Anthrax Timeline, Two

[I’ve updated this timeline with dates from the DOJ documents.]

July 6, 2000: The last lot of BioPort’s anthrax vaccine fails potency tests; Ivins say the shit is about to hit the fan

August 12, 2000: Ivins says "last Saturday" (August 5) was "one of my worst days in months"

Spring 2001: Ivins taken off Special Immunization Program

September 7, 2001: Ivins put back on Special Immunization Program

September 14, 2001: Ivins works late for 2 hours 15 minutes

September 15, 2001: Ivins works late for 2 hours 15 minutes

September 16, 2001: Ivins works late for 2 hours 15 minutes

September 18, 2001: Less lethal "media" anthrax letters postmarked

September 26, 2001: Ivins emails, "I just heard tonight that Bin Laden terrorists for sure have anthrax and sarin gas" … "Osama Bin Laden has just decreed death to all Jews and Americans"

September 28: Ivins works late for 1 hour 42 minutes

September 29, 2001: Ivins works late for 1 hour 20 minutes

September 30, 2001: Ivins works late for 1 hour 18 minutes

October 1, 2001: Ivins works late for 20 minutes

October 2, 2001: Ayaad Asaad interviewed about claim he was a bioterrorist; Judy Miller’s Germs published; Ivins works late for 23 minutes

October 3, 2001: Ivins works late for 2 hours 59 minutes

October 4, 2001: Ivins works late for 3 hours 33 minutes

October 5, 2001: Ivins works late for 3 hours 42 minutes; Bob Stevens, photo editor of Sun newspaper, dies

Almost immediately after attacks: FBI works with Ft. Detrick scientists to identify anthrax

October 2001: Ames strain at Iowa State destroyed with consent of FBI

October 9, 2001: Ivins works late for 15 minutes; Daschle and Leahy letters postmarked

October 12, 2001: Judy Miller gets fake anthrax letter

October 14, 2001: Ivins works late for 1 hour 26 minutes; Guardian first suggests tie between anthrax and Iraq

October 15, 2001: Daschle letter opened; Bush presses FBI to look into Middle Eastern links to anthrax

October 16, 2001: Ivins’ coworker emails "Bruce has been an absolute manic basket case the last few days"

October 18, 2001: Nerve attack scare in White House situation room

October 18, 2001: John McCain links anthrax attack to Iraq and Phase II of war on terror

October 21, 2001: First of two DC postal workers dies of anthrax poisoning

October 22, 2001: Secret Service reports traces of anthrax on letter opening machine in White House

October 24, 2001: USA PATRIOT passes House

October 25, 2001: USA PATRIOT passes Senate

October 26, 2001: USA PATRIOT signed into law; ABC News cites well-placed sources (now explained to be then current and former scientists conducting analysis of the anthrax) with bentonite claim

October 29, 2001: General John Parker mis-reports that silica found in anthrax sample

December 2001: FBI investigators start questioning Ft. Detrick scientists

December 2001: Ivins improperly cleans worksite

December 5, 2001: Leahy letter opened at Ft. Detrick

December 12, 2001: Reports first tie anthrax to Dugway strain

February 2002: Ivins turns over samples but fails to follow protocol

April 10, 2002: Ivins turns over samples

May 2002: FBI tests mailboxes in Princeton, NJ

May 10, 2002: Ivins speaks to investigators about his efforts to clean worksite in December 2001

June 18, 2002: Barbara Hatch Rosenberg briefs Leahy and Daschle with her US scientist theory–naming Hatfill directly

June 25, 2002: FBI conducts consensual search of Hatfill’s apartment–tips off media

July 2002: MZM receives White House contract for "threat mail technology insertion"

Late July 2002: FBI Special Agent Bob Roth ignores Hatfill’s lawyer’s offer for consensual interview

August 1, 2002: FBI conducts second search–media again tipped off; DOJ gets Hatfill fired from new job at LSU

August 6, 2002: Ashcroft names Hatfill person of interest

August 11, 2002: FBI leak of contents of Hatfill novel to ABC news pre-empting Hatfill public statement; FBI canvasses Princeton residents to see if they had seen Hatfill in Princton

August 12, 2002: Newsweek reports on use of bloodhounds

August 13, 2002: Hatfill files formal complaint with DOJ

October 5, 2002: Richard Lambert assumes Inspector in Charge role in investigation

November 2002: Robert Mueller incorrectly announces FBI trying to reverse engineer strain

January 9, 2003: Officials at counter-terrorism conference tell ABC Hatfill most likely suspect

March 14, 2003: Ivins recives honor for getting anthrax vaccine back into production

April 11, 2003: OPR says investigation into leaks reveals no leakers

May 5, 2003: Supervisory Special Agent Van Harp (previously in charge of investigation) retires

May 11, 2003: WaPo reports that FBI draining pond in search of clues on Hatfill

August 26, 2003: Hatfill sues DOJ

November 21, 2003: DOJ moves to stay suit

December 12, 2003: FBI finds additional samples of Ivins’ samples

January 5, 2004: DOJ moves to dismiss suit

April 7, 2004: Ivins submits new samples to FBI; FBI seals flasks with evidence tape

May 2004: Roscoe Howard, later named as source for several journalists, resigns as US Attorney

June 17, 2004: The seized Ivins samples submitted to Navy Medical Research Center

October 21, 2004: Judge Walton grants Hatfill discovery on press reports, not investigative files

February 22, 2005: DOJ demands that Hatfill have identity of leakers to pursue privacy case

Contrary to plaintiff’s assertion, because his claim for damages requires him to establish that any disclosure of information protected by the Privacy Act was “intentional or willful,” he cannot prevail without establishing the identity of the individual who made any such disclosure and the circumstances surrounding the disclosure.

