The FBI’s Proud Boy Informant Showed Up Late

The Proud Boys charged with the most serious assaults on January 6 — including (at a minimum) Dan “Milkshake” Scott and Christopher Worrell — are not charged with conspiracy, though both could easily have been included as co-conspirators. Nor is Ryan Samsel, who is not known to be a Proud Boy but spoke to Joe Biggs just before he kicked off the entire riot by allegedly knocking over a cop and giving her a concussion (this may change, especially since, after a long delay, DOJ charged Samsel individually in an indictment that, either via the assignment wheel or because it was identified as a case related to the Proud Boys leadership indictment, got assigned to Judge Tim Kelly). While Dominic Pezzola is charged with assault for stealing the riot shield he used to break into the Capitol and Billy Chrestman is charged with threatening to assault a cop, their co-defendants are not implicated in those assaults, except insofar as they are overt acts in a conspiracy.

That’s why I find this detail from NYT’s blockbuster report on what a Proud Boy informant who showed up late to the January 6 riot and then entered the Capitol has told the FBI about the investigation rather interesting.

At the same time, the new information is likely to complicate the government’s efforts to prove the high-profile conspiracy charges it has brought against several members of the Proud Boys.

On Jan. 6, and for months after, the records show, the informant, who was affiliated with a Midwest chapter of the Proud Boys, denied that the group intended to use violence that day.


On the eve of the attack, the records show, the informant said that the group had no plans to engage in violence the next day except to defend itself from potential assaults from leftist activists — a narrative the Proud Boys have often used to excuse their own violent behavior.

The government has never accused the Proud Boy conspirators of planning to use violence themselves, though there is evidence they knew their incitement could spark violence among “normies.” There’s even evidence that Ethan Nordean tried to rein in one attack (though only after he had presumably witnessed other assaults on cops).

That is, that claim is utterly irrelevant to the government’s conspiracy cases against the Proud Boys.

And yet the NYT offered it as one reason this informant’s report might, “complicate the government’s efforts to prove the high-profile conspiracy charges it has brought against several members of the Proud Boys.”

To be sure, there is one way this informant might undermine the existing conspiracy charges.

The informant’s interview reports affirmatively claim that he knew of no plans to storm the Capitol, nor did he hear any talk of the electoral college certification in his travels that day.

In lengthy interviews, the records say, he also denied that the extremist organization planned in advance to storm the Capitol.


But statements from the informant appear to counter the government’s assertion that the Proud Boys organized for an offensive assault on the Capitol intended to stop the peaceful transition from Mr. Trump to Mr. Biden.

On the eve of the attack, the records show, the informant said that the group had no plans to engage in violence the next day except to defend itself from potential assaults from leftist activists — a narrative the Proud Boys have often used to excuse their own violent behavior.

Then, during an interview in April, the informant again told his handlers that Proud Boys leaders gave explicit orders to maintain a defensive posture on Jan. 6. At another point in the interview, he said that he never heard any discussion that day about stopping the Electoral College process.

The records show that, after driving to Washington and checking into an Airbnb in Virginia on Jan. 5, the informant spent most of Jan. 6 with other Proud Boys, including some who have been charged in the attack. While the informant mentioned seeing Proud Boys leaders that day, like Ethan Nordean, who has also been charged, there is no indication that he was directly involved with any Proud Boys in leadership positions.

In a detailed account of his activities contained in the records, the informant, who was part of a group chat of other Proud Boys, described meeting up with scores of men from chapters around the country at 10 a.m. on Jan. 6 at the Washington Monument and eventually marching to the Capitol. He said that when he arrived, throngs of people were already streaming past the first barrier outside the building, which, he later learned, was taken down by one of his Proud Boy acquaintances and a young woman with him. [my emphasis]

This guy’s testimony absolutely poses a challenge to prosecutors prosecuting the Proud Boys this guy was actually interacting with.

That said, the NYT does not say whether he was interacting with those charged with conspiracy or even obstruction (still-active Proud Boys, like Jeremy Grace, have been charged only with trespassing). Even if he was interacting with people charged with conspiracy, the fact that he showed up late and (claimed that he) did not know that some of his own acquaintances were going to breach the barriers until after the fact would, at most, show that he wasn’t privy to the plans of lower level cells.

