John McCain’s Secrets

Under the premise that Obama has not been fully forthcoming, John McCain is raising on Bill Ayers every chance he gets (except to Obama’s face).

GIBSON: Do you think the relationship with Ayers is a critical issue in this campaign or factor in this campaign?

MCCAIN: I think it’s a factor about Sen. Obama’s candor and truthfulness with the American people. That’s what I think it’s about. As I say, I don’t care about Mr. Ayers who on Sept. 11, 2001 said he wished he’d have bombed more. I don’t care about that. I care about him being truthful about his relationship with him. And Americans will care.

But here are some of the things that John McCain hasn’t been forthcoming about himself.

There’s his own relationship with terrorists–McCain didn’t disclose his ties to the Contra-funding US Council for World Freedom.

As a freshman congressman in the early 1980s, John McCain did not disclose his connections to a controversial group that was implicated in a secretive plot to supply arms to Nicaraguan militia groups during the Iran-Contra affair.

McCain did not list his service on the board of the U.S. Council for World Freedom on mandatory congressional disclosure forms asking about positions he held outside government.

McCain’s aides said he wasn’t required to report the affiliation.


McCain joined the board of the U.S. Council soon after Singlaub founded it in McCain’s adopted hometown of Phoenix in November 1981 as the U.S. branch of the World Anti-Communist League. The league billed itself as a supporter of "pro-Democratic resistance movements fighting communist totalitarianism," but it had also been branded by critics as a haven for extremists, racists and anti-Semites.


A review of the personal financial disclosure forms McCain filed after his election to the U.S. House in 1982 show that he did not list the group in the section of his 1982, 1983 and 1984 reports in which he was required to disclose all positions he held outside of government.

The instructions on the form require filers to report "the identity of all positions held on or before the date of the filing during the current calendar year as an officer, director, trustee, partner, proprietor, representative, employee, or consultant of any corporation, firm, partnership, or other business enterprise, any nonprofit organization, any labor organization, or any educational or other institution." [my emphasis]

And despite his noted big money gambling habit, McCain has never reported any gambling winnings on his Senate disclosure reports. 

Today, CREW filed a complaint against Senator John McCain (R-AZ) with the Senate Ethics Committee.  CREW wants that committee to investigate whether Senator McCain violated federal law and Senate rules by failing to disclose gambling winnings on his Senate financial disclosure reports.   In contrast to House rules, Senate rules allow outsiders to file ethics complaints. Senate rules also require the Ethics Committee to conduct a preliminary inquiry of the complaint.  A copy of our complaint can be found here.

According to a recent article in The New York Times , Sen. McCain is an avid gambler, who frequents casinos as often as once a month. The article states that in the winter of 2000, at the Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut, “[Sen. McCain] and his entourage emerged with thousands of dollars in winnings.” Sen. McCain also reportedly spent a weekend at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada in 2007, playing craps while there.

In July, Time reported that over the past decade, Sen. McCain has gambled on Mississippi riverboats, on Indian land, in Caribbean craps pits and on the Las Vegas strip, allegedly playing “for a few thousand dollars at a time.” In 2005, The New Yorker reported that while in New Orleans in the spring of that year, Sen. McCain gambled at Harrah’s Casino.

Federal law and Senate rules require all income to be reported on annual financial disclosure reports. The Senate Ethics Manual states that winnings, such as those derived from a lottery or a game show, are gifts that must be reported as income. Knowingly filing a false report is a crime punishable by up to five years in jail.

Nevertheless, Sen. McCain reported no income derived from gambling on the personal financial disclosure reports he filed with the Senate between 2000 and 2007. [my emphasis]

I guess it’s possible that McCain has never ever won in the last seven years of gambling. But unless he’s a colossal loser throwing Sugar Momma’s money away in amounts that could fund entire families for a year, then he should have noted the spoils of his gambling habit. (It’s worth noting: although prosecutors seem determined to throw their case against Toobz Stevens, he was charged for not disclosing gifts on his disclosure reports.)