February 23, 2005: Hatfill moves to question Van Harp (who admits contacts with many of the journalists who reported on Hatfill)

March 31, 2005: Ivins confronted with the fact his samples didn’t match

June 22, 2005: DOJ opposes Hatfill deposition of Virginia Patrick, wife of Bill Patrick

November 19, 2005: Ivins writes email naming two colleagues as potential anthrax culprits

April 21, 2006: Jean Duley caught drunk driving

July 17, 2006: Hatfill files motion to compel, including material from depositions and Congressional contacts

August 2006: Douglas Beecher publishes article stating that FBI misunderstood nature of anthrax used in attack

October 13, 2006: Jean Duley pleads guilty to DUI

October 24, 2006: Grassley writes letter following up on reassignment of Lambert to Knoxville; Lisi and Montooth would have replaced Lambert

May 7, 2007: Ivins claimed he was aware that his anthrax matched that used in the attack within three months of the attack; he claims he was told by three colleagues who had tested the anthrax used in the attacks

July 18, 2007: forensic psychiatrist profiles Ivins

August 13, 2007: Judge Walton orders some reporters to reveal their sources

November 1, 2007: Ivins’ house searched

December 23, 2007: Duley caught driving with no headlights, DUI

March 2008: FBI Agents confront Ivins and his wife, accusing him of killing people

March 7, 2008: Judge Walton holds Toni Locy in contempt

March 19, 2008: Ivins found unconscious in his home

March 28, 2008: Fox News reports four suspects in case

April 10, 2008: Duley’s DUI and driving with no headlights not prosecuted

April 24, 2008: Duley pleads guilty to DUI

May 26, 2008: Ivins finishes four weeks of rehab

June 27, 2008: DOJ settles with Hatfill

July 9, 2008: Duley alleges Ivins makes threats; Ivins interviewed in presence of attorney; Pat Leahy asks Mukasey about anthrax case (12:20 PM)

July 10, 2008: Ivins attends bubonic plague vaccine meeting, then barred from Ft. Detrick and taken for psychiatric evaluation

July 24, 2008: Duley signs complaint against Ivins

July 29, 2008: Ivins dies of apparent suicide

  1. bvicarious says:

    I transcribed your information to a public interactive timeline that anyone can edit. I haven’t yet added the DOJ stuff, but anyone is free to do so and fill in any other details/links that are appropriate. It can be located here:…..x_Timeline

  2. eruditeblonde says:

    I know you think it’s significant evidence that Ivins worked late before the September and October envelopes were mailed — that fact being added to your new timeline — but everyone should read Dr. Meryl Nass’s thoughts on this. She’s been referenced by Greenwald in his recent posts and is a respected anthrax specialist who knew Ivins. On the point of working late, she writes:

    “Ivins was in the lab alone at night for prolonged period–much more so than at other times. Perhaps so. But the document states he spent exactly the same amount of time in the biosafety suite each night for 3 nights running just when the first letters were sent (September 14-16): 2 hours and 15 minutes, each time. That is a funny coincidence, when he spent variable amounts of time in the building. To me it suggests a clerical error.

    Between September 11, 2001 and the first anthrax letter being found, there was a LOT of talk about a biological attack being next. I was deluged with queries about this at the time. So if Ivins was trying to work harder under the cloud of an impending attack, it makes sense to me, because I was working harder.”

    She addresses the other “evidence” as well and points out who truly benefited from the anthrax attacks — BioPort’s CEO is one example — so it’d be interesting to add this to your timeline. For example:

    “Its CEO, Fuad El-Hibri, bought most of the company in 1998 with $3 Million down. The next day, the Army agreed to indemnify it for him. Last week, one day after Ivins went into the hospital with an overdose, and one day after Ivins died, El Hibri sold some of his shares in the company, for $200 Million.”

    • leveymg says:

      You’re on the right track, eruditeblonde. Follow the money, and you’ll find a perfectly good reason why the chain of events unfolded the way they did, along with the real motive for the attacks.

      Just follow the history of how Ivins created value for BioPort/Emergent, and once that company had cornered the market and bought out all its potential competitors in the industry, the last being Vaxgen that sold out in March the new vaccine process Ivins developed for it, Ivins was snared by the FBI. See,…..310/563110

  3. prostratedragon says:

    OK, so the late hours in Sept-Oct 2001 predate any testing from the attacks Ivins might have been helping with. They do line up with his restarting a project that I suppose had been lying fallow, at least in his hands —but if he’d been staying late preparing reagents or doing orders or something, one would think he’d remember that.

    I haven’t actually looked closely at the package yet: is “working late” on Sat or Sun equivalent to working at all on those days, or is there any indication from the logs? Sep 15, 16, 29, and 30 are on weekends.

      • ColleenaDailyLurker says:

        Researchers working late happens all the time. In real world research sometimes later is better for access to heavily used equipment. Working late in biomedical research is more the norm. Is Fort Detrick a 9-5 operation? That would be not normal. I don’t know about this place I do more normal academic research. Working late is not unusual.

      • plunger says:

        OT, but hugely significant…here is a headline today by AP:

        “Israel considers military option for Iran nukes”

        Could there be a more misleading headline? Iran HAS NO “NUKES!” and according to most analysts, is nearly a decade away from having its first.…..iking_iran

        Can it get any more obvious that Israel is going to use its tactical nukes against Iran – and that nothing we say will stop them?

        So, who is the REAL “Superpower” – capable of offensive (first strike) nuclear attack without US permission? Who really invented the Bush Doctrine of preemptive first-strikes?

        Ask Karen Kwiatkowski.

  4. LiberalHeart says:

    How can a postmark tell authorities when something was dropped in the mailbox? The mailboxes near where I live have pick up times printed on them — some have pickups only once a day, in the late afternoon. Some have pickups twice a day. How can they decide the anthrax mailings were put in the box at night?

