Press Conference of Fitz Blago Liveblog
Ah. Liveblogging Pat Fitz again. (Though it’ll be weird to liveblog watching his face, rather than the bald spot on the back of his head, which is what we got to see in the Libby trial.)
The press conference will start 7 minutes late.
In the meantime, here’s my question for Fitz (not like he’ll answer it). Local Chicago press is reporting that Rahm Emanuel reported Blago after someone approached the Obama folks about who he wanted for the Senate seat. In other words, yes, Rahm may well be the good guy here, and Obama couldn’t be cleaner. Is that true?
Fitz up, introducing the guys involved. He’s not wearing his lucky blue tie.
Sad day for government. Blago taken us to a new low. Political corruption crime spree. Most appalling conduct is attempt to sell the Senate seat he had the sole right to appoint to replace Pres-Elect Obama.
Back 8 weeks ago we had the following environment. A known investigation, recent trial.
Blago working feverishly working with contractors. $8 M project announced. Trying to get someone raise $100,000 in contributions. After being aware that pay-to-play scheme, decision made to use more extraordinary means. Bug placed in campaign office and home telephone.
In addition to pay-to-play, we were surprised to learn of extortionist attempt against the Trib. Blago and COS schemed to send a message to the Tribune company that the price of doing so was to fire certain editors. "Get them the bleep out of there, get us some editorial support."
Most appalling behavior that Blago tried to sell the seat vacated by Pres-elect Obama. Lincoln would roll over in his grave. "It’s a bleeping valuable thing. You just don’t give it away for nothing." Tapes reveal that Blago wanted a number of things: HHS, Ambassadorship, higher paying job for his wife, union job. He thought union might get benes from Pres-elect.
Complaint makes no allegations about Pres-elect.
This lost when Pres-elect’s candidate took herself out of the running.
In another event, somebody else approached the governor. In government’s view, they were approached by intermediaries. Blago was worried that the contributions would actually be paid. He wanted the money "up front." "Some of this stuff’s gotta start happening now, right now." "You gotta be careful how to express that, assume the whole world is listening." That’s the governor of Illinois. Finally, the governor talked about appointing himself to the Senate seat. He wanted to do it to avoid impeachment.
We need to do the investigation now that it is overt.
[Basically going to try to figure out who was playing in the pay to play for the Senate. He’s not done–not at all.]
In all seriousness, we have times when people decry corruption. Wide ranging schemes. If the people felt uncomfortable they ought to come forward. We’re already quite heartened by the number of people who have come forward today. There’s a lot we don’t know and need to know. We ask that the press, in particular, recognize that we’re not casting aspersion on the other people mentioned on this.
FBI guy: A new low for Illinois. I did not answer whether Illinois is the most corrupt state in the US. If it isn’t the most corrupt state in the US, it is certainly one hell of a competitor. The FBI agents were thoroughly disgusted by what they heard.
Fitz: There were a lot of things imminent. There’s a bill waiting to be signed, based on whether a hospital’s CEO coughed up a campaign contribution. An editor waiting to get fired. When there were layoffs, conversations about whether that editor was fired. A governor, the only one looking for more layoffs. Add it to the fact that we have a Senate seat auctioned off to the highest bidder. Blago’s own words talked about selling this like a sport’s agent. We stepped in for a number of reasons. In the middle of a corruption crime spree, and stepped in to stop it.
Journalist: You said not to cast aspersions. Does that mean they’re beyond blame?
Fitz: We never give clean bills of health. What I’m trying to do is explain caution about what’s on the tapes. We’re going to do an investigation about what was said about other people on the tapes. There may be people who had no idea what was going on. Some things will be black and white, some things will be shades of gray. What they understand when they’re scheming. We’d like to see what schemes were carried out, who made contributions, we’d like people to take what we say with a grain of salt. If other people did wrong, we’ll deal with that.
Journalist: Blago will walk out today, he will still have the power to appoint the Senate seat.
Fitz: We make no allegations about what the Pres-elect is aware of or not.
Journalist: You intervened bc of something that was going to happen. He still has the power to do it.
Fitz: If I were someone who wanted to pay to play, I think this would be about the worst time to engage in this kind of action. I was not going to wait until March or April and say, btw, all this bad stuff happened in December. We will expose criminal conduct to let people know we’re on to it.
