Rachel Needs to Start a “Hall of Afraid”
Rachel Maddow needs to start a Hall of Afraid of all the big talkers who talk a big show on Fox and elsewhere, but are afraid to go debate Rachel. Last week, Liz Cheney challenged Keith Olbermann to a duel, but refused to show up to debate Rachel. And now Joe Lieberman is hiding from a girl (albeit one who’s taller than Joe).
I also want to tell our viewers that we invited Senator Lieberman to come onto this show tonight. His office did not even bother to respond to our requests.
Senator Lieberman, you should know you have an open invitation — as you long have had — to come on this show. I promise you will get a fair shake. Actually, at this point, I promise to not only buy you a shake, I will buy you a cookie if you come on this show.
I’m envisioning YouTubes of all these invites, placed next to pictures of the cowards who refuse to defend their own ideas.
Some of Freep’s half digested trolls are still taller than Short Ride Liebertwit.
It was very smart of Rachel to offer a cookie instead of a brownie. After all, we all know what DFH’s put in brownies!
Oh, I dunno. I’ve had some finest kine chocolate chip cookies made from scratch.
I put diced green chilis in mine. What’s wrong with hot chocolate?
Hey man, I put chocolate in brownies, too.
the real question is who bought lieberman, and what did he take for screwing us on healthcare?
His wife is a shill for them.
Dude’s bought and paid for. Great suggestion, EW. Note how Joe the Neocon Mole uses their trademark “noble lie” shtick. He’s the poster boy for political Perkinsian hit men, the NSA-holes who’ve been perverting our shared narrative to their selfish benefit using weapons-grade lies since the advent of the Cold War and their hideous weaponization of psychology.
Believe it or not, The Men Who Stared At Goats is a perfect case in point. It was an effort to weaponize psychotechnics. See also Project MKULTRA, The CIA’s Program of Research in Behavioral Modification.
Theirs is a Newtonian cosmos of points in absolute vacuums; ours is a post-Einsteinian cosmos of seamless fields and self-emptying vessels. Just as no one word can contain its own source, there’s just no way a segment of a field can forever dominate the whole. By “connecting the dots,” busting their divisive myths, we come back together like water following a knife: indivisible by our very nature. This really is the source of the power of the people. It is not other than what we are doing right here and now.
And dustbbunny44, check out the great coverage by Glenn Greenwald on Democracy Now! this morning.
I think of him as more of a time-share with multiple owners.
I’d prefer her to hand out Chicken awards.
You know, like Chicken Little, Little Chicken, Southern
FrLied Chicken, or Dixie Chicken.Bawk, bawk bawk, bawk!
“…With a cluck-cluck here,
And a cluck-cluck there
Here a cluck, there a cluck,
Everywhere a cluck-cluck…”
Sheer genius, MadDog. I hope you see royalties rolling in very soon.
And if Rachel’s invitees relent and appear, she can promise them Chicken soup to make them feel better. *g*
Would you also consider a Banty-Rooster award? I nominate Rahm.
Although it may be an abuse of an already accepted term, I suggest calling them Chicken Hawks.
Oh, I think there are lots of candidates for a “Hall of Afraid,” and Lieberman is just one. Pelosi has never been interviewed by anyone she doesn’t know in advance agrees with her. Reid, same thing. Boehner, same thing. And these days, Obama, same thing. McCain and Levin are about the only ones who will talk to anyone, and I’m not sure if that’s courage or 15 minutes of fame syndrone.
And just when was it that McCain went on RMS or Countdown? I must have missed that show. Seems to me, he spends a lot of time on Meet the Press and Fox news. Neither has shown a willingness to actually question McCain and disagree with him.
Yeah, correct. But, I do think if invited, he would appear. I’ve seen him on Steph’s show. I’ve seen him on Hardball, not lately, but I have.
Anyway, the point is that ALL of them are afraid of sitting down with someone who might ask them tough questions.
But, I think Levin and McCain are more likely to.
Rachel and Glenn– a couple of heroes, IMHO ! I can hardly believe she has a show on corporate TV– hope it lasts for awhile….
