McCain’s Impotence, Lynch Mob Edition

Apparently, McPalin rallies have been replaced by lynch mobs because John McCain is an impotent old man. Roger Simon, who after last week’s debates did back flips to claim that McCain had won, explains that crowds at McPalin rallies are getting dangerous because that evil woman Sarah Palin has hijacked McCain’s campaign.

Forget that an independent legislative panel found Friday that she had abused her power and violated ethics laws as governor of Alaska. Forget that with the possibility of Palin being a heartbeat away from the presidency, McCain gives up the argument that his ticket represents experience and a steady hand on the tiller.

The real problem for McCain is that Palin is running a separate — and scary — campaign that does not seem to be under anybody’s control.

She storms around the country saying: “Our opponent … is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough that he’s palling around with terrorists who would target their own country.”

She also says: “This is not a man who sees America as you see America and as I see America.”

Get the drift? Obama is not only different, not only an alien incapable of loving his country, he is an actual friend of terrorists who would attack America. [my emphasis]

McCain, however, is not going to hide behind some woman’s skirts. Nuh uh. He’s going to hide behind Obama himself.

Here’s how McCain excuses his plan to bring up Bill Ayers at tomorrow’s debate (and Greg Sargent’s read on it, which I entirely agree with).

The key news in the interview — which was flagged by Mark Halperin and which you can listen to here — is that McCain is already laying the groundwork to blame Obama for his apparent decision to confront Obama over Ayers tomorrow.

Asked by his radio host if he’ll bring up the former Weatherman, McCain says:

"Oh, yeah. Y’know, I was astonished to hear him say that he was surprised for me to have the guts to do that, because the fact is that the question didn’t come up in that fashion. So, y’know, and I think he’s probably ensured that it will come up this time. And, look Mark, it’s not that I give a damn about some old washed-up terrorist…"

It’s Obama who has "probably ensured" that McCain will bring up Ayers. What’s so lovely about this is that McCain is now portraying his apparent decision to hit on the Ayers association as driven by a need to defend his honor.

You see, McCain wouldn’t have brought it up, but Obama questioned his manhood, so he’s now forced to overcome his reluctance to talk about Ayers in order to defend himself. It’s the old warrior’s code that’s making him do it.

You see, it’s not McCain’s fault that his campaign now resembles a lynch mob. It’s just that he’s impotent to stop it.

With McCain’s current deficit in the polls, I guess he resembles Bob Dole in more ways than one.

  1. Neil says:

    McCain’s knee jerk response to defend his honor in spite of the potential consequences makes me more than a little concerned about what a McCain foreign policy would look like.

  2. JohnJ says:

    We just had a fight with my SO’s 13 year old about refusing to go to school. Every time his mother would bring up a new planned punishment he would say “Now I’m not going” as if it were a new decision based on based on the latest threat.

    Sound familiar?

      • LabDancer says:

        But isn’t all this sort of like getting AG Mukasey to stamp your “Am In Need of Pardon” application?

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      Nice to see you JohnJ — looks like that 13 year old may be wanting to stay home and watch Obama billboards cleverly ‘placed/marketed’ into the latest XBox game…?

      Just up at TPM — and talk about ‘market segmentation’! Oh, my paws and whiskers as skdadl might say ;-))

      Okey dokey, with THIS news, McSame now really does have something to whine about. Heeheehee…

      • JohnJ says:

        Wow!!!Thanks for noticing everyone!

        I never miss a post here, but with my newest underemployment (second shift production QC no less) I can’t reply from work (’don’t want to leave “tracks”). By the time I get “home” (that’s another story as well)it’s after 1am and the conversation is usually finished.

        I could have told you guys 6 months ago the crash was happening since it’s been happinin’ on me!

        I have the same question as bmaz…I googled “Hemmingway Test” and found many ref’s to failing it, but not a definition. I suspect this is EW’s territory.

        • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

          Well, from my perch at the end of the bar, ‘Don’t be such a stranger’.
          Plus, I just got two very fun items over at The Guardian: Roseanne Barr on the topic of White Guys on Viagra running the US. (Okay, I’ll go back into Demure Mode now.)

          And John Cleese noting that Michael Palin is no longer the **funniest Palin**, describing Sarah Palin as ‘a parrot’:…..sarahpalin

          Figured that given the momentous market news, a laugh or two might be in order.