Journalist: Should the gov step aside?
Fitz: We’re not entitled to any view. What happens in the legislation is not for us.
Fitz: If the charges are true, it’s an appalling thing. We need people in the public to stand up and say "enough." We’re not going to end corruption in Illinois by arrests and corruption alone. What’s going to make a difference is when people are approached to pay to play, they come forward.
Journalist: It’s conceivable that Trib was considering–or forced to consider–what Blago had in mind?
Fitz: Not making claim about Trib. We’re not describing about mindset of Zell’s mind.
Journalist: What does this say about Durbin’s request for commutation for Ryan?
Fitz: To extent office has a view in Ryan pardon, we’ll express that privately. Power of pardon and commutation rests with president, don’t make a practice of commenting.
Fitz: we cite a statute, sole discretion of governor of Illinois. Constitution leaves it to states to replace Senators. Illinois puts it in sole hands of governor.
Journalist: When pols get together and cut deals, where is the line between cutting a political deal and selling a US Senate seat?
Fitz: When you start having quid pro quo. If you tell someone, one conversation describes how gov wanted job at union, couldn’t just be given to him, bc union already has that job. When you want to work for half million dollars, we’re comfortable in the law that someone who schemes to do that is criminal. Doing it in way that is clearly criminal.
Fitz: No comment on whether we attempted to interview him.
Journalist; Describe arrest?
FBI Guy: 6AM morning, phone call to me and gov, advising we had warrant, 2 FBI agents outside the door, asked him to open the door to do without media, waking children. Handcuffed. I woke him up. First question was, "was this a joke." Children not awake, beginning to stir.
Journalist: Why decision to make the arrest.
FBI Guy: we learned a lot from this wiretap. It wasn’t about tying this in a bow. Letting things be done to damage Ill. It was about what was good for the iJounvestigation. Goes beyond governor to people involved in this scheme.
Journalist: Did the Tribune report interrupt the call?
Fitz: Trib called us to confirm story, we asked the Trib to hold on that story, "I have to take my hat off that the Tribune withheld that story for a substantial time." Later that story did run, and we were recording after that story. Days before Blago was intercepted telling his fundraiser to talk as if the whole world is listening. After the story ran, we got a different conversation that was "undo what you just did." We ought to credit the Chicago Trib. They didn’t agree to all our request. I respect what they did.
Journalist: You’re always careful to separate politics and law enforcement. Governor still has powers to appoint US Senator. Would people of IL be well-served for a quick session.
Fitz: Enough people here who can weigh in with their opinions.
Fitz: Investigation continues.
Journalist: Is it safe to say Obama has not been briefed? Any calls to Obama or Emanuel?
Fitz: Never going to speak in voice of President or President-elect. No reference to any conversations involving Pres-elect or involving any awareness of it.
Fitz: No anticipation of contentiousness on bond. Judge Nolan should hear what our opinion is through telling directly, not your reporting.
Fitz: Very disturbing that these pay to play allegations picked up steam after a conviction and ethics legislation.
Journalist: Candidate took herself out of consideration: Was that Schakowsky?
Fitz: Not going to confirm.
Journo: Did you have conversation with AG or someone close to him on wiretap?
Fitz: Wiretaps and bugs, procedure we follow is well-known. FBI boss in Chicago, my office, Washington to OEO. They are the people who review applications for wiretaps and bugs. They know how to say yes and no. After approved goes up to high ranking officials in Crim, then to Chief judge in district. DAG, FBI Director are not going to drop their coffee finding out about this for the first time. We kept them in the loop.
Journo: Is discussing a quid pro quo different from carrying it out. How much is being a tough guy, and how much is carrying it out?
Fitz: Scheming versus carrying out crime. It is a crime to scheme to carry out a crime. Acting like a tough guy is a crime. We can sort through at a trial, but it is a crime to shake someone down.
Journo: Would Obama have gotten briefed on this?
Fitz: It was a very close hold.
Journo: How many calls today?
Fitz: We already got one in–it was heartening.
Fitz: Union he discussed was Change to Win, SEIU. That scheme never came to fruition. He later curses that it didn’t come to fruition.
