Graphic: Quino Al via Unsplash (mod by Rayne)

Whip It Good: Impeachment Inquiry Edition [UPDATED-7]

[NB: Check the byline, thanks! Updates at the very bottom. /~Rayne]

CNN published a report this weekend tallying the House Democrats who have already expressed support in one way or another for an impeachment inquiry. The head count stood at 63 out of 235 Democrats on Saturday, along with lone Republican Justin Amash (R-MI).

There are many possible reasons why House Democrats haven’t yet expressed support for a Constitutionally empowered inquiry, not the least of which is simple chickenshit worry about polling for the 2020 race. I say chickenshit because 2018 was a huge wave and the reasons which drove that wave have not subsided. They have only increased in intensity.

Can you think of anyone in your circle of friends and family whose taxes have gone down since the Trump tax bill passed? Can you think of anyone who’s found their grocery bill or their rent has gone down? What about medical bills — has anyone you know experienced a drop in prescription drug costs or health care insurance premiums?

And what of other matters like personal privacy or the ability to vote? Have those matters improved for the average Americans you know?

Now we can add more rural Americans to the discontented having been ignored while their states have been inundated, just as coastal residents in hurricane-damaged states have also gone without timely attention and aid.

The blue wave will continue. Its power needs to be focused. We have some time to address that. But we also need to develop that focus with more effective investigations into the Trump administration’s public corruption and abuses of power as well as obstruction of justice and oversight. An impeachment inquiry will provide the teeth necessary to obtain evidence and testimony, and it’s well past time to get the House Dems on board.

Here’s the whip list below — I will update it as I see reports in the media.

Your job as a citizen is to exercise your civic duty and contact your representative to find out where they stand on an impeachment inquiry, and to convey your opinion supporting one.

Do share your results in comments; we’ll watch to see how long it takes for the media to catch up with any changes in this whip count.

Let’s roll, people. Congressional switchboard: (202) 224-3121

State Last First, Middle, Nickname Party Affiliation Impeachment Inquiry Y/N House Judiciary Committee
Alabama Sewell Terrycina Andrea “Terri” Dem
Arizona Gallego Ruben Dem
Arizona Grijalva Raul M. Dem Y
Arizona Kirkpatrick Ann Dem
Arizona O’Halleran Tom Dem
Arizona Stanton Greg Dem Y    🔺
California Aguilar Pete Dem
California Barragán Nanette Diaz Dem Y
California Bass Karen R. Dem
California Bera Amerish “Ami” Dem
California Brownley Julia Dem
California Cardenas Tony Dem Y
California Carbajal Salud O. Dem
California Chu Judy Dem
California Cisneros Gilbert “Gil” Dem
California Correa Jose Luis “Lou” Dem
California Costa Jim Dem
California Cox Terrance John “TJ” Dem
California Davis Susan A. Dem
California DeSaulnier Mark Dem Y
California Eshoo Anna G. Dem
California Garamendi John Raymond Dem
California Gomez Jimmy Dem
California Harder Josh Dem
California Hill Katherine Lauren “Katie” Dem
California Huffman Jared W. Dem Y
California Khanna Rohit “Ro” Dem
California Lee Barbara Dem Y
California Levin Mike Dem
California Lieu Ted W. Dem Y    🔺
California Lofgren Zoe Dem see comment
California Lowenthal Alan S. Dem Y
California Matsui Doris K. Dem
California McNerney Gerald Mark “Jerry” Dem
California Napolitano Grace Flores Dem Y
California Panetta James Varni “Jimmy” Dem
California Pelosi Nancy Dem
California Peters Scott Dem
California Porter Katherine “Katie” Dem Y
California Rouda Jr. Harley E. Dem [1]
California Roybal-Allard Lucille Dem
California Ruiz Raul Dem
California Sanchez Linda T. Dem
California Schiff Adam B. Dem
California Sherman Brad Dem Y
California Speier Jackie Dem Y
California Swalwell Eric Michael Dem Y    🔺
California Takano Mark A. Dem see comment
California Thompson C. Michael “Mike” Dem
California Torres Norma J. Dem Y
California Vargas Juan C. Dem Y
California Waters Maxine Dem Y
Colorado Crow Jason Dem
Colorado DeGette Diana L. Dem Y
Colorado Neguse Joseph “Joe” Dem Y    🔺
Colorado Perlmutter Edwin G. “Ed” Dem
Connecticut Courtney Joseph D. “Joe” Dem
Connecticut DeLauro Rosa L. Dem
Connecticut Hayes Jahana Dem
Connecticut Himes Jim Dem
Connecticut Larson John B. Dem
Delaware Rochester Lisa Blunt Dem
Florida Castor Katherine Anne “Kathy” Dem
Florida Crist Charlie Joseph Dem
Florida Demings Valdez “Val” Dem Y    🔺
Florida Deutch Theodore Eliot “Ted” Dem
Florida Frankel Lois J. Dem
Florida Hastings Alcee L. Dem
Florida Lawson Jr. Alfred “Al” Dem
Florida Mucarsel-Powell Debbie Dem Y   🔺
Florida Murphy Stephanie Dem
Florida Shalala Donna Elvira Dem
Florida Soto Darren Dem
Florida Wasserman Schultz Debbie Dem
Florida Wilson Frederica S. Dem
Georgia Bishop Jr. Sanford Dixon Dem
Georgia Johnson Jr. Henry C. “Hank” Dem
Georgia Lewis John R. Dem
Georgia McBath Lucia Kay “Lucy” Dem
Georgia Scott David Albert Dem
Hawaii Case Edward E. “Ed” Dem
Hawaii Gabbard Tulsi Dem
Illinois Bustos Cheri Dem
Illinois Casten Sean Dem Y
Illinois Davis Danny K. Dem Y
Illinois Foster G. William “Bill” Dem
Illinois Garcia Jesus G. “Chuy” Dem Y
Illinois Kelly Robin L. Dem Y
Illinois Krishnamoorthi S. Raja Dem
Illinois Lipinski Daniel William “Dan” Dem
Illinois Quigley Mike Dem Y
Illinois Rush Bobby Lee Dem Y
Illinois Schakowsky Janice D. “Jan” Dem
Illinois Schneider Bradley Scott “Brad” Dem
Illinois Underwood Lauren A. Dem
Indiana Carson Andre D. Dem
Indiana Visclosky Peter J. Dem
Iowa Axne Cindy Dem
Iowa Finkenauer Abby Dem
Iowa Loebsack David Wayne “Dave” Dem
Kansas Davids Sharice Dem
Kentucky Yarmuth John A. Dem Y
Louisiana Richmond Cedric L. Dem Y    🔺
Maine Golden Jared F. Dem
Maine Pingree Chellie M. Dem Y
Maryland Brown Anthony Gregory Dem
Maryland Cummings Elijah E. Dem
Maryland Hoyer Steny Hamilton Dem
Maryland Raskin Jamin B. “Jamie” Dem Y    🔺
Maryland Ruppersberger III Charles Albert Dutch “C.A. Dutch” Dem
Maryland Sarbanes John Peter Spyros Dem
Maryland Trone David Dem
Massachusetts Clark Katherine M. Dem
Massachusetts Keating William Richard “Bill” Dem
Massachusetts Kennedy III Joseph Patrick “Joe” Dem
Massachusetts Lynch Stephen F. Dem
Massachusetts McGovern James P. “Jim” Dem Y
Massachusetts Moulton Seth W. Dem Y
Massachusetts Neal Richard E. Dem
Massachusetts Pressley Ayanna S. Dem Y
Massachusetts Trahan Lori Loureiro Dem
Michigan Dingell Debbie Dem
Michigan Kildee Daniel T. “Dan” Dem Y
Michigan Lawrence Brenda Lulenar Dem Y
Michigan Levin Andy Dem Y
Michigan Slotkin Elissa Dem
Michigan Stevens Haley Dem
Michigan Tlaib Rashida Dem Y
Minnesota Craig Angela Dawn “Angie” Dem
Minnesota McCollum Betty Dem Y
Minnesota Omar Ilhan Dem Y
Minnesota Peterson Collin Clark Dem
Minnesota Phillips Dean Dem
Mississippi Thompson Bennie G. Dem Y
Missouri Clay Jr. William Lacy Dem Y
Missouri Cleaver II Emanuel Dem
Nevada Horsford Steven Alexzander Dem
Nevada Lee Susan Kelley “Susie” Dem
Nevada Titus Alice Costandina “Dina” Dem
New Hampshire Kuster Ann McLane “Annie” Dem
New Hampshire Pappas Christopher C. “Chris” Dem
New Jersey Gottheimer Joshua S. “Josh” Dem
New Jersey Kim Andrew “Andy” Dem
New Jersey Malinowski Tom Dem Y
New Jersey Norcross Donald W. Dem
New Jersey Pallone Jr. Frank Dem
New Jersey Pascrell Jr. William J. “Bill” Dem Y
New Jersey Payne Jr. Donald M. Dem
New Jersey Sherrill Rebecca Michelle “Mikie” Dem
New Jersey Sires Albio Dem
New Jersey Van Drew Jeff Dem
New Jersey Watson Coleman Bonnie Dem
New Mexico Haaland Debra A. “Deb” Dem
New Mexico Lujan Ben Ray Dem
New Mexico Torres Small Xochitl Dem
New York Brindisi Anthony J. Dem
New York Clarke Yvette D. Dem Y
New York Delgado Antonio Dem
New York Engel Eliot Lance Dem
New York Espaillat Adriano Dem Y
New York Higgins Brian M. Dem Y

