
DOJ Claims Ryan Samsel Wants to Move Back to Where He Was Brutally Assaulted

Among many fascinating disclosures in a government filing in the Ryan Samsel case, it claims that Samsel wants to be moved back to the jail where he was first assaulted.
[Photo: National Security Agency, Ft. Meade, MD via Wikimedia]
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Paul Nakasone's Concerns about Mike Ellis Hiring Vindicated

When DOD's General Counsel hired Mike Ellis, Paul Nakasone had some concerns based off his interaction over the John Bolton book. Then, in the days after January 6, two security incidents involving Ellis vindicated those concerns.

Why I'm Angry At David Brooks

Ed Walker
Brooks and his audience reject the system that creates knowledge.

Merrick Garland's Dodges on Investigating Former Presidents

Eric Swalwell tried to grill Attorney General Garland on whether DOJ would reconsider the OLC memo holding that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Garland dodged answering any specific question. But along the way he laid out some principles that he might apply regarding the investigation of a former President. 

Merrick Garland Explains that the January 6 Investigation Isn't Taking All that Long

In an exchange with Pramila Jayapal today, Merrick Garland explained that the January 6 investigation actually isn't taking that long.

John Durham Admits He Overstated Evidence in His Michael Sussmann Materiality Statement

In response to Michael Sussmann's motion for a Bill of Particulars, John Durham effectively admitted that he has no evidence Sussmann himself coordinated directly with the Clinton Campaign before (he alleges) lying to hide coordination with the Clinton

Ryan Grim's "Gibberish" about Co-Conspirator Statements

In an attempt to defend a hoax about Siggi Thordarson's purported retraction of his testimony against Julian Assange, Ryan Grim called a key legal concept "gibberish."

"Civil War Started:" Zach Rehl's Blow-by-Blow of the Riot

In Zach Rehl's blow-by-blow of the riot, he described the breach of the Capitol as a civil war.

Schrödinger's Capitol: Three Things Owen Shroyer Neglects to Mention

In a motion to dismiss accusing the FBI of misleading the court, Owen Shroyer lies about the circumstances that led Alex Jones and him to lure hundreds of people to the East side of the Capitol only to inflame them with chants of "1776."
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Andrew McCabe Got His Pension and His Cufflinks -- But Is that Adequate Recourse for the Country?

DOJ settled Andrew McCabe's lawsuit yesterday. By doing so, DOJ will bury key details of how Donald Trump politicized DOJ.
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Jenny Cudd's Pre- and Post-Riot Endorsement of a Revolution

New language in Jenny Cudd's statement of offense shows that, before she went to the riot on January 6, she stated she was "all for" a revolution. After she returned, she bragged that she had been present "when the new revolution started."
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Marina Medvin's Client Signs a Plea with the Potential of a Terrorism Enhancement

January 6 defense attorney Marina Medvin spends lots of time accusing people of being terrorists on Twitter. It's an interesting habit for an attorney whose client, yesterday, pled guilty to a plea agreement that reserves the right to ask for a terrorist enhancement at sentencing.

Royce Lamberth Refers DC Jail to DOJ for Civil Rights Investigation

Royce Lamberth referred the DC jail for investigation based on its lassitude in helping Christopher Worrell medical treatment.

Brandon Fellows Demands Positive Reinforcement as an Accused Criminal, Before Confessing to More Crimes

By using his bond reconsideration hearing to lay out a bunch of transparent excuses about his own actions, Brandon Fellows exhibited for Trump appointed judge Trevor McFadden how much bullshit and false victimization January 6 defendants are spewing.

What is the appropriate sanction for a "pawn" who participated in a coup attempt?

Defense Attorney Heather Shaner argues that probation is a better way to deal with "pawns" whom coup plotters exploited as part of their coup attempt. She may not have the answer, but she's asking the right question.
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DOJ Was Still Working to Access Joshua Schulte's Phone in September 2019

Glenn Greenwald thinks that because the CIA didn't have proof Julian Assange was a Russian agent on April 13, 2017, that's proof that they haven't obtained any such evidence from one of at least three investigations focusing on WikiLeaks since then.
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FBI Searches the Home of the Guy Who Said, "I want to see thousands of normies burn that city to ash" on January 6

For months, the Proud Boy leaders have been claiming that Aaron Whallon-Wolkind's behavior leading up to the January 6 riot was more damning than their own. Now, Zach Rehl's lawyer is attempting to claim none of that is true.
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Puzzling Developments in the January 6 Investigation

It's pretty clear that DOJ keeps flipping Oath Keeper defendants. But in a series of other cases, there have been recent developments that defy understanding.