Sign the Petition: Howard Dean for HHS Secretary
So far, there’s a lot of support in these parts for Howard Dean to be HHS Secretary. And since then, some great progressives have come out in support of Dean to be HHS Secretary: Tom Harkin:
"I think that would be a very good move," Harkin told the Huffington Post. "He brings all the background and experience. He’s very strong on prevention and wellness, which I’m very strong on. I think he’d make an outstanding secretary of HHS."
Six years ago Howard famously addressed a meeting of the DNC where he chastised our fellow Democrats by saying, "What I want to know is why we’re fighting in Congress about the Patient’s Bill of Rights when the Democratic Party ought to be standing up for health care for every single American man, woman, and child in this country."
Fixing health care is central to the recovery of the American economy and the security of the American family. Howard Dean is my candidate for the job. I hope he will be yours.
And Alan Grayson (via email):
"He’s progressive, he’s experienced, he’s effective, and he’s vetted."
With support for Dean growing, we’ve put together a petition to collect signatures in support of Dean. We’ll deliver these to Max Baucus next week.
Please sign the petition to support Howard Dean for HHS Secretary.
Done. Thanks EW!
Canadians for Dean!
Well, y’know, Vermont is almost Canada: Howard Dean, Patrick Leahy, maple syrup — what’s not to like?
Good Day, eh !
Signed the petition, using a Noo Yawk Zip code …
BTW, while Obama
enters the Belly of the Beastmeets Harpuh, will Joe the Biden make a whistle stop in Toronto ?I’m sure we could find some nice Irish Pub to entertain him in …
slainte, baby!
Arr ye a wee lass in Canada ?
I’m there. For Joe the Veep, I would turn my house into an Irish pub.
The zip code number hadn’t occurred to me. I am so slow. What is Beverly Hills again?
Beverly Hills 90210 and yes, I will get the Caffrey’s if/when Joe the Biden comes calling.
I’m all in. Thanks Marcy
Thanks. I signed.
Anyone knows what his views are on HR 646? On finding a pathway, slow or fast, to single-payer?
I want to make sure he’s not a Daschle in sheep’s clothing with regard to health funding policy before I get all creamy over this recommendation.
Dean’s record on health as gov in Vermont is excellent. “Dean also oversaw the expansion of the “Dr. Dynasaur” program, which ensures universal health care for children and pregnant women in the state.”
Thanks. I found a quote from last spring indicating that he thinks single-payer may happen “someday,” so I don’t hold out much hope he’ll be pushing hard for it happening soon.
Still, annoying Rahm Emanuel is a mitigating virtue. I’m signing.
I hope that I’m not alone in being appalling frank about the monthly health care costs of my own household.
I’d like to see someone do a study in just one single ‘average’ zip code about what the inability of our electeds to address health care is costing Americans.
Done, on his own merits. But as bonus we Oregonians get to keep Senator Wyden where he is and avoid a potential zombie attack from Gordon Smith!
Done, and I have a personal reason to sign it today.
Univ of California retirement system is thinking about “restructuring.”
Health benefits are not vested.
Digg was open!
Signed and Dugg! Why not the best?
(Also, please sign the SEIU petition to the US Senate telling them it’s time to confirm Hilda Solis as Barack Obama’s Labor Secretary. More here)
Wow… nice pic Marcy!
Thanks for the great diary and thanks to all for taking care of the petition.
Get the word out and let’s pressure Mr. Craig to listen to us by vetting the “people’s doctor”… Doctor Howard Dean!
Wouldn’t it be great?
Thanks Marcy! And to the folks that say he isn’t enough of a consensus builder, I think that sometimes we need an “in your face” kind of person to jar people out of their comfort zone, to jump start some real change. I think he can do that.
He’s also the antidote to Rahm Emanuel. Done!
And Rahm may be doing what he can to block Dean being appointed to this post
Gov’t-run Univ Health Care is the correct enabler of citizen-power.
I do not understand why it is called “single-payer”, instead of clearly identifying it as a gov’t run program, like Medicare, Social Security,etc. “Single-payer” does not communicate clearly. It does not even suggest a federal gov’t program. It obfuscates and confuses. The term may even have been chosen deliberately to do just that. How can it be popular if it is not understood?
I have always thought that the way to sell it is “Medicare For Everyone!”
Everybody has had a parent or loved one utilize the Medicare system, and, by and large, have good interactions with it.
Brilliant, as always … Medicare for Everyone is exactly the way to sell this.
I’m sure that Dean will close the deal, no matter what he chooses to call it.
I signed. Who’s that foxy chick with Dean anyway??
I dunno. You see so many on the magazine covers, it’s hard to keep them all straight.
Great posts today Marcy. I’m just catching up.
Hey, I linked to your Joe-the-Vice-President in my Oxdown.
New FDLC member who is SO pleased to be able to participae in the petition signing and encouraging our new President to nominate Governor Howard Dean, MD as Secretary of HHS !
I / WE believe Dr/Gov Dean would do WONDERFULLY .. we were supporters of his when he was among those
running for well as of Senator Obama ’way back to his announcement as candidate for US Presidency. I’m a retired RN in Oregon who’s also planning on sending a check to you at Fire Dog Lake in support of your efforts.
Again, many thanks
Thanks very much, and welcome! Lotsa Left Coasters here (me, SF) and some new Oregonians you might run into later later in the day.
Signed and a little scratch in the jar for y’all to keep the Hamsher hamsters fed.
Done. Now lessee if anybody’s payin’ attention.
I signed the petition, thanks EW.
Also if your upset at Kellogg’s for dropping Olympic champion Michael Phelps because of the 5 year old marijuana photo issue give them a call at
1-800-962-1413. They are getting so many calls their recording says if this is about Michael Phelps push 1.
Thanks for the Kelloggs info; they are closed now, but I plan to put that up at Oxdown Monday morning.
Thanks for doing this.
I agree with ffein
We absolutely need someone with clout. Dean is not well like in Washington and he and Rahm Emanuel do not see eye to eye. I would like to see Dean somewhere in this administration, but not this.
Yeah, well, Rahm and I (and a lotta FSL’ers) don’t see eye to eye, either. He can damn well learn to work with somebody who can do the job. And pays his taxes.
oh yeah, Done.
New post by Jane
Tere might be a little DLC animosity towards Dean, someone who did it his way without them and succeeded. Rahm Emmanuel who has Obama’s ear was neck deep in the DLC as was Hilary Clinton.
Don’t underestimate the power of these intra-party petty power struggles. My impression is that it is not so much Dean who has show party loyalty but rather the DLC Corporatist wing of the Democratic Party.
I wonder what sort of negative brush they’ve painted Dean with for him to be passed over thus far. He has done one hell of a lot for the Party and progressive causes.
Done. And link to here posted at DKos open thread as well.
Please contact your Congresspeople and ask them to join Sen. Harkin, Rep. Grijalva and Rep. Grayson in endorsing Gov. Howard Dean for HHS.
Also, come see Howard Dean at the 6th Annual DemocracyFest!
Having read these quotes from Howard Dean, I’d have to say I’m not as enthusiastic about him as I was. I don’t expect enthusiastic support of single payer, but I don’t think Vermont’s system is the answer, either. Especially on a nationwide basis.
Signed it, commented too. Earlier today I wrote via to push for Dean.
Enough with this team of rivals bullshit — how about a team of allies for a change?
Thanks as ever, fdl.
sent the link to 200 on my email list
thanks for pulling this together marcy & jane
How many sigs so far?