But the way in which DOJ has charged the Proud Boy side of the conspiracies is with one leadership conspiracy, and four subconspiracies that are effectively cells that allegedly worked together to achieve smaller objectives: to breach the West door, to breach the North door, and to keep the Visitor Center gates open (the NYT misses one of the charged Proud Boy conspiracies, against the Klein brothers, for opening a North door to the building, which has acquired more tactical import with the charging of Ben Martin).

Two main things matter to the viability of the larger Proud Boys conspiracy: First, whether the four charged in the leadership conspiracy did have an advance plan. And second, whether their conspiracy interlocks with the Dominic Pezzola conspiracy that ended up breaching the front door of the Capitol and with it exposed Pezzola, his co-conspirators, and by association, the Proud Boy leaders to terrorism enhancements.

The second point is one that the Proud Boy leaders are contesting aggressively. We have yet to see evidence proving a tie between those two conspiracies. But we also have yet to see any evidence from the December rally at which the ties to Pezzola appear to have been forged. Meanwhile, William Pepe is disclaiming knowing the others, suggesting a possible weakness in that conspiracy charge.

As to the first, what we’ve seen in public evidence is that, in the wake of the Enrique Tarrio arrest on January 4, the four leaders attempted to regroup, and then, on the night before the riot, Joe Biggs and Ethan Nordean met with unnamed people and finalized a plan in seeming coordination with Tarrio, and avoided speaking of it even on their limited leadership Telegram chat.

On January 4, when Tarrio arrived in DC for the riot, he was arrested for his attack on the Black Church in December, whereupon he was found with weapons that are unlawful in DC. In the wake of Tarrio’s arrest, Ethan Nordean was supposed to be in charge of the operation. But around 9:08PM the day before the riot (these texts reflect Nordean’s Washington state time zone, so add three hours), someone said he had not heard from Nordean in hours.

Minutes later, Biggs explained that “we just had a meeting w[i]th a lot of guys” and “info should be coming out.” While redacted in these texts, the superseding indictment describes that he also notes he had just spoken with Tarrio.

He further explained that he was with Nordean and “we have a plan.”

Biggs then says he gave Tarrio a plan.

Ethan Nordean may have been in charge on January 6. But Biggs seems to have been the one working most closely with Tarrio, through whom at least some of the inter-militia coordination worked.

There’s little question they had a plan to do something (and that that plan did not include attending the Trump rally which was the primary innocent reason for Trump supporters to show up to DC that day). The question is what kind of evidence DOJ has substantiating that plan, especially after claimed efforts to flip Zach Rehl collapsed. (Nordean has also said he’ll move to suppress these texts because his spouse consented to the breach of his phone, which led FBI to obtain them, but it’s likely the FBI has a second set of the texts in any case.)

But it also is likely the case that the place to look for that evidence is not with a low-level Proud Boy who showed up late to insurrection, but with the others with whom Nordean and Biggs were meeting the night before the riot. And there’s no indication that these people were all Proud Boys, and in fact good reason to suspect they weren’t.

In the weeks before the riot, Kelly Meggs repeatedly talked about a Florida-based intra-militia alliance.

In the days after both the DC even[t] and an event involving Stone in Florida, Oath Keeper Kelly Meggs claimed he organized a Florida-based “alliance” between the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and 3%ers.

On Christmas Eve, Meggs specifically tied protection at the January rally, probably of Stone, and coordination with a Proud Boy, almost certainly Tarrio, in the same text.

And in the days after, the Southern California 3%ers laid out a Stop the Steal affiliated plan to surround the Capitol.

Spread the word to other CALIFORNIA Patriots to join us as we March into the Capitol Jan 6. The Plan right now is to meet up at two occasions and locations: 1. Jan 5th 2pm at the Supreme Court steps for a rally. (Myself, Alan, [and others] will be speaking) 2. Jan 6th early 7am meet in front of the Kimpton George Hotel…we will leave at 7:30am sharp and March (15 mins) to the Capital [sic] to meet up with the stop the steal organization and surround the capital. [sic] There will be speakers there and we will be part of the large effort for the “Wild Rally” that Trump has asked us all to be part of. [my emphasis]

Not only is this what happened on January 6, but Joe Biggs seemed to know that key Stop the Steal figures, including his former employer Alex Jones, would open up a second front of this attack and arrived to take part in it, entering the Capitol a second time virtually in tandem with the Meggs-led Stack.