Journo: Search warrant? Friends of Blago campaign HQ and Deputy Governor’s office.
Journo: If it’s against the law to trade a job, is it also illegal to buy one?
Fitz: we charged Blago and Harris, and that’s all we’re saying.
Fitz: Discussion of Rezko’s testimony in a footnote, that summarizes his status [footnote says Rezko’s testimony doesn’t always correlate with others’]
[Randy cutting it short] Hey Randy!
Journo: How far did the Tribune plot go?
Fitz: Not going to say, that person was not fired. We don’t go beyond that. Not going to opine what happened after the conversation left Blago and Harris.
Journo: Is it possible that anyone appointed by Blago without a cloud over their head?
Fitz: Not going to get into where things stand on senate seat. Public discourse will go forth without our guidance.
can’t wait to read your coverage.
thanks ew!
EW Can’t get the sound at MSNBC . Do you have a link?
raw story
Obama had been scheduled to meet with the Chicago FBI Tuesday morning before proceeding to a meeting with Vice President Al Gore, but that meeting was suddenly canceled, according to a pool report. It’s unclear whether the meeting or its cancellation was related to the governor’s arrest.….._1209.html…
Live stream
Marcy !
… back to lurk mode …
Fitz body language? rocking side to side
What a thug Blago is.
CNN on longer time delay than Fox. Big whoop, right?
Fitz “this part of the scheme lost steam”
Appreciation not enough for Blago “bleep them”
“the whole world is
watchinglistening”ahhh, Chicago.
heh. CNN notes that Blago is a Pepperdine Law School grad.
Didn’t know dems were accepted there.
‘technical glitch’ on MSNBC interrupts coverage. Hm.
Good link
Blago “the whole world is listening” should have listened to himself
Blago now………Blago now…….
Fitz “wide ranging scheme” Co-operation outside of law enforcement “encourage people to talk to us”
EW hope someone ask your question. When will you get into that press room as the Rep for progressive blogs?
Love his caveat to the press to refrain from aspersion casting (a pending Olympic event).
Fitzgerald making it very clear that the complaint is only about Blago and Harris not anyone else, period, i.e. Obama.
Illinois “most corrupt” Alabama is in the running for “most corrupt” Siegelman
Answering now re whether those not sucked into the net today are blameless. He is SO good, is Mr. Fitz.
Maybe Fitz wears a blue tie when going after Rs and a red tie when going after Ds.
I like how in control he is, insisting/asking that the newsies not scream at him, and all the rest.
The man is a rock.
they have had plenty of experiences where they have been cut off not given enough time…so wish we could Marcy or Jane in that room asking questions
I’m sure Fitz & Co. would appreciate those questions, instead of, “How long were you at the house ?”
“were the kids stirring”
fitz “the worse time” to pay to play. Ongoing criminal conduct bring light so that the criminal contact stops
In the public stand up and say “enough”
What amazes me is that Blagojevich was scheming in part to become Secretary of Health and Human Services. Now in one way this makes sense because he has tried to extend health coverage to children and allow importation of cheaper medications from abroad. But in another HHS would have been a huge piggybank for Blago.
Fitz lowers the boom on brazen pay to play government corruption. Time for campaign finance reform anyone… still.
“Time for campaign finance reform”.. indeed.. that’s a big part of the pic on a broader level..
siri @ 26
Fitz is definitely a solid citizen (in my binary: solid citizen/flake categorization of people). Very disciplined.
yeah, i saw that during the Libby trials. it’s just good to see it in action again.
Will anyone ask Marcy’s question about who tipped them off? Rahm?
Investigation/sting stopped short before money changed hands for Senate Seat.
Did Bank Of America pressure anyone to get Governor off their backs after prior days press conference?
Why today?
This kind of thing happens all the time in Illinois its amazing how many politicians have wives, sons, bothers working in government or for people who got government contracts.
Its no worse than politically connected people giving G.W Bush a do nothing Ghost Payroll job because his Dad was President.
What I find interesting is the timing Bank of America sure does have a lot of friends in high places.
Who is up to take Blago’s spot?
The Lieutenant Governor is Pat Quinn a fairly progressive Democrat. But it is unclear short of conviction or impeachment how to get Blago to out of office at the moment.
