
Bill Barr's Past Statements Say Pardoning Roger Stone Would Be Obstruction

Bill Barr is already on the record saying that the clemency Trump will one day give Roger Stone is a crime. That won't matter, though.
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DOJ Is Withholding the Mike Flynn 302 Describing How the Campaign Considered Reaching Out to Julian Assange after the Podesta Leaks

Among the really damning information that DOJ is withhold in the BuzzFeed CNN FOIA are Mike Flynn's 302s where he describes a discussion about reaching out to WikiLeaks in October 2016.

Back Channel: How Sean Hannity Came to Believe "Every Word [Assange] Says"

Julian Assange is preparing to unleash some of his blackmail against Donald Trump. He's got a witness who will tell he was offered a pardon if he would say that Russia was not behind the 2016 attack.

What Happens After You're Cancelled

Quinn Norton
I was folding laundry with my partner one day when I looked up at him and said, "Do you think they'd be happy if I did kill myself?" He looked at me, and took a long breath, and said, "No." "You're right," I said, "I know it. Nothing makes them happy."

DOJ's Ukraine Fire Sale: The Jerry Nadler Questions Bill Barr Didn't Answer

The buzz over the news that Jeffrey Rosen put EDNY US Attorney Richard Donoghue in charge of all Ukrainian investigations distracted from the fact that Bill Barr refused to answer Jerry Nadler's question about whether he should recuse from the investigation he has been personally implicated in.

What Do These 'Missing' Candidates Have in Common?

If Trump gets re-elected — gods help us all — a big part of the blame will sit firmly on the media for its entrenched misogyny, racism, and its failure to adapt a coverage model for contemporary politics.

The President's Conspiracy Theories Get More Whacko than George Papadopoulos'

The attacks Trump has used in the past to attack criminal investigations that expose him personally simply don't apply in the case of Roger Stone. Which may be why Trump is so unhinged this morning.

Joshua Schulte Doubles Down on Forcing Mike Pompeo to Testify in His Trial

Joshua Schulte still wants former CIA Director Mike Pompeo to testify.
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CIA Put Joshua Schulte's Buddy on Administrative Leave Last August

Last week, it was revealed that one of accused Vault 7 leaker Joshua Schulte's closest friends at the CIA has been on administrative leave since last August because there are concerns he's not telling the full truth about what he knew of Schulte's actions when.

Roger Stone Admitted to Violating 18 USC 115 Under Oath

Roger Stone might want to think whether his bid for new trials will turn his threat against Amy Berman Jackson into a charge of its own.
From Flickr, Creative Commons License

The Nonmoderns

Ed Walker
Getting past modernity without losing its benefits.

The Stakes and Misinformation about the Andrew McCabe Declination

The frothy right is making a comparison between the Roger Stone and Mike Flynn cases and that of Andrew McCabe. Not only is that inapt on its face, but all the more so when you see how dodgy the case against McCabe really was.
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SSCI Has Already Dismissed One of the Key Issues John Durham Is Investigating

One of the prongs of the John Durham investigation that Bill Barr is trying to criminalize is actually a conclusion that SSCI said the IC should have reached more quickly and with more alarm.

Bill Barr Trying to Dig Sidney Powell out of the Hole She Dug for Mike Flynn

Bill Barr tries to undo the damage he did last summer by further politicizing justice.
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The Timeline Suggests Bill Barr Removed Jesse Liu to Intervene for Trump's Rat-Fucker

Far be it for me to doubt Bill Barr's ability to manufacture a cover-up. He's damn good at it, that's why he was hired, and he's got a lot of power to use to execute one. But it'll be harder this time around than it was for Poppy Bush, in…
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ABC Conducts an "Exclusive" "Interview" about Sentencing Guidelines without Asking about Sentencing Guidelines

ABC didn't ask the most basic question about Bill Barr's unprecedented action -- and as a result turned a story about a gross abuse of power into one about a tweet.
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Joshua Schulte's Human Graymail Campaign Targets Mike Pompeo

Joshua Schulte is trying to make his trial as painful for the government as possible by calling every single CIA witness who might be claimed to have knowledge of the leak. But I'm more sympathetic to his bid to call Mike Pompeo to testify.
[Photo: National Security Agency, Ft. Meade, MD via Wikimedia]
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The Geostrategic and Historic Implications of Crypto

One thing that lies at the core of the success of the Crypto AG operation was a corruption of market forces, a lesson worth remembering in trying to prevent similar efforts going forward.
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Bill Barr Usurped the Power of a Judge Who Was Threatened Herself to Decide the Import of Violent Threats

Bill Barr unilaterally eliminated all punishment for Roger Stone for his repeated incitement of violence in a case where the judge herself was violently threatened.