Trash With No Name

Sorry about the late hour of the Trash, I got a bit preoccupied with qualifying at the Korean Grand Prix and, well, fell asleep apparently. Mark Webber took pole with Red Bull teammate Sebastian Vettel close behind. Alonso’s Ferrari took P4 just behind Lewis Hamilton as he finishes out his run for McLaren. This is going to make for one heck of a race as, thanks to Alonso’s DNF last week at Suzuka, Vettel is only a scant 4 points behind Alonso for the driver’s championship. With four races left after the Korean, everything is wide open. The Korea International Circuit is located in Yeongam and is still in its infancy by F1 terms. Unlike Suzuka, it has little tradition or particular character and beauty. KIC is, to be blunt, nice but somewhat nouveau, pedestrian and sterile. Maybe someday it will hold some allure and tradition, but that seems very far away.

Major League Baseball, however, is back and better than ever. Wow, what an end of the season and start of the postseason. This is the kind of stuff I remember as a kid. The Detroit Tigers rode Justin Verlander past the amazing A’s and into the ALCS Thursday against……the dreaded New Yawk Damn Yankees who Friday ended the similarly dreamy season of the Baltimore Orioles. None of that, of course, held a candle to the incredible 4 run ninth inning the defending champion St. Louis Cardinals used to crush the seemingly in control and destined Natinals. In washington. Just wow. And ALL of that was after the Giants came from 0-2 in the divisional series to close out the Reds. In Cincinnati. I am not a fan of Bud Selig, but hat’s off to the most roaring start of the postseason in a very long time. There is only one game today, with the ALCS opening in the Big Apple as Doug Fister matches up against the ageless Andy Pettitte. Will be fascinating to see how the Yank perform on such short turnaround and what they do with ARod, their wayward benched $25 million a year superstar. Sunday will put both leagues into play with the Cards going out to the Bay in California.

Whew, exciting stuff!

Oh, wait, there is still football going on – who knew?? Seriously, how often does a full slate of good college and pro football games seem like an afterthought to baseball? Well, okay, not often. And, yet, here we are. As I write, the Longwhores are trying to dodge that damn Conestoga wagon the Okies roll onto the field in Norman. Both Oklahoma and Texas are playing catchup to newcomer West Virginia in the Big Somethingoranother this year, but is will likely be a pretty interesting game. Gawd I hate to say it, but the most intriguing game of the week may, again, involve the dreaded Domers. Yes, the TREES of Stanford have moved their coniferousness all the way to South Bend. the Tree is 4-1 and Touchdown Jesus a detestable 5-0. Luck may no longer be with the Tree, but let us all hope he ain’t with the Irish either. I mean, coooommmme on man. The other really big game this weekend is the Cocks (yes, I love saying that, why do you ask?) against LSU in Baton Rouge. Can the ‘Ole Ball Coach finally get over on Les Miles and the Tigers? If so, they then get the pleasure of going to his old Swamp in Gainesville. Good stuff.

Aaaand, now for something completely different! Pro football payers and teams! Yay. Again the Motor City looms large as the Lions at Iggles is, perhaps, the most interesting game. The Lions are looking a bit lame, and the Boy named Suh is, yet again, in trouble with Johnny Law. This, too, will go away I am sure; but it is a troubling pattern for a troubled young man on a troubled team. Deetroit is gonna need themselves a new coach, ideally of the Red Faced Coughlin disciplinarian mold. But the Eagles have a bit o desperation about them too, and what with Michael Vick finally getting another dog, you gotta think they will be jacked up. I think the Kittehs sink further down the rabbit hole.

But, by far, the power matchup is Gents at Niners. A grudge rematch of last year’s NFC championship game. I think Alex Smith will get over on Easy Eli this time. Cause it is not late enough in the season for Good/Bad Eli. Honorable mention goes to Peyton’s Dokos at the Bolts. Truly a pickem, with the Bolts playing better, but so too Manning. The Vikings at the Skins will also be a lot of fun. Who knew Christian Ponder and The Norske would come on as they have? And RGIII to boot. Big fun. The Bills come to visit Spidey Fitzgerald and the Cards here in the desert. Spidey Dude has been rubbing shoulders with The Clenis though, and that is too much mojo for the Wagon Circlers.

That, my friends, is a wrap. Let’s roll.

99 replies
  1. Peterr says:

    The Chiefs are fumbling and stumbling their way into Tampa, and if they don’t come home with a win, they might as well not come home at all.

    On the other hand, some callers to sports radio in KC are already salivating over the prospect of possibly drafting Geno Smith. Other callers reply glumly that the Chiefs will screw that up by winning just enough games to lose the Smith-stakes.