OT – Just in case anyone has been jonesin’ for a Friday document dump, there exists the possibility that tomorrow will fix that – via Mother Jones:
I’m would think keith jumped at the oportunity, although I could see keith doing something like;
“tell your dad to stop hiding behind your skirt and come here himself to debate”
anyway, where has that challenge gone?
I just did a google search and can’t find the challenge or keiths reaction
It was on the website of her new foundation. It can be found at drippingbloodandtortureanddeath.com
It claimed Keith and Rachel were afraid of her, but they both challenged her to come on.
More OT – Via the NYT’s Charlie Savage:
This is the heart of Charlie’s article:
Yeah this is going to accomplish a whole hell of a lot with an Attorney General and President willing to cover everything up with blanket state secrets assertions and blithely tell the country to move forward. Gee thanks Obama.
I agree that if one has a puppet like either Fredo or Mumbles as AG, but the small glimmer of sunshine is the fact that civilian, non-Federal employees of the PIAB – Presidential Intelligence Advisory Board (and the subset IOB – Intelligence Oversight Board), have less incentive to protect Intelligence Community employees who go off the reservation than the Director of National Intelligence.
Small potatoes I agree, but from small potatoes bigger potatoes grow.
OT — Bit unlikely, I know, but: Any word on what may have happened in today’s (or was it really at 2:30a this morning after all?) FISA briefing?
Rachel is taller than Joe – what a kick. No wonder he is afraid to come on her show – some short men have trouble with taller women – particularly when they are smarter.
And totally OT – via Politco’s Josh Gerstein:
I think Josh’s headline was way, way understated *g*:
From a footnote on page 19:
And this one from page 29 had me laughing out loud:
As to Alan Keyes’ joinder in Taitz’s suit:
I got the sense that though he wouldn’t come right out and say so, the Judge’s thoughts were along the line of:
“Who let these squirrels out of their cage?”
Wait, Alan Keyes was in on this too? How — perfect. He’s the crazed radioactive cherry on this shit sundae.
Dingbat delenda est.
Jane’s up on Rahcel right now.
Jane on Rachel right now.
No blowjobs, but tops off!
The thought of Joe Lieberman with his top off is revolting.
Fun exchange between Jane and Rachel!
With Jane and Marcy envelope-stretching on MSNBC, I’m guessing the “M” in MSNBC is gonna now stand for “Mature”. *g*
Isn’t it wonderful?? Now I want to see Marcy and Rachel! Or all three of them together would work quite well.
Rachel and Marcy cannot be at the same place at the same time. Its just too risky.
Obama and Biden are occasionally in the same place at the same time, but not often.
Ms Rachel Maddow invokes deep seated fear and loathing in the panolopy of the right wing pantheon . It was a moment of great irony , wonderment , and justice to watch Rachel simple run over former GOP Leader Richard C Armey -as each tea bagger myth and astroturfed bullshyte argument was dismantled right there in front of God and everybody. The other great moments at TRMS was when David “AXIS OF EVIL ” Fromm came on and try to ambush Ms Maddow. Once again the right wing demagouge was handed his hat minus his ass. Ms Maddow does the progressive agenda proud.
And then to see that Rachel had caught this big ol ‘striped bass on her vacation apparently on light spinning tackle – with a large jig head and a red curly tail kicker – why that just sealed this middle aged married mancrush I have for her ,
Thank you for helping us keep up Ms Maddow – I was a fan even back when you were on Air America – you deserve your own prime time cable slot !
And more OT via The Cable:
Sounds like some weasel-wording going on here. The money comes out of DoD’s budget and not the CIA’s?
They do it through a front company; has been the way for decades. Of course he doesn’t get a fucking W-2 or 1099 form from them at year’s end; this is a worthless statement.
Yeah, I think
JelloJay Rock’s statement is the more telling one, and I read it as confirming the CIA/Ahmed Wali Karzai relationship.Regarding Rockefeller’s comment: Should we start a count of the CIA’s omissions? We know now that they have committed five lies (snort! snort!, or snark! snark!, whichever you prefer), so why not?
About time! Here in Australia, TV presenters bring up an issue, and if the relevant politician doesn’t show up, then the TV presenter invites an opposing politician to have a one-sided discussion! It is widely understood here that if a TV interviewer says, “The politician declined to be interviewed,” it means that politician has basically lost her or his argument.