Looks like McCain ought to do a little disclosure himself before he starts lecturing Obama. 

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  1. Muzzy says:

    The big question I have about the McCain/Palin Ayers bonana is “why now?” It’s been out there all along and been dealt with. There’s no there, there. So why now? I think it has everything to do with the Troopergate report due out tomorrow. It’s like firefighters setting a backfire to try to contain a bigger blaze -with the caveat being that the bigger blaze is one they are responsible for.


  2. lemondloulou says:

    OT but the NYT has a story up about Palin/Troopergate saying she, Todd or her office contacted Monegan ”dozens of times” about Wooten. ”obsession” said one aide.

  3. Neil says:

    When McLose wants a lecture on telling the truth, he’s not going to ask a Chicago politician…. maybe he’ll get a chance to ask the Senate Ethics Committee, thanks to CREW. I love Crew. They’re like gum stuck to the bottom of the shoe of the rule of law.

  4. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    I just landed on TPM, where they have a great clip of Hannity-McCain-Palin ”Ayers!Ayers!Ayers!!”

    Just to the right of that clip and a bit lower down, BAD economic news.

    How much of the AyersPanic is attributable to trying to **anything** to keep attention away from the markets, from McCain’s two+ decades of critical assistance to Market Fundamentalism from his perch on Sen Commerce Comm, and also away from prior bailouts connected to McCain (S&L bailout 1980s)?

    But are they THIS desperate to distract?
    Apparently so…

    • MadDog says:

      The Rightwing (synonomous with the Repug party) has always been known for the paranoids it holds so dear.

      In good times, these paranoids are but a pain in the tuchus.

      In bad times, these paranoids promise to take us all down with them.

      Shorter McSame/MsBull…winkle campaign: “If we aren’t going to win, we’re gonna shit in the punchbowl!”

      • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

        If you’ve never read a good biography of Hitler, the manic Wagner fan, you may not realize how creepy your comment is… Hitler could not face defeat, and he was absolutely willing to take the entire nation to obliteration. The Jim Jones phenomenon: ‘the faithful all go down with me in conflagration’.

        Tyrants both.

        Boy, am I feeling like a dumb donut that I missed this about McCain in 2000. Al Gore (climate change) is my hero, but I thought McCain was a decent person. I am now disabused of my earlier erroneous assumptions about McCain.

      • Muzzy says:

        It should be reassuring to know that when a paranoid makes you feel paranoid, you’re not one.

        Paradoxically it can be very informative to recognize feeling paranoid so as to avoid sticking one’s head in the punchbowl.


    • Hmmm says:

      Huh. Both on the news page at the same time. Wonder whether the timing’s maybe not so much about distraction, but more about creating a subconscious association in the public mind. Between the scary crash and the scary Ayers=Obama, I mean.

  5. bmaz says:

    I guess it’s possible that McCain has never ever won in the last seven years of gambling. But unless he’s a colossal loser throwing Sugar Momma’s money away in amounts that could fund entire families for a year…

    Yeah, I am not sure this should be completely discounted. The dice don’t care that you were a POW or that you are John The Gluehorse McCain. Maybe he gambles with the same skill he piloted…..

      • Ishmael says:

        Could it be that McCain is a tax cheat as well? In Canadian casinos, winnings are tax-free (leading, as EW would know, to lots of Michigan money going into Windsor, Ontario casinos), but are Vegas casinos obliged to hold back some of the big winnings for taxes? Or does McCain just magically win and lose the exact same amount every year?

        • Peterr says:

          Tax attorney Martha Miller leans in that direction. She had a piece up at HuffPo about a week ago, and the bottom line for her is this:

          But McCain’s tax returns [from 2006 and 2007] say nothing about gambling winnings or losses.


          The real purpose of preparing his tax return and omitting the gambling winnings is so that people would not know how much he gambled. If he won $200,000 playing craps in Las Vegas, it would make a difference in the way voters viewed his suitability as a presidential candidate.