see comment

New York Jeffries Hakeem S. Dem
New York Lowey Nita M. Dem
New York Maloney Carolyn Bosher Dem Y
New York Maloney Sean Patrick Dem
New York Meeks Gregory Weldon Dem
New York Meng Grace Dem
New York Morelle Joseph D. “Joe” Dem
New York Nadler Jerrold Lewis “Jerry” Dem
New York Ocasio-Cortez Alexandria Dem Y
New York Rice Kathleen M. Dem Y
New York Rose Max N. Dem
New York Serrano Jose Enrique Dem
New York Suozzi Thomas R. “Tom” Dem
New York Tonko Paul David Dem Y
New York Velázquez Nydia Margarita Dem Y
North Carolina Adams Alma Shealey Dem Y
North Carolina Butterfield Jr. George Kenneth “G. K.” Dem Y
North Carolina Price David Eugene Dem
Ohio Beatty Joyce B. Dem
Ohio Fudge Marcia L. Dem Y
Ohio Kaptur Marcia Carolyn “Marcy” Dem
Ohio Ryan Timothy J. “Tim” Dem Y
Oklahoma Horn Kendra Dem
Oregon Blumenauer Earl Dem Y
Oregon Bonamici Suzanne M. Dem Y
Oregon DeFazio Peter Anthony “Pete” Dem
Oregon Schrader Walter Kurt “Kurt” Dem
Pennsylvania Boyle Brendan F. Dem Y
Pennsylvania Cartwright Matthew Alton “Matt” Dem
Pennsylvania Dean Cunnane Madeleine Dem Y    🔺
Pennsylvania Doyle Michael F. “Mike” Dem
Pennsylvania Evans Dwight Dem Y
Pennsylvania Houlahan Christina Jampoler “Chrissy” Dem
Pennsylvania Lamb Conor James Dem
Pennsylvania Scanlon Mary Gay Dem Y    🔺
Pennsylvania Wild Susan Ellis Dem
Rhode Island Cicilline David N. Dem Y   🔺
Rhode Island Langevin James R. “Jim” Dem
South Carolina Clyburn James Enos “Jim” Dem
South Carolina Cunningham Joseph K. “Joe” Dem
Tennessee Cohen Stephen Ira “Steve” Dem Y    🔺
Tennessee Cooper James H. S. “Jim” Dem
Texas Allred Colin Dem
Texas Castro Joaquin Dem Y
Texas Cuellar Henry R. Dem
Texas Doggett II Lloyd Alton Dem Y
Texas Escobar Veronica Dem Y    🔺
Texas Fletcher Elizabeth Pannill “Lizzie” Dem
Texas Garcia Sylvia R. Dem
Texas Gonzalez Vicente Dem
Texas Green Alexander “Al” Dem Y
Texas Jackson Lee Sheila Dem Y
Texas Johnson Eddie Bernice Dem
Texas Veasey Marc Allison Dem
Texas Vela Filemon B. Dem Y
Utah McAdams Ben Dem
Vermont Welch Peter F. Dem
Virginia Beyer Jr. Donald Sternoff “Don” Dem Y
Virginia Connolly Gerald Edward “Gerry” Dem
Virginia Luria Elaine G. Dem
Virginia McEachin Aston Donald “Donald” Dem
Virginia Scott Robert Cortez “Bobby” Dem
Virginia Spanberger Abigail A. Dem
Virginia Wexton Jennifer T. Dem
Washington DelBene Suzan Kay Dem see comment
Washington Heck Dennis “Denny” Dem
Washington Jayapal Pramila Dem Y    🔺
Washington Kilmer Derek Dem
Washington Larsen Richard Ray “Rick” Dem
Washington Schrier Kim Dem
Washington Smith David Adam “Adam” Dem
Wisconsin Kind Ronald James “Ron” Dem
Wisconsin Moore Gwendolynne S. “Gwen” Dem Y
Wisconsin Pocan Mark Dem Y
Alabama Aderholt Robert Brown GOP
Alabama Brooks Jr. Morris J. “Mo” GOP
Alabama Byrne Bradley Roberts GOP
Alabama Palmer Gary GOP
Alabama Roby Martha GOP
Alabama Rogers Michael Dennis “Mike” GOP
Alaska Young Donald E. “Don” GOP
Arizona Biggs Andy GOP
Arizona Gosar Paul Anthony GOP
Arizona Lesko Debbie GOP
Arizona Schweikert David GOP
Arkansas Crawford Eric Alan “Rick” GOP
Arkansas Hill James French “French” GOP
Arkansas Westerman Bruce GOP
Arkansas Womack Stephen A. “Steve” GOP
California Calvert Kenneth S. “Ken” GOP
California Cook Paul GOP
California Hunter Duncan Duane GOP
California LaMalfa Doug GOP
California McCarthy Kevin GOP
California McClintock Thomas “Tom” GOP
California Nunes Devin Gerald GOP
Colorado Buck Kenneth R. “Ken” GOP
Colorado Lamborn Douglas L. “Doug” GOP
Colorado Tipton Scott Randall GOP
Florida Bilirakis Gus Michael GOP
Florida Buchanan Vernon “Vern” GOP
Florida Diaz-Balart Mario GOP
Florida Dunn Neal Patrick GOP
Florida Gaetz Matt GOP
Florida Mast Brian GOP
Florida Posey William “Bill” GOP
Florida Rooney Francis GOP
Florida Rutherford John GOP
Florida Spano Vincent Ross “Ross” GOP
Florida Steube Greg W. GOP
Florida Waltz Michael “Mike” GOP
Florida Webster Daniel “Dan” GOP
Florida Yoho Theodore Scott “Ted” GOP
Georgia Allen Richard Wallen “Rick” GOP
Georgia Carter Earl Leroy “Buddy” GOP
Georgia Collins Douglas Allen “Doug” GOP
Georgia Ferguson IV Anderson Drew “Drew” GOP
Georgia Graves Jr. John Thomas “Tom” GOP
Georgia Hice Jody B. GOP
Georgia Loudermilk Barry D. GOP
Georgia Scott James Austin “Austin” GOP
Georgia Woodall III William Robert “Rob” GOP
Idaho Fulcher Russ GOP
Idaho Simpson Michael Keith “Mike” GOP
Illinois Bost Michael J. “Mike” GOP
Illinois Davis Rodney L. GOP
Illinois Kinzinger Adam GOP
Illinois LaHood Darin McKay GOP
Illinois Shimkus John M. GOP
Indiana Baird James R. “Jim” GOP
Indiana Banks James E. “Jim” GOP
Indiana Brooks Susan W. GOP
Indiana Bucshon Larry D. GOP
Indiana Hollingsworth III Joseph A. “Trey” GOP
Indiana Pence Gregory J. “Greg” GOP
Indiana Walorski Jackie Swihart GOP see comment
Iowa King Steven A. “Steve” GOP