  2. bmaz says:

    @Peterr: Ima not so sure the Chefs are gonna be able to cook much in the Pirate Ship. Though, without the Jets on the schedule, it is hard to see where else the Culinary Ones are going to pick up a win.

    You may be getting Geno!

  3. JohnT says:

    In college games, the only thing as good as an SEC team getting punked is when the Whorns are getting demolished. lol

    OU – 36
    Whorns – 2

  4. Peterr says:

    It’s still early in the second half, but DFHs everywhere might smile at this score from West Point, especially if it holds up:

    Kent State 14
    Army 0

  5. rosalind says:

    @JohnT: i saw that score at ESPN and just laafffed.

    Huge props to the A’s – though they went down in five, their bottom of 9th heroics in Game 4, and late season surge, will keep the fans smiling for a while.

    Go Giants!
    Go Stanford!
    and given the alternative – Go Tigers!

  6. Peterr says:

    @bmaz: Per Fox, F1 pulled the plug on negotiating with SPEED and is working with NBC Sports to develop a new deal, but it’s not finished yet.

    Fox Sports Media Group, which owns Speed, confirmed Friday that the partnership will end after this season. The network indicated it was outbid for the U.S. broadcast rights.

    “It’s disappointing to learn that F1 has elected to move forward with a different media partner,” Fox Sports Media Group said in a statement to The Associated Press.

    F1 was in talks with NBC Sports Group for U.S. broadcast rights, according to two people familiar with the negotiations who spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity because there was no official announcement.

    Sounds to me like F1 and NBCSports agreed on the dollar amount, and now they’re working out the other details of the deal. I don’t get SPEED, so seeing F1 move to NBC Sports Network would be something I’d applaud.

  7. emptywheel says:

    The weather is certainly shaping up to be delightful for football in the beautiful Middle West today. 40ish degree rain all day, so the fields are sure to be nice and wet and the footing and the handing is gonna be dicey.

    That doesn’t mean I have to root for the Domers, does it?

  8. JohnT says:


    I’d probably be neutral about the Whorns, if not for that douchebag Mack Brown whining to the other coaches to vote them up in the Coaches Poll over Cal in 2004 (Aaron Rodgers last year). And cheating the Bears out of the Rose Bowl (grumble, grumble)

    Go Giants! (Torture part II?) A’s will be back next year. A Bay Bridge series would’ve rawked
    And Ol’ Man Fran wasn’t so crazy about my heartbreakers

  9. jo6pac says:

    I really don’t care who does it but could they make sure the announcing team stays in place.
    Go Alonso
    Go 9ers
    Go SF Giants
    Going back to slicing and dicing tomatoes for sauce for the freezer

  10. Peterr says:

    @emptywheel: It’s certainly making the Fighting Journalists vs the Golden Varmints interesting.

    The Varmints are behind, and just drove the length of the field, only to fumble a snap and waste a down inside the 10. A couple of incomplete passes, and the Journalists take over on downs with 2:30 to go and an 8 point lead.

  11. rosalind says:

    from the Leland Stanford Junior University Marching Band Fact Page:

    Myth: The Stanford Band is a bunch of bigots who hate Irish people.

    Fact: We in the Stanford Band are not bigots. In fact, we make it our mission to attack prejudice and inequality wherever we encounter it, using the only weapons available to us: loud music and burning political satire. It just so happened that in the 1990s, we noticed that the mascot of the University of Notre Dame, the Fighting Irish, was a caricatured stereotype of the Irish and Irish-Americans. Irish people do more than fight, and the name Fighting Irish is just as inappropriate as the name Getting-Invaded-All-The-Time French. We lampooned this fact with a show called “These Irish, Why Must They Fight” but it seems to have gotten misinterpreted (we think they had a hard time hearing it because they were booing so hard) and since then, we have generally been detested as bigots by Notre Dame fans and alumni. It’s a shame, ain’t it?

  12. Peterr says:

    @emptywheel: And both Alabama v. the Tiggers and OKState vs Kansas are in weather delays from lightning.

    Yep. Weather’s making stuff interesting in the midwest.

  13. emptywheel says:

    @Jim White: For some reason I’m getting the Wolvereenies on TWO channels, and the Domers on none.

    I guess the state of MI is just trying to forget the Irish even exist.

  14. emptywheel says:

    @emptywheel: I was mistaken, it looks like. While I’m relieved that everything is normal after all, I was sort of tickled with the possibility that the state had blacked out the Irish.

  15. MaryCh says:

    Insert random score here ====> #10Beavs ahead of the MormCougs 28-21, with a shiny new QB, since the other guy broke.

    [misplaced pride, since my Duckies have the week off]

  16. Peterr says:

    It’s beer thirty for the Wolvereenies, who not only get to bask in a 45-0 win over Illinois but also the failure of the Spartan Vim to carry the day against . . . Iowa.