This is one reason I keep presenting all these conspiracies together: because there’s good reason the Proud Boy conspiracies don’t just intersect with each other, but that the Proud Boy conspiracies intersect, in the person of Joe Biggs and others, with each other.

There are many reasons that the report of an FBI handler not understanding that his or her Proud Boy informant was describing the breach of the Capitol as it happened is important.

After meeting his fellow Proud Boys at the Washington Monument that morning, the informant described his path to the Capitol grounds where he saw barriers knocked down and Trump supporters streaming into the building, the records show. At one point, his handler appeared not to grasp that the building had been breached, the records show, and asked the informant to keep him in the loop — especially if there was any violence.

But, except to limited degree to which his testimony affects the case against the Proud Boys with whom he actually interacted, this report primarily provides yet more proof that the FBI, trained by Billy Barr not to investigate any subjects Trump claimed as his own tribe, had no conception of what they were looking at on January 6, not even as the Proud Boys led an attack on the Capitol.

The government has not yet publicly shown all of its evidence that the Proud Boy leaders, alone or in concert with other militias and Stop the Steal organizers, had a plan to attack the Capitol on January 6. Unless something disrupts the case, we won’t see that until next summer.

But one thing we know from the available evidence is that low-level Proud Boys who showed up late to insurrection are not the place to look for that plan.

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42 replies
  1. chicago_bunny says:

    Thanks for this post. As I read the article in the Times, I could not shake the feeling that the source was someone at the FBI who is still pro-Trump and trying to feed a narrative that there was no coordinated plan of attack. The reporters seem too credulous as well, as they opine that this informant could undercut some of the prosecutions. That seems entirely speculative without more information about who the informant was in touch with.

  2. Rita says:

    It is difficult to determine how much credibility this NYTimes article should have. Presumably, the reporter is getting his non-public information from someone who is leaking for the purpose of framing the narrative. If I had to guess, this is from the defense attorney for the defendant-informant with two objectives – trying to paint his client as a good guy and trying to let the other Proud Boys know that he didn’t snitch.

  3. bmaz says:

    “But one thing we know from the available evidence is that low-level Proud Boys who showed up late to insurrection are not the place to look for that plan.”

    Yep. Goldman and Feuer are decent reporters, but this one was a tad goofy. And not sure they really understand conspiracy charges.

    • harpie says:

      They even admit the questions right in the article, but speculate anyway:

      In this case, the records obtained by The Times do not directly address whether the informant was in a good position to know about plans developed for Jan. 6 by leadership of the Proud Boys, why he was cooperating, whether he could have missed indications of a plot or whether he could have deliberately misled the government.

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        But, but the NYT is so anxious – in its self-assertion that its reporting is the best in the world – that we better understand why we should pay to read it, it announced a whole new marketing, um, outreach team to persuade us to do that.

        As one wag said, the problem is not that we don’t know how good the Times’ reporting is, it’s that we do. And then there are little things like this miss, caught by a humble reporter without an entire newsroom behind her: “(the NYT misses one of the charged Proud Boy conspiracies, against the Klein brothers, for opening a North door to the building, which has acquired more tactical import with the charging of Ben Martin).”

  4. klynn says:

    OT – sort of:
    Will there be any discussion here about Alito? Because with the scenario S. Powell just revealed, he’s in a pickle. (I know bmaz said, “No way Alito was a part of this.”)

    After watching that clip (thank you bmaz! Twitter feed!) I sure am glad Pence did not get in the car with secret service.

    But the timing of the Powell reveal makes this PB informant look planted to protect PBs.

    Powell is pretty much describing there was a plan, a very big plan involving members of Congress, the Court, the WH, Security detail and groups of supporters on the ground to create the delay. Honestly, looking at the Jan 6 timeline, a part of my mind wants to investigate more details relating to the Powell ramblings.

