Graphic: Quino Al via Unsplash (mod by Rayne)

Whip It Good: Higher and Higher

[NB: Check the byline, thanks. /~Rayne]

We could use a boost now as we work our way through the dog days of summer. Take a look at how far we’ve come even if it seems too slowly, measure our progress.

As of today we have 123 House Democrats supporting an impeachment inquiry.

This means we’ve picked up four more votes since the last Whip It post.

We need 95 more representatives to support a resolution approving an impeachment inquiry. It’s slow but steady progress.

Sure, we continue to hear that the House Judiciary Committee is working toward impeachment. HJC chair Jerry Nadler told CNN  last week,

“This is formal impeachment proceedings…We are investigating all the evidence, we’re gathering the evidence. And we will at the conclusion of this — hopefully by the end of the year — vote to vote articles of impeachment to the House floor. Or we won’t. That’s a decision that we’ll have to make. But that’s exactly the process we’re in right now.”

But the HJC neither has a majority vote approving an impeachment inquiry within the committee nor a majority of the votes across the entire House — yet.

This only fuels the right-wing pundits who assure us attempts to impeach are doomed, DOOMED, they say.

Bah. Do take note of the source, like conservative think tanks’ thinky-tankers who are paid to both promote their conservative donor’s aspirations and sow fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

As I’ve noted before in previous Whip It posts, it’s still on us to make this happen by showing up at town halls our representatives have over the summer recess, by calling their offices in D.C. or locally, by sending faxes or using Resistbot to make our sentiments heard.

Congressional switchboard: (202) 224-3121

Call your representative (and only your representative) and ask them to support an impeachment inquiry. If your representative has already thrown their support behind an inquiry, do be sure to thank them.

It’s also time to take note of states in which too few Dems have thrown their support behind an inquiry. Like Connecticut — what the hell, Nutmeg State? What the actual hell?

This whip count will continue to be updated. Share in comments any new announcements by House members throwing support behind an impeachment inquiry.

State Last First, Middle, Nickname Party Affiliation Impeachment Inquiry Y/N House Judiciary Committee
Alabama Sewell Terrycina Andrea “Terri” Dem
Arizona Gallego Ruben Dem Y
Arizona Grijalva Raul M. Dem Y
Arizona Kirkpatrick Ann Dem Y
Arizona O’Halleran Tom Dem
Arizona Stanton Greg Dem Y    🔺
California Aguilar Pete Dem Y
California Barragán Nanette Diaz Dem Y
California Bass Karen R. Dem Y

