Okay, It Was 55% of the Campaigners
A month ago, I pointed out that the McPalin team’s commitment to have Carrie Underwood tour with Lawrence Welk would have a significant impact on the race.
But I’m most interested in what McCain’s reliance on Palin will do for his ability to campaign. The race is currently effectively tied both nationally and in a number of key swing states. Barring some other big campaign news, those states will be decided by the amount of close attention each candidate gives them–the number of rallies they have. And by setting it up so that McCain has to appear with Palin to draw any crowd (and given the leers McCain has already made towards Palin’s legs, I presume Cindy McCain will continue to chaperone the pair), the McCain team has basically cut their number of potential campaigners by two thirds.
Every day, Barack Obama and Joe Biden split up, head to different swing states, and hit different kinds of voters (Biden, for example, has a much better draw among Catholics and white working class people). In addition, Michelle Obama seems to do at least one event a week, meeting with women to talk about economic issues. Any of the three of these people has the ability to represent Obama and his message proudly. Meanwhile, it looks increasingly like the McCain team will be offering McPalin-and-the-wife, one unit, at one third of the total campaign spots.
While obviously there was other big campaign news (the financial meltdown), the WSJ has found that it worked out pretty much like I predicted–the McPalin team had 55% the number of events that the Obama team had in the last month.
In the five weeks since the fall campaign officially began, Sen. Obama, his wife, Michelle, and vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden have appeared at a total of 95 separate events in states that both sides are contesting.
Sen. John McCain and his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, have appeared at 55 events in those areas, with Cindy McCain, the nominee’s wife, adding only one more to the total, according to a Wall Street Journal tally based on schedules provided by the campaigns.
The effect: The Democrats are being seen much more often, in free news coverage and in paid advertising, in the states that will determine the winner.
The Journal totals include events held from the end of the political conventions on Sept. 5 through Sunday. If a running mate or spouse appeared with the presidential candidate at the same event, it was counted only once.
One factor in the travel gap is the McCain campaign’s decision to keep Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin together for a series of rallies and town-hall meetings. They believe that together they are a powerful combination, and when she is with Sen. McCain, the crowds are often larger and more enthusiastic.
"The sheer brute force of Sarah Palin and John McCain together is a different tactical tool than Joe Biden and Barack Obama," said Jill Hazelbaker, Sen. McCain’s communications director. "Joe Biden doesn’t bring anything to an Obama event."
Now this has begun to change, of course–the McPalin team have sent their bulldog in lipstick out to rile the base in conservative parts of swing states; she’s bound to do more of it as she increasingly looks forward to 2012. And this is just one factor that explains Obama’s lead in the polls, surely a less important one than the meltdown and McCain’s erratic response to it.
Nevertheless, all these things add up–these visits tend to keep volunteers excited, which will have an as-yet unseen impact as we draw closer to the election.
Huddling for warmth of some kind?
58.947368421 is not 55, Ed
Thanks ew.
And, as they encourage Palin to go out more and more on her own – with her ‘you’ve got to hate Obama’ message – McCain looks more and more weak and ineffective, esp now that he’s unenthusiastically trying to put his thumb in the dike with his “I respect Sen. Obama” thing. Palin is offering big slabs of raw bloody meet and McCain is passing the tea and cookies. Which one do we think the Base wants for its nourishment? He’s turned himself into a stupid weak old man, even to his supporters – to the Base, he’s now invisible. They are going to elect Palin. He’s just put himself along for the ride.
Biden in Ohio this week
A few weeks ago Chris Matthews suggested that Obama and Biden should start appearing together. Seems like they are doing damn well spreading it out.
The biggest problem with Mc, outside of his ticket endorsing hate and the combined poor ethics history, is Palin never taking a full press conference. Obama and Biden do them daily.
The act of “hiding” Palin illuminates the problem. She is SO under-qualified and lacks wisdom, depth of knowledge in general as well as for the rule of law and finally, common sense.
Pondering the metaphor of Lawrence Welk and Carrie Underwear.
Good one.
That wasn’t mine–it was a collective effort of the FDL contributors.
It’s pop culture, after all–not my strong suit.
uh…that was the truest form of fruedian slip in that “slips” ARE underwear.
forgive the typo…
What’s the translation of “Quaeda”? Doesn’t it mean “Base”? Now THAT’S irony: McC/SP appealing to their very own AQ.
Oh good…and I mispelled Freud…nice. Going for another cup of coffee. All this typing and not a good blessed intellectual thought to add. Nice.
Over the weekend I heard a few whispers in the MSM about Palin’s Alaska misconduct issue. Whispers. Anyone hear anything on Sunday News shows about Troopergate?
Due to the MSM whispers, my son is using this article as the basis for a persuasive paper:
I went to that link and read the article as well as the comments. Check out chinky08s’ comments, it’s a long “history” of Obama. I believe this might be the letter that the hapless elderly lady in Minnesota referred to when she told McCain that Obama was a Arab. If you copy and paste any portion of it into Google, over a hundred sites come up and the exact same comment posted. Isn’t that weird?
Maybe McCain can follow in Bob Dole’s footsteps and become a spokesman for Viagra!!!
I was impressed that Carrie Underwood had penetrated so far into pop culture that EW would use her name.
Well, I had heard of her, at least. I was leaning towards using Faith Hill, but HIll is a Democrat.
Carrie Underwood, “Just A Dream”: more than pop radio has been able to do in addressing the war.
I remembered Green Day’s “Holiday” on the way home from the butcher shop, so disregard 16.
I been feelin kinda funny the past few days
could be that Obama is 10 points ahead
could be the fact that I got an eye infection
mcsame thinks he’s a paratrooper now
“The Poor Bastards, they have us surrounded !!!”
I know paratroopers, my grandfather was a paratrooper, I lived with a paratrooper. And senator mcsame, you ain’t no paratrooper
RIP Gramps, 517 PIR ‘42 to’45