Kansas Estes Ron GOP
Kansas Marshall Roger W. GOP
Kansas Watkins Steve GOP
Kentucky Barr Garland “Andy” GOP
Kentucky Comer James R. GOP
Kentucky Guthrie Steven Brett “Brett” GOP
Kentucky Massie Thomas H. GOP
Kentucky Rogers Harold Dallas “Hal” GOP
Louisiana Abraham Jr. Ralph Lee GOP
Louisiana Graves Garret GOP
Louisiana Higgins Clay GOP
Louisiana Johnson James Michael “Mike” GOP
Louisiana Scalise Stephen J. “Steve” GOP
Maryland Harris Andrew P. “Andy” GOP
Michigan Amash Justin GOP Y
Michigan Bergman John W. “Jack” GOP
Michigan Huizenga William P. “Bill” GOP
Michigan Mitchell III Paul GOP
Michigan Moolenaar John GOP
Michigan Upton Frederick Stephen “Fred” GOP
Michigan Walberg Timothy L. “Tim” GOP
Minnesota Emmer Jr. Thomas Earl “Tom” GOP
Minnesota Hagedorn James “Jim” GOP
Minnesota Stauber Peter Allen “Pete” GOP
Minnesota Stauber Peter Allen “Pete” GOP
Mississippi Guest Michael Patrick GOP
Mississippi Kelly John Trent “Trent” GOP
Mississippi Palazzo Steven McCarty GOP
Missouri Graves Jr. Samuel B. “Sam” GOP
Missouri Hartzler Vicky Jo GOP
Missouri Long Billy GOP
Missouri Luetkemeyer W. Blaine GOP
Missouri Smith Jason T. GOP
Missouri Wagner Ann L. GOP
Montana Gianforte Greg GOP
Nebraska Bacon Donald John “Don” GOP
Nebraska Fortenberry Jeffrey Lane “Jeff” GOP
Nebraska Smith Adrian M. GOP
Nevada Amodei Mark Eugene GOP
New Jersey Smith Christopher Henry “Chris” GOP
New York Collins Christopher Carl “Chris” GOP
New York Katko John M. GOP
New York King Peter T. “Pete” GOP
New York Reed II Thomas W. “Tom” GOP
New York Stefanik Elise M. GOP
New York Zeldin Lee Michael GOP
North Carolina Budd Theodore Paul “Ted” GOP
North Carolina Foxx Virginia Ann GOP
North Carolina Holding George Edward Bell GOP
North Carolina Hudson Jr. Richard Lane GOP
North Carolina McHenry Patrick Timothy GOP
North Carolina Meadows Mark Randal GOP
North Carolina Rouzer David Cheston GOP
North Carolina Walker Bradley Mark “Mark” GOP
North Dakota Armstrong Kelly M. GOP
Ohio Balderson Troy GOP
Ohio Chabot Steven J. “Steve” GOP
Ohio Davidson Warren GOP
Ohio Gibbs Robert Brian “Bob” GOP
Ohio Gonzalez Anthony E. GOP
Ohio Johnson Bill GOP
Ohio Jordan James D. “Jim” GOP
Ohio Joyce David P. “Dave” GOP
Ohio Latta Robert Edward “Bob” GOP
Ohio Stivers Steve E. GOP
Ohio Turner Michael R. “Mike” GOP
Ohio Wenstrup Brad R. GOP
Oklahoma Cole Thomas Jeffery “Tom” GOP
Oklahoma Hern Kevin R. GOP
Oklahoma Lucas Frank D. GOP
Oklahoma Mullin Markwayne GOP
Oregon Walden Gregory Paul “Greg” GOP
Pennsylvania Fitzpatrick Brian K. GOP
Pennsylvania Joyce John GOP
Pennsylvania Kelly Jr. George J. “Mike” GOP
Pennsylvania Marino Thomas Anthony “Tom” GOP
Pennsylvania Meuser Daniel P. “Dan” GOP
Pennsylvania Perry Scott G. GOP
Pennsylvania Reschenthaler Guy L. GOP
Pennsylvania Smucker Lloyd K. GOP
Pennsylvania Thompson Glenn William “G.T.” GOP
South Carolina Duncan Jeffrey D. “Jeff” GOP
South Carolina Norman Jr. Ralph W. GOP
South Carolina Rice Jr. Hugh T. “Tom” GOP
South Carolina Timmons IV William R. GOP
South Carolina Wilson Addison Graves “Joe” GOP
South Dakota Johnson Dustin “Dusty” GOP
Tennessee Burchett Tim GOP
Tennessee DesJarlais Scott Eugene GOP
Tennessee Fleischmann Charles J. “Chuck” GOP
Tennessee Green Mark E. GOP
Tennessee Kustoff David GOP
Tennessee Roe David Philip “Phil” GOP
Tennessee Rose John W. GOP
Texas Arrington Jodey Cook GOP
Texas Babin Brian GOP
Texas Brady Kevin Patrick GOP
Texas Burgess Michael C. GOP
Texas Carter John Rice GOP
Texas Cloud Michael J. GOP
Texas Conaway K. Michael “Mike” GOP
Texas Crenshaw Daniel “Dan” GOP
Texas Flores William “Bill” GOP
Texas Gohmert Jr. Louis B. “Louie” GOP
Texas Gooden Lance GOP
Texas Granger Kay N. GOP
Texas Hurd William “Will” GOP
Texas Marchant Kenny Ewell GOP
Texas McCaul Michael T. GOP
Texas Olson Peter Graham “Pete” GOP
Texas Ratcliffe John Lee GOP
Texas Roy Chip GOP
Texas Taylor Nicholas V. “Van” GOP
Texas Thornberry William McClellan “Mac” GOP
Texas Weber Randy GOP
Texas Williams Roger GOP
Texas Wright Ron GOP
Utah Bishop Robert William “Rob” GOP
Utah Curtis John GOP
Utah Stewart Chris GOP
Virginia Cline Benjamin Lee “Ben” GOP
Virginia Griffith H. Morgan “Morgan” GOP
Virginia Riggleman III Denver Lee GOP
Virginia Wittman Robert J. “Rob” GOP
Washington Herrera Beutler Jaime Lynn GOP
Washington McMorris Rodgers Cathy Ann GOP
Washington Newhouse Daniel Milton “Dan” GOP
West Virginia McKinley David Bennett GOP
West Virginia Miller Carol Devine GOP
West Virginia Mooney Alexander Xavier “Alex” GOP
Wisconsin Duffy Sean P. GOP
Wisconsin Gallagher Michael John “Mike” GOP
Wisconsin Grothman Glenn S. GOP
Wisconsin Sensenbrenner Jr. Frank James “Jim” GOP
Wisconsin Steil Bryan George GOP
Wyoming Cheney Elizabeth “Liz” GOP
North Carolina Jones Jr. (RIP) Walter B. GOP Open
North Carolina GOP Vacant Office