see comment

California Bera Amerish “Ami” Dem
California Brownley Julia Dem Y
California Cardenas Tony Dem Y
California Carbajal Salud O. Dem Y
California Chu Judy Dem Y
California Cisneros Gilbert “Gil” Dem
California Correa Jose Luis “Lou” Dem
California Costa Jim Dem
California Cox Terrance John “TJ” Dem
California Davis Susan A. Dem
California DeSaulnier Mark Dem Y
California Eshoo Anna G. Dem
California Garamendi John Raymond Dem Y
California Gomez Jimmy Dem Y
California Harder Josh Dem
California Hill Katherine Lauren “Katie” Dem
California Huffman Jared W. Dem Y
California Khanna Rohit “Ro” Dem
California Lee Barbara Dem Y
California Levin Mike Dem Y
California Lieu Ted W. Dem Y    🔺
California Lofgren Zoe Dem see comment
California Lowenthal Alan S. Dem Y
California Matsui Doris K. Dem Y
California McNerney Gerald Mark “Jerry” Dem
California Napolitano Grace Flores Dem Y
California Panetta James Varni “Jimmy” Dem
California Pelosi Nancy Dem
California Peters Scott Dem Y
California Porter Katherine “Katie” Dem Y
California Rouda Jr. Harley E. Dem Y
California Roybal-Allard Lucille Dem Y
California Ruiz Raul Dem
California Sanchez Linda T. Dem
California Schiff Adam B. Dem
California Sherman Brad Dem Y
California Speier Jackie Dem Y
California Swalwell Eric Michael Dem Y    🔺 (7)
California Takano Mark A. Dem see comment
California Thompson C. Michael “Mike” Dem
California Torres Norma J. Dem Y
California Vargas Juan C. Dem Y
California Waters Maxine Dem Y
Colorado Crow Jason Dem Y
Colorado DeGette Diana L. Dem Y
Colorado Neguse Joseph “Joe” Dem Y    🔺
Colorado Perlmutter Edwin G. “Ed” Dem
Connecticut Courtney Joseph D. “Joe” Dem
Connecticut DeLauro Rosa L. Dem
Connecticut Hayes Jahana Dem
Connecticut Himes Jim Dem Y
Connecticut Larson John B. Dem
Delaware Rochester Lisa Blunt Dem Y
Florida Castor Katherine Anne “Kathy” Dem
Florida Crist Charlie Joseph Dem
Florida Demings Valdez “Val” Dem Y     🔺
Florida Deutch Theodore Eliot “Ted” Dem Y     🔺 (2)
Florida Frankel Lois J. Dem
Florida Hastings Alcee L. Dem
Florida Lawson Jr. Alfred “Al” Dem
Florida Mucarsel-Powell Debbie Dem Y     🔺
Florida Murphy Stephanie Dem
Florida Shalala Donna Elvira Dem
Florida Soto Darren Dem
Florida Wasserman Schultz Debbie Dem
Florida Wilson Frederica S. Dem
Georgia Bishop Jr. Sanford Dixon Dem
Georgia Johnson Jr. Henry C. “Hank” Dem
Georgia Lewis John R. Dem
Georgia McBath Lucia Kay “Lucy” Dem
Georgia Scott David Albert Dem
Hawaii Case Edward E. “Ed” Dem
Hawaii Gabbard Tulsi Dem
Illinois Bustos Cheri Dem
Illinois Casten Sean Dem Y
Illinois Davis Danny K. Dem Y
Illinois Foster G. William “Bill” Dem
Illinois Garcia Jesus G. “Chuy” Dem Y
Illinois Kelly Robin L. Dem Y
Illinois Krishnamoorthi S. Raja Dem
Illinois Lipinski Daniel William “Dan” Dem
Illinois Quigley Mike Dem Y
Illinois Rush Bobby Lee Dem Y
Illinois Schakowsky Janice D. “Jan” Dem Y
Illinois Schneider Bradley Scott “Brad” Dem
Illinois Underwood Lauren A. Dem
Indiana Carson Andre D. Dem Y
Indiana Visclosky Peter J. Dem
Iowa Axne Cindy Dem
Iowa Finkenauer Abby Dem
Iowa Loebsack David Wayne “Dave” Dem
Kansas Davids Sharice Dem
Kentucky Yarmuth John A. Dem Y
Louisiana Richmond Cedric L. Dem Y    🔺
Maine Golden Jared F. Dem
Maine Pingree Chellie M. Dem Y
Maryland Brown Anthony Gregory Dem
Maryland Cummings Elijah E. Dem
Maryland Hoyer Steny Hamilton Dem
Maryland Raskin Jamin B. “Jamie” Dem Y    🔺
Maryland Ruppersberger III Charles Albert Dutch “C.A. Dutch” Dem
Maryland Sarbanes John Peter Spyros Dem
Maryland Trone David Dem
Massachusetts Clark Katherine M. Dem Y  (1)
Massachusetts Keating William Richard “Bill” Dem
Massachusetts Kennedy III Joseph Patrick “Joe” Dem Y
Massachusetts Lynch Stephen F. Dem
Massachusetts McGovern James P. “Jim” Dem Y  (5)
Massachusetts Moulton Seth W. Dem Y
Massachusetts Neal Richard E. Dem
Massachusetts Pressley Ayanna S. Dem Y
Massachusetts Trahan Lori Loureiro Dem Y
Michigan Dingell Debbie Dem
Michigan Kildee Daniel T. “Dan” Dem Y
Michigan Lawrence Brenda Lulenar Dem Y
Michigan Levin Andy Dem Y
Michigan Slotkin Elissa Dem
Michigan Stevens Haley Dem
Michigan Tlaib Rashida Dem Y
Minnesota Craig Angela Dawn “Angie” Dem
Minnesota McCollum Betty Dem Y
Minnesota Omar Ilhan Dem Y
Minnesota Peterson Collin Clark Dem
Minnesota Phillips Dean Dem
Mississippi Thompson Bennie G. Dem Y  (8)
Missouri Clay Jr. William Lacy Dem Y
Missouri Cleaver II Emanuel Dem Y
Nevada Horsford Steven Alexzander Dem
Nevada Lee Susan Kelley “Susie” Dem
Nevada Titus Alice Costandina “Dina” Dem Y
New Hampshire Kuster Ann McLane “Annie” Dem Y
New Hampshire Pappas Christopher C. “Chris” Dem Y
New Jersey Gottheimer Joshua S. “Josh” Dem
New Jersey Kim Andrew “Andy” Dem
New Jersey Malinowski Tom Dem Y
New Jersey Norcross Donald W. Dem Y
New Jersey Pallone Jr. Frank Dem Y