    Powell has shown her legal background to be jeopardized significantly, but her recent “reveal” sounds like a kind of crazy plan she and others would support.

    • bmaz says:

      Not from me there won’t be; that stuff is just idiotic. I only noted it on twitter to tell people not to give it the time of day.

      • harpie says:

        NOT in Texas, in the Tx. suit!

        p2] On January 6th, a joint session of Congress will convene to formally elect the President. The respondent, Vice-President Pence, will preside. Under the Constitution, he has the authority to conduct that proceeding as he sees fit. He may count elector votes certified by a state’s executive, or he can prefer a competing slate of duly qualified electors. He may ignore all electors from a certain state. That is the power bestowed upon him by the Constitution. […]

        CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons, Applicants respectfully submit that the Circuit Justice or this Court should issue the requested administrative and interim relief for the pendency of the Court’s resolution of a timely filed petition for a writ of certiorari.
        Dated: January 6, 2021 […]

        Alito dismissed it the next day, because Congress HAD certified Biden’s victory after all, and the case was moot.
        [bmaz: I think I’ve got that right…please correct if not.]

    • Leoghann says:

      I’m not sure what S. Powell story or reveal you’re talking about (I can’t get stuff from bmaz’s twitter, because he has me blocked), but if it’s the one Harpie is talking about, the matter is moot. First, Alito threw it out. Second, that train done left the station; the Congress has already taken action. It’s one thing for a judge to order something be stopped or delayed; it’s quite another for an order to be issued to overthrow something that’s happened. As far as Kelli Ward of Arizona is concerned, please know that she’s as crazy and unscrupulous as Sidney Powell ever thought of being, but worse, and without any legal education.

        • Leoghann says:

          While “double agent” might not be the best term–after all, every FBI informant with any value is a double agent–there’s a lot in this story that tells me this particular informant is leading, and has led, his handler down the primrose path. And we’ve already seen, in this investigation alone, a couple of other FBI handlers get their asses handed to them. It already looks like this informant’s information is in part refuted by known facts. And the fact that the handler was clueless on 06 January about the ongoing attack on the Capitol shows that he/she was OTL that day.

        • notjonathon says:

          I have to agree. There’s no reason to believe that Tarrio usually or even ever told a factual story to his FBI handler.

  5. Retired guy says:

    Thank you for this helpful analysis. If I recall right, another anecdote of the potential compartmentalization of the PB plans, from one of the many USG PB filings. As the PB leadership group is walking toward the Capitol, Milkshake shouts something like “We are going to storm the Capitol!” One of his associates tells him to shut up and Nordean observes that Milkshake is an idiot. You can interpret this anecdote several ways, but at a minimum, the notion of storming the Capitol was on the mind of at least one PB on the street that day.

    Thanks again for the table of indicted conspiracies. Two candidate details for your next update:

    1. OK Dolan has moved below the line with the cooperators.
    2. The Neefe and Smith Conspiracy Indictment (Sep 8) might be added as column 8. It appears to be what the Sandlin et al. “disorganized conspiracy” might become: some guys not affiliated with militias (but aware of their plans) traveled to DC with weapons to stop the steal, ostensibly to fight antifa when TFG is announced as president for a second term. When that did not happen, they quickly reoriented and acted (social media? Bullhorns?)

    While I am rambling, a related thread, apparently missing from current USG filings: video of a crowd chanting “Hang Mike Pense!”. When you got a fired up crowd, it only takes a small nudge to get them to join in a chant. Was this organic, or was it nudged? Ditto the gallows, designed for photo images, and perhaps mechanical function. The gallows do not appear to have been improvised on that day – somebody likely made a drawing, collected materials and transported them to the location, put it together with the Capitol in the background. Was it a couple guys with an exciting idea, or was it part of an organized messaging conspiracy on the field?

    • emptywheel says:

      Ah, right. I took a dated table. Maybe it’s time to update.

      Sandlin and DeGrave have finally been charged, too. I can start a second page of the unaffiliated.