Side note: Have you ever noticed how many members of Congress are Juniors or II/III/IV in their family?

None will be women.

UPDATED — 12:00 a.m. 18-JUN-2019 —

Rep. Katie Porter from CA-45, a moderately conservative district including Orange County, threw her support behind an impeachment inquiry.

I saw a mention of 67 Dems now supporting an inquiry but I only have 64. If you know of any other House members who have now said they support an impeachment inquiry, please let me know. Thanks.

UPDATED — 5:00 p.m. 19-JUN-2019 —

Thanks to community member harpie who shared a link to NBC’s latest whip count which showed 66 House Dems and 1 House GOP member supporting an impeachment inquiry. NBC’s list deviated from CNN’s in that NBC did not include Brenda Lulenar Lawrence (D-MI) and Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX). Newly added supporters are in boldface.

[1] NBC also showed Harley Rouda as a Yes in a previous iteration but has now offered a correction:

CORRECTION (May 30, 2019, 1:25 p.m. ET): An earlier version of this article misstated the position of Rep. Harley Rouda, D-Calif., on beginning an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump. Rouda has said he supports an impeachment inquiry only if Trump does not comply with congressional subpoenas, not before.

Nice fence sitting, Rouda, hope your pants are adequately padded. Does this include obstruction by staff/ex-staff who refuse to comply with subpoenas or no? Anybody in Rouda’s district want to call and find out which side of the fence Rouda is on today after Hope Hicks refusal to cooperate with the House?

UPDATED — 5:00 p.m. 19-JUN-2019 —

Adding Brian Higgins (D-NY) as a Yes:

UPDATED — 7:30 p.m. 20-JUN-2019 —

Community member harpie shares these latest additions to the Yes column:

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)

Rep. Tony Cardenas (D-CA)

Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-NY)

And community member P.J. Evans shares this link reporting Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL) has also joined the Yes chorus.

Productive day on the Yes front. Wonder how much was because of Hope Hicks’ and White House intransigent responses to questioning. House GOP caucus is still fully behind the scofflaw-in-chief, save for Justin Amash (D-MI).

UPDATED — 7:45 a.m. 21-JUN-2019 —

I’ve made a change to the spreadsheet to indicate which members of the House Judiciary Dems support an impeachment inquiry. 13 out of 24 members currently do — that’s critical mass. Chair Jerry Nadler is a likely supporter given his submission of a resolution last year for impeachment, but as chair he may be obligated to hold back until he has reached some threshold internal to the committee. Here’s the breakdown:

House Judiciary Committee Democrats   🔺 = For Inquiry
Cedric Richmond, Louisiana   🔺
David Cicilline, Rhode Island   🔺
Eric Swalwell, California   🔺
Greg Stanton, Arizona   🔺
Jamie Raskin, Maryland   🔺
Joe Neguse, Colorado   🔺
Madeleine Dean, Pennsylvania   🔺
Mary Gay Scanlon, Pennsylvania, Vice Chair   🔺
Pramila Jayapal, Washington   🔺
Steve Cohen, Tennessee   🔺
Ted Lieu, California   🔺
Val Demings, Florida   🔺
Veronica Escobar, Texas   🔺
Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, Florida   🔺
Hakeem Jeffries, New York
Hank Johnson, Georgia
Jerrold Nadler, New York, Chairman
Karen Bass, California
Lou Correa, California
Lucy McBath, Georgia
Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas
Sylvia Garcia, Texas
Ted Deutch, Florida
Zoe Lofgren, California

If your representative is one of the House Judiciary Committee Dems who have not yet thrown their support behind an impeachment inquiry, your calls matter the most right now. With all HJC Dems on board, Nadler has the political will power aligned to begin pursuit of an inquiry.