see comment

New Jersey Pascrell Jr. William J. “Bill” Dem Y
New Jersey Payne Jr. Donald M. Dem Y
New Jersey Sherrill Rebecca Michelle “Mikie” Dem
New Jersey Sires Albio Dem
New Jersey Van Drew Jeff Dem
New Jersey Watson Coleman Bonnie Dem Y
New Mexico Haaland Debra A. “Deb” Dem Y
New Mexico Lujan Ben Ray Dem
New Mexico Torres Small Xochitl Dem
New York Brindisi Anthony J. Dem
New York Clarke Yvette D. Dem Y
New York Delgado Antonio Dem
New York Engel Eliot Lance Dem Y  (3)
New York Espaillat Adriano Dem Y
New York Higgins Brian M. Dem Y
New York Jeffries Hakeem S. Dem
New York Lowey Nita M. Dem Y  (4)
New York Maloney Carolyn Bosher Dem Y
New York Maloney Sean Patrick Dem
New York Meeks Gregory Weldon Dem
New York Meng Grace Dem Y
New York Morelle Joseph D. “Joe” Dem
New York Nadler Jerrold Lewis “Jerry” Dem
New York Ocasio-Cortez Alexandria Dem Y
New York Rice Kathleen M. Dem Y
New York Rose Max N. Dem
New York Serrano Jose Enrique Dem Y
New York Suozzi Thomas R. “Tom” Dem
New York Tonko Paul David Dem Y
New York Velázquez Nydia Margarita Dem Y  (9)
North Carolina Adams Alma Shealey Dem Y
North Carolina Butterfield Jr. George Kenneth “G. K.” Dem Y
North Carolina Price David Eugene Dem Y
Ohio Beatty Joyce B. Dem Y
Ohio Fudge Marcia L. Dem Y
Ohio Kaptur Marcia Carolyn “Marcy” Dem
Ohio Ryan Timothy J. “Tim” Dem Y
Oklahoma Horn Kendra Dem
Oregon Blumenauer Earl Dem Y
Oregon Bonamici Suzanne M. Dem Y
Oregon DeFazio Peter Anthony “Pete” Dem Y
Oregon Schrader Walter Kurt “Kurt” Dem
Pennsylvania Boyle Brendan F. Dem Y
Pennsylvania Cartwright Matthew Alton “Matt” Dem
Pennsylvania Dean Cunnane Madeleine Dem Y    🔺
Pennsylvania Doyle Michael F. “Mike” Dem Y
Pennsylvania Evans Dwight Dem Y
Pennsylvania Houlahan Christina Jampoler “Chrissy” Dem
Pennsylvania Lamb Conor James Dem
Pennsylvania Scanlon Mary Gay Dem Y    🔺
Pennsylvania Wild Susan Ellis Dem
Rhode Island Cicilline David N. Dem Y   🔺
Rhode Island Langevin James R. “Jim” Dem
South Carolina Clyburn James Enos “Jim” Dem
South Carolina Cunningham Joseph K. “Joe” Dem
Tennessee Cohen Stephen Ira “Steve” Dem Y    🔺
Tennessee Cooper James H. S. “Jim” Dem
Texas Allred Colin Dem
Texas Castro Joaquin Dem Y
Texas Cuellar Henry R. Dem
Texas Doggett II Lloyd Alton Dem Y
Texas Escobar Veronica Dem Y    🔺
Texas Fletcher Elizabeth Pannill “Lizzie” Dem
Texas Garcia Sylvia R. Dem
Texas Gonzalez Vicente Dem
Texas Green Alexander “Al” Dem Y
Texas Jackson Lee Sheila Dem Y     🔺
Texas Johnson Eddie Bernice Dem
Texas Veasey Marc Allison Dem
Texas Vela Filemon B. Dem Y
Utah McAdams Ben Dem
Vermont Welch Peter F. Dem Y
Virginia Beyer Jr. Donald Sternoff “Don” Dem Y
Virginia Connolly Gerald Edward “Gerry” Dem Y
Virginia Luria Elaine G. Dem
Virginia McEachin Aston Donald “Donald” Dem
Virginia Scott Robert Cortez “Bobby” Dem
Virginia Spanberger Abigail A. Dem
Virginia Wexton Jennifer T. Dem Y
Washington Del Bene Suzan Kay Dem Y
Washington Heck Dennis “Denny” Dem Y
Washington Jayapal Pramila Dem Y    🔺
Washington Kilmer Derek Dem Y
Washington Larsen Richard Ray “Rick” Dem Y
Washington Schrier Kim Dem Y
Washington Smith David Adam “Adam” Dem Y  (6)
Wisconsin Kind Ronald James “Ron” Dem
Wisconsin Moore Gwendolynne S. “Gwen” Dem Y
Wisconsin Pocan Mark Dem Y
Alabama Aderholt Robert Brown GOP
Alabama Brooks Jr. Morris J. “Mo” GOP
Alabama Byrne Bradley Roberts GOP
Alabama Palmer Gary GOP