    • emptywheel says:

      They provide windows of when the thing was mailed. So, for example, they point out that Ivins was working late on October 5, which would have been a Friday, but the anhtrax wasn’t post-marked until October 9. The logic is, with teh wekekend and (I think) the Columbus day holiday that Monday, the 9th might have been the “next” day. Though there was a Saturday 3PM pickup at that box, so that’s not exactly true.

  5. WilliamOckham says:

    The current explanation offered by Ross is completely inconsistent with his article from October 29, 2001.

    He has a WH source contradicting Fleischer:

    …another senior White House official backed off Fleischer’s comments, saying “at this point” there does not appear to be bentonite.

    The official said the Ft. Detrick findings represented an “opinionated analysis,” that three other labs are conducting tests, and that one of those labs had contradicted the bentonite finding. But, the official added, “tests continue.”

    Now Ross claims that:

    My point of view is viewers of World News knew early that week we had been wrong to say bentonite

    October 26, 2001 was a Friday. On Sunday, Oct. 28, World News viewers were told:

    And despite continued White House denials, four well-placed and separate sources have told ABC News that initial tests on the anthrax by the US Army at Fort Detrick, Maryland, have detected trace amounts of the chemical additives bentonite and silica.

    On Oct. 29, Ross was all over ABC (GMA, World News, etc.) pimping the Iraq-Anthrax story.

  6. Slothrop says:

    The “Ivins works late” stuff lacks context. Who else worked late? Anyone? No one? How often did others work late? Anyone showing up early?

    • prostratedragon says:

      From the DOJ report:

      The investigation has also analyzed the daily schedules, work areas accessed, and the number of hours worked per week of all other researchers assigned to the Bacteriology Division who had access to Suite B3 during the months of September and October 2001. When these records are compared to Dr. Ivins for the same period, Dr. Ivins’s habits are significantly different than those of the other researchers, in that he was frequently in Suite B3, where RMR- 1029 was kept, late at night and on weekends when no other researchers were present in Suite B3. Additionally, while Dr. Ivins was in Suite B3 at night, no other USAMRlID employee was present.

      So that’s the official story on that. No summary stats or graphs on the other workers’ time patterns are displayed, however. Nothing I can see yet on early arrivals, either.

      Of course, these being spores, there’s no need for them to have been prepared just proximately to when the letters were mailed.

    • behindthefall says:

      I defy anyone working with bacteria NOT to have spells of working late. You jump when the cultures are ready, and there doesn’t have to be a sinister reason for growing cultures or whatever: it’s just what you do.

    • yonodeler says:

      If I had to attack the offering as evidence Ivin’s staying late at the lab, I’d suggest that being present at the lab increased Ivins’ availability for urgent communications, as well as for discussions with colleagues; immediate post-9/11 was an anxious time for everyone in their field, and nearly all no doubt wanted to do all they could to be of help in time of national crisis. Communications security at the lab and its campus (an Army fort, after all) would be stronger (one would think) than that of one’s home network and systems. It doesn’t seem implausible that a concerned and committed government servant (whether or not Ivins was one in 2001) would decide to spend extra hours where being present for longer spans might make him more useful.

  7. WilliamOckham says:

    I really think you should add the Atta in Prague stories to this timeline. The bentonite claim was always joined at the hip to the Atta in Prague claim. Atta in Prague went through a leak, denial, confirmation cycle in a single week, the same week as the bentonite claim.

    • behindthefall says:

      Mr. Stevens, the photographer in Florida who died, was a colleague of the woman who rented the apartment to Atta, as I recall. What was that about? Where did that letter come from, and where was the public supposed to think that it came from? Two degrees of separation from a hijacker linked (spuriously) to Iraq. Anyone know how that whole angle has been resolved?

  8. Hugh says:

    From wiki:

    September 21, 2001 postmark of letter accusing Ayaad Assaad

    October 2, 2001 Robert Stevens admitted to hospital

    October 3, 2001 Stevens diagnosed with anthrax

  9. JimWhite says:

    The motion to unseal is a very strange document. It gives no reason why it “need no longer be sealed” and thus “should be disclosed”. Can one of the legal eagles help me out here? Shouldn’t the judge require a justification for why it is now appropriate to release this information and why other information, like a full description of the rest of the case against Ivins and the scientific data generated in the case isn’t being released at the same time?

  10. pajarito says:

    The Camel Club needs some scrutiny. They had no qualms about ruining a professional’s career, Ayaad Assaad. This was based on anti-arab hate. They worked at Detrick, in the lab. They had access to anthrax and other pathogens. Might they have decided to “frame” arabs (muslims) by mailing some death? What are few deaths to incite more hate, foment more war, and give the final straw to clear the way to war on Iraq. Besides, in a Bush administration it probably would get you promoted.

  11. x174 says:

    emptywheel–just wanted to say thanks for starting this timeline.

    as i was reviewing some of the dumped documents, i wasn’t able to get a sense of what happened when; now with your timeline, it’s starting to come into/out of focus for me.

    one suggestion: unsubstantiated claims made by the FBI in their dump should be marked; as it stands, it sure gives them more credibility than they deserve. i mean, we’re talking about evidence orchestrated by Jeffrey “Alberto Gonzales gave me this job” Taylor

    • bmaz says:

      Heh, I could make a pretty decent argument that would constitute all of the claims; many as to the entire claim, some only as to a critical element of the claim (which of course ultimately renders the whole defective). Perhaps there is additional evidence we are being denied; you would think that they would put the best face forward though. If this is the best, it isn’t overly impressive; to say the least.