UPDATED — 1:30 p.m. 21-JUN-2019 —

Add another Yes on the board supporting impeachment inquiry:

UPDATED — 5:50 p.m. 21-JUN-2019 —

Two more House Dems now support an impeachment inquiry — one of them is a House Judiciary member, too. That’s 14 of 24 or 58% of the committee now behind an inquiry.

Rep. Debbie Muscarsel-Powell (D-FL):

And Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) changed his position.

If you call your representative, please share the results of your call in comments. Thanks. If comments close here soon because the post gets knocked down by other content, I will put up a new Whip It post.

120 replies
  1. Rayne says:

    Have I contacted my representative? No — I need to. I have zero faith he will support an inquiry because he’s both incredibly stupid and a spineless GOP rubber stamper. I’d love to know what the party or its oligarchic sponsors have on him, though.

    If this state’s gerrymandering ends up tossed his seat will be at risk. I can only hope this happens sooner rather than later.

      • P J Evans says:

        I think I still have the one the Spine campaign people put out, back around 2003. It would be wroth bringing back. (Looks like a woodcut or lino block print, white spine on black.)

        • P J Evans says:

          Found the original – it’s a pdf for printing your own postcards. The Backbone campaign, 2006. I also found small images a couple of years ago – the PNG is 600×768. Let me know where to send it/them.

  2. Geoff says:

    I just sent a strongly worded letter (email) to 12th district NJ, Bonnie Watson Coleman, and clicked the box that I would like a reply. (Which will be a form email, thx for your correspondence, and then an email sub that I cant unsub to. But I did it anyway.) I will follow up with my Senator next. “Implore” doesn’t even begin to describe it…more like outright begging.

  3. Democritus says:

    Speaking of the all the noplant hashtags and late planting in many of the places that were flooded like Nebraska, Dems need to point out how those events will just be getting worse as we warm globally.

  4. OldTulsaDude says:

    I telephoned the only Democratic representative in my state, although I am not in her district.

    • Rayne says:

      Thanks for putting in the effort but you should really only call your own representative. Calls outside the district aren’t logged.

      • Tracy Lynn says:

        I’m very disappointed in my rep: Zoe Lofgren, representing CA District 19. She totally crushed the opposition in her last election, so I feel there should be no blowback for a yes on starting impeachment inquiries. I’m calling her office tomorrow. I’m also very disappointed in our Bay Area congressional delegation. I thought about calling my former rep, Anna Eschoo, with whom I had a political relationship about 25 years ago. She isn’t a yes either. Ro Kanna represents people in my city–I feel Ishould reach out to him as well. Does it really matter that they don’t log people not in their district?

        • P J Evans says:

          What I’ve done in the past is to use the address of a library in their district – most libraries have computers that connect to the internet, and they’re not likely to check further than “is it our district?”

        • Mary McCurnin says:

          I use the address of the politician with a slight change in the numbers. But this is for emailing when I do it.

        • Rayne says:

          Yes, it matters that you call your rep and not others. If you’re on other reps’ phones they aren’t taking calls from their own constituents. It would be better to find friends/family who live in Eschoo’s and Khanna’s districts to call them.

          You might try looking for an Indivisible or Swing Left group in those districts to see if they are doing any outreach door-to-door and help them if you can.

        • Rayne says:

          No really good excuse for the rep from a D+24 district not to be a leader pressing for impeachment inquiry.

          Granted, CA-19 is more Asian than average and more Latinx, but Lofgren should already have a solid communications system in place to ensure solid messaging toward minority constituents with regard to supporting an inquiry.

          (Sorry, had meant to add this to my other comment about calling your own rep but I got hung up in analysis. Oops.)

        • Tracy Lynn says:

          ;-) Thank you for the suggestion about reaching out to my local Indivisible group. I have a couple of friends who participate in their potlucks and they’re always inviting me.

  5. AitchD says:

    Waiting on the reset election for NC Ninth District (Charlotte, 2020 Republican convention site).

  6. Jason Stephens says:

    I called my Rep. Pelosi and spoke to an aide. Needless to say there was no positive response (sorry for stating the obvious but thought I’d put it on the record here).


    • Rayne says:

      Thanks, Jason, appreciate the effort. You’re one of her constituents and your call matters most to her. If you have any friends or family in the district, please recruit them to call as well.

  7. d4v1d says:

    have called my rep and senators and asked them NOT to join this fool’s game. what doesn’t remove Trump will just make him stronger. Let the voters do it. We need more Senators, not political stunts.

    • Rayne says:

      Thanks for playing. Now what exactly are you going to do to realize your stated belief that we need more senators?

      And it’d be nice if you actually said who you called.

  8. Eureka says:

    Kaptur of OH is giving a very strange-sounding interview on Hardball (to Kornacki subbing). Asked if thinks Trump obstructed justice per MR, she says ~ too many redactions to be able to tell.

    More strangeness and I don’t want to misquote (~ you had to be there/see it~), but interview just concluded and she came down as a “No.”

    Lots of room for constituent education of the rep here, lol.

    • P J Evans says:

      It sounds like she needs to read it. (I have the PDF, and epub, and I ordered the WaPo dead-tree version, because it has a timeline and a list of the players. It’s still only half the length of the Final Report of the House Judiciary Committee after Watergate, in the mass-market edition.)

      • Eureka says:

        Agree- per her words and other actions when Kornacki directly asked ~ ‘Based on your reading of the MR (Q as to obstruction),’~ it didn’t seem that she had done so.

    • Eureka says:

      To clarify, she said No to impeachment _inquiry_ at this time, even though Kornacki at least twice made it clear that he was talking about inquiry so as to get the hearings/ investigations that Kaptur said that she wanted.

      No clips available that I can find, which is unfortunate because I suspect the exchange may be illustrative of a lot “low-info” reps, i.e. those not on certain committees (as she stated) or not otherwise hugely motivated to outlearn leadership talking points on this issue.

  9. harpie says:

    I’m not on Face Book, but the Mueller Book Club seems to be going strong:
    6:45 PM – 17 Jun 2019

    Another Monday night, another 1,200+ for the #MuellerBookClub, not counting those watching on Facebook! If you missed it we had spirited discussion on impeachment with former Congresswoman Liz Holtzman and a masterclass on obstruction from @NoahBookbinder: [link]

    • harpie says:

      Holzman transcript:

      Now there’s some people who say let’s wait for the next election. And, I want to say, the Framers of the Constitution thought about this exact question, because when they proposed impeachment, people got up as a delegation in Philadelphia and said what do we need impeachment for, we have the next election.