Doesn’t he have to step down while the investigation is ongoing ?
… another case like Ted Stevens ?
Short answer: no.
Couldn’t they just keep him in jail by not giving him bail so he couldn’t do any damage. He is going to jail anyhow>
In Illinois?
He is has the right to petition for bail and there would be no reason not to give it to him.
Couldn’t a case be made that he could do damage to the public if allowed out have sway with the judge determining bail.
IANAL but I think that is what his trial is supposed to determine so to argue at a bail hearing would be to prejudge his prosecution.
If that fails, Wells is expected to burst into the courtroom, crying, “Give my
LibbyBlago back to me !”I worked in TX gov’t. Every politico’s relative (son, daughter, niece, nephew…)worked in state government. Most not real apparent what the work was. They were called must-hires. Some were actually good at work. Some, didn’t bother to show up most of the time.
It goes on everywhere.
Yes and Blago just got caught doing that, if that is the best Fitz has then this was political.
So who picks the Senator now?
Can you imagine the language or deals made if Rahm was ever wire tapped?
The FBI called in advance, woke Blago up, and told him a couple of agents were on their way over to arrest him. Not very convincing why they didn’t just inform him and let him turn himself in.
Perp walk?
I love how he separated out “political horsetrading” from actual,personal dealing for his own benefit – after all the Bush apologists muttering about criminalizing politics, at least Fitz still knows the difference. Blago is just the stupidest person ever, given the quotes they use.
I would bet some in Alaska wish they could get him appointed to investigate THEIR governor.
Sarah was treated very nice when she was investigated her own statements during the investigation now that its over are still not being leaked to the press.
Blago’s statements before trial are being leaked to the press even though the police and prosecutor are the only ones who have them.
I thought releasing stuff like this would prejudice a jury?
Or is that only for Republicans?
i was totally thinkin’ the same thing chunyang!
How is selling a Senate seat for cash and jobs any different than how we choose ambassadors? Or boards of Directors at big companies Blago had to be stopped because of Bank of America.
I work in Scumbagcity, Illinois. Fuck is all I know to say.
Wow, all I can say is that Blagojevich is one stupid… I’m stumped at what expletive to use. He’s an insult to expletives everywhere.
Fitz “the worse time to pay to play” Blago “the whole world is watching” and listening. Damn stupid
Och! And I thought that I only needed some new expletives for the Republican malice…
If skdadl’s around and has any extra pairs of ‘paws and whiskers’, I need a few extra to rub in sheer amazed bafflement. Mamma mia…!
I just caught up, rOTL. I am agape and agog. I’ve been doing more “Ye gods and little fishes!” than paws and whiskers today.
I watched the Fox/Chicago livestream instead of trying to jump in here because The Boy just talks so fast that I lose too much if I’m switching back and forth. I don’t know how EW does it.
Anyway, he has me convinced, but then I’m a softie that way.
Now I think I’m supposed to be listening to a presser wherein Michael Ignatieff becomes leader of the opposition here. Oh, great. As a friend said this morning, that gives us a choice between Harper and Harper-Lite.
So watching Fitz again after such a long time was really a tonic, given the last few weeks of Canadian politics.
Oh, my deepest sympathies on your Harper woes!
And yes, Fitz was a bit of a tonic.
Well, off to scout out a few more paws, while also keeping a sharp eye for some new expletives — mine are all so outworn after 8 years of BushCheney… (sigh).
I’m looking fondly on Rahm today; must find a thermometer to check my temp; the prospect of actual integrity in government — self-defensive, or not — is more than my system can manage after so many years of depravity and malfeasance.
….wow… ‘integrity‘… I can still spell that word!
really ???
presnit bunnypants inspired me to create hundreds of new expletives in the past 8 years
if you’re in the market, I’ll send you our catalog
we got a special offer, emptywheel readers get a 10% discount this month
and if the State of Illinois is interested, the State of California could provide them with a few thousand COMPETENT criminals, it’s the only thing we got a surplus of …
skdadl, do you get The Daily Show? their opening bit last night was “Provinces in Peril” and is really funny.
here’s a link to the show’s website where you can watch the segment.
