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The Republican Party Is No Longer the Party of Personal Responsibility

Trump is already preparing to scapegoat Democrats, Iranians, and NATO for a decision he owns entirely. The implications of that are particularly dangerous.
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Nunes Memo v Schiff Memo: Neither Were Entirely Right

It turns out the Nunes Memo and the Schiff Memo got stuff wrong and got stuff right. This post uses the IG Report to test the claims made in both.

The Bigger Threat for Flynn than Six Months in Prison: the Counterintelligence Language

The Flynn sentencing memo gives Emmet Sullivan all he needs to throw the book at Flynn. But it does something more. It talks, obliquely, about the counterintelligence damage Flynn did.

Prosecutors Invite Emmet Sullivan to Throw the Book at Mike Flynn

The government's sentencing memo doesn't tell Emmet Sullivan they want Flynn to be sentenced for six months, but it gives him all the ammunition he'd need to impose that sentence himself.
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The DOJ IG Report on Carter Page: Policy Considerations

A set of questions that members of Congress should ask in the wake of the Carter Page IG Report.
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A Few Thoughts On Carter Page Warrants, Franks v. Delaware and Michael Horowitz

The thought that the Page affidavits would not stand up under the mere ex-parte probable cause standard of Franks is ridiculous. Of course they would have.
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DOJ IG Report on Carter Page and Related Issues: Mega Summary Post

This post is an overall summary of what the DOJ IG Report on Carter Page says about his targeting. It explains the problems with his applications, but also raises questions policy makers should be asking about whether he should have been targeted.
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Jerome Corsi's Descent into Madness

Among the Mueller documents released to BuzzFeed under FOIA the other day are five of Jerome Corsi's six interview reports (called 302s). Two 302s from Ted Malloch were released as well. I suspect these were released now so that they could be…

The Joker Is Wildcard Weekend

The college season is down to one game, not to be played for another week. Wildcard weekend it is. Will the Pats survive, or is the end?
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How Paul Manafort Lied to Mueller to Protect Jared Kushner

The day before Paul Manafort got a plea deal, he appears to have incriminated Jared Kushner. After prosecutors conducting a related investigation showed up to hear that story, however, he changed his tune.

The Government's Coy Dance on FISA and Rudy's Grifters

In response to a request for discovery on FISA from the co-defendant of Rudy's grifters, DOJ said, "yes, yes, yes, no, psst, Judge, yes."

Was Chris Ruddy a Second Back Channel between Manafort and Trump?

Paul Manafort admitted to Mueller's prosecutors that he used Sean Hannity as a back channel to Trump. But there's reason to believe he also used Chris Ruddy that same way -- and in a way that remains legally perilous.

With Suleimani's Assassination, Trump Unites A Divided Iran

Jim White
Here's hoping that Trump decides to pull back from war by "negotiating" a "whole new agreement" that takes us right back to the JCPOA from which he unilaterally withdrew and takes the world back from the brink of disaster.
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Twenty Years of Continuity

For the last twenty years, politicians of both parties have been setting precedents that makes what come next with Iran far, far more dangerous.
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Deza: Oleg Deripaska's Double Game

For the entirety of 2016, Oleg Deripaska was using Christopher Steele to push DOJ to investigate Paul Manafort even while he was using Konstantin Kilimnik to try to get Manafort to help him carve up Ukraine. That double game may explain why and how the Steele dossier includes disinformation.

New Years Day: Things I Have Learned in The Last Ten Years

Quinn Norton
For this first day of the 2020s I would like to share with you some of the frustrating, hopeful, and baffling things I've learned over the last decade about humans and the planet we share. Most of what anyone learns in any decade isn't particularly…
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The Inspector General Report on Carter Page Fails to Meet the Standard It Applies to the FBI

The DOJ IG Report finding errors in the Carter Page FISA application makes some of the same kind of errors it suggests are a firing offense. That ironically shows how important transparency is to combatting confirmation bias.
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"Fact Witness:" How Rod Rosenstein Got DOJ IG To Land a Plane on Bruce Ohr

The DOJ IG Report on Carter Page has some important evidence on the FISA process. But its treatment of Bruce Ohr threatens to undermine the information sharing that DOJ has been trying to encourage for almost two decades.

Eli Is Leaving, and Bowl Season For Real Trash Talk

There has been a joke here at Emptywheel from longer than you can imagine. Good Eli versus Bad Eli. There has been so much of both. But Easy Eli Manning is, arguably, going into arguably his last game as a Giant, if not in the NFL, an incredibly…