      And guess what happened. That point of view lost. Because the Framers of the Constitution understood the danger that a President of the United States could pose to our democracy in any period of time that he or she is in office. That debate, that debate, that issue was solved at the Convention in Philadelphia.

      And there’s some who say let’s not start an impeachment inquiry because it divides the country. Think about what happened during Watergate. Watergate, and the impeachment inquiry and the articles of impeachment united America. Why did it unite us? It didn’t unite us as Democrats or as Republicans. It united us as Americans because what we said was that more important than anything is the rule of law.

      An impeachment inquiry conducted properly, vindicates the rule of law.

  10. CD54 says:

    To be honest, the naivete on this site with respect to politics is glaring. The House should have known long ago that the political move is to pass more, extremely strangling Russian sanctions — while linking them to Russia’s refusal to extradite every single person indicted in the Special Counsel’s Office Russian hacking Indictments and framing it in terms of National Security for U.S. elections.

    Force the Senate and Trump to publicly defend Russian Army attacks on U.S. elections. Let the Senate and Trump shut down the government again to protect the Russian Army’s attacks on United States elections. And run national ads showing the Trump-Putin Master/Slave video from Helsinki non-stop.

    • fpo says:

      On the other hand, in the face of a potential wag-the-dog war with Iran (on behalf of others in the Middle East, no less), fails on infrastructure and healthcare, an inhumane if not illegal policy and tactics (think ‘kids in cages’) on the southern border, trade wars (read failed/no trade policy) with key trading partners like Canada, Mexico, China, certain W. European countries and others, an intransigent GOP-led Senate, a musical-chairs Cabinet, the findings and Constitutional implications of the Mueller Report, multiple on-going investigations including Stone, the SDNY, etc. and so on, RU sanctions may have a difficult time rising to the top of voters’ concerns now and in 2020.

      Which is not to say that I may not be one of the ‘politically naive’ you refer to, but it sure seems that Trump et al. have already persuaded his minions that no one has ever been tougher on Russia which, even if not entirely true, won’t stop him/them from continuing to say so. As for a shutdown, Mitch & Co. won’t have it, no matter how convinced Trump is that it’s the best idea going. They already tried that one.

      Playing the long game with no impeachment inquiry is likely to be as harmful to the Dems as it is helpful to Trump. Imagine how it is right now, but with a GOP House and Senate…no thank you.

      Read the report, read the Constitution. Do the right thing, before it’s too late.

      Anyway, KatiePorter (CA-45) does a much better job with this than I can:

      [ ]

  11. ernesto1581 says:

    Sent one off, followed up by phone call, to Peter Welch (VT), with Liz Holtzman’s remarks attached. (She was a great one, my rep. way back then.) I’m not sure where he stands at the moment, though: Pelosi’s secret plan to let Trump hang his ass by his own necktie, or an impeachment inquiry to be taken up and brought to a Sense of the House resolution to be thrown at the Senate.

    • bmaz says:

      Yeah, and I called Ruben Gallego. Greg Stanton is my congress person, but Ruben’s district is close and I have supported him strongly in the past.

  12. Stephen says:

    My rep, Rosa DeLauro, won re-election with 64.6% of the vote, so she isn’t exactly endangered except by a young left-wing primary challenge. I’m including her reply to my email. Of course it is a generic letter sent to anybody who writes on the issue. (I can be sure of this because I was careful to specify an impeachment inquiry as opposed to a rush to voting through articles of impeachment, yet the response shows no indication of this distinction.) She seems to be playing a careful game, akin to Speaker Pelosi’s though perhaps slightly more willing to consider impeachment as an end result.

    “Thank you for contacting me with your support for impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump. I appreciate your input, and welcome the opportunity to respond.

    As you may know, Special Counsel Mueller recently completed his investigation and submitted his final report to the Department of Justice. A redacted version of the report was then released to the public. Despite Attorney General Barr’s political spin after the release, the Mueller report details multiple instances in which President Trump attempted to obstruct justice and end the Special Counsel’s investigation. To quote Mueller and his team from Volume II of the report, ‘if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state.’

    As such, Congress and the American people deserve to see the full Mueller report and all of its underlying evidence, as well as hear directly from Special Counsel Robert Mueller on his team’s findings. I believe the report is cause for Congress to open investigations into any attempts by President Trump or members of his administration to obstruct justice. The American people deserve answers to their concerns, and it is Congress’ responsibility to investigate these concerns. You can be sure that I will continue to support a comprehensive investigation into any potential obstruction of justice by President Trump. I believe it is essential that these investigations begin and be allowed to proceed without interruption before impeachment proceedings. However, I will keep your views in mind should articles of impeachment come to the House floor for a vote.

    Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. Please do not hesitate to contact me on any other matter of interest to you in the future.”

  13. P J Evans says:

    The response I got from the latest email to Brad Sherman:

    Thank you for contacting me by e-mail. Letters and e-mail from Southern California are one of the best sources I have for new ideas and help me best understand what people in our area think about the important issues facing Congress.

    Only part of my job is voting in Washington. Another important part of my job is helping resolve problems that constituents are experiencing with federal agencies and answering questions about the government. Please visit our Constituent Services webpage which fully explains the ways in which my office can help [url deleted] .

    Note: If you have emailed a request for assistance with a federal agency, a caseworker from my office will be contacting you soon. To speak with a caseworker, please call the District Office at 818-501-9200.

    In addition to visiting my website [url deleted] please sign up for my newsletter [url deleted] or follow me on Facebook and Twitter for more useful information about what is going on in Congress and the San Fernando Valley.

    (I had also suggested in it that they fix their website, as many people don’t have either FB or Twitter and prefer to email him.)

  14. RWood says:

    OT: Shanahan just bowed out as SecDef.

    “More time with his family” (The domestic violence charges had nothing to do with it I’m sure)

    • fpo says:

      What a circus…suppose now we’ll get Pompeo as ‘official’ acting secretary for as long as they can get away with it.

      • P J Evans says:

        They’re going with the Sec of the Army. Who was a Raytheon lobbyist. Some speculation is there about another “acting” secretary, who will withdraw at about 200 days. (The legal limit is 210.)

        • fpo says:

          From Wikipedia re Sec. of Army, Mark Esper: “Prior to his current position, he served as vice president of government relations at Raytheon.”

          Is that the same Raytheon that makes guided missiles? The sort of missiles that no doubt are part of the pending/disputed arms sale to SA?

          Well, what d’ya know. Wonder where he’ll go when Trump’s done with him.

          Esper info: [ ]

          LOL re “Mulvaney” – good one, pjb!

    • Jenny says:

      Yep. All the president’s abusive men being exposed. And McConnell has yet to bring the Violence Against Women’s Act to the floor. Speaks volumes.