Alabama Roby Martha GOP
Alabama Rogers Michael Dennis “Mike” GOP
Alaska Young Donald E. “Don” GOP
Arizona Biggs Andy GOP
Arizona Gosar Paul Anthony GOP
Arizona Lesko Debbie GOP
Arizona Schweikert David GOP
Arkansas Crawford Eric Alan “Rick” GOP
Arkansas Hill James French “French” GOP
Arkansas Westerman Bruce GOP
Arkansas Womack Stephen A. “Steve” GOP
California Calvert Kenneth S. “Ken” GOP
California Cook Paul GOP
California Hunter Duncan Duane GOP
California LaMalfa Doug GOP
California McCarthy Kevin GOP
California McClintock Thomas “Tom” GOP
California Nunes Devin Gerald GOP
Colorado Buck Kenneth R. “Ken” GOP
Colorado Lamborn Douglas L. “Doug” GOP
Colorado Tipton Scott Randall GOP
Florida Bilirakis Gus Michael GOP
Florida Buchanan Vernon “Vern” GOP
Florida Diaz-Balart Mario GOP
Florida Dunn Neal Patrick GOP
Florida Gaetz Matt GOP
Florida Mast Brian GOP
Florida Posey William “Bill” GOP
Florida Rooney Francis GOP
Florida Rutherford John GOP
Florida Spano Vincent Ross “Ross” GOP
Florida Steube Greg W. GOP
Florida Waltz Michael “Mike” GOP
Florida Webster Daniel “Dan” GOP
Florida Yoho Theodore Scott “Ted” GOP
Georgia Allen Richard Wallen “Rick” GOP
Georgia Carter Earl Leroy “Buddy” GOP
Georgia Collins Douglas Allen “Doug” GOP
Georgia Ferguson IV Anderson Drew “Drew” GOP
Georgia Graves Jr. John Thomas “Tom” GOP
Georgia Hice Jody B. GOP
Georgia Loudermilk Barry D. GOP
Georgia Scott James Austin “Austin” GOP
Georgia Woodall III William Robert “Rob” GOP
Idaho Fulcher Russ GOP
Idaho Simpson Michael Keith “Mike” GOP
Illinois Bost Michael J. “Mike” GOP
Illinois Davis Rodney L. GOP
Illinois Kinzinger Adam GOP
Illinois LaHood Darin McKay GOP
Illinois Shimkus John M. GOP
Indiana Baird James R. “Jim” GOP
Indiana Banks James E. “Jim” GOP
Indiana Brooks Susan W. GOP
Indiana Bucshon Larry D. GOP
Indiana Hollingsworth III Joseph A. “Trey” GOP
Indiana Pence Gregory J. “Greg” GOP
Indiana Walorski Jackie Swihart GOP see comment
Iowa King Steven A. “Steve” GOP
Kansas Estes Ron GOP
Kansas Marshall Roger W. GOP
Kansas Watkins Steve GOP
Kentucky Barr Garland “Andy” GOP
Kentucky Comer James R. GOP
Kentucky Guthrie Steven Brett “Brett” GOP
Kentucky Massie Thomas H. GOP
Kentucky Rogers Harold Dallas “Hal” GOP
Louisiana Abraham Jr. Ralph Lee GOP
Louisiana Graves Garret GOP
Louisiana Higgins Clay GOP
Louisiana Johnson James Michael “Mike” GOP
Louisiana Scalise Stephen J. “Steve” GOP
Maryland Harris Andrew P. “Andy” GOP
Michigan Amash Justin IND Y
Michigan Bergman John W. “Jack” GOP
Michigan Huizenga William P. “Bill” GOP
Michigan Mitchell III Paul GOP
Michigan Moolenaar John GOP
Michigan Upton Frederick Stephen “Fred” GOP
Michigan Walberg Timothy L. “Tim” GOP
Minnesota Emmer Jr. Thomas Earl “Tom” GOP
Minnesota Hagedorn James “Jim” GOP
Minnesota Stauber Peter Allen “Pete” GOP
Minnesota Stauber Peter Allen “Pete” GOP
Mississippi Guest Michael Patrick GOP
Mississippi Kelly John Trent “Trent” GOP
Mississippi Palazzo Steven McCarty GOP
Missouri Graves Jr. Samuel B. “Sam” GOP
Missouri Hartzler Vicky Jo GOP
Missouri Long Billy GOP
Missouri Luetkemeyer W. Blaine GOP
Missouri Smith Jason T. GOP
Missouri Wagner Ann L. GOP
Montana Gianforte Greg GOP
Nebraska Bacon Donald John “Don” GOP
Nebraska Fortenberry Jeffrey Lane “Jeff” GOP
Nebraska Smith Adrian M. GOP
Nevada Amodei Mark Eugene GOP
New Jersey Smith Christopher Henry “Chris” GOP
New York Collins Christopher Carl “Chris” GOP