          I think we are looking at tax returns calculated to hide an aspect of the candidate. My 35 years of experience in taxes tells me these tax returns are wrong, and we do not know the true scope of McCain’s gambling or of his potential obligations to gambling enterprises.

          35 years is a lot of experience in looking at tax returns.

        • perris says:

          her statements assume too much, she is assuming mccain is going to be a winner

          there are no winners in vegas who play against the house, the only winners are the house and those who play against other players (poker)

          if he lost 600000 this week and won 200000 next week that’s a loss and I do not believe tax code says you have to claim the 20000 since it represents a loss of 400000 not a gain of 200000

        • eCAHNomics says:

          Farm stand brussel sprouts have been too bitter so far this year. Was planning on freezing some but not unless they taste good.

        • eCAHNomics says:

          Hummph. I like brussel sprouts. And cabbage. And cole slaw. And saur kraut. Polish/German heritage.

        • billybugs says:

          Cabbage cole slaw and soar kraut I can handle but brussel sprouts,no way!!

          I’m german too, about 1/64th, my last name means joyful valley in german>

        • eCAHNomics says:

          Heh, Joyful Valley. Doubt I’ll remember to keep that in reserve for the appropriate retort in the future. *g*

  6. Synoia says:

    “McCain has never reported any gambling winnings on his Senate disclosure reports”

    Duh. That’s becuase he’s a looser.

    • Hmmm says:

      “McCain has never reported any gambling winnings on his Senate disclosure reports”

      Duh. That’s becuase he’s a looser.

      Not necessarily. He could be a cheater.

      “Which is it, Senator McCain?: Loser? Or Cheater?” Nice ring to that.

      • LabDancer says:

        “I’m shocked…shocked to find gambling going on in this establishment.”

        “Inspector – here are your winnings.”

        “Yes, thanks very much.”

  7. LabDancer says:

    OT, sort of, but I would like to know if Ms E Wheel sees the prospect of a dramatic reduction in the threat to national harmony from the McCampaign fomenting a violent uprising of low information zombies by the fact that it appears from the Times report today in advance of the Blanchflower report that Governor Palin fired Walt Monegan for his reluctance to act as her surrogate in wreaking revenge on… SAFETY BEAR.

    • LabDancer says:

      Oh, and on a more general plane, why she thinks it is impossible for us to make up this sort of stuff?

      • LabDancer says:

        Palin versus Safety Bear IMHO would appear to have gams longer than Sarah’s. What’s the length of the news cycle from official report to afternoon kiddies’ cartoon shows? Whatever it’s been, this should break the speed record.

  8. Quebecois says:

    Craps? The guy throws dice to get his rush??? Hasn’t he heard about poker, it’s all the rage now…

  9. oldtree says:

    The Keating 5 allowed some of the greatest domestic terrorism in our country’s history. Time to show what terrorism really is, economy that benefits only those rich and without conscience. Will someone remind the country that the Keating 5 is why we are in this mess? They got away with it then and based on that, gutted the system to match.

  10. LabDancer says:

    Palin versus Safety Bear Update: At this point I’m wondering whether either of Olbermann or Rachel manage to beat Colbert as the first large media outlet for this story. The suspense is…is…it’s UNBEARABLE!

  11. LabDancer says:

    Will no one save SAFETY BEAR from Governor Sarah? Please…PLEASE Governor: Leave SAFETY BEAR ALONE!

  12. Sara says:

    In this regard, the Blogosphere needs to pick up on Ari Berman’s piece in The Nation last week (October 20th Edition) dealing with McCain’s connections with the Russian Mafia Thugs, connections that are pretty current, and which resulted in a payment of about 2 million for running an election that helped Russia “buy out” Montenegro and its Aluminum Industry — of course the payment went to Rick Davis. It includes meetings between Putin’s Russian Mob operatives with McCain in Davos within the last year. Includes the story about McCain doing a mad at the State Department because they would not issue a visa to one of the mobbed up types, the FBI having apparently had them on a no-entry list. (McCain got them their visas, even though he was warned by Bush’s NSC not to get involved, and after they left, they went back on the no visa list.)