    If Indiana beats Ohio State later tonight, Marcy will be celebrating the Wolvereenie trifeca.

  17. Bay State Librul says:

    Whattabout Lance Armstrong revelations?
    Competition makes you do weird things.
    Is he delusionary or a pathological liar.

  18. dubinsky says:

    those damnable Yankees barely scraped by the young O’s

    and tonight will likely prevail over those mangy Tigers.

  19. Peterr says:

    @bmaz: I was too busy cooking to watch all the replays from different angles when all that broke loose. (Red beans and rice, on this cold and rainy evening in KC.) No doubt it will be shown on continuous loop on ESPN throughout the weekend.

    But I know more than a few Domer alums, including a former boss, who are celebrating tonight.

  20. Jim White says:

    @Peterr: Whippin’ up some veggie soup here for a late dinner to celebrate the return of CSA season. Gators didn’t look very impressive in first half against Vandy, but I think this is there first halftime lead of the season for a road game.

  21. emptywheel says:

    @Jim White: Dinner here was a wild Alaskan salmon and fennel and carrot stew.

    The salmon comes from a fisher family in Traverse City who go to AK every summer and freeze it and sell it here. Thing is, the store it is sometimes available at hasn’t had it for years. This town, in spite of having a healthy fishery river running through it (I can see fishermen from my building) has very little fish.

    So, Salmon. And it was good. Very very good.

  22. masaccio says:

    @bmaz: well, I don’t have TV and was watching ESPN gamecast. The tweeters who were actually watching say the call was right.

    Karma, baby. Helmet to helmet on the QB should get an ejection.

  23. masaccio says:

    And lamb barley stew cooking with fresh Wisconsin Waldorf Salad prepared and flavors mingling. Lamb from the excellent butchers at Paulina.

    Celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary!

  24. Peterr says:

    @bmaz: Given the heritage of the Pac-whatever, maybe you could pick up some nice Pacific seafood from the local wharf.

    Oh wait . . .

  25. masaccio says:

    @bmaz: Thanks all.

    On the Fighting Irish, the story I learned as a kid in South Bend is this. In the 1920s, the KKK was big in Indiana as far north as Indianapolis. They decided to hold a big march in South Bend. Some of the students at Notre Dame took exception, and demonstrated their displeasure with baseball bats and such.

    The KKK never returned.

  26. posaune says:

    OOoohh, what I would give for a replay of the ’68 series with Bob Gibson and Denny McClain! As a St. L girl, we moved to Michigan in Sept 68, and was that ever painful! Still, Gibson won the Series MVP even in loss. And then, they lowered the pitching mound after that.

  27. posaune says:

    @Peterr: Thanks for the memory, Peterr. Gibson was a keeper. Funny that the Cardinals had to PAY him to stop playing winter games with the Harlem Globetrotters.

  28. Neal Deesit says:


    “I was sort of tickled with the possibility that the state [Michigan] had blacked out the Irish.”

    As an ND alum, I am way more than sort of tickled with the reality that on consecutive weekends in September, the Irish blacked out the state: ND 20 MSU 3; ND 13 UM 6.

  29. What Constitution says:

    With the injury to The Incomparable Derek Jeter, I fully expect the Yankees to be so motivated that they sweep the World Series — in three games. With Jeter pinch hitting in Game 2, in a cast (“It’s only my left ankle”). And doubling off the wall.

    Cheers to The Captain.

  30. scribe says:

    I guess the stress and strain of carrying the whole team finally caught up with Jeter’s ankle.

    Thanks a lot, A-Rod. If you’d hit the ball even a couple times more, this never would have happened. It’s all your fault.

  31. Bay State Librul says:

    Peter King, hot shot from SI is picking the Seahawks

    “I think the biggest factor in this game, at least early on, is whether [Tom] Brady can take the crowd out of the game and take the speed of the Seattle defense out of the game,” King said. “It’s something that Aaron Rodgers couldn’t do early on [in the Packers’ loss on Sept. 24]. … [The Seahawks] ended up totally manhandling and had the eight sacks in the first half. The way I look at this game is I think it’s going to be the same thing. I think the Seahawks are going try to use the fact that, my guess is the Patriots are going to have to go silent snap count for a lot of this game. The crowd will be in it early. And I think the way the Patriots will try to neutralize it is keeping substitutions off the field. If they do that, then it’s going to be an interesting chess match.”

    Fuck no
    Tom Brady will check-mate Seattle
    Final Score Brady, Inc 27 SS 12.

  32. What Constitution says:

    @Bay State Librul: That’s kind of a stretch — I believe they only give that award to managers of Big League teams, don’t they?