Rosalind, I’ve been hearing about that segment today and just haven’t had a chance to watch yet. I will toddle off soon to do that. For copyright reasons, we have to switch to a different site here to see the show — Jon, why are you so mean to Canadians? *wink*
And hi, Petro @ 162. I hope that your family and friends are all ok. Yes, Iggy has said grandly that he will face the party in May so that they can confirm his leadership — *skdadl rolls eyes* — but we all know how these things work, eh? Not that I’m a Rae fan either. Heck — I’m not a Liberal. Why am I worried about these guys? Well, because unless they get their act together soon, teh coalition is going nowhere, and we got trouble, right here in River City.
Thanks, my family members are safe but I’ve lost a few friends. The ones who survived and the people of Mumbai are still shell shocked.
I’m still hoping that McKenna will unite the Left … amazing to see that Layton has a stronger presence than either Rae or Iggy … where are the strong Libruls ?
G’day skdadl !
Iggy would be interim leader until the Convention in May, right ?
Rae hasn’t removed himself from that, has he ?
If Blagojevich tried to shake down Obama/Emmanuel back in November, and Obama didn’t report him to the FBI, then there was always a possibility of blowback. Emmanuel/Obama didn’t have a choice but to report Blagojevich.
Plus, anyone who screws up a Children’s Hospital project for personal wealth deserves a long, soul-searching visit to a stern judge.
Plus, telling the Chicago Trib to fire its editors!?
What a thug.
I’m still thinking that since the wiretaps on Blago started before the election, Obama may have been made aware of it during briefings, possibly even before the election. [It seems like a national security issue to me to keep him away from tapped lines involving someone he would have good reason to communicate with.] At any rate, since it was such public knowledge that Blago was under intense scrutiny, Team Obama should have at least assumed the line was tapped and would have no choice but to report the shake-down attempt. Their move of Jarrett to another position so quickly just confirms that they knew Blago was poison.
He doesn’t need his lucky blue tie. He’s got the wiretaps.
And he is seriously cracking me up by overexplaining the bleeps. We get it, Fitzy.
Blago will still appoint senator per Fitz. If he still can appoint senator, the he can probably still make the decision on BoA.
Great the Right choice on Bank of America is his ticket out of jail once the trial has been delayed for years.
“wiretaps and bugs” who gets bugged and who does not?
and, i’m likin it that Fitz is back on the public stage again.
i wish he’d had a future at DOJ.
We have 10 years of the repug corruption and all we get is a Dem?
I’m not questioning the veracity, but are the repugs too well protected or what?
I can’t agree with you more on this. Where are the Bush wiretaps? or anybody else in the most criminal administration in US history?
This guy is scum, but so are the rest of them; all part of the Bush “culture of corruption”.
Sounds like a bit of grandstanding is going on here with the FBI and all. Media circus stuff. Will it be enuff to implement NSPD 51?
Gad, I ‘m nervous! Better go have another cuppa!
can’t find the link right now, but Blago saying something about not wanting to remain “stuck in the dead end job of Governor…..” or some such thing.
i bet THAT endeared him to his constituents who voted for him
Haha. I guess he’s never had a real job.
not ALOT to feel sorry for him over, there.
p. 74 for the complaint:
WHAT a moron!
and with 2 little kids!
i gotta marvel.
what you hear him saying here is, “Excuse me, I can’t hear you; I’ve got my head too far into the trough…”
I can’t watch, tell me, is Fitz’s body language and level of comfort the same as when he was discussing Scooter’s accusations???
He appears quite peeved and certainly more aggressive … more damning evidence against Blago than against Libby.
Wontcha love this to lead back to OVP ?
I don’t remember Fitz’s body language wrt Libby complaint presser, but Fitz seems pretty confident & comfortable on this one. If you can listen, Fitz’s outrage comes across subtly in his tone of voice.
Very different situations.
Scooter was wrapped, signed sealed and delivered.
This was throwing a spenner in the works.
The Illinois Republicans can’t wait to present impeachment articles against Gov. Hair. There is literally a full-fledged party going on here in Illinois at the news of his arrest. Even the Chicago Dems have distanced themselves from Blago in recent months so if Emanuel did drop the hammer on the Gov, it wouldn’t be surprising. Additionally, look for Mike Madigan to make a strong case for his daughter, AG Lisa Madigan, to take the vacant Obama senate seat.
