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Paul Manafort Knew Tom Barrack Was Working with "Our Friends"

According to the first charges filed against Tom Barrack's alleged co-conspirator, Paul Manafort had a much bigger role in Barrack's successful influence over a Trump speech than the current indictment reveals.

"Darkened Plazas with Throngs of People:" The Government Debunks the Portland - January 6 Comparisons

When challenged to explain why January 6 defendants are being brought to trial after lots of Portland protest cases have dismissed, DOJ explained that January 6 defendants made their alleged crimes much easier to prosecute.
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Paul Manafort Shared the Trump Energy Speech with Tom Barrack

Tom Barrack gave a short explanation of his role in editing a Trump Energy speech when Mueller's team interviewed him in December 2017, including describing Paul Manafort's role in the process.

Three Things: Mary Had a Little Lambda [UPDATE-1]

The pandemic isn’t over, not by a long chalk. The right-wing continues to kill itself clinging to anti-vax disinformation.
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The "Big Boss" Directing Tom Barrack's Actions

The Tom Barrack is quite clear about who his boss is: Mohamed bin Zayed, who is described as Emirati Official 1. It's far more circumspect about Barrack's conversations with Trump.

On the Missing Inspector General Report[s] about Wilbur Ross' Lies

There were a bunch of stories about the results of Commerce Inspector General report yesterday: That the IG had found that Wilbur Ross lied twice to Congress, but that after Commerce IG referred his conduct to DOJ, Bill Barr's DOJ refused to prosecute. But the most interesting parts of the stories may be what got left out, like the possibility of a parallel investigation at DOJ IG.
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Space Cowboys

The Billionaire Blastoffs, are they good or bad?

On the Upcoming Sentencing for the First January 6 Felony Defendant, Paul Hodgkins

The sentence that Paul Hodgkins gets on Monday may have as much to do with how Judge Randolph Moss thinks his behavior compares to that of other defendants charged with obstruction before him as it does with the government's bid for an 18-month sentence.
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The Guardian "Scoop" Would Shift the Timeline and Bureaucracy of the Known 2016 Russian Operation

The story told in a questionable story from Luke Harding -- that the 2016 operation didn't get approved until January 22, 2016 and all got tasked through Russia's intelligence agencies -- deviates in interesting ways from the known facts of the operation.

Judge Paul Oetken Eliminates Lev Parnas' Last Attempt to Weaponize the Former President's Former Lawyer in His Defense

Since the days before Lev Parnas was arrested he and those around him have been trying to hide their actions in an interlocking nest of attorney-client privilege claims. Yesterday, Judge Paul Oetken just denied Parnas' latest attempt to exploit that effort in his defense.
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The Viral Twitter Thread in Which Darrell Cooper Confesses Republicans Were Pawns of Russian Disinformation

The Twitter rant that Trump supporters claim provides an excuse for the Trump attack on the Capitol ultimately amounts to a claim that likely 2016 Russian disinformation led a bunch of Trump supporters, inexorably, to attack the US Capitol.

The Odd Projection by the Steele Dossier's Claimed Alfa Bank Source

The claim a purported subsource for the Steele dossier makes about the purpose of the Alfa Bank report in the dossier matches the testimony one of the oligarch's behind the suit, Petr Aven, reportedly gave Mueller's investigators.

Introduction To New Series, Index And Bibliography

Ed Walker
Here's my story about our current morass. I'm sticking with it until I figure out why it's wrong.

Meet Johnny Pollock: The Anti-Social [Media] Cell Leader of January 6 Lakeland Insurrectionists

In the days after January 6, there was a false conception that the insurrectionists might all be found via their social media use. Johnny Pollock, who appears to have been on the lam since at least March, shows that some of the more dangerous insurrectionists were smarter than that.

Blind Spots in the Ashli Babbitt Panopticon

Five key defendants who were at the Speaker's Lobby door when Ashli Babbitt was shot received a pack of discovery from other defendants in recent days.
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Carlson to McCarthy to Nunes: Obstruction or Worse?

Did Tucker Carlson provide cover for House minority leader Kevin McCarthy to give Rep. Devin Nunes access to U.S. intelligence? Did this happen on behalf of a foreign entity?

Proud Boy UCC-1's Work Ethic Saved Him from a Felony Charge

Among the details revealed in some Proud Boy texts released the other day is an explanation for why an unindicted co-conspirator was not present at the riot: He claimed at the time he was trying not to fuck up a new job he had just started.
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Tucker Carlson Burns FBI or NSA Intercepts Regarding His 30-Month Pursuit of Face-Time with Vladimir Putin

Tucker Carlson's seeming explanation for the claim he had been surveilled by the NSA is that for the past thirty months he has had secret communications with Russian agents trying to set up a meeting with Vladimir Putin.