    • subtropolis says:

      It seems pretty clear that the organizing principle of this action is reflected at both the macro and micro levels. Humpty Dumpty and a small group of conspirators baited thousands of easily excited yahoos to attend, swelling the mob such that it both gave heft to, and provided cover for, a smaller group of participants with an action plan. But, even among the foot soldiers that day, it appears that leadership kept some in the dark in a bid to maintain operational secrecy. Zooming out once again, I don’t doubt that there were people who’d been responsible in some way for organizing the rally who were genuinely surprised at what later transpired.

      As for the gallows, I’ve seen messages (on Parler? I cannot recall the platform) in the days leading up to it wherein some guy is discussing erecting one. These were from data that had been archived by SeditionHunters, I believe. It was probably built so that it could be easily transported and bolted together. I’ve seen video of people interviewed beside it that day but have never seen anything of it being put up. It might be interesting to identify the culprit(s) and observe what they later did and who they were with that day.

      • Retired guy says:

        Another notion about things not revealed in the current Statement of Fact filings for the unaffiliated accused. The more violent accused made preparations, as if there was a common plan to bring sticks, tasers, bear spray, strobe lights, bullhorns, gloves protective of knuckles, leave firearms at the hotel, etc. While the filings have lots of chatting among friends about getting this stuff together, there is no reference to an original shopping list for well-prepared unaffiliated insurrectionists. Maybe I live a sheltered life, but it would not occur to me to bring these things to a political rally.

        A theory: buried in the now public Parler data, and result of subpoenas to social media platforms, might be a small number of widely forwarded “Come to DC on J6, prepared to fight for Trump. Bring these things and listen to the bullhorns for instructions.” Such messaging would have been found on seized phones, but would not have been necessary to include in statements of fact sufficient to get an arrest. It is possible that the Parler dataset and subpoena results can show who first posted it first and who saw and forwarded it.

        Speculation: if this scenario is accurate, the original shopping list authors and their affiliates might appear in the next level of conspiracy prosecution. Old guy rambles.

        • Savage Librarian says:

          I think Americans have forgotten about the history of the survivalist movement, which is a long one with diverse elements. In my particular experience, the people involved had survival kits with “bug out bags” that they routinely carried with them. They also were well acquainted with Usenet forums before they started using the internet at libraries. And survivalists have a long publishing history with diverse materials accessible through a variety of sources.

          It’s hardly a stretch from that to what happened at the J6 Insurrection.

          Regardless of whether or not this article is thorough, I recommend reading it (including all the tabs) just to get a sense of the various elements involved:

          “Survivalism” – Wikipedia

        • P J Evans says:

          The surplus place where I go for some stuff (like for earthquake prep) also caters to survivalists, and has for many years. (Food anf retort water, plus books and assorted hardware.)

      • Cinco says:

        l was a Boy Scout way back when. Often times we would design, plan and secure materials for a project, such as a creek crossing bridge that would be needed at a crossing site. It needed to be transported and erected with a minimum of tools and effort at the crossing site. It was erected at somebodies house first to make sure all the parts fit together. Most often using wood and bolts. Created in such a way that each scout carried a part. We removed the project when we were finished.The gallows could have been done easily by Boy Scouts.

  6. Savage Librarian says:

    I can relate to this post by way of analogy, in a micro reflection of the macro situation here. As I commented in a previous ew post (“How the FBI Missed Alleged January 6 Leader Joe Biggs” – 8/29/21), it took me a very long time to understand how I was duped by people in a complex organizational structure.

    The key realization I finally had was that high level people were probably also deceived and/or incentivized to believe a false narrative. And then the dominoes were all in place for a corrosive outcome that was harmful to an array of people.

    But there was a clerk who shared relevant data with me in a timely manner. It just wasn’t enough to plug into the bigger picture at that time. And it probably qualified as hearsay anyway.

    It’s only when I remembered a specific conversation I had with a primary player that everything finally clicked. That’s because when I first had that conversation it seemed odd, but relatively innocuous. I realize now that it dovetailed with what the clerk told me. But, at the time it was not at all apparent.

    So, in my experience, there were several devious people, but a couple of them were in particularly advantageous positions to influence powerful people and dissuade them from following their better angels. Those people got the ball rolling. Then others readily joined in.