    • harpie says:
      10:13 AM – 18 Jun 2019

      EXCLUSIVE BACKSTORY: Behind the scenes, acting SecDef Shanahan has wrestled with how to handle a baseball bat attack in his family that turned bloody and ugly. He told Post all in lengthy interviews [WaPo]

      Links to:
      As Trump’s defense pick withdraws, he addresses violent domestic incidents; June 18 at 1:15 PM

      In the months that he has served as President Trump’s acting secretary of defense, Patrick Shanahan has worked to keep domestic violence incidents within his family private. His wife was arrested after punching him in the face, and his son was arrested after a separate incident in which he hit his mother with a baseball bat. Public disclosure of the nearly decade-old episodes would re-traumatize his young adult children, Shanahan said. […]

      …the details in this story…wow

      • Jenny says:

        Domestic violence impacts everyone in the family. I would like to hear his ex-wife’s side of the story now that his has been reported.

        • P J Evans says:

          The face-punching incident: she claims he hit her; he claims she hit him.
          The baseball-bat incident: kid beat her with a bat, causing serious injuries to her. Shanahan claims she’d been verbally abusing the kid.

        • Jenny says:

          Sad situation for all family members. Violence breeds violence. Children experiencing violence have the potential of becoming a violent individual. Children learn what they live.

  15. fpo says:

    I sent/tweeted @RepScott Perry (R, PA 10) links to Katie Porter’s impeachment FAQ and asked that he post it on his website so that his constituents might be better informed on issues. Not expecting anything from this Trumper and Freedom Caucus member, but I am hopeful that over time he’ll realize that his constituents (and they know who they are) are less and less likely to make the same mistake twice.

    In a similar vein, I’m patiently awaiting Sen. Toomey’s response to my question re specific steps PA has taken to mitigate foreign and/or domestic interference/hacking in upcoming elections, particularly in light of recent comments by Trump. So far, he’s speechless.

    In the meantime we’ll just keep on keepin’ on.

    • P J Evans says:

      I just sent the link to Sherman – i know he’s for impeachment, but I said that it would benefit his constituents if he posted the link or the entire PDF, with credit to her.

    • Eureka says:

      LOL fpo, now you’re the one with the too-kind, mild language (‘patiently awaiting’ anything as regards Toomey). I would love to see that response if you ever get one, which I doubt because he’d have to credit Wolfe/etc/ with doing anything about our election security (re new machines, e.g.).

      • fpo says:

        Ha! Guilty as charged ;))

        Truth be told, I’ve been relentless with Toomey over the last 20 months or so. Trump’s last confessional with Stephanopoulos prompted the election security query. My questions or comments often don’t match any of the drop-down ‘topic’ options on his site, and I’ve been including ‘no reply necessary – or expected’ lately. But I’ll gladly post his response should I get one.

        It’s important to them know we’re out here, paying attention, taking notes, including when they get something right, tho Wolf seems to get most of those.

        • Eureka says:

          I was going to comment above to someone else– Geoff, I think it was– that anyone who hands over an email address for a reply is indeed _brave_ (re lists for life…). Outgoing communiques only, here.

          So for that reason the only Toomey feedback I get is whatever’s public, and I’d love to see anything you can extract-mine out of that office.

          (also bugging me *Wolf above in my reply. I usually ignore typos/autocorrects after-the-edit-window but it’s a name, so, *.)

          ETA: on his (or anyone’s) getting it right: that one time Toomey dared to put out that wiffling tweet-thread about voting against Trump’s emergency declaration: I took full credit for that victory (“I” meaning citizen callers/writers) because _he_ clearly could not stand to take credit for that vote himself.

        • fpo says:

          Point taken on the e/m address; decision wasn’t made lightly. Having done consulting work for one (D) administration here and spent enough time in the belly of the beast, I said f**k it – most of my communiques read like an op-ed piece anyway, and usually include a bit of self-deprecating humor to tamp down any potential for animosity…kill ’em with kindness. And any list that would have me as an item…well. ;))

          Yeah, Toomey is in for a penny, in for a pound with Trump. I remember his riff on the emergency declaration vote. I suspect he’d like a few more ‘opportunities’ like that one to curry favor with independents – my early ‘neighborhood’ research says PA won’t do Trump a 2nd time…but we’ll see – there’s no accounting for the aforementioned ‘security’ issues at hand.

          Wolf’s a decent guy, drives his Jeep to work every day…sure he’d look right past the typo!

  16. David says:

    I called Rep. Joe Courtney’s office in May and encouraged him to put whatever screws he can to Trump and his apologists and enablers. He (his office) responded by mail (in a letter dated May 30), writing, in part:

    “Thank you for contacting me regarding the possible impeachment of President Trump. … Like you, I have deep concerns about the conduct of President Trump, and many of those around him in his campaign and his administration, both leading up to the 2016 election and after he took office. I strongly support the full exercise of Congress’s constitutional power—and I would argue its constitutional duty—to thoroughly investigate the broad range of allegations regarding foreign interference in our elections, improprieties in the president’s finances, and the decisions and actions he has taken while in office. Regarding the Mueller report—which I have read—Congress has plenty more work to do to flesh out in public its findings of Russian interference in the 2016 election and obstruction of justice. …

    “Regarding the latter, Mueller’s most recent statement that if his office ‘had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,’ is a clarion call for Congress to exercise its oversight role. While Mueller may have been limited as an employee of the Justice Department in his ability to draw clear conclusions against a sitting president, Congress has no such limitations. Right now, at least six committees in the House … are conducting in-depth investigations into a broad slate of questions raised in Mueller’s report, as well as other critical matters beyond the report. While President Trump’s administration, as well as his personal attorneys, are attempting to block these investigations at every turn, the law—based on the Constitution—remains firmly on our side as a coequal branch of government.

    “At this time, I support allowing the committees to continue utilizing all of the tools available to Congress to dig into the issues raised in the Mueller report and other investigations. As a former attorney, I recognize how critical it is to gather as much evidence as possible before pursuing any course of action. These investigations, and whatever evidence they uncover, will guide what comes next, so it is essential that these committees have the chance to continue their work and collect the facts, testimony, and evidence needed. I am firmly committed to taking this process one step at a time to methodically uncover the truth, to inform the American public, and build the case for any steps that may be needed to ensure accountability wherever it is required.”

    I called Rep. Courtney’s office again this morning and asked if the congressman’s thinking has changed or evolved in any direction since the letter was sent. The person with whom I spoke didn’t know and said he’d find out.

    He took my mailing address. Blah, blah, blah …


    • Rayne says:

      Argh. Frustrating filibustering blah-de-blah. Time to call/write him again because a lot has happened in the last month.

      Thanks for exercising your civics and sharing the results.

