Yevgeniy Nikulin Writes The Donald

Back in July, I noted that Vladimir Putin started waxing about independent hackers’ “art” as it looked more and more likely that Yevgeniy Nikulin, the guy DOJ has accused of hacking Linked In and MySpace, among others, would be extradited to the US.  Nikulin also made some news by alleging that back in February, the FBI Agent who had interrogated him in Prague had asked him about the election hack.

Now Nikulin has gone one better, writing to President Trump with his claim that he was asked to perjure himself by claiming credit for the DNC hack. (h/t ME)

Obviously, this might just be a ploy to garner attention and give Russia some ammunition to bolster their (thus far reportedly losing) claim that they should get custody of Nikulin for a minor hack rather than the US for a number of very major ones. It is a good way to get attention, especially given the way Trump keeps raising doubts about who hacked the DNC.

But it is actually not crazy to think Nikulin had a role in the DNC hack. One fairly credible alternative theory for the source of the DNC emails dealt to WikiLeaks is that someone used easily cracked credentials from Nikulin’s alleged breaches to obtain the email boxes of about 9 people at the DNC. If that were the case, it would raise the stakes for the logic behind the hacks Nikulin is alleged to have committed and the timing of the more public release of the stolen credentials.

In which case Nikulin’s appeal to Trump (who of course has shown zero interest in the plight of unjust DOJ claims for anyone else, even American citizens, since being elected) would be far more interesting — a way for Trump to personally intervene to prevent potentially damning information from landing in the hands of American prosecutors.

It’s the kind of thing that might come up in hour long conversations on the sidelines of meetings between Putin and Trump.

15 replies
  1. John Casper says:

    “It’s the kind of thing that might come up in hour long conversations on the sidelines of meetings between Putin and Trump.”

    Riveted by the narrative, the last sentence blindsided me.

    • SpaceLifeForm says:

      Apparently, Putin and Trump had an hour long meeting in private later that day.

      I bet they really only discussed borscht recipes.

  2. SpaceLifeForm says:

    OT?: U.S. Military’s Space in Trump Tower Costs $130,000 a Month

    [Trump change. May find in a passageway]

    The U.S. government is paying more than $130,000 a month to lease space in Trump Tower for the military office that supports the White House, even though Donald Trump hasn’t spent a night at the New York skyscraper since becoming president.

    [But daytime may be a different story]

  3. earlofhuntingdon says:

    An hour is a helluva long time. Bismarck could have overthrown France, toppled Napoleon III, and unified Germany in an hour.

  4. Evangelista says:

    Marcy: “[I]t is actually not crazy to think Nikulin had a role in the DNC hack.”

    If it is not ‘crazy’ it is ridiculous, and given the amount of real, actual and legitimately proofed evidence and testimony already of record in the DNC _leak_ matter, it is tenaciously desperate, desperately disingenuous or disingenuously naïve to assign Nikulin a “role” in the “DNC hack”. Holding with desperate tenacity to the fatuous narrative of “DNC hacked” in the face of flat and fundamental, not even tech-tangle-able basic evidences is growing more and more toward indicative of collusion with the ‘wanna-make-it-real’ narrators, for return value received, that must exceed, in the minds of the narrative supporting, the value resort to reason carries.

    In fact, and in reality, Nikulin’s assertion of being pressured by FBI (if not, and in addition to, other U.S. “justice” employee “professionals”) is able to stand on its own, by itself, without immediately accompanying supporting evidences. It is able to do so because what Niklnin asserts is not only common practice, but standard practice and standard operating procedure in United States “justice” practice. The FBI, the DOJ and all DAs and prosecuting attorneys, and even investigators asserting their offers “on the authorities of…” (which includes the FBI, which, legitimately, Comey’s “adjudicating” on behalf of Hillary for election purposes aside) all make exactly such offers to just about every class and level of arrestee, on regular and continual basis. In fact, all of the current “justice” systems in the current United States foundation on practices of, one, maximizing of charging, by exaggerating and by ‘stacking’, building “books” of multiple chargings all for and based upon the same allegation of offense, and, two, then, with these and threatenings of consecutive sentencing impositions, undertaking to coerce by intimidation the victims of these Constitutionally illegal intimidation and coercion practices to “bargain” for “reductions”, to give them sure wins and, ostensibly, “save money”..

    In nations with principle-based and reasonable and rational, civilized and civilly controlled legal systems these common-place United States practices are barred, banned or prohibited, and, therefore, are surprising to persons accused.

    It is therefore not surprising that someone like Nikulin would notice and be taken aback by such, to him and those unused to the American predatory prosecutor and ‘score-at-any-price’ prosecution environment, outageous, unethical, unreasonable, unprincipled and unlawful, and therefore incredible, practices. And, for this, not surprising that ones of them, like Nikulin, might assume that the executive at the top might not know of these pactices by the apparachik underlings below him, and might be interested to know, if not outraged, upon being informed these activities have gone on.