    That’s why I think I can understand what Marcy is (and has been) telling us.

    • Knox Bronson says:

      “The key realization I finally had was that high level people were probably also deceived and/or incentivized to believe a false narrative.”
      This sounds correct, but I am hard-pressed to think of anybody in Trump’s orbit capable of this level of subterfuge. And that’s scary.

      • Retired guy says:

        It is a grand puzzle, and the writing here is magical.

        As the OK indictment started to evolve, I developed a theory that the main conspiracy was very flat and compact. Developments since suggest it was even smaller.

        The White House and campaign staff don’t have the skill to pull off this kind of dirty political trick, the biggest ever. However, with a fired up angry base, including people with money, eager to support their president, the smallest signals delivered with skill to the right people were more than enough. A possible scenario:

        Messaging to the campaign and their affiliates: “we need a really big rally at the ellipse on Jan 6. Big. Invite all the usual suspects to speak. Bus people in from nearby states. Lots of busses. Oh, make sure the President speaks as a headliner by 1:00 on Jan 6.”

        Messaging to some militia members friendly to the cause: “hey, the president needs you to mobilize to fight for him on Jan 6. Prepare to fight anybody who opposes stop the steal.”

        Messaging to people who supported the campaign on social media: “hey, we need a lot of people to come to DC on J6 for the president’s rally. Get there any way you can, and check with local Republican groups as there may be busses. In communities that are really motivated, get them here prepared for violence with anybody who opposes the president.”

        When the VP was not going to support the challenge to the election, messaging to people on the mall “VP did not stop the certification. Please enter the Capitol and disrupt the certification.”

        Four phone calls or messages, maybe with some some followup, might have have been enough to create this event.

        It is a theory.

        • OldTulsaDude says:

          Well he Stone’s you with what’s wrong is really right
          and he Stone’s you with the good must show its might
          and he Stone’s you saying walk down that street
          and he Stone’s you with Capitol Police
          but now that the militia’s conspiracy is blown
          Everybody’s Roger Stoned

          Well he Stone’s you when he’s askin’ for your dough
          and he Stone’s you talkin’ on the radio
          and he Stone’s you when he brags about his style
          and he Stone’s you using all his wit and guile
          but what he really wants is you to Jones
          for more and more Roger Stoned

    • earthworm says:

      one becomes so habituated and addicted to the level of journalistic dissection on this blog (does anyone else remember “Danny Schecter your news dissector”?) that it is easy to forget to support it. folks, pull out your pens & checkbooks.

  7. harpie says:

    Marcy, a little while ago, about this post:
    2:46 PM · Sep 28, 2021

    I said in a post the other day that more important for the success of the Proud Boy leader conspiracy than what the low-level guy who showed up late is whether you tie the leaders to Pezzola’s shield.

    This is how DOJ will do it. [LINK]

    Links to:
    2:35 PM · Sep 28, 2021

    The government has released NEW videos in the Proud Boys case of Dominic Pezzola.

    This is the first of the video files released, from his bond hearing.
    (The judge ordered him detained pending trial, rejecting bid to reconsider.)
    Background on his case: [LINK] [VIDEO]

    Q: “You just stole a riot shield?”
    A: “Yeah.”

    He was seen in court papers using a riot shield to break through a window of the Capitol. [LINK] [VIDEO] […]

    • Eureka says:

      Since Klasfeld’s thread is not clear on this, implying similar recency of the “You just stole a riot shield?” video (also leaving unmarked that Proud Boy leader Charles Donohoe carries it with Pezzola, and that PB leader Zach Rehl received a “real-time” message from Donohoe about _Pezzola_ stealing it):

      The riot shield video was identified by sedition hunters and contextually loosed to the Internet by March 19, 2021, three days before the gov cited Donohoe telling Rehl about it (click up & through threads); gov later released this (same clip, apparently) video in June (see e.g. CNN; MacFarlane tw):

      Alan Feuer: “New detail in a just unsealed detention letter in the case of Philly Proud Boy leader Zach Rehl. Prosecutors say Rehl got a real-time message from his co-conspirator Charles Donohoe that another Proud Boy (Dominic Pezzola) had just stolen a riot shield from cops. [screenshots]”
      4:47 PM · Mar 22, 2021

      benny bryant: “@alanfeuer More amazing still, the internet provided video of the incident (at least) 3 days ago! [QT of the below]”
      10:30 PM · Mar 22, 2021