      I would also note that the firm tradition from this Administration of selectively cherry picking only the information that fits their narrative is quite clearly alive and very well. A prototype barnicled selective rollout if there ever was one; case closed, now get off my lawn. Uh huh, I buy that. Or not.

  12. wigwam says:

    Per Mary at #47 in the previous thread:

    * The RMR-1029 was kept in the containment room called B-3 which had access controlled and recorded. While Ivins worked late nights from time to time, not only did his late night work spike in August, Sept and Oct of 2001 compared to the previous year and to prior and subsequent months, but his late night access to room B-3 in particular “spiked” and he spent much more time in B-3 at nights and on weekends when no other researchers were present in the containment room than any of the others with access. There was no reason that co-workers or Ivins could give as to why he would need so much access to B-3, the containment room, during this period either based on his experiments or work load. [Emphasis mine.]

    Mary mentioned that Ivins put in late nights in August, but this time line has none in August.

    • prostratedragon says:

      wigwam, the narration in the DOJ report does not handle Aug. consistently, but that’s probably where Mary found that assertion. On p. 8 mid-Aug is described as the beginning of Ivins’ “hard time” bracket, and the bar graph on that page does show many more B3 nights in Aug 2001 than Aug 2000. (Whether year-over-year is a sensible comparison in this type of occupation is another question; just becuase the man was growing something doesn’t make him a farmer. As has been said elsewhere, a comparison to the average over other researchers or some such would seem more telling to me.) However, the table has no August records.

  13. PetePierce says:

    Duley’s driving with no headlights is a metataphor for the FBI’s investigation and the insipid Jeff Taylor’s (USA District of Columbia appointed as interim by Bush) attempt to sell it selectively with handpicked tidbits and as Glenn Greenwald says no hard evidence.

    Nice work as always on your timeline Marcy.

    Glenn here:

    Glenn’s Critique Today of Jeff Taylor’s Proffer

    and as Nell says on the last thread:

    The question is how long ago it left the mil labs, and where the spores were produced and refined. Without a lot more evidence and examination and discussion of the evidence by competent discussants, it’s pretty hard to say


    From Glenn:

    UPDATE II: What is most conspicuously absent from these FBI documents is any real forensic evidence linking Ivins to the anthrax that was sent. That’s particularly striking because the FBI took numerous swabs of Ivins’ residence, his office space, his laboratory devices (presumably including the lyothilizer he used), his locker, his cars. If they had discovered any anthrax traces that genetically matched what was sent in 2001, they certainly would have said so. But they don’t.

    It’s long been claimed that the property that rendered so dangerous the anthrax sent to Daschle and Leahy was that it was airborne. At times it was even claimed that the anthrax was aerosolized. Under all circumstances, in order for it to be inhalation anthrax, it would have to disperse rather easily. Wouldn’t one expect that the FBI’s swabs would reveal traces of anthrax somewhere on the clothes, in the home or other physical surroundings of the anthrax attacker? Yet apparently those multiple swabbing episodes turned up nothing, at least based on the documents that were released today.

    UPDATE: One of the pieces of circumstantial evidence which the FBI stressed most heavily and which has clearly impressed The New York Times is that Ivins, in a September 26, 2001 email to a colleague (which the FBI appears not to have released in full), wrote: “Osama bin Laden has just decreed death to all Jews and all Americans.” After citing that email, the FBI then claims in each of its Search Warrant affidavits (emphasis in original) that this is “language similar to the text of the anthrax letters postmarked two weeks later warning ‘DEATH TO AMERICA,’ ‘DEATH TO ISRAEL.’”

    It’s hardly surprising — let alone shocking — that Ivins would use those phrases to argue why Islamic radicals were a threat. Indeed, those exact phrases had long been prominent in the news in connection with numerous reports of Islamic radicals. As but a few examples:

    Everyone can decide for themselves how persuasive they find that, but “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” were hardly some exotic or unique phrases the use of which by both Ivins and the anthrax attacker would constitute anything incriminating. To the contrary, those phrases were very common, and routinely appeared in press reports, particularly around the time of 9/11, for obvious reasons:

    After reading WaPo, TPM Muck, NYT, WSJ:

    1) I haven’t seen anything definitive that confirms whethe the Anthrax linked to Ivins, so-called ” “RMR-1029″ liquid was 1.5 to 3 microns in diameter coated with a polyglass which tightly bound hydrophilic silica to each particle or not. I’ve seen people claiming it was or it wasn’t and I haven’t read the DOJ docs so if it confirms this let me know.

    2) As has been pointed out the description of the filter process he might have used is an umbrella term, so we don’t really know how many other people could have had access t ways to make dry powder out of liquid in the vial. I don’t think we know if the culprit particles were given a weak electrical charge or not as was described by DHS on the cleanup of the Daschle particles in D.C.

    3) The DNA genotyping doesn’t restrict Ivins as the only individual that had access to this anthrax originally in liquid form anyway.

    4) The strain is ubiquitous on cattle trails accross the country and at the Pastuer institute. A number of individuals had access to it but it would have been damn hard taken some ingenuity to make the fine powder out of what was in the vial, and Ivins was far from the only one who could.

    5) KKG–in high school we had a sorority named that and they were hot. But as a driving motive and circumstantial evidence here it just sucks.

    6) Letters to Congress–gee no one from the EW or FDL group of blogs ever gets moved or encouraged to write those do they.

    7) The “Death to Israel” rhetoric and the Eagle paper–just ridiculous as to specificity. Too many people could use it.

    Nothing presented by the asshole DC USA Jeff Taylor and the FBI Dean of Fuckups is compelling enough to even indict with a grand jury of minimal intelligence.

    9) The flask of anthrax as Gerald Posner told KO proves absolutely fucking nothing. There was worldwide access to that anthrax–it wasn’t confined to Detrick.