New York Katko John M. GOP
New York King Peter T. “Pete” GOP
New York Reed II Thomas W. “Tom” GOP
New York Stefanik Elise M. GOP
New York Zeldin Lee Michael GOP
North Carolina Budd Theodore Paul “Ted” GOP
North Carolina Foxx Virginia Ann GOP
North Carolina Holding George Edward Bell GOP
North Carolina Hudson Jr. Richard Lane GOP
North Carolina McHenry Patrick Timothy GOP
North Carolina Meadows Mark Randal GOP
North Carolina Rouzer David Cheston GOP
North Carolina Walker Bradley Mark “Mark” GOP
North Dakota Armstrong Kelly M. GOP
Ohio Balderson Troy GOP
Ohio Chabot Steven J. “Steve” GOP
Ohio Davidson Warren GOP
Ohio Gibbs Robert Brian “Bob” GOP
Ohio Gonzalez Anthony E. GOP
Ohio Johnson Bill GOP
Ohio Jordan James D. “Jim” GOP
Ohio Joyce David P. “Dave” GOP
Ohio Latta Robert Edward “Bob” GOP
Ohio Stivers Steve E. GOP
Ohio Turner Michael R. “Mike” GOP
Ohio Wenstrup Brad R. GOP
Oklahoma Cole Thomas Jeffery “Tom” GOP
Oklahoma Hern Kevin R. GOP
Oklahoma Lucas Frank D. GOP
Oklahoma Mullin Markwayne GOP
Oregon Walden Gregory Paul “Greg” GOP
Pennsylvania Fitzpatrick Brian K. GOP
Pennsylvania Joyce John GOP
Pennsylvania Kelly Jr. George J. “Mike” GOP
Pennsylvania Marino Thomas Anthony “Tom” GOP
Pennsylvania Meuser Daniel P. “Dan” GOP
Pennsylvania Perry Scott G. GOP
Pennsylvania Reschenthaler Guy L. GOP
Pennsylvania Smucker Lloyd K. GOP
Pennsylvania Thompson Glenn William “G.T.” GOP
South Carolina Duncan Jeffrey D. “Jeff” GOP
South Carolina Norman Jr. Ralph W. GOP
South Carolina Rice Jr. Hugh T. “Tom” GOP
South Carolina Timmons IV William R. GOP
South Carolina Wilson Addison Graves “Joe” GOP
South Dakota Johnson Dustin “Dusty” GOP
Tennessee Burchett Tim GOP
Tennessee DesJarlais Scott Eugene GOP
Tennessee Fleischmann Charles J. “Chuck” GOP
Tennessee Green Mark E. GOP
Tennessee Kustoff David GOP
Tennessee Roe David Philip “Phil” GOP
Tennessee Rose John W. GOP
Texas Arrington Jodey Cook GOP
Texas Babin Brian GOP
Texas Brady Kevin Patrick GOP
Texas Burgess Michael C. GOP
Texas Carter John Rice GOP
Texas Cloud Michael J. GOP
Texas Conaway K. Michael “Mike” GOP
Texas Crenshaw Daniel “Dan” GOP
Texas Flores William “Bill” GOP
Texas Gohmert Jr. Louis B. “Louie” GOP
Texas Gooden Lance GOP
Texas Granger Kay N. GOP
Texas Hurd William “Will” GOP
Texas Marchant Kenny Ewell GOP
Texas McCaul Michael T. GOP
Texas Olson Peter Graham “Pete” GOP
Texas Ratcliffe John Lee GOP
Texas Roy Chip GOP
Texas Taylor Nicholas V. “Van” GOP
Texas Thornberry William McClellan “Mac” GOP
Texas Weber Randy GOP
Texas Williams Roger GOP
Texas Wright Ron GOP
Utah Bishop Robert William “Rob” GOP
Utah Curtis John GOP
Utah Stewart Chris GOP
Virginia Cline Benjamin Lee “Ben” GOP
Virginia Griffith H. Morgan “Morgan” GOP
Virginia Riggleman III Denver Lee GOP
Virginia Wittman Robert J. “Rob” GOP
Washington Herrera Beutler Jaime Lynn GOP
Washington McMorris Rodgers Cathy Ann GOP
Washington Newhouse Daniel Milton “Dan” GOP
West Virginia McKinley David Bennett GOP
West Virginia Miller Carol Devine GOP
West Virginia Mooney Alexander Xavier “Alex” GOP
Wisconsin Duffy Sean P. GOP
Wisconsin Gallagher Michael John “Mike” GOP
Wisconsin Grothman Glenn S. GOP
Wisconsin Sensenbrenner Jr. Frank James “Jim” GOP
Wisconsin Steil Bryan George GOP
Wyoming Cheney Elizabeth “Liz” GOP
North Carolina Jones Jr. (RIP) Walter B. GOP Open
North Carolina GOP Vacant Office