    Wait, wait, on second thought, far better answer: No, the Dodgers didn’t make the playoffs. :) [if I ever used type-y faces, that’s the one I’d include]

  33. Bay State Librul says:

    @What Constitution:

    I used to hate the dreaded Yankees. Then our family visited Yankee Stadium for a Friday night Yankee vs Sox game in 2005.
    The fans were terrific and treated us with respect even though we were not cheering for the home team.
    The Sox have a lot of work to get their mojo back, but Amherst College grad Ben Cherington is up to the task.
    Sorry, I’m rooting for the Tigers, and I want Joe Torre to take over the helm for the Sox.

  34. scribe says:

    So, in the competition to guess Stafford’s QB rating for today’s game, I’ll take the under. Can’t get much worse….

  35. OrionATL says:

    atlanta – finding a way to win games.

    and every game is a tough game for this mentally-tough little team.

  36. bmaz says:

    Vettel won the Korean last night, with Alonso in third. Vettel now has a six point lead over Fernando for the driver’s crown.

  37. Petrocelli says:

    I gotta say how impressive Chris Kluwe has been these past few weeks, smacking down politicians with wit and facts !

  38. Petrocelli says:

    Andrew Luck had Alex Smith is having one of those games that define a great QB, down the road …


  39. Peterr says:

    @scribe: Oh, I don’t know . . .

    Brady Quinn v TB: 24/38, 180 yards, longest pass of 17 yards, no TDs, 2 Interceptions. It adds up to a QB rating of 48.1.

    (Perhaps explaining why Chefs coach Romeo Crenell refused to bench Matt Cassell and his 66.2 rating until he was injured.)

    Meanwhile, rumors are flying around KC that GM Scott Pioli is getting a contract extension, but they are waiting for the right time to announce it. You know, like after a victory . . .

    If true, Pioli could be waiting a long time. And a lot of the blame for the delay would be on his own head.

  40. Bob Schacht says:

    AZ Cards lose by a toe, as Skelton throws an INT in overtime & the Buffaloes kick a short FG.

    The St. Louis Cards, however, are something else! They’re showing the same kind of tenacity, grit and determination as last year’s miracle team.

    Bob in AZ

  41. Peterr says:

    @Petrocelli: “9:15am – Play dominos against long snapper. Beat him repeatedly until he swears and storms off.”

    Here’s where he’s got a lot to learn. If you’re a punter, you do NOT want to piss off your long snapper. Ever.

    This is like getting invited to go golfing with your company’s CEO. You do not want to win.

    OTOH, with all that pondering of Russia, I think the DOD and the State Dept may be interested in Kluwe once he’s done with the NFL.

    And JohnT, thanks for the warning. Really. I would have lost a glass of very good scotch on several occasions.

  42. Bay State Librul says:

    Stunning loss by Patsies.
    Their defensive backs still suck.
    Plenty of Monday Morning Quarterbacking…

  43. Bob Schacht says:

    Cards beat Giants on the road. Looks like key innings are the second time around through the batting order, while the starting pitcher is still in the game.

    Cardinal surprises: Post-season RBI leaders for St. Louis (first 6 games): Descalso, Kozma & Holliday! Who would have predicted such production for the Card’s 7 & 8 batters?

    Bob in AZ

  44. bmaz says:

    @Petrocelli: If you only knew what atmospheric heights Phred operated in as a full on Cheese fan…..Then you might join in the Go Pack Go chant!

    Because Cheese is teh shizzle. And brats belong on the BBQ.

    If you don’t believe me, just ask Phred.

  45. Jim White says:

    WTF? Gators are #2 in the first BCS rankings of the year. I never would have expected that before the season started. Next two weeks will tell us what the Gator team has: South Carolina in Gainesville and then Georgia in Jacksonville. Winning both would clinch the East title and a slot in the SEC championship game.

  46. phred says:

    @bmaz: So old chums were visiting from WI this weekend. The weather wasn’t ideal for outdoor activities, so we ended up playing pool near Fenway. As we walked past the ballpark my friend asked what *the* ballpark food was. I told him Fenway Franks and we both shook our heads in sorrow. There is a reason they serve brats in MillerPark ; )

  47. dubinsky says:

    well, in that grudge rematch, Mr Smith did not get over much, ‘cept when overthrowing his receivers, which of course was better than when he underthrew and got picked

  48. Petrocelli says:

    @dubinsky: This is all part of the 11- Dimension Chess GamePlan, like Obama’s first debate, you see.

    Alex & Co. hid all their good plays, then they will smoke the Gents in the playoffs !

  49. Casual Observer says:

    Recording this for all posterity in this little bmaz time-capsule: The New York Football Giants went all Joe Biden on the 49ers, including a dominant running game, in front of Niners’ own tear-stained fans.

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