
NYT "Censors" Elon Musk's Jokes about Assassinating the Vice President and His "Censorship" of JD Vance Dossier

In a piece purporting to explain Elon Musk's role in helping Trump get elected, NYT leaves out Musk's jokes about assassination attempts against Kamala Harris and Trump's hypocritical involvement in getting the JD Vance dossier suppressed.
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Trump Demands Emergency Appendix Surgery

Trump's latest efforts to keep details of how he almost got his Vice President assassinated under wraps may well draw more attention to them.
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Putin Has Convinced Trump He's Keeping Trump's Weakness Secret

Russia's 2016 intelligence operation and its aftermath may be the most successful intelligence operation in recent history, because Vladimir Putin has gotten Trump to believe that his KGB handler is hiding the proof he's got of how weak Trump is. 
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Bombshell "New[s]:" Jack Smith DID Consult about Timing before Adopting Post-SCOTUS Path

Jack Goldsmith joins Elie Honig complaining about new disclosures from Jack Smith that are not new. Chalk this up to yet another instance where the people complaining about what Jack Smith did end up revealing they don't know what Jack Smith did. 
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As Russia Overtly Helps Trump Get Elected, Trump Continues to Check in with Vladimir Putin

Because Trump has so successfully bullied journalists not to cover the Russia Russia Russia story, Vladimir Putin's clear outreach to Trump this election has gone largely ignored. Now that Bob Woodward has revealed that Trump has spoken with Putin around seven times in since he left office, that needs to change.
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Disaster Disinformation Is This Year's John Podesta Emails

The Republican party is treating deadly hurricanes like they treated John Podesta's risotto recipe and Hunter Biden's dick pics in past elections.

Trump Pardoned Unindicted Co-Conspirator Steve Bannon for Defrauding Trump's Supporters

Four years later, Steve Bannon is in a worse position as he was four years ago: Finishing his prison term, but still facing accountability for cheating Trump's supporters, even as being treated as a co-conspirator in Trump's efforts to "break loose ... all hell."
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All Hell Is Going to Break Loose: Maybe Jack Smith Did Precisely What Elie Honig Claims He Didn't

In a recent column, Elie Honig bitched that Jack Smith's immunity filing violates DOJ's prohibition on pre-election statements. I suspect, however, that Jack Smith actually did adhere to DOJ rules by withholding things he might otherwise have included in the superseding indictment against Trump. Maybe we have those to look forward to, after the election. If we make it that far.

Tie Game: WaPo's Polls and Maggie's Misinformation

In a nearly tied race, the outcome will come down to field operations and Trump's ability to lie at an industrial scale.

From the Willard to Danbury Correctional: Steve Bannon Allegedly Joins the Conspiracy

Jack Smith's story about January 6 has finally arrived at the Willard Hotel, with Steve Bannon in tow.
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How Jack Smith Wants to Prove Trump's Crimes

Jack Smith might have a tougher time getting SCOTUS to let him rely on Eric Herschmann's testimony than on Mike Pence's.
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The Immunity Brief: How We Got Here, Where We're Going

In a bid to delay their response to Jack Smith's immunity filing until after the election, Trump's lawyers misrepresent the timing that brought us here.

John Roberts' Sordid Legacy: 14 Pages of Mean Tweets

John Roberts' newfangled presidential immunity is so sordid, he forced prosecutors to spend 14 pages explaining why Trump's attacks on fellow Republicans are not official acts of the President of the United States.

The "Truth" about JD Vance

Last night's debate is not going to affect the election. But I think JD Vance did what he needed, for his own wildly ambitious goals: He doubled down on undermining democracy, and ratcheted up the professionalism of Trump's attack on truth.

2024 Presidential Election: The Vice Presidential Debate

CBS News network hosts the vice presidential debate this evening beginning at 9:00 p.m. ET. Will the winner be the billionaires' fake hillbilly or Coach Walz?