Emphasis indicates those who have committed to supporting an inquiry since the last whip update.

(1) Vice Chair, House Democratic Caucus

(2) Chair, House Ethics Committee

(3) Chair, House Foreign Affairs Committee

(4) Chair, House Appropriations Committee

(5) Chair, House Rules Committee

(6) Chair, House Armed Services Committee

(7) Member, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

(8) Chair, House Homeland Security Committee

(9) Chair, House Small Business Committee

(10) Chair, House Energy and Commerce Committee

48 replies
  1. Democritus says:

    It’s been great to see a steady rise :) Let’s hope this keeps increasing. My thing is I worry about election security and just want that sick demented stain out of the oval office before he does more harm to our institutions.

    • Americana says:

      Last sentence — primo, spot on!

      A national union for federal workers just sued for right to protest Trump (it’s kind of a double-edged sword but let’s hope it benefits impeachment more than the other):

      From the above link:

      The largest union of federal workers on Tuesday announced it’s suing the U.S. government in a bid to get it to drop its latest rules restricting talk of presidential impeachment and whether they should #Resist.

      The American Federation of Government Employees, which represents some 700,000 federal workers, said it was concerned that the latest guidance restricted free speech and could be weaponized by politically motivated managers, including those seeking to punish people who express support for the president.

      • Vicks says:

        It makes sense that a federal employee shouldn’t be wearing a F Trump button or collecting signatures for his impeachment while on the job.
        I will also say rather quietly that I don’t think it’s appropriate in most workplaces and as a small biz owner I feel fortunate I have not had to figure out what to do if that type of situation arose.
        The political divide has become so strong that an employee simply reading the scandal of the day out loud to another employee while a Trump supporter sits there getting red in the face could easily seem more like trolling or even harassment than someone exercising their right to free speech.

  2. harpie says:

    Hi Rayne,
    Thanks for this! I was just looking at this WaPo count:
    A majority of House Democrats want to open an impeachment inquiry into Trump Updated Aug. 14 at 12:28 p.m.

    Calls for the impeachment of President Trump are growing louder. After the release of the Mueller report, 122 House Democrats say they support at least opening an impeachment inquiry into whether the president committed “high crimes and misdemeanors.” That includes 17 of the 24 Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee, which is where impeachment proceedings would start. […]

    1] There are 2 names on our list and not on the WaPo list:
    Frank Pallone NJ
    Karen R. Bass CA
    2] They have one name that we do not…it’s a biggie, though:
    Jerrold Nadler NY

    • Savage Librarian says:

      I think Nadler might be a miscommunication. I could be wrong. But I think they put him on the list for saying it was in essence an inquiry. We’ll see. I’d love to be wrong.

      • bmaz says:

        Naw, reportedly he has been in favor for a while, just doesn’t want to buck Pelosi yet. I have no doubt but that he is a yes when the time comes.

        • harpie says:

          I think that’s the issue about some of these discrepancies: the difference between saying straight out they are for an inquiry, and implying that they are.

          One great thing about the WaPo list, is that they show the quote and date that the comments were made, either for, continue existing investigations, or unclear.
          For Nadler, they have

          “This is formal impeachment proceedings,” Nader [sic] told CNN on Aug. 8.

        • harpie says:

          They have Bass and Pallone in the 2nd column:

          A spokesperson for Bass confirmed to The Washington Post on July 22 that she does not currently support an impeachment inquiry.

          A spokesperson for Pallone confirmed to The Washington Post on July 30 that he does not currently support an impeachment inquiry.

    • Rayne says:

      I put notes next to Bass and Pallone. Nadler I am leaving until the HJC votes or until a resolution is put to the full House, or until he says he personally is in support.

    • harpie says:

      House Judiciary Dems:
      23 DEMOCRATS [There are 17 Republicans] = 40 members

      Greg Stanton Arizona;
      Ted Lieu California;
      Eric Swalwell California;
      Joe Neguse Colorado;
      Val Butler Demings Florida;
      Theodore E. Deutch Florida;
      Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Florida;
      Cedric L. Richmond Louisiana;
      Jamie Raskin Maryland;
      Madeleine Dean Pennsylvania;
      Mary Gay Scanlon Pennsylvania;
      David N. Cicilline Rhode Island;
      Steve Cohen Tennessee;
      Veronica Escobar Texas;
      Sheila Jackson Lee Texas;
      Pramila Jayapal Washington = 16 FOR
      Karen Bass California;
      J. Luis Correa California;
      Zoe Lofgren California;
      Henry C. “Hank” Johnson Georgia;
      Hakeem S. Jeffries New York;
      Jerrold Nadler New York;
      Sylvia R. Garcia Texas; = 7 NOT DECLARED

      More about Jeffries:
      1:09 PM – 10 Aug 2019

      Grateful to @RepJeffries for taking tough questions from constituents on impeachment this morning. Pressured, he said he will not make a formal statement until after recess, but he supports @RepJerryNadler’s efforts- Nadler says he has launched a formal impeachment investigation. [VIDEO]

      Please let me know if anything needs to be revised, here. Thanks!

  3. BobCon says:

    I wonder where the count will go should the stock and bond markets continue to blink red.