    10) The DNA genotyping they used may wow the public, but it’s not precisely geared to nail microbes nor state of the art. This is meant to wow the public–50% of whom don’t know what party theoretically is in control of Congress although they may be the smarter 50% the way Congress has comported itself.

    11) The FBI spent months trying to reverse engineer this Anthrax and couldn’t get it done.

    12) From Muckraker Schmuckraker quoting Taulor:

    It was a flask that was “created and solely maintained” by Dr. Bruce Ivins, the key suspect who killed himself last week. Others at the lab also had access to the flask, officials said.

    And Taylor has proved this how? Because I didn’t hear him offer proof I don’t care how many affidavits he has unsealed that say it.

    Taylor said Ivins gave him a bogus anthrax. And he establishes this how? How does Taylor rule out anthrax that was the same strain from the Pastuer institute?

    13) After convincing themselves Ivins didn’t give them the correct strain which they say was RMR-1029 and Ivins says he gave them given their suspicion and what they call erratic behavior that they think is outside the scope of someone whose buttons they are continually pushing and given the ways they stalked Hatfill why does it take them two years to get a warrant from a cowed and compliant D.C. district court judge to search Ivins’ home? That’s a long frigging time for this type investigation or anything the Federal Bunglers of Investigation is mucking with.

    14) The so-called lympholizer is a generic umbrella term; it’s not the only way to make fine power and prooves very little if anything.

  14. Loo Hoo. says:

    April 10, 2008: Duley’s DUI and driving with no headlights not prosecuted

    April 24, 2008: Duley pleads guilty to DUI

    If they were not prosecuted, why did she have to plead?

  15. sailmaker says:

    Might want to check out Justin Raimondo’s piece calling attention to the “Camel Club” and their racial/ethnic harassment of Dr. Ayaad Assaad. Assaad was an American citizen born in Egypt, an employee of USAMRIID working on a ricin vaccine, who was basically stalked and harassed from his job, and upon whom suspision fell immediately. A letter to “Town of Quantico Police” accused Assaad of planning a bio terror attack on American soil, posted after the first anthrax letters were postmarked but before the first anthrax letters were opened. I’d look at people in the ‘camel club’ Philip Zack and Marion Rippy more suspiciously than Ivins. Investigators found:

    “Documents from the inquiry show that one unauthorized person who was observed entering the lab building at night was Langford’s predecessor, Lt. Col. Philip Zack, who at the time no longer worked at Fort Detrick. A surveillance camera recorded Zack being let in at 8:40 p.m. on Jan. 23, 1992, apparently by Marian Rippy, a lab pathologist and close friend of Zack’s, according to a report filed by a security guard.”

    Leveymg has an interesting back story on BioPort.

    I still think it interesting that on October 12th, 2001 Cheney was on the News hour saying:

    VICE PRESIDENT DICK CHENEY: We’ve got continued reporting that really led us to believe that the threat level had gone up – that is to say it’s fairly precise in terms of time, although not location or anything like that. And all of that’s obviously of concern. We’ve had this ongoing disclosure now of anthrax problems, now extending to NBC in New York, and nobody’s made a direct link yet but at this stage you have to be concerned about that sort of thing, the possibility. Are they related? We don’t know. We don’t have enough evidence to be able to pin down that kind of connection. But, on the other hand, these kinds of activities that we saw in Florida, now perhaps in New York, we have to be suspicious.

    and then

    VICE PRESIDENT DICK CHENEY: No. What we do know – we know a number of things. We know that Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaida Organization clearly have already launched an attack that killed thousands of Americans. We know that for years he’s been the source of terrorist attacks against the United States overseas, our embassies in East Africa in ‘98 — the USS Cole last year, probably, in Yemen. We know that he has over the years tried to acquire weapons of mass destruction, both biological and chemical weapons. We know that he’s trained people in his camps in Afghanistan, for example; we have copies of the manuals that they’ve actually used to train people with respect to how to deploy and use these kinds of substances. So, you start to piece it altogether. Again, we have not completed the investigation and maybe it’s coincidence, but I must say I’m a skeptic.

  16. alank says:

    You know? This whopping yarn coming from DOJ should be the last straw for Congress. Congress should read the riot act and sternly advise DOJ that it either make a solid case or be prepared for massive lawsuits that make the Hatfill settlement pocket change. The agency is a total sham from top to bottom. It’s toast. Time to clean house.

  17. alank says:

    Here’s a question: Where’s the anonymously written letter received at Quantico in 2001? Has it been adduced/dumped?

    [Assistant Director Michael A. Mason] said he couldn’t discuss an anonymous letter received by the FBI in the weeks before the anthrax attacks, which accused an Egyptian-born scientist at the Environmental Protection Agency of plotting biological warfare against the United States.

    The Times reported last week that the FBI recently had questioned at least one other EPA scientist about the anonymous letter, which accused EPA toxicologist Ayaad Assaad of being a religious fanatic with the means to use bioterrorism weapons.

    Asked whether the FBI was investigating any connection between the anthrax mailings and the anonymous letter, Mr. Mason told The Times: “I just can’t talk about that. I can’t talk about that letter.”

    Pressed about the significance of the anonymous letter, given to the FBI after it had been sent to police in Quantico, Va., in October 2001, Mr. Mason said flatly that “the letter is not a priority.”

    From Anthrax articles in the Washington Times

  18. nightlight says:

    It is interesting to note that somewhere between August and October of 2001 the Republicans gained access to the confidential files of Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The shockingly unscrupulous Manuel Miranda spied on Democratic strategies for dealing with judicial appointments on the explicit instructions of Mr._______. He shamelessly shared his secret findings with both the GOP and the press for years, yet he got little more than a slap on the wrist. He is now Director of Legislative Statecraft at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

    A 2004 Senate investigation into the matter stated that the anthrax incident had nothing to do with compromising security. Hmm.