But in America, the TV presenters seem to be competing to get access to these creeps and have to crawl and only ask softball questions. Somehow the dynamic got reversed in America. What happened?
Politicians in Australia fight for exposure on TV, but in America, journalists fight for access to politicians. Weird!
Nice to see good folks from Oz here.
What time is it there? What day is it there? *g*
Some here still use their access well. (Weiner, Wyden for example) But you’re right, why do they back off? Could be the Limbaugh factor. Do you have anyone as crazed as Rush on your soil?
MadDog, It’s 130 PM Friday 30th October 2009.
Loo Hoo, Yeah, there are some crazies with huge followings. One radio guy, Alan Jones, supported apartheid in South Africa and things like that. He is so powerful (huge audience of old people and far rightwingers) that the government assigns a government politician to stay updated on his latest rants.
If you are willing to speak for the extreme right, then there is plenty of work available for you. But don’t forget, Australia is in the middle of the political spectrum (like most democratic nations). In America your choice is Right (Democrats) and Far-Right (Republicans). We have mildly-Left (Labor) and mildly-Right (Liberal).
one of the most astute comments relating to political preferance I have seen in a long time
democrats should use that when on teevee
as a matter of fact, dean should have used that when he debated rove, rove used a statistic claiming a majority of americans refer to themselves as “concervative”
if dean had your paragraph in the “debate folder” of his brain he would have whipped that out and rove would have went nutzo
OT – but, too Funny:
“Chris Christie says Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine should quit hinting at his weight with unflattering ads and “Man up and say I’m fat.””
the oily taint fot slapped by another judge ???
what a surprise
do these people ever get a clue ???
and with regard to “brownies”: you can put chilis or chocolate chips, but if yer butter ain’t green, yer jes wastin yet time
and cookies are better than brownies folks …
jes sayin, is all
While I celebrate Rachel’s efforts to shine the light on many issues. She is obviously brilliant.
But Rachel has her own ” Hall of afraid” issues that she will not touch on her program. The one time she mentioned the Aipac espionage trial was once it was dismissed. She never ever touched this issue while Rosen/Weissman were being investigated or while the trial was being delayed 9 times. When she did mention it it was done in a way that was dismissive and “much ado about nothing”
She did not even whisper about the UN Goldstone Report. Charles Freeman being thrown off the bus etc. The Lancet report or other reports about the Iraqi dead, injured, displaced.
Oh yes Rachel has her own ” Hall of afraid” list.
As well as Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann
How in the hell can these people spend so much time on Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh. When there has not been one person or persons held accountable for all of that fucking false pre war intelligence.
I know “move on, turn the page, next chapter, do not be about vengeance, retribution” I have heard all of this horseshit coming out of the mouths of our Reps, Karl Rove, Cheney the Obama administration etc.
Just wondering when Chris Matthews, RAchel, Keith will start bringing a few of the tens of thousands of Vets who are returning from Iraq and Afghanistan without a few limbs on their programs. Chris Matthews prodcast from Walter Reed in 2004 or 05. Not much since then.
Show Americans the pictures, count the dead in Iraq, the injurd, the displaced. Or continue to be part of the news that keeps Americans in their beloved bubble.
A list of folks that would be great to see on Rachels, Keiths, Matthews, Ed.
Micheal Ledeen, James Woolsey, Bill Kristol, Wurmsers, Bolton, Cheney, Feith, Rosen, Weissman, Franklin
guest list, Lt Col Karen Kwiatowski, Flynnt Leverett, Juan Cole,Scott Ritter, Judge Goldstone
halloween and football make a happy convergence this weekend, so trashtalk should follow that theme
given the favorite player of a certain host, I suggest an Old Men and Children theme
something like a “GET OF MY LAWN” trash talk seems appropriate
too bad the Phillies used Pedro last night, instead of saving him for Sunday
we coulda had an “OLDER THAN DIRT” double feature
(duckin & runnin)
Of course, since Dems are Rightwing, it means:
Most Firedoglake readers are rightwing voters!
One step away from neocons!