    I can’t understand why this story has not taken off in Blog World — Laura Rozen has a Mother Jones piece up on it — and the original investigative piece is up on The Nation’s site (Investivative reporting sponsored by the Puffin Foundation.)

    You know with Sarah worried about Putin buzzing her house in Alaska, one really could get curious about that McCain one on one meeting in Davos. Why aren’t we talking this piece up?

      • Sara says:

        “Is this like HR Puffinstuff? McCain is like a psycho-angry Fozzy Brained Bear?”

        No — The Puffin Foundation is an investivative Journalist group that is part of The Nation Institute. In this case, Puffin supported a number of trips to the Balkins over a little more than a year, and apparently another to Moscow. Ari Berman’s piece has many sources, including a number of State Department Diplomatic Staff, and at least two people inside the NSC in the last year or so. They also had sources inside last winter’s meeting at Davos, and they certainly had FBI sources. The story is far more damaging to McCain personally (in terms of who he palls around with) than anything currently being discussed.

  13. behindthefall says:

    Awright, I’ll bite — who or what is “Safety Bear”, and do I have to follow a linkie?

    • dakine01 says:

      The article that rosalind links to in comment #8 is to a NY Times article. In there, it talks about how Governor Palin and staff contacted the Commissioner of Public Safety to tell him that they had heard her ex-brother-in-law was going to be at the opening of the Alaska State Fair and the Palins did not think he should be there. The commissioner investigated and turns out the ex-brother in law had volunteered to be in costume at the opening as the Safety Bear.

  14. MadDog says:

    OT – Our deepest sympathy is extended to both Congresswomen Linda and Loretta Sanchez, and indeed, to all of the Sanchez family:

    Congresswomen’s brother’s body recovered

    Southern California officials say they believe they have recovered the bodies of the brother of two local congresswomen and his girlfriend.

    Teams from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and the Los Angeles Port Police recovered the bodies Wednesday night from a sunken boat off the coast of Long Beach, Calif., the Los Angeles Times reported Thursday…

  15. perris says:

    I sure hope obama is armed with info like this, he’s gonna need it, mccain has launched and ayers add against obama

    obama better strike back fast and hard

  16. alank says:

    McCain has presided over many war crimes as chairman of IRI, not just funding reactionary parties in LDCs, but arming them enough to pull off bloody violent coups and other similarly extraordinary acts.

  17. alank says:

    It is not a good idea for Obama to act like McCain. This is not what makes him attractive to voters.

    • perris says:

      obama would NOT be acting like mccain when he reacts to the adds.

      do not forget, the BIGGEST reason kerry’s race was close is BECAUSE he did not defend and attack right back at those maggots who leveled the charges against him, barak has learned that is N0T the way to win an election, you MUST block and attack back, if you do not then they simply regroup and level a new attack

      they MUST be disabused from their method by punishing them each and every time they try it

      obama would defend against the rediculous charges and then level LEGITIMATE charges in return.

      and when he referances the IRan contra activities obama needs to point out, it was THOSE activities that gave rise to al qaeda and bin laden

      do not forget

  18. billybugs says:

    If McSame and his half-wit running mate get elected ,I’m gonna %#^%$^%#^#^!!


    [Mod Note; comment edited to avoid misinterpretation.]

    • eCAHNomics says:

      Don’t ever ever put anything like that in print. Anyone who googles billybugs can find it. And the NSA is monitoring.

      • billybugs says:

        Shit those black helicopters are right outside my window!!

        Actually eCahn you’re probably right!!

        I billybugs hereby disavow any acts of violence,including bomb tossing!

        • billybugs says:

          It is sad that one can’t even make a joke without fear of retribution .

          What ever happened to the first amendment?

        • bobschacht says:

          It is sad that one can’t even make a joke without fear of retribution .
          What ever happened to the first amendment?

          Same thing as happened to jokes about fire arms or bombs in airports. Deep bad no no. Don’t even think of doing it.