    The political judgment of the big traders is nuts. They should have been hedging a lot sooner. In 2008, Bush at least had some pragmatists and capable people on his team. Does anyone think Mnuchin, Kudlow, and most of all Trump have a clue? What makes them think the Dems will want to swallow some insane Mnuchin/Kudlow plan to right the ship? Does anyone think McConnell can deliver any significant bloc of votes if quick action on a vote is needed? Does anyone think McCarthy can deliver any votes?

    The Dems need to anticipate the pressure that may grow to force Trump from office and get cracking now on naming their price. If they wait, impeachment will be on the table in the weakest, most forgettable terms and it will be forgotten as the GOP develops its own plan to ease Trump out of power.

  4. harpie says:

    10:30 AM – 14 Aug 2019

    GOP Rep. Steve King said that humanity might not exist if not for rape and incest.
    “What if we went back through all the family trees and just pulled out anyone who was a product of rape or incest? Would there be any population of the world left?” [Des Moines Register]


    1:55 PM – 14 Aug 2019

    House Republican Conference Chair says Steve King should resign.

    Links to Liz_Cheney
    1:37 PM – 14 Aug 2019

    Today’s comments by @RepSteveKingIA are appalling and bizarre. As I’ve said before, it’s time for him to go. The people of Iowa’s 4th congressional district deserve better.


    • P J Evans says:

      That comment by King told me more about him than I really wanted to know. It should tell everyone in Iowa everything they need to know about him – and give them suspicions enough to vote him out.

  5. Democritus says:

    So Hertling tweeted with the below retweeted

    “As I read this thread, it appears the “deal” POTUS is trying to make trades democratic values for a short term market/political victory. Freedom = monetary transaction.”
    Quote Tweet

    Bianna Golodryga @biannagolodryga
    Which would corroborate @FT reporting from last month. “Donald Trump told Chinese president Xi Jinping last month that the US would tone down criticism of Beijing’s approach to Hong Kong following massive protests in the territory in order to revive trade talks with China.”

    End tweets.

    FFS Trump fucks EVERYTHING UP. ETTD, Rick Wilson called that one.

    So he sold out Hong Kong for nothing, given he has since declared more tariffs and then wimped out? He is such a fucking fool. Literally endangering the geopolitical world we built at Bretton Woods with no end game or game plan.

    Just… 😑

  6. Democritus says:

    Welp, this will be everywhere tomorrow:

    Autopsy finds broken bones in Jeffrey Epstein’s neck, deepening questions around his death

    “Among the bones broken in Epstein’s neck was the hyoid bone, which in men is near the Adam’s apple. Such breaks can occur in those who hang themselves, particularly if they are older, according to forensics experts and studies on the subject. But they are more common in victims of homicide by strangulation, the experts said.”

    Important to note:

    “The age of the deceased is also important, Arden said. The hyoid starts out as three small bones with joint-like connections but hardens during middle age into a u-shape that can break more easily.”

    Later expert specifically says it doesn’t exclude suicide by hanging. I hope there is good video of the corridor at least, we don’t need distractions.

    • bmaz says:

      Meh, maybe, maybe not. Two things, the actual autopsy is not out yet, Baden has not weighed inland there are no toxicology results yet. We’ll see. I am sure this is creating a fever wave in the conspiracy nuts, I’ll wait for more evidence. Because everything reported at WaPo (yer link was bad by the way) is also consistent with strangulation by improvised hanging.

      • P J Evans says:

        Oh definitely: they’re all assuming that “broken bones” require at least one other person involved.

        • Democritus says:

          Exactly, but it absolutely doesn’t require it, and his hanging may have been awkward given an improvised positioning in jail cell. Unless this is going to lead to Barr’s ouster though, we got bigger issues.

          If I’m remembering the article correctly it’s ~25% that have broken bones. Plus honestly who knows what this guys health and neck was like, he *was* entering old age. Though I find my cutoff of old age keeps increasing as I age. ;)

          OH Wonderful news, not perfect but good.

          “ATLANTA (AP) — A federal judge on Thursday ordered Georgia to stop using its outdated voting machines after this year and to be ready with hand-marked paper ballots if its new system isn’t in place for the presidential primaries.
          U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg’s 153-page ruling Thursday is not a complete victory for either side.”

        • P J Evans says:

          I’m not real sure what condition my own neckbones are in – but I’m not going to try that method of finding out. I did know a guy in Texas who lived in a halo because his neckbones were so fragile that the doctors were afraid he’d move his head and die. (I had CT and PET scans a couple of years ago; I have “mild degenerative spinal enthesopathy”, according to the report. Unfortunately it didn’t say *where* along my spine.)

  7. OmAli says:

    From the WaPo article: “Arden, who was not involved in the Epstein autopsy, said that in general, a finding of a broken hyoid requires pathologists to conduct more extensive investigation. That investigation can include analysis of the location of the noose, how narrow the noose is, and if the body experienced any substantial drop in the course of the hanging.”

