Condi Rice’s So-Called Banner Week for Feminism
On Monday, Condi Rice became one of two women to become the first female members of Augusta National Golf Club.
Now, I’m with many who had other honors in mind for Condi in her post-Bush career. But I do recognize she’s a good enough athlete that she might one day kick the ass of the misogynists at Augusta who don’t like girls, even if they did let Condi into their exclusive club. In my experience that’s one of the quickest ways to educate men about their impotence.
And today, we learn that Dr. Rice will have the honor of putting lipstick on the pig that is the GOP’s rabidly anti-woman Vice Presidential candidate, Paul Ryan. Presumably, having one of their most respected woman introduce Ryan will draw attention away from the fact that Ryan shares Todd Akin’s beliefs that even women who have been raped shouldn’t be permitted to choose not to bear the child. Indeed, in spite of the GOP’s efforts to drive Akin from his race against Claire McCaskill to downplay his disdain for women, the party nevertheless adopted the Ryan-Akin no rape exception policy as part of their platform.
Yet with an Augusta ground-breaker like Condi introducing Ryan, I’m sure we’ll all forget how systematically the GOP has fought women’s equality and autonomy in both personal and professional venues.
What a banner week for feminism Condi has enjoyed!
An African American woman as a member of Augusta would be what southern frat boys call a twofer: neither women nor minorities are well represented on Augusta’s august links; they usually enter the club house, if at all, via the servants’ entrance. But to paraphrase an old slogan, Condi Rice and feminism fit together like a fish and a bicycle.
@earlofhuntingdon: As someone joked on Twitter, she’ll be lucky if she’s not asked to bring some wrinkly white guy a drink.
One of my diss committee members is an African woman who would very frequently get asked to make copies, often by the Spanish nationals in the department (Romance Languages). I imagine for Condi it could be orders of magnitude worse, if she ever gets caught without her MOTU white male friends.
@emptywheel: Ms. Rice entering as a member the august environs of America’s premier white male country club is rather like Mr. Obama entering the White House through the front door and staying to work at something other than polishing the mahogany. But if there is a desired outcome from such novelty, it is not to change the host institution.
As for today’s important news, arctic ice melts to new low.
The news will be good, though, for half a dozen navies vying militantly to claim exclusive rights to the Northwest Passage, and all the oil lying beneath it. Damn Al Gore.
@earlofhuntingdon: I’m pretty sure Magellan has the claim on the Northwest Passage so Spain and Portugal could be looking good economically in the near dismal future. :)
p.s. Condi Rice is well known but not for the right reasons i.e. representing Women or Blacks.
Glad Augusta National has now admitted women. And Condoleeza Rice is “high visibility.” But somebody — oh wait, it was me — had this reaction over on Daily Beast as a comment to Amy Alcott’s contribution about it:
“Does it matter that Augusta National has chosen to admit the one woman in America who most actively and visibly participated in condoning and authorizing war crimes and torture in violation of international law? Augusta National couldn’t find a woman worthy of it [sic] august approval who wasn’t so burdened by a career meriting incarceration at The Hague? Too bad that after all the delay and all the hoopla, even in “breaking the barriers” the fine folks at Augusta National ignored the moral character of a person they seek to raise up as their would-be figurehead of “civility”: an unapologetic torturer from one of the darkest chapters of American history.”
My opinion is not held by everybody. But I don’t give Condoleeza Rice a pass for her part in America’s torture regime, and I don’t give Augusta National a pass for their part in ignoring that history (too). I’m pretty sure that if Condoleeza Rice had criticized Israel, she wouldn’t be a member at Augusta today — why, then, is she a member at Augusta who condoned torture?
@What Constitution?: I hold your opinion, good comment.
I’m of a mind that this entire thing is to avoid controversy as next year’s Master’s approaches. Notice that Ginni Rometty still didn’t receive an invite, though perhaps they’re saving that for closer to the event and this one is just cover for that. It’s that southern propriety thing.
This is an entertaining post, but seriously speaking abortion is still an issue that would make otherwise progressive liberal voters fall into the Akin/Ryan camp. Anyone who buys into a fetus being a living person will tell you there have been more abortions in the US than people killed in Hitler’s camps. The Baptists and Catholics of Missouri make odd allies on this issue.
I suggest those supporting McCaskill redouble their efforts, a Monday flash poll still had Akin ahead by a percent.
No-one could have predicted this.
Well, maybe everyone who noticed that the CEO of IBM is female and that IBM is the main sponsor of The Masters could have predicted it. But that doesn’t change the fact that no-one could have predicted this.
tee hee
@What Constitution?: Yes.
And let us not forget the early September 2002 interview where the words “mushroom cloud” were so ominously uttered by Ms. Rice.
It’s hard not to see Rice’s membership in the Augusta National Golf Club as anything but cynical crusty old white guy tokenism (no, not Tolkienism, but after reflection, maybe that too).
I would note that none of the reports I’ve read seem to suggest that the gender barrier to membership at Augusta National Golf Club has been lifted wholesale and that entrée is available to all.
As a matter of fact, such a statement of a wide-open admissions policy is conspicuously absent.
If the gender barrier was indeed truly lifted, one would think that the Augusta National Golf Club would be loudly and self-congratulatorily trumpeting such a policy from every tee on the course.
The silence from those tees tells it own truth about this “so-called banner week for feminism”.
And totally OT, news from the DOJ about our supposed “honest as the day is long” polling organizations:
@MadDog: soo, entering data into my “Whistleblower Do’s & Don’ts 2012 App”: alleged acts revealed by Whistleblower embarrassing to company contracted by Gov’t + not for acts BY the Gov’t = good! prosecute! off with their heads!
@rosalind: If the Gallup folks are willing to fleece the US government with false payment claims, it isn’t much of a stretch to think they’d also be willing to skew the polling data for a price.
OT – Worth a read from Shane Harris in the NYT and with some tidbits that I wasn’t aware of:
@JTMinIA: So, the CEO of IBM still hasn’t been invited? I wonder when she’ll get the hint, and whether they’ll ever pull their sponsorship.