      Move Silent Sam: “Proud Boys members Dominic Pezzola & Charles Donohoe carrying a riot shield together during the Capitol insurrection on 1/6. “Spazzo” used a shield to break a window and enter the building, as seen here. Pezzola was charged in January in NY. Donohoe was arrested on 3/17 in NC. [video which includes relevant "You just stole a riot shield?" clip]”
      2:18 AM · Mar 19, 2021

      • harpie says:

        From that filing:

        Shortly thereafter, at approximately 1:48 p.m., […] a group of individuals overran a group of USCP officers on stairs that go from the plaza where Pezzola had taken the shield to the Capitol balcony area one level up. […]

        So, including that in this list of KEY EVENT CLUSTERS

        12:58 PM – West Plaza Barricade Breach
        xx:xx PM Pezzola seems to emerge [from a scuffle with police] with a riot shield in his possession
        1:48 PM – Lower NW Steps breached
        2:03 PM – Upper NW Steps breached
        2:12 PM – NW Window and Door breached – first access to Capitol Interior

      • harpie says:
        2:18 AM · Mar 19, 2021
        WSJ VIDEO:

        [0:09] [PEZZOLA and DONOHOE carrying shield.
        Q: “You just stole a riot shield?”
        A: “Yeah.”
        [0:29] [Replay above, slower]
        [0:42] [12:57 PM] Proud Boys are among those who square off with police at the base of the building. [PEZZOLA indicated at 0:47][WEST side]
        12:58 PM West Plaza Barricade Breach
        [0:53] [1:00 PM] Dominick Pezzola, [indicated at 0:57] a Proud Boy and military veteran known as ‘Spazzo, is on the front line, with a wire in his ear.
        [1:02] [1:10 PM] A protracted battle between rioters and outnumbered police ensues. The Proud Boys, like Pezzola, [indicated at 1:06] will be seen throughout key parts of the confrontation.
        xx:xx PM Pezzola seems to emerge [from a scuffle with police] with a riot shield in his possession
        1:48 PM Lower NW Steps breached
        2:03 PM Upper NW Steps breached
        [1:12] [Diagram/Video] And an hour later, rioters try to flank the police by climbing scaffolding. Pezzola [indicated at 1:22] takes part in the charge. [crowd: Fuck you! Fuck you!]
        2:12 PM NW Window and Door breached – first access to Capitol Interior
        [1:29] [2:12 PM] [Diagram/Video] At around 2:12 Pezzola breaks a window to the Capitol with a police shield. [crowd: Go, go, go, go, go …] He and GIESWEIN [indicated at 1:40] are among the first rioters to enter the building.
        [1:46] [Diagram/Video] Pezzola was arrested on January 15th, for unlawful entry, destruction of government property, and obstruction of an official proceeding.
        [1:58] [Replay PEZZOLA and DONOHOE carrying shield.]
        [2:10] [Photo of DONOHOE from news article: “Charles Donohoe was arrested in Kernersville Wednesday. Proud Boys leader from Winston-Salem facing charges in connection with Capitol riot.”]

        • harpie says:

          Partial transcript, NYT “Hold the Line” video [see link for more]:

          1:10 PM TRUMP’s speech ends
          1:11 PM MPD arrives at the west front of the Capitol after being requested by USCP [NYT calls it a BRAWL]
          [3:12] 1:16 PM GLOVER is already calling in multiple injuries
          [5:00] 1:44 PM [Crowd: Stop the Steal! Stop the Steal!]
          NYT: It’s been almost an hour since Glover and his team were called to the scene. The help they need isn’t arriving. But the crowd keeps coming. The crowd penetrates the scaffolding.
          GLOVER “Cruiser 50. They are behind our lines! If I give this up, they’re gonna have direct access. We gotta hold what we have!”
          1:49 PM SUND requests URGENT aid from WALKER
          1:50 PM WALKER informs ARMY SENIOR LEADERSHP

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