          Bob in HI

        • billybugs says:

          I’ve been to the Al Jazeera site, I’ve googled Islam and I tend to frequent left-wing blogs.
          I suppose some over-zealous G-Man could connect the dots and decide I was a radical plotting to overthrow the government!!

        • eCAHNomics says:

          Al Jazeera English TV is rapidly becoming the best all round for foreign coverage, especially Middle East. It’s much better than BBC.

        • ratfood says:

          I’ve done those things too. My goal is simply to get my news from diverse sources in the belief that the truth probably resides somewhere in between. It’s a shame that we live in a time when a desire for information gives us cause for paranoia that we will attract the wrong sort of attention.

          Having said that, there are some clubs to which you DON’T want to be a member. I am not for one second comparing you to those nutjobs at the Palin rally but I’d be willing to bet that if authorities locate them, their defense will be that they were only joking. Some things are best left unmentioned, even in jest.

        • billybugs says:

          Some things are best left unmentioned, even in jest.

          Unfortunately , I think you’re right ,sad though isn’t it?

        • ratfood says:


          Most of my pop culture influences when I was growing up contained satirized violence… Monty Python, for example. Naturally, my sense of humor developed similarly. Took me a long time to learn I needed to rein it in for larger audiences.

        • eCAHNomics says:

          It only takes one violent episode in your own life to make violence of any sort anathema. As mine was over 20 years ago, time has dimmed, but not eliminated the visceral reaction.

          So you should be aware that people who have actually experienced it, do not appreciate it in any form.

        • billybugs says:

          Yes ,I can’t assume people will know I’m joking>
          Also as eCahn stated each of our reactions to violence, even suggested jokingly is not gonna be the same

        • Beerfart Liberal says:

          i been following this and know how you feel. it extends beyond just violence, though. there all all kinds of no-nos. many i think are silly. but i like this place so i try to play by the rules. i get smacked down sometimes, though. but i feel stupid having to flag snark with /s or *g or some such shit.

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          Paranoia being the rule, even joking about certain nasty things, the kind that McPalin at stump speeches silently encourages, can lead to serious doo doo.

          Fortunately, we here share such Gemuetlichkeit, and such sharp, quick wits, that we can dispense with such jokes. Not much about the opposition that’s funny, anyway, which won’t improve as they move into bitter minority status, with the risk that their illegal, unethical excesses may come to light.

    • Frank33 says:

      Oops, you may be put into the Terrorist database along with anti-war, anti-death penalty, and pro Constitution people.

      Looks as if the NSA was supporting the troops by spying on them. If they spy on our troops, who else do they monitor? All government officials, military commanders, journalists (that are not corporate lobbyists), business leaders, and the Democratic party. I think bloggers are low on the list because we are not important.

      David Murfee Faulk described to ABC’s Brian Ross how he had listened to “personal phone calls of American officers, mostly in the Green Zone [in Baghdad], calling home to the United States, talking to their spouses and sometimes their girlfriends.”

      “Co-workers of mine were ordered to transcribe these calls,” Faulk stated. “When one of my co-workers went to a supervisor and said, ‘But sir, these are personal calls,’ the supervisor said, ‘My orders were to transcribe everything.’”

      Adrienne Kinne, who like Faulk is an Arab linguist, said she had received the same orders and had listened to hundreds of Americans in the Middle East simply calling home. She emphasized that these were “Americans who are not in any way, shape, or form associated with anything to do with terrorism. It was just personal conversations that really nobody else should have been listening to.”

      When asked about President Bush’s statement that the intercepts were directed only at known al-Qaeda suspects, Kinne stated, “That is completely a lie.” She said that military officers, journalists, and Red Cross workers were among the people whose calls she transcribed.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Lurking Moderator:

      Please Delete Post #33. I’m sure it was meant in jest, to poke fun at the legitimately hateful things echoing daily at McCain and Palin stump speeches, which they encourage. I don’t think posting it here, though, does a credit to this blog or this thread. Feel free to delete this comment, too.