    C. The Anthrax Incident in October 2001
    Some of those who were interviewed for this investigation speculated that the involvement of the SAA during the anthrax incident in October 2001 may have resulted in the relaxation of security controls for the Committee. According to the ASAA-CIO, the Judiciary Committee computer systems were unaffected by the Anthrax incident on October 15, 2001. During the temporary relocation of some Judiciary Committee staff to the Postal Square Building from November 2001 through January 2002, the SAA provided access to the Judiciary Committee network from Postal Square to accommodate workstations that were set up there for the use of the Judiciary Committee staff. This involved setting up a separate subnet for the Committee’s workstations in Postal Square and then giving that subnet access through the Senate network routers to the Judiciary Committee subnet. The setup did not include, or require any changes to the host-based security on the Judiciary Committee servers. Anyone who wanted to access a resource on the Judiciary Committee network still had to log on to the server with a valid user name and password and have the appropriate permissions.
    It is also important to note that the Nominations Unit, located at this time in the Dirksen building, did not require relocation. Mr. _____ worked at his same workstation throughout the incident. Additionally, because the Committee’s servers were located in the Dirksen Building, the System Administrator still had physical access to the server to perform whatever administrative tasks needed to be done.

  19. Hmmm says:

    In these passages:

    …Dr. Ivins’s habits are significantly different than those of the other researchers, in that he was frequently in Suite B3, where RMR- 1029 was kept, late at night and on weekends when no other researchers were present in Suite B3. Additionally, while Dr. Ivins was in Suite B3 at night, no other USAMRlID employee was present.


    not only did his late night work spike in August, Sept and Oct of 2001 compared to the previous year and to prior and subsequent months, but his late night access to room B-3 in particular “spiked” and he spent much more time in B-3 at nights and on weekends when no other researchers were present in the containment room than any of the others with access.

    …the phrasing is peculiar. They’re not actually saying Ivins was alone, when that would have been simpler to say. They’re only saying “no other researchers” and “no other USAMRlID employee”. So, could Ivins have been there working with someone who was not a researcher and not a USAMRIID employee? Could that be why he couldn’t give the FBI a reason for what he was doing there?

  20. Hmmm says:

    I’m not understanding something basic here. Is there some reason why the fact that there was a genetic match between the anthrax in the letters and the anthrax in Ivins’ lab conclusively proves the letter anthrax actually came from that lab? Because I would think a totally valid alternate explanation could be that they were just both descendants of the same, common ancestor culture. And if that were true, then in that case the letter anthrax could have been grown and processed somewhere other than Ivins’ lab. What if anything has the FBI shown that would rule that out? If the only given reason is the existence of a mutation, then why couldn’t that mutation have been introduced at the ancestor stage rather than in Ivins’ lab?

  21. freepatriot says:

    preseason football starts for real at 5:00 left coast time

    oh, and some egghead at MIT says the solar revolution may have been won already

    artificial photosynthsis whodathunkit

    MIT mighta won the solar electricity thingy, but Cal Tech kicked their ass in the Beaver bowl

    so who ya gotta bribe to get a trashtalkin thread rounf here ???

    WHADDAYAMEAN nobody talks trash bout preseason football ???

    thought you people in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania an texas treated football like a religion

    you gonna let some prune pickin, sun tanned, surf board totin*, pot smokin, granola eatin, tree huggin california hippy freak out do you people in your football worship rituals ???

    (*actually, it’s a “Water Ski”, we don’t go no oceans round here, but we got lots of rivers)

    to those who say preseason football sucks, I got two words for ya, “Colt Brennan”

    the kid can throw …

    and I’ll have some more words for ya tomorrow …

  22. plunger says:


    LSD leaves a metallic taste in the user’s mouth

    Among the federal documents are excerpts from Ivins’ e-mails to a friend detailing his battles with mental illness. They include parts of an August 2000 email about “one of [his] worst nights in months” and his “paranoid, delusional thoughts.”

    “I wish I could control the thoughts in my mind,” the e-mail read, according to a federal affidavit. “It’s hard enough sometimes controlling my behavior. When I’m being eaten alive inside, I always try to put on a good front at work and at home, so I don’t spread the pestilence.”

    “Occasionally I get this tingling that goes down both arms,” read an e-mail sent by Ivins on April 3, 2000. “At the same time I get dizzy and get this unidentifiable ‘metallic’ taste in my mouth. (I’m not trying to be funny, [redacted] … It actually scares me a bit.) Other times it’s like I’m not only sitting at my desk doing work, I’m also a few feet away watching me do it. There’s nothing like living in both the first person singular AND the third person singular!”

    “Remember when I told you about the ‘metallic’ taste in my mouth that I got periodically? It’s when I get these ‘paranoid’ episodes … Ominously, a lot of the feelings of isolation — and desolation — that I went through before college are returning. I don’t want to relive those years again.”


    Baltimore Sun Staff
    Originally published August 9, 2002

    It was here in the Olson family back yard in 1975 that the world first learned the name of a man who, the story went, had been unwittingly drugged with LSD by the Central Intelligence Agency 22 years earlier and then jumped to his death from a 10th-floor hotel room.

    Reporters heard that family patriarch Frank Olson, ostensibly an Army scientist, had committed suicide in 1953. But that explanation left the family – Eric Olson in particular – with many questions about Frank Olson’s life and death.

    “I feel satisfied,” said Olson, a Harvard-educated clinical psychologist. “We’re where we want to be – we know what happened.”
    What Olson says he knows is this: His father was not a civilian scientist at nearby Fort Detrick, as the family had been told. Instead, he worked for the CIA, running the Special Operations Division at Detrick, which Olson says was the government’s “most secret biological weapons laboratory,” working with materials such as anthrax.

