Braced for Impact

This has to end; it will end. The really sad part is that we don't know what will happen when it does end.
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Election Day Countdown: There's Got to be An Afternoon After [UPDATE-1]

We need to snap the fuck out of our funk, stop the self-flagellation. We have a lot to celebrate. Let's get at it!

The Mueller Charging Decisions Through Ratfucker Rashomon's Eyes

Once you consider what we know about the ongoing investigations into Roger Stone (some of which appear to have been shut down), the charging decision language unsealed on Monday looks far more interesting.

Election Day Countdown: Zero Day (Or Is It '0-day'?) [UPDATE-2]

Finally, the last text messages, phone calls, emails, political ads will be dispatched today. Finally, the people get their say.

We're So Not Through Here

This union has always been aspirational, a work in progress. It most certainly isn't done.

What Comes After America

Quinn Norton
Whatever happens today, the Union is done. It has been for a long time, maybe even from the start. But we have reached the point where the longer it goes on, the more harm it will inexorably do. It's time, past time, to admit it didn't work,…

Unsealed Mueller Report Passages Confirm the Then-Ongoing Investigation into Roger Stone

The Mueller Report didn't say that Roger Stone didn't have a role in the hack-and-leak conspiracy. Instead, it said they were still trying to get the evidence to prove he did.

Election Day Countdown: Better Than 1 Day Left [UPDATE-2]

A couple hours or twenty minutes left is better than a day left, amirite?
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Who Will Be Forced to Walk the Plank on November 4th?

You know that once the voting is over, Trump will be looking for vengeance against those he perceives as having wronged him or failed him.

Bill Barr's DOJ Protecting Sean Hannity the Cut-Out

DOJ redacted Sean Hannity's name in a Paul Manafort 302 released last week, presumably to hide that Manafort lied about feeding Hannity in violation of his gag order.

Election Day Countdown: 2 Days, 2 Much 2 Go

MAGAtroids are ramping up their terror attacks ahead of Election Day. As if COVID isn't enough of a nuisance.
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"Show Me the Metadata:" A Forensic Tie Between Shadow Brokers and Guccifer 2.0

Someone may have accessed a staging site for The Shadow Brokers from the same IP address as accessed Guccifer 2.0 infrastructure.
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Election Day Countdown: 3 Days, 3 Things

*cough-cough* More on that later. It's very late on Day 3, need to get through these pronto.
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Last Trash Talk Before The Election

The long national nightmare is hitting the home stretch, Sean Connery has passed, and there is some great football and F1 on tap this weekend.
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Child Rapist George Nader Introduced Dick Cheney and Ahmad Chalabi

Last night, BuzzFeed released the second-to-last dump of 302s in their Mueller FOIA. There's a ton that's interesting in it (and I'm just skimming much of it). But -- as I said to Jason Leopold -- this George Nader interview, by itself, made…

Glenn Greenwald's Self Hack: "I could go on and on"

In emails that he thinks proves that he was censored by The Intercept, Glenn admits that he knows there is no evidence for the claim he wanted to make about Joe Biden being corrupt.