    Yes, Nikulin is naïve. As naíve as Warmbier was, who apparently thought swiping political posters would be as much a college-prank in North Korea as in Minneapolis or St. Paul.

    • bmaz says:

      Again, Evangelista, you have put forth nearly 500 words when you could have made the point and question in 75-100 or less. Why? Do you hate and disrespect us this much? What did we do to you?

      • greengiant says:

        Thinking everyone already pointed out Nikulin was signaling to Putin that he was not a snitch.  Also thinking Bmaz will confirm that it is standard operating procedure for law enforcement to lie to everyone,  at the border, at a traffic stop,  in Prague …  Once the perp or victim agrees with the lie,  then they have cause.  Best joke is when the cop says we are investigating X,Y,Z when they are investigating you.  Some claim if you say anything you have given up your 5th amendment privilege.  And your mother taught you to trust the police.   Prosecutorial abuse?  tell it to the whistleblowers and the unwanted like Jeffrey Sterling.

        • Evangelista says:


          I think you are essentially right, at least in saying that just about everyone has speculated Nikulin was “signaling to Putin that he was not a snitch”.  It fits the narrative, that every seeming freelance hacker in or around Russia is really a Russian Gov’t Operative.

          That’s why I thought it appropriate to point out that most places around the world Do Not have medieval Malleus Maleficarum based law systems, as the current Commercial Law Based United States has, and that for that it is more likely that Nikulin imagines that Trump does not know his country’s “justice” department has run to Torquemadan tortures (except for having, in a forelock-tug to the 20th century and the Amereican Psychiatric Association Torture Approval Board, advanced from physical to psychological torturing [tazers, waterboarding, attack-dog attacking, et al having been classified as “not torture¨ by the American Psychopath Associates.]), wherefore he most likely naïvely wrote to the “U.S. Boss” to advise him of what he imagined a sadistic subordinates’ departure from world recognized civilized norms.

          It is almost a dead certainty that it never for a moment occurred to the poor devil that his writing to Trump constituted, in Commercial United States Law, the heinous offense of “Whistleblowing”, casting him into the same mold (equivalent to the Spanish Inquisition Thumbscrew, but large enough to screw the whole “perpetrator” now, instead of “accused” as in the old days) as Jeffrey Sterling, where he will be similarly crushed in similar pattern (or into similar pattern).

          P.S.  Missing from your admirably full listing of current U.S. “justice” system practices is the time-honored judiciary practice of maximizing sentence-penalty for “wasting the court’s time” by pleading not guilty, and “failing to show remorse” when told by the court that one is, whether he committed the alleged acts or was only fingered by for-benefits-received jailhouse-snitching ‘prosecutor-partners’.

          We definitely need to hang the whole lot who have been participating in and perpetuating the current corruption of justice practices, from congress persons violating the Constitution by passing laws  not “reasonable and proper” to the supreme court justices finessing arbitrary “interpretations” based on imagined “intents” and often only Hamiltonian arguments and advocacies.  Then start over, holding the new lot to the intents and provisions of the Real United States Constitution (the Constitution as written, based on Presumption of Innocence, purposed to guarantee republican form government, for “We the People”, administered by servants of We the People mindful of being servants, owing, and not being owed, respect and obedience.

      • Evangelista says:

        bmaz:    “Evangelista, you have put forth nearly 500 words…”

        Under 500 words!  YEE-HAHH!!   I made it!  I MADE IT!!

        Thanks for counting, bmaz!  You’ve said I could do it;  I doubted.  So much explanation is so needed by so many…  So many have been so confused by so much “succinct” bullshitting…  I didn’t think I could…  But I did!  And you were right!  I finally managed a succinct explanation!!

        I’m so excited I can’t think of any more to add to this right now…

        It’s like being speechless right to the tips of my fingers!

  5. lefty665 says:

    Maybe it is a ploy, but maybe it is true. They’re into “he said, she said” territory now. Every now and then the FBI’s refusal to record interrogations comes back to bite them.  If it happens often enough maybe they’ll move into this millennium. Or maybe there is too much utility in having interrogations usually be anything the FBI wants them to be.

    Nice letter link Marcy:) Anybody around here read Cyrillic? Is this a test to see if anyone follows the links?

    • David @PwrChip says:

      Just watching CNN 360

      What they are reporting about Mueller’s investigation on Trump’s financials is probably going to eat at Trump so much that I bet Trump will fire Mueller tomorrow Friday July 21st!  This report is tightening the noose and that’s the way Trump will see it thus pushing him over the edge to do something stupid out of desperation.

      I hope otherwise but who really knows about Trump.

  6. David @PwrChip says:

    “Ambassador Sergey Kislyak’s accounts of two conversations with Sessions — then a top foreign policy adviser to Republican candidate Donald Trump — were intercepted by U.S. spy agencies”
    My take on this is Trump’s way to bypass Sessions’ Russian recusal by putting Sessions in jeopardy forcing him to step down then Trump’s replacement fires Mueller.
    I bet Putin and Trump came up with this conspiracy at that hour meeting they had at the G8 or G20 whatever that meeting was.

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