        • JohnJ says:

          And John Cleese noting that Michael Palin is no longer the **funniest Palin*

          wow, that worked even without the link, now on to the link!

  3. puravida says:

    Oh, yes, John, please do bring it up.

    It didn’t occur to you or your brilliant advisors, that Obama was, well you know, maybe baiting you a little and you’ve fallen for it, hook, line and sinker? Do you not think Obama will have an answer for you, and the country?

    And do you not think that Abramoff, Keating, and all your own “associates” won’t now come up?

    And do you not think your own judgement will now be questioned on national primetime TeeVee regarding your running mate’s abuse of power?

      • bmaz says:

        Let’s Sea, he is an Old Man…..

        Are we talking the test of the man in the novels, or Hemmingway himself? Ernest himself was an awfully flawed man, but he did at least have a better grip (at least slightly) than McCain on the differences between himself and the fictional character.

  4. brendanx says:

    I have a problem with this post; it’s sort of the wrong analogy. If your wife is running around doing crazy and you can’t stop her, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re impotent; maybe pussywhipped or a cuckold, or just a sadsack. I think the demonstration of his impotence is more in the way Palin and her people have complained he’s not doing enough to satisfy her and the base’s appetites. John just doesn’t seem to have the, ahem, “spunk”.

    A leading Republican consultant said: “A lot of conservatives are grumbling about what a poor job McCain is doing. They are rolling their eyes and saying, ‘Yes, a miracle could happen, but at this rate it is all over’.

    “Sarah Palin is no fool. She sees the same thing and wants to salvage what she can. She is positioning herself for the future. Her best days could be in front of her. She wants to look as though she was the fighter, the person with the spunk who was out there taking it to the Democrats.”

  5. WilliamOckham says:

    Simon says (I just had to put that in there):

    Palin is running a separate — and scary — campaign

    Uh, Roger, have you noticed that McCain and Palin campaign together more than any other Pres-Veep candidate combo in recent history?

  6. JohnLopresti says:

    I would suggest the morose minds concocting McCain’s teleprompter script consider the linked syllabus from the professor’s voting rights course at U Chi winter 2002. This is the creation of a mind much more mature than the insults of a failing Republican presidential campaign. Rather, it is a study in bringing people together to discuss intelligently how we continue to make progress to develop our society. Anticivil groups came into existence like water nearing a boiling point, based on ethnicity, socioeconomic degree of deprivation, and other ad hoc theologies during a time of change in US civic landscape over a span of three decades. The changes effected are more salubrious for the course of our people than mud slung near a feeble campaign’s end by Republicans. I doubt many reputable people with conservative views would make the eschatological leap from white unrest to moderate views on voting rights taught in a U Chi seminar. There is no continuum to the fiction the Republcan lobbyist speechwriters are trying to frame for this specific variety of reactionary mud to sling. When they lose because their illogic and inaccurate attributions had a ring of falsehoods, they will return to the colloquy proud, quieted, and begging consideration for funding in their own communities from the new government. Barack Obama has been more circumspect throughout these flailings, and has more to offer. Even McCain knows that, and Palin remains too naive to recognize a wider dialog than her states’ own frontier version of the modern story of America. I would opt to characterize McCain’s control of his organization as perfunctory at this juncture. Future leadership of his party seems pretty nebulous right now, a concern he and his speechwriters likely share, and a vision to which neither the speechdesigners nor McCain himself likely have any response. Adding mud slinging always boosts scores by a percentage point, but too many things have gone sour for the Republican campaign, especially the economic crunch these past five weeks. McCain will go along with the insults incorporated in his scripts on his behalf, but seems fairly clueless where his own party’s future lies, especially if the polls’ current predictions prove true, and some coattail effects begin as Barack Obama’s election ushers in stronger backing with a more substantial majority in congress and statehouses. I keep thinking Biden was a sagacious choice to assure the Democratic party traverses the obstacles the Republicans have left in the path, and begins to build again.

  7. bmaz says:

    1 am in Fla. is 10 pm here. I am usually up. If you are inclined, leave comments, I may be around. rOTL is often up too. Give it a shot if you are up and have something to say, there are probably a few of us lurking around, you just don’t always see it.

  8. greenbird4751 says:

    “…some old washed-up terrorist…”

    unrepentant. domestic. [do not look into AIP, i guess.]