    Will there have been much actual evidence preserved or recorded at the scene? I imagine it was bedlam as soon as he was discovered.

  8. Wm. Boyce says:

    The court cases that the Dems are pursuing are all-important, IMO. I’m not a lawyer, but it would seem that a totally lawless, Mafiosi-type of executive, such as we have now, would only reveal docs with force applied. There’s plenty of dirt to be revealed, if one can get past the stonewall.

  9. harpie says:

    Good, but infuriating read:
    How an Online Mob Created a Playbook for a Culture War Five years ago, a series of vile events changed the way we fight online
    Charlie Warzel AUG. 15, 2019

    […] Gamergate is occasionally framed as a battle for the soul of the internet between a diverse, progressive set and an angry collection of white males who feel displaced. And it is that, too. But its most powerful legacy is as proof of concept of how to wage a post-truth information war.
    The lesson of Gamergate — the one we feel reverberating throughout our politics every day in 2019 — is that there’s a sinister power afforded to those brazen enough to construct their own false realities and foist them on others.

  10. harpie says:
    6:03 AM – 16 Aug 2019

    This from @amarimow is an important and … troubling … story:

    …links to:
    4:46 AM – 16 Aug 2019

    A federal judge in Washington hit ‘reply all,’ and now there’s a formal question about his decorum — an unusual test of new rules intended to make sure courthouses across the country are civil, harassment-free workplaces.

    A federal judge in D.C. hit ‘reply all,’ and now there’s a formal question about his decorum [link] Ann E. Marimow August 16 at 6:45 AM

    A clash between judges on two important federal courts in Washington has created an early, unusual test of new rules intended to make sure courthouses across the country are civil, harassment-free workplaces. […]

    Vladeck’s “TROUBLING” is correct.
    This is about Sullivan and Randolph
    and climate change politics
    and SO MUCH more than “decorum”.

    • harpie says:

      […] One judge’s [Sullivan’s] share about the event provoked a pushback email from a colleague [Randolph], who questioned the [Sullivan’s] judge’s ethics and climate change science, and urged the judge to stick to his lane on what “you are being paid to do” — adding that “the jurisdiction assigned to you does not include saving the planet.” […]

      • harpie says:

        His animosity toward not only climate science but toward Judge Sullivan is apparent in his initial screed. Two weeks later he says:

        “While I continue to disagree with their conclusion about the propriety of the program, I think their position is fairly held.” […] “I do not believe that Judge Sullivan acted improperly in circulating the invitation to ELI’s program.”

        …again passing judgement on both. No apology.

        After the email exchanges in July, Sullivan turned to the judiciary’s Committee on Codes of Conduct for advice, requesting an advisory opinion. Sullivan in a letter asked
        [1] whether Randolph’s characterization of the climate seminar as “nonsense” and “supposedly science” mean that his impartiality is impaired.
        And, [2] he asked, does a reference Randolph made to Sullivan’s “latest public displays” suggest Randolph should recuse himself from appeals involving Sullivan’s orders.

        Perhaps in response to [1]:

        As of Tuesday morning, Randolph was listed as one of three-judges to hear arguments Sept. 6 in a case brought by California and more than a dozen other states challenging an Environmental Protection Agency decision to scrap some vehicle emissions standards.
        Just before 5 p.m. Tuesday, the court calendar was updated and Randolph’s name was replaced. The clerk’s office and Randolph declined to comment on the change. […]

        But what’s the answer to [2]? Interesting that:

        Among his current assignments, Sullivan is presiding over the criminal prosecution of former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn and the lawsuit filed by congressional Democrats alleging the president’s private business violates the anti-corruption “emoluments” provisions of the Constitution.

  11. harpie says:

    REP. ANTHONY BROWN D-MD-04 7:01 AM – 16 Aug 2019

    […] I fully support the House Judiciary Committee’s formal inquiry into whether to recommend impeachment of President Trump, and I know they will continue to do the hard work to protect our democracy, constitution, and the American people.

    [Does this count?]

    [#WhipIt — sadly, Brown’s weak sauce declaration will count. What a chickenshit. Thanks, harpie. /~Rayne]

  12. harpie says:

    The GOP way:

    Memo reveals a House Republican strategy on shootings: downplay white nationalism, blame left
    The GOP memo falsely pinned the El Paso massacre and other notable mass shootings on the left

    Congressional Republicans recently circulated talking points on gun violence that falsely described the El Paso massacre and other mass shootings as “violence from the left.” A document obtained.. [paywall]


    • P J Evans says:

      And when they’re not blaming “the left”, they’re blaming mental illness or video games (all of those exist worldwide – but other countries don’t have 1+ firearm per capita, mostly loose rather than locked in armories).

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