      • billybugs says:

        To the NSA,CIA,FBI or any other rat bastard who may be monitoring this blog,my comment at # 33 was a joke.
        So please stop beaming those rays into my brain!!

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          You haven’t seen the latest, the new, improved, Taser Plus ™, Version 3.0, the crowd-control companion to your now “normal”, electrify ‘em after you’ve handcuffed ‘em, electrify ‘em after they’re down and puking ’cause six guys have did it ahead of you product that’s on the belts of your favorite local law enforcement. The crowd-control version purportedly can leap a hundred yards and electrify a twenty yard-wide swath of non-violent picnickers and Minneapolis touristos at a time.

          And yes, as the NSA listening stories out today suggest, our social networking/commenting on this blog is recorded and reviewed by our taxpayer-paid alphabet soup agencies. Collated with monikers, computer addresses, internet patterns, real names and addresses, credit histories and patterns and phone usage, thanks to the wondrously declining prices for disk and solid-state digital storage devices and analysis software, and thanks to the undeclared budget amounts that pay for it all. Outsourced, of course, to private corporations, whose use restrictions on that data, those databases, and the applicable h/w and s/w are, shall we say, undefined.

          As the new Fibber rules make clear, the Bureau claims that it no longer needs reasonable suspicion of criminal activity to start an investigation. What it or they, and their multiple successors, does or do with it is anybody’s guess. But I would think Kafka before Mr. Rogers.

  19. allan says:

    Who has done more economic damage to the US –
    Phil Gramm or OBL?

    It would be irresponsible not to ask.

    • TobyWollin says:

      I’m sure it has occurred to some members of the movement that they did not have to blow up planes, take suicide missions, etc. if the goal was to take down the US economy — all they had to do was wait and let Greenspan and Bernarke and Wall Street take its course.

  20. ratfood says:

    There is only one way McCain will be asked the hard questions, I think it’s time for another appearance on The View.

    • TobyWollin says:

      Yes, don’t you love it? Our toughest interviewers are the ladies on The view and our greatest investigative journalists are writing for RollingStone.

  21. MadDog says:

    And more totally OT – From the Congressional Research Service via Secrecy News:

    Presidential Succession: Perspectives, Contemporary Analysis, and 110th Congress Proposed Legislation

    For the Rules wonks hereabouts, this is a must read! Good stuff like just what are the rules for succession for:

    – Between Nomination and Election
    – Between the Election and the Meeting of the Electors
    – Between the Electoral College Vote and the Electoral Vote Count by Congress
    – Between the Electoral Vote Count and Inauguration

        • ratfood says:

          Undoubtedly suggested by one of the lawyers, insert something (however ridiculous) into the record so that later you can point to it and say you made an effort to comply with the investigation.

        • eCAHNomics says:

          According to what Rachel said, it is a report released by McCain-Palin, so wouldn’t seem to be part of the official record. We shall see.

  22. aine says:

    one of the problems with printing information that contradicts a widely carried statement is that so many people don’t access media outlets that print information that doesn’t reflect their opinion… for example, i don’t listen to fox news or read right wing news outlet; people that support mccain don’t access keith olberman or rachel maddow. because it is a neurological bias to seek and believe information that supports what your already think you know.

  23. earlofhuntingdon says:

    McCrankyPants would have to be a net loser every year not to have to report winnings as taxable income.

    Given how frequently McCain gambles, each time for stakes that far exceed most consumers’ monthly budgets, and given that he’s a well-known public official who is frequently in the spotlight, not least for espousing his ethics and family values, one would think that he, or more likely, someone on his staff, would keep track of his win/loss record. Among other things, not bothering to keep records would not excuse his failure properly to report winnings.

    Given his lifestyle and public responsibilities in AZ and DC, one would think that an amount equivalent to his public salary would normally be consumed within the year he earns it. Which means that apart from his relatively recent book earnings, McSame has been gambling with Momma’s money. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t want to count how much he loses every year. Why can’t we all have allowances as big as the one Cindy gives to St. John, eh?

