsel, it became clear he was ... up to something. Now that something might get him -- and possibly even his son (concerns about whom motivated Flynn to cooperate in the first place) -- sent to prison. Or, it might…

Ann Donaldson's Code Makes Richard Burr's Tip-Off to the White House Far More Damning

Ann Donaldson generally used a code to not answer the House Judiciary Committee's questions to her. But the way in which she applies that code to questions about Richard Burr tipping off the White House to the FBI's investigation are quite damning.

OPEN THREAD: FIFA Women's World Cup Final — U.S. vs. Netherlands

The U.S. meets the Netherlands today. Grab a beverage and watch along with us. This is an open thread.
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Joshua Schulte Keeps Digging: His Defensible Legal Defense Continues to Make a Public Case He's Guilty

Schulte appears to be the author of CIA's obfuscation tool. But that detail -- offered as purported exoneration by his lawyer -- doesn't do anything about all the other evidence implicating him. 

In Order to Form a More Perfect Union

Noting our nation's grim slide this past year it's important to recall this holiday has always been aspirational, its full potential unrealized. We still have work to do.
[Photo: Emily Morter via Unsplash]

The Mysterious Rapid Reverse Veep with a Press Backflip

VP Pence did a rapid reverse and his communications people have since performed backflips. What inspired these awkward gymnastics to avoid disclosure?