  17. Tracy Lynn says:

    I called Zoe Lofgren’s DC ofc this morning. Not knowing how to approach this, I talked to the person who answered the phone who didn’t take my name, address, or any identifying information about me — thus wouldn’t know (and apparently didn’t care), if I was a constituent or not. Next I called Zoe’s local office and had a longer discussion with an aide who suggested I read the LA Times article ( about why she doesn’t support an impeachment inquiry. He also said I should call the DC office. I told him I already had and that they were disinterested in my comment. I expressed that I thought she should support an impeachment inquiry. It was duly noted. I hope this link is clean — I’m not up to speed on how exactly to post links here.

    • Rayne says:

      Do keep in mind when you call your phone number is logged. While it’s possible for someone to use a phone assigned any area code, most constituents in a district call using one of the area codes assigned to that district.

      • P J Evans says:

        It’s probably a lot easier if you’re in an area where there are “overlaid” area codes, like mine. (You are, if you have to dial 1 plus the area code for everything including the next-door neighbor.)

  18. Rayne says:

    Hey — anybody still wading around here looking for a little thought exercise?

    What would Articles of Impeachment against Pence look like?

    • P J Evans says:

      That’s a good question.
      There’s his mismanagement of the transition team: he ignored warnings about Flynn.
      There’s how he got picked to be the VP candidate, in the first place – that’s never really been explained. (I can’t see Tr*mp picking him, without a big push or a heft financial incentive.)
      There’s his apparent influence on those “religious freedom” bills that are about getting government backing for particular sects, and f*ck everyone else.

      • Eureka says:

        5 U.S. Code § 3331 – Oath of office

        5 U.S. Code § 3331. Oath of office

        An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.
        (Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 424.)

  19. harpie says:

    6:11 AM – 19 Jun 2019

    Speaker Pelosi to view less unredacted Mueller report this week, she tells us at Christian Science Monitor breakfast this morning.
    “The times have found us.”
    BUT Pelosi again rejects calls to begin impeachment now. At the same time, she rejects idea of censuring Trump.
    “I think censure is just a way out. If you want to go, you gotta go,” Pelosi says.
    “If the goods are there, you must impeach. Censure is nice but it is not commensurate with the violations of the constitution should we decide that’s the way to go.”

    2] Kyle Cheney responds:
    6:12 AM – 19 Jun 2019

    Pelosi changes course, says she’ll view the less-redacted Mueller report after initially resisting

    3] …to which Marcy responds:
    6:14 AM – 19 Jun 2019

    This is interesting bc some Dems have seen more detailed reports. It’s possible they’ve alerted her to details she should see.
    Importantly, MOST of the redactions hide Roger Stone’s efforts, which directly implicate Trump in optimizing Russia’s attack.

  20. Scott says:

    The essential truth of the matter is Dems will never impeach so long as Trump continues to receive to have the backing of a sizeable chunk of the US electorate. They’re just as scared of his base as GOP politicians are. Those voters are your real problem, Trump is just the symptom.

    • bmaz says:

      This is absolute garbage. The members of the House swear an oath to office. It is actually pretty specific. Polls and temporal personal politics are not a part of that oath, nor the Constitution, nor the Federalist papers authored by the Founders behind the Constitution to found and underlay it.

    • Rayne says:

      “Sizeable chunk of the electorate” is your personal bugbear. Trump didn’t win the popular vote. He won the electoral college with the help of Russian interference and multiple forms of voter suppression. The dynamics have changed along with four years’ worth of attrition — more young voters, fewer older voters, and the young ones are far more likely to vote for Democrats.

  21. Kick the darkness says:

    I called Takano’s office (CA 41). He was one of the reps that did the CSPAN “Read the Mueller Report” thing, but has not obviously come out endorsing impeachment. He is up in 2020, but its a D+12 district. There is no excuse for him to shirk away from this. Re “whip it good”. Devo at the palace from 87 or 88 something like that is an awesome live album, at least IMHO. Has aged well, even my kids rock out to it. “Takes courage to be a Devo fan these days”.

    • Rayne says:

      So your call to Takano yielded nothing new, is that what you’re saying? I am thinking about posting links in the spreadsheet to users’ results here in comments — a clear statement will be helpful to that end. Thanks.

      • Kick the darkness says:

        Aide was not available at the moment. So I just left my opinion and contact info. Followed up with email. If I get some answer regarding his position I’ll update.

        • Kick the darkness says:

          Takano’s office responded to my specifically worded query regarding his stance on impeachment. The response, in essence, laid out the case for impeachment without mentioning it, followed by a paragraph on the importance of holding Trump accountable for his actions and derelictions, again without referencing impeachment at all. So I take it his current position on impeachment is “the thing that must not be spoken aloud”. I appreciate the response, although obviously a disappointing one from my point of view.

        • bmaz says:

          Interesting. At least it is not a “no” I guess. Almost have more appreciation for those that will just say “nope” though rather than trying to wishy wash around the answer.

          And thank you for following up with the response.

  22. DAT says:

    Since your last thread on this I have heard from Rep. Walorski, R IN-2, by letter. (By the way, your commiseration for being represented by same is appreciated.) She again elided my (your) question to her, has she read the report? She references AG Barr’s “summary” as dispositive, and claims to be focused on “doing the people’s business.” I have not received the courtesy of even a brush off letter from my two Senators.

    • Rayne says:

      Thanks for sharing your results. I feel your pain. At least I have two Democratic senators who will take the time to respond in writing (thought they probably dread hearing from me LOL).

  23. errant aesthete says:

    Yesterday, called Susan del Bene (D-WA 1). Spoke to a mum staffer. Had a good-natured chat on the merits of impeachment and included Porter’s crossover in case she hadn’t heard.

    Today, after the hearing debacle that mortified me as an alum of “MustSeeTV,” I sent Congresswoman del Bene an email dripping (more like ‘drenched’) in sarcasm. An excerpt:

    “Every day, this party is being deservingly mocked and ridiculed. And this slow monotonous prime-time crawl is the preferred panacea to the “most despised President in America?””

    “…Meanwhile, continue as a party, to pat yourselves on the back for exposing the criminal our President is. With each failed Congressional hearing, Trump is being viewed as he sees himself — a winner who can get away with anything. Congratulations, he is.

    Finally, dare not break your losing streak by venturing out with a bit of muscle, might, and, dare I say, courage to even possibly consider impeachment. Too risky you say? No, just keep reassuring yourselves that you’re on the side of right and when has that ever failed you or us?”

    • bmaz says:

      Hi Kick The Darkness, have to agree. Just because you did not get the desired results is okay. What counts is that you tried. Keep doing so. del Bene is not lost at all, keep at it it. Some things,I hope/think we do agree on.

    • Rayne says:

      thanks — I should have added a spreadsheet to my post when I asked this a couple weeks ago so we could keep track.

Comments are closed.