  24. LS says:

    I just love this:

    March 5, 1986

    Mr. Charles H. Keating, Jr. blah, blah, blah

    “Dear Charlie:

    I was just informed that you received a letter listing you as a member of my Finance Committee and requesting that you solicit funds for my campaign.

    I want to assure you that the letter was sent to you in error, and I had previously told my finance people that any dealings concerning the campaign would be conducted by me.

    As you know, I am deeply appreciateive of your friendship and support over the years, and I would not want to do anything which would offend you. Please accept my apology, and be assured that there will be no future repetition of this kind.

    I will look forward to seeing you soon.


    John McCain
    Member of Congress”

    Keating responds by writing in handwriting across the letter:



    Don’t be silly. You can call me anything write anything or do anything I’m yours till death do us part


    Kinda reminds me of the Godfather planting a “kiss” on someone….totally sarcastic and with a sting.

    McCain is dishonorable.

        • LS says:

          True. Buhe letter I transcribed is on House of Representatives stationary and the signature is Congressman. The received stamp on the letter is March 11th, in response to the March 5th letter from McCain.

        • LS says:

          Sorry, I’m having computer problems…

          There is no definitive “date” as to when the handwritten part was written…only the received stamp.

          Keating stuck it to him nevertheless.

        • cinnamonape says:

          That’s precisely why McCain got off with such a light handslap. The Senate actually said that they couldn’t censure him as a member for actions that was done before he became a member. Thus they could only reprimand him. The other Senators, who were actually introduced to Keating by McCain and had lesser peronal involvement and benefits got more severe punishments. Only Glenn and McCain actually decided to run and won re-election. The others left in disgrace.

          McCain has tried to sound like a “Maverick” reformer ever since, but most of his co-authored legislation were Democratic efforts heavily watered down by McCain. The classic case is the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Act which has bigger loopholes in it than a moth-eaten camoflage net. It served to hide his nefariousness from public view.

        • ratfood says:

          McCain constructed a safety net made of toilet paper and now it is beginning to rain. If he’d been content to stay nearer the bottom instead of trying for the top job in government, at least he wouldn’t have had so far to fall.

  25. Mnemosyne says:

    except that . . . wasn’t/isn’t McCain part of the Senate committee with oversight of the Indian casinos? I find it hard to believe that he or any high-profile/high-impact customer would walk out of these places with zero winnings.

  26. eCAHNomics says:

    Speaking of cooking, I had one success and one failure today. Made pear butter (bosc pears, vanila bean, lemon zest), which is delicious. One the other hand, I had the rosemary paste for angel hair pasta for dinner, but the raw garlic is waaay too pungent for me.

  27. irishdave3 says:

    2things about Ayers…he didn’t SAY that on was published by the “liberal” NYT on that day…and that “I wish we could have done more” was in reference to ending the South East Asian War Games. I was on the 2nd place team(the French got the Bronze Medal)and paying close attention…Anyone who is trying to kill me is my Enemy…like say the Coot and the Ho Tess Twinkie..

  28. alank says:

    McCain was the bottom of the barrel. You can’t expect much of him. Obama is not. We should expect the best from him. Certainly not gutter politics.

  29. cinnamonape says:

    McCain himself paid over $150K over the years to fringe segregationist and pro-separationist Confederacy advocate Richard Quinn, the publisher of the “Southern Partisan”.

    McCain’s Ties To Southern Partisan

    Quinn and his associates are being used by McCain in the South to foment just the sort of racial hatred that he’s opened up.

  30. Leen says:

    I am so tired of the McCain is a war hero hogwash. O.K. I am sorry that he or anyone ended up as POW’s. But I will not celebrate the bombing of innocent Vietnamese. I would not celebrate that illegal and immoral war then and I will not do it now!

    McCain ditched his handicapped wife for the young and rich Cindy. Cindy was a home wrecker. When people like this talk about family values I want to vomit.