    He says the evidence he has gathered over the years shows that Frank Olson didn’t suffer a nervous breakdown, as the family initially was told, and didn’t commit suicide because he had had a negative drug experience, as they learned in the 1970s. Instead, the son says, his father was killed by the CIA because officials there feared he would divulge classified information concerning the United States’ use of biological weapons in Korea.

    Now the family has learned that the Ford administration was keeping information from the family, concerned that family members would ask questions about the scientist’s work that the government was unprepared to answer. Among those who advocated keeping quiet were Dick Cheney and Donald H. Rumsfeld, now the vice president and defense secretary, the Olsons learned from memos and other papers received last year from the Gerald R. Ford Library.


    Code Name Artichoke (CIA Secret Experiments On Humans)

    Rumsfeld is enriched by his stock in Gilead while Cheney is enriched by his stock in Halliburton…while the Oil Industry acquires resources, Israel acquires territory, the Military Industrial Complex reaps untold riches and the Crown and the Banksters (see Rockefeller) attain their “new world order” and total control in the aftermath of the economic collapse that they intentionally caused.

    Got Motive, Means & Opportunity?

    Got PATSY?

    The CFR is laughing their asses off.

  23. plunger says:

    Any of the “evidence” provided could have been manipulated – and there is no way to authenticate any of it. Give it the weight it deserves.

    They want you to study the trees. That’s always been their “game.”

    Focus on the forest.

    This is but one piece of a massive conspiracy.

  24. plunger says:

    ”We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”…..ssuserland


  25. wavpeac says:

    LSD…unfortunately it’s perfect to explain the erratic behavior. Easy to give without detection. And if the scientist had any inkling would look just like paranoia.

    Facts: Our gov’t developed LSD for potential use in the CIA. It has been given to unsuspecting individuals and it has resulted in suicide when given without prior knowledge or guidance.

    It produces symptoms replicating mental illness.

    I also think that it would be almost impossible to stay late and leave in exactly the same amount of time 3 nights in a row. It defies normal human behavior. Perhaps you could argue that it would be more plausable had it been 2 hours to the minute. (even then, I couldn’t leave at the exact same time every night, my work life is not arranged in this way). But to have it say 2 hours 15 minutes, seems even more bizarre.

    Watched War games 2 with my kids. I can’t get over how much the themes duplicated this scenario. Had I watched the movie two weeks ago, the replication wouldn’t be as obvious. Really weird.

    The theme throughout was innocent people being suspected of bio terrorism due to sweeping generalizations made by a computer program named “RIPPY”.

    Anyone else seen it?

  26. wavpeac says:

    I also think it’s interesting that Ivins was put back on the special immunization program 4 days before 9/11.

    And what happened that he was taken off? Why did they decide to put him back on?

    • bmaz says:

      The truth is out there. And “there” is wherever Ivins’ body is. Corpus delicti. Where is the body. The family should be demanding a rigorous private autopsy, and we ought to offer to foot the cost to get it done. You want “Accountability Now”? Here is a chance to put that fund’s money where it’s mouth is. Do it immediately. Have questions that Ivins was dosed with LSD? There are several modalities that will yield evidence of that. Including hair analysis which, if done by the top labs, and on the most stable of samples (i.e. pubic hair) can give valid results for a period of over a year and quite arguably multiple years. Questions about his degree of real alcoholism? a liver analysis will answer that.

      It is beyond belief that there is no exacting autopsy being performed. Does the family even have custody and control of the body? Are they sure? Have they seen it and know that they still have it or that it is where it is supposed to be? I will bet dollars to donuts that we would not like the true answers to all these questions.

      Corpus Delicti baby, corpus delicti. Where is the body?

      • MarieRoget says:

        Keep calling for an autopsy, & watch how quickly Ivins remains are cremated, if that step not already taken.

        Nice to see you this early, bmaz.

        • MarieRoget says:

          Yeah, I know Ivins family is Catholic, but so’s mine, & there have been plenty of excuses made to authorize cremation by Catholics therein. Someone suddenly discovered that “he wanted it that way” etc, etc.

      • PetePierce says:

        An autopsy should have been done of course. Ask yourself given the selective presentation of Jeff Taylor and the FBI what differentiates ourselves from a bannana republic. There was more info on Bhutto, and this smacks of many cold war deaths of enemys of the Russian State when it was the Soviet Union.

        There is a very poor correlation of alcohol consumption and liver disease however, because in many individuals it can take years to see significant changes. From the alcoholic liver section in the latest edition of Harrison’s Internal Medicine:

        Only 15% of Alcoholics develop liver disease.

        Quantity and duration of alcohol intake are the most important risk factors involved in the development of alcoholic liver disease (Table 301-1). The roles of beverage type(s), i.e. wine, beer, or spirits, and pattern of drinking are less clear. Progress of the hepatic injury beyond the fatty liver stage seems to require additional risk factors that remain incompletely defined. Women are more susceptible to alcoholic liver injury when compared to men. They develop advanced liver disease with substantially less alcohol intake. Hispanic men have a much higher age-adjusted death rate in the United States from alcoholic cirrhosis than do non-Hispanic whites and blacks. In general, the time it takes to develop liver disease is directly related to the amount of alcohol consumed. It is useful in estimating alcohol consumption to understand that one beer, four ounces of wine, or one ounce of 80% spirits all contain ~12 g of alcohol. The threshold for developing alcoholic liver disease in men is an intake of >60–80 g/d of alcohol for 10 years, while women are at increased risk for developing similar degrees of liver injury by consuming 20–40 g/d. Ingestion of 160 g/d is associated with 25–fold increased risk of developing alcoholic cirrhosis. Gender-dependent differences result from poorly understood effects of estrogen and the metabolism of alcohol. Social, immunologic, and heritable factors have all been postulated to play a part in the development of the pathogenic process.