Illinois politics…what an institution!
We could do worse.
And she would make the Senior Senator from Illinois look tall.
I know, right? Gonna get real interesting along I-55.
so do they start bugging after someone tips them off? How do they select who to “wiretap and bug”?
Amazing that Emmanuel would have never been bugged for questionable deals?
here it is.
the FBI doc.
“Throughout the intercepted conversations, Blagojevich also allegedly spent significant time weighing the option of appointing himself to the open Senate seat and expressed a variety of reasons for doing so, including: frustration at being “stuck” as governor; a belief that he will be able to obtain greater resources if he is indicted as a sitting Senator as opposed to a sitting governor; a desire to remake his image in consideration of a possible run for President in 2016; avoiding impeachment by the Illinois legislature; making corporate contacts that would be of value to him after leaving public office; facilitating his wife’s employment as a lobbyist; and generating speaking fees should he decide to leave public office.”
Owe you a drink. LOL
can we wait till the pressers over?
AP Headline:
Fitz’s gracious kudos to the Tribune for their willingness to cooperate by not publishing a story despite his office not being able to share information about the case is an interesting ongoing issue in our democracy.
Separately, our newspapers are going broke.
“I lied awake at night worrying about whether Tribute editors would be fired.” – Fitz
Difference between criminal complaint and an indictment? Criminal complaint can be used for an arrest. Grand Jury must indict?
i wish Fitz could have been involved in the Seigleman case.
and the Rosen/Weissman case
we could chip in and get him a super cape????
mack @ 78
Good points.
What in the world is the CNN anchor wearing??
Cast-offs from the Palin 08 Collection …
LOL petrocelli!
she busted it down to Phoenix and caught the “estateless sale”????
Yep, the ‘Palin 08′ collection was 75% cheaper than the ‘Palin 12 rethreads’
One hope, small as it is, that anyone stupid and/or corrupt enough to accept an appointment from Blago, would lose an election in 2010. I’m sure Blago wouldn’t recognize that though.
There are ways, over the next year and a half, of diluting the fact that Blago appointed the new Senator. We have ways here of doing such things. Blago may not even be in a position to select the replacement. The pricipal responsible for that act remains to be determined.
Fitz “when it is on tape you are stuck with it”
Seems to be selective tape releases. Why do we get to hear exactly what was on these tapes and not the F.B.I’s tapes having to do with the Rosen/Weissman espionage Aipac tapes? No one in the MSM or progressive blogosphere is touching that investigation, and 5 time delayed trial.
“The two allegedly relayed to Kessler the classified information about the imminent Iranian attack, and then allegedly referred to an “Official Secrets Act.” The government contends that proves Rosen knew he was breaking the law.Sources close to Rosen’s defense say he was making an off-hand, joking reference and did not know he was breaking the law.The Sept. 22 document is the first time a public document describes that information as obtained through a warrant issued by the highly secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court. In the filing, defense attorneys argue that using FISA evidence to extract concessions from AIPAC is improper. The document also refers, for the first time in public, to the use in the pretrial phase of the “sensitive compartmented information facility” in the Alexandria, Va., courtroom. Defendants often use such a facility to review secretly taped evidence against them.The FISA warrant and the SCIF room suggest the breadth and depth of the FBI investigation, which according to the indictment covered the five years between 1999 and 2004.…..AIPACtrial
Interesting Write a diary.
Would mean a great deal more if one of the heavy hitters would shine the light on this contradiction.
Send them an email with your evidence and links? I have no pull with them to push a story.
Most in the progressive blogosphere will not touch this story or the contradictions in coverage. There are a few
Still try a diary is small but its a start.:)
I have in the past. Not up for it…..38;h1=Live video&at1=Newstream&LiveURITitle=Live%20video&LaunchPageAdTag=Newstream&fvCatNo=undefined&playerVersion=1&hostPageUrl=http%3A//
link to a live camera and mic in the room
funny watching all the talking heads scratching themselves when they think they’re off camera
no response from Obama.
*sigh again*
He probably can’t respond, not at this point. He, or at least Rahm, was very likely helping Fitz on this. It’s on page eight of the document.
Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn to have a press conference in about 15 minutes. On most public stations in Illinois there will be a special edition at 1:06 CT of State House in Review where some people who know Illinois politics in detail will be discussing Blago’s case.
Jeffrey Tubin(sp?) coming up on CNN
Petro, buddy, hope you and yours are better.
eCAHN, Petro, thanks for your answers.
We’re doing fine, thanks. The folks in Mumbai are dealing with a lot of anger and fear.
Congrats on the Charest victory, did he run as a Lib or NeoCon this time ? /s
Hehehe, I believe he ran as a dictator, but others might say he had the fascist thing down to a t.
TPM posts this priceless clip from Blago, just YESTERDAY
Link button didn’t work. Sorry. FDL hinky for me today.
Commentators are already being to say that if Blago doesn’t resign the legislature will have to move quickly to impeach because the state’s finances are so precarious.
Impeachment before a conviction Gov Ryan killed a whole family a white ministers family in the license for bribe scandal and he was not impeached.
Yes, but the economy is in a real mess.
Huh? Tell more
Guv Ryan was selling drivers licenses to illegal immigrants Mexicans, Poles etc even truck driving licenses to haul stuff without having to take the driving test.
A Mexican Immigrant was driving a truck and the stuff he was hauling was not secure it came loose and hit the car behind him.
A minister lost his wife and many/all? his kids that day.
I don’t know who is responsible for tying down a truckers load the press in Illinois blamed the driver and Ryan most of all.
fox is going to be interesting to listen to the next few days. Start counting how many times we hear “impeachment” out of them.
have no problem with this if only their demands were consistent..they are not
Folks, one thing we should all keep in mind is that the US Senate itself has the power to seat or not to seat any Senator.
So if it comes down to the fact that Governor Blagojevich still retains the Senate Appointment power for Obama’s seat, the US Senate still has the override to weigh in with a Yay or Nay.
Exactly. Who’s who in IL politics is the question. Blago is already a has-been. The IL budget (or lack thereof) is a total disaster and has been for some time.
Toobin’s up
Msnbc has more important stuff to deal with than Ill government. Doing presser on Leno. It’s about them.
Heck of a job Brownie at Fema was not a political hire? If all the candidates for the Senate seat are qualified as it seems from the partial list that would be a step up from Bush’s hires.
Assuming Bush was not motivated by cash or repaying favors.
Don’t get me wrong Blago is a crook but it seems to me only Dems get investigated and go to jail.
The timing is real funny Bank of America called in favors.
On Fox they are talking about the impeachment of Blago.
These two faced folks were sure not calling for the impeachment of Libby, Rove, Cheney, Addington, Feith for crimes committed.
What “bleeping” double standards
Fox calling for “impeachment, impeachment” Fitz sounded “urgent”
“strong possibility” of impeachment. Fox is beating the “impeahment” drum
whatever the scoop, it’s a ugly outfit.
not relevant, but just sayin…………….
Ya mean Kyra Phillips fleshy ensamble?
that i do!
looks maternityesque to meeeeeeee.
not her, just the outfit
I object to the color, myself. Maybe she’s preggers?
Well, she was looking for her Sheep, when the office called about the urgent presser …
CNN playing the clip I linked to in 99. “Go ahead and wiretap & tap me, everything I do is legal.” Sounds like “Bring ‘em on.”
Ever since Blago’s first election win, I have compared him to Shrub. Same mold (both definitions).
Also sounds like the clip from the Frost/Nixon movie – If I do it it is legal.
Christy is upsatirs.…..nt-1753576
The GOP needed a scandal they always need a scandal, outrage, a crusade! They need anger and emotional thinking to take over reason. Next they will tie Blago to Obama they are both from Illinois.
Rahm turning Blago in was smart the guy knew he was being investigated and he refused to shut down his operation until the heat died down?
Thats Bush League Crime!
on that logic, they’ll be doubling down next.
reoffering the senate seat for legal funds?
Or a deal that Blago never go to jail. Maybe even some job offers after the court case is done.
and a medal!
and petro, that sheep comment is some funnnnay chit!
