
Trump's Attorney-Client Leak Privilege

Trump made a whole bunch of claims of prosecutorial abuse last summer in a bid to get grand jury transcripts before he was charged.

Trump's Nuclear Documents Were Mixed with Post-Presidential Press Clippings

The Archives' initial description of the 15 boxes Trump returned in January 2022 explain why NARA referred them for more investigation: Trump had buried a nuclear document among press clippings, some post-dating his presidency.

Trump's White House Didn't Archive Twitter DMs

Documents from Trump's motion to compel in Florida remind of newly significant details of his White House's failure to preserve tweets covered by the Presidential Records Act.

David Weiss Treats IRS Agents Who Accused Him of Misconduct as "Whistleblowers"

In a bid to dismiss Hunter Biden's Ninth Circuit appeal of Judge Scarsi's denial of his motions to dismiss, David Weiss called the IRS agent media campaign "whistleblower disclosures."

Trial Attention: Don't Let a Pecker Distract from More Important Stories

Beware of getting entirely distracted by Trump's trial from the many events that will have far more impact on US and world

Fridays with Nicole Sandler

Nicole and Marcy discuss the status of Trump's hush money trial and Judge Merchan's response so far to gag order violations.

Maryellen Noreika Never Answered Mark Scarsi's Question

The nature of Judge Maryellen Noreika's intervention in the Hunter Biden diversion agreement -- as elucidated by her opinion rejecting Hunter's claim of immunity -- raises real questions about whether Congress' intervention influenced her.
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WaPo Gives Bill Barr Platform to Attack Joe Biden without Mentioning Barr's Role in Framing Biden

If you're going to make a big deal about Bill Barr supporting Trump in this year's election, at least mention that the side channel Barr set up for Russian disinformation on Hunter Biden in 2020 ended up framing Joe Biden.

The Varieties Of Activist Judges

Ed Walker
The Roberts Court is a mob of judicial activists
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Media Organizations Omit Mention of Trump's Allegedly Criminal Exploitation of 2020 Debates

Twelve media outlets claim that the only way they can display Trump's dystopian vision for America is by being complicit in it, by giving him a platform to stoke violence and frame his opponent.
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Judge Maryellen Noreika's Unconstitutional Concerns about Unconstitutional Concerns

In an opinion intervening in a diversion agreement between Hunter Biden and David Weiss, Judge Maryellen Noreika ruled that intervening in such decisions would be unconstitutional.
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Alexander Smirnov Goes Missing -- from Judge Noreika's Opinions

Even though Judge Noreika observed that Leo Wise appeared to revoke the deal it offered Hunter Biden when he insisted on the terms of immunity he had been promised, Noreika ignored Alexander Smirnov's role in that process.

Fridays with Nicole Sandler

We spoke about Trump's imminent trial and other developments.

Judge Maryellen Noreika Confuses Hunter Biden's Memoir for the NYPost

Yet another participant in the Hunter Biden cases has made false claims about what's in his memoir. This time, Judge Noreika did so in her opinion denying Hunter's motion to dismiss.

Walt Nauta Claimed Trump Hoarded Hairspray Cans in His Storage Rooms

In his FBI interview, Walt Nauta claimed that Trump's storage rooms were fully of hairspray cans.

Leo Wise Has a Sex Worker [and Other False Statement] Problem

David Weiss' team, like Joseph Ziegler before them, keeps seeing sex workers where there were none.
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Three Things: No News Isn’t Good News

U.S. media, Congress, and the citizens who elected them own some of the media fail. Why aren’t we demanding more protection of our personal data in order to protect our democracy?

emptywheel Makes CIPA History

Judge Jesse Furman has used my intervention as an excuse to order the government to release redacted transcripts of a CIPA conference from the Josh Schulte case.