She should have looked in the White House Press Room …
Yup. Rahm and Obama flatly refused to play ball, which is what was making Blagojevich increasingly angry:
if they have been bugging Blago since 2002 who else could be involved in his dealings?
The wiretap in his office wasn’t installed until October 21 of this year.
Hugh said this over at Christy’s
“The complaint says they have been investigating Blago since 2003 for conduct beginning in 2002 so we are talking about a very long history. Maybe Blago thought if he had gotten away with things this long he could continue to do so.”
flattering elegance in which to hang out clothes
Who do we start hounding to get Jane or Marcy in that room to ask questions?
Really good question !
Sounds to me as if wiretap may have been precipitated by shakedown of Obama concerning Senate seat appointment.
Could be — the timing does sound like it. Though Fitz said the request to tap Blago’s office (which was granted on 10/21) was in response to Blago pushing more bribes through before the new ethics law went into effect. Nabbing him for trying to stiff-arm Obama may well have been unexpected.
you nailed THAT one, by hook or by crook!
Blago’s wife (from TPM):
During the call, Rod Blagojevich’s wife can be heard in the background telling Rod Blagojevich to tell Deputy Governor A ‘to hold up that fucking Cubs shit … fuck them’”
Oh my!
sounds like Rahm, Blago,his wife and Cheney all like “bleeping”
With casino suffering, Freedom’s Watch drowns
The conservative lobbying group whose message was trumpeted by former Bush Press Secretary Ari Fleischer is no more.….._1209.html
they got a new plan
Howard Dean should be flattered
can’t wait to see the Repuglitards’ “50 State Strategy”
first they laughed at him …
How does that go ???
Quite apropos for Dean …
First they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win – Gandhi
Video clip of the Fitz presser:
Try this video clip bracketed with law and order soundbite.
Fitz has definitely done Obama a service by jumping in early: if the shit comes down on Blago once the successor is appointed and accepted into the Senate, then it’s a huge embarrassment for Obama, and there’s potentially a co-indictee Dem Senator alongside Blago.
I wonder whether that was one reason for the speed once they saw what Blago was up to. Surely in such a situation, part of the USAtty job would be to protect those being approached, especially the President, rather than wait and see what they would do.
I suppose it’s too much to hope for, that some reporter would grab Nancy Pelosi and ask her if it wouldn’t be “prudent” in the interests of “bipartisanship” and given the “crises” confronting IL, for the IL legislators to follow her leadership and take impeachment off the table.
In addition to being slimey, Blago must be an absolute idiot. You have to feel sorry for his children and their start to the day. If he doesn’t step down by the end of the day, I hope the legislature can do the emergency session and put together what Durbin is touting – they can combine the election with the one for Emmanuel’s seat and try to keep costs down.
Listening to a Kent College prof (Doug Godfrey? Gottfried?) on Cliff Kelley’s radio show ( This prof is of the opinion that there will be more and more detailed charges, and that more people will be charged in the matter, quite likely including Blago’s wife, who’s from Chicago machine gentry. Also something I’d forgot: Rod Blagojevich started out as a prosecutor with the Illinois State’s Attorney: Wtf factor bolstered.
(Chicago trivia: Cliff Kelley is himself a recovering Chicago pol, having done a few years for services rendered while he was an alderman. His successor but one recently pleaded guilty in matters related to the Hired Trucking cases being run out of USA-NDIL office.)
Good for Fitz.
But what does this do to the theory that prosecutions teach would be criminals to avoid the bad behaviors of their criminal forebears?
First Fitz catches Republican Illinois Governor Ryan committing crimes, and now Fitz catches Democratic Illinois Governor Blagojevich committing crimes.
See mine above yours. If that theory works anywhere, it would not be in Chicago or Illinois.
(Wonder how Emil Jones is feeling today. Well, I hope.)
Yes, and it doesn’t help matters that Bush and Cheney make it look so easy. Others try to emulate them. So many crimes, yet so little pixie dust to go round.
Although what is happening today makes many happy but fasten your seatbelts as you haven’t seen anything yet! And it’s coming up real soon!
Marty Didier
Northbrook, IL
Marcy has new insights up. what a whiz she is. How can we get her in on those press conferences? She would smother the other journalist with her in-depth understanding and questions