        Risk Factor Comment
        Quantity In men, 40–80 g/d of ethanol produces fatty liver; 160 g/d for 10–20 years causes hepatitis or cirrhosis. Only 15% of alcoholics develop alcoholic liver disease.

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        Strikes me that there’s plenty of reason for state or local government to demand an autopsy. That they apparently haven’t is suspicious in a case of this notoriety, especially given the DOJ’s aggressive, shall we say, claims about the strength of its case.

        Even if state or federal authorities did one, it should be observed and/or repeated by the family’s independent team. The information ought not aide the prosecution, presumably why they don’t want one: Dr. Ivins may have committed suicide, but the method isn’t likely to tell us why. But the results may help their peace of mind, and aid their defense or their prosecution for civil suits against those who may have acted wrongly.

  27. plunger says:

    International Herald Tribune – “A few days before the anthrax attacks of 2001, the scientist who has emerged as the suspect in the case sent e-mails warning that Osama bin Laden’s “terrorists for sure have anthrax and sarin gas” and have “just decreed death to all Jews and all Americans,” according to documents released by the government on Wednesday.”

    If you were about to commit a crime, would you telegraph it in writing to your friends?

  28. wavpeac says:

    Wouldn’t high levels of alcohol use also show up in hair samples?

    Could be wrong here, but it seems that I have heard of them using this with pregnant women…crack and alcohol.

    Yea…interesting that there was no autopsy…that there seems to be a hurry up and bury him quick!!

  29. RevDeb says:

    I wish you had been around to help with the JFK assassination analysis. I still can’t believe Haggis’ magic bullet scenario and the Warren Report conclusions. My guess is that you would have laid it all out and figured it out.

  30. pajarito says:

    Contrast the FBI stuff with this: 200 mourners show at a memorial service for Dr. Ivins at Ft. Detrick. Many Army staff remember what a helpful and humorous mentor he was.…../808070399

    It doesn’t add up. Much more convincing information (not statements from FBI) is needed.

  31. PetePierce says:

    Gerald Posner will have a field day as will others writing credible fact filled books ripping the total lack of substantive evidence the government has revealed.

    We have truly arrived at a government and DOJ that has other contempt for the American people. The DOJ needs to be scrubbed completely clean at Main Justice as does the FBI. They are worthless scum.

    • watercarrier4diogenes says:

      Posner was on Countdown (clip # 4) last night and is most definitely going to have a field day with this one. He’s contacted microbiologists both here and in Europe about the ‘lyophilizer’ in that lab and describes in detail why there’s no way that machine could have been used to make weapons grade powdered anthrax spores. They have a positive ionic charge and a coating that increases their ability to reach deeply into lungs when inhaled. A lyophilizer is a glorified freeze-dryer (think backpacking food).

  32. JimWhite says:

    Ru-roh. Has anyone else noticed the problem inherent in the fact that Ivins went off the Special Immunization Program in spring, 2001 and didn’t go back on it until September 7? Yet,the after-hours data on access to the “hot suite” show lots of time in August, when he would have been most at risk from being off the program. Wouldn’t they have taken away his access when he went off the program? More details in a post I just put up; click my name.

  33. Quzi says:

    I wonder if there is any significance to Glenn Cross being hired by the FBI:

    “The FBI has hired a former colleague of Steven J. Hatfill who provided the bureau with information about him for its long-running anthrax investigation, an unusual move that some experts said could pose an appearance of conflict of interest if the government tries to use the employee as a prosecution witness.

    An FBI spokesman said the recent hiring of Glenn Cross as a full-time counterterrorism analyst based at FBI headquarters is “not related to the anthrax case” and would not prevent him from testifying before a grand jury or in a court proceeding.”…..uejob.html

  34. yellowsnapdragon says:

    Glad to see that you included the MZM contract of July, 2002 in the timeline, EW. I smell a link to the money/corruption side of your research. Deep roots of the Aspen indeed.

  35. ericbrewer says:

    October 29, 2001: General John Parker mis-reports that silica found in anthrax sample

    It’s premature to conclude that silica was not found. Silicon was definitely present. When silica is analyzed by mass spectrography, it shows up as silicon and oxygen, as shown in the spectrum at the bottom of the page linked above.

    No proof has been provided for claims made in 2006 by Beecher and Meselson that the anthrax was additive-free.

    No proof has been provided for Meselson’s theory that the silicon was naturally present in the spore coat.

  36. Librarianna says:

    Did anyone notice this in the email exerpts?

    September 15,2001, “I am incredibly sad and angry at what happened,
    now that it has sunk in. Sad for all of the victims, their farnilies;their friends.
    And angry. Very angry. Angry at those who did this, who support them, who
    coddle them, and who excuse them.”

    It sounds more like he suspects someone(s) rather than feels guilty.

    And this:
    On July 18,2007, a forensic psychiatrist completed a detailed review of Dr. Ivins
    insurance billing records for medical appointments and prescriptions. Additionally, this
    psychiatrist was provided with an overview of Dr. Ivins’s social habits, interests, and obsessions.
    The forensic psychiatrist stated that based on his experience, if Dr. Ivins was the mailer, it is
    quite possible that Dr. Ivins retained some kind of souvenir or references to the mailing events.

    Is this forensic psychologist the Dr. Irwin that Duley mentions? Please notice this “detailed review” of documents and information (provided by unknown persons) occurs AFTER her allegations of threats by Dr.Ivins, which indicates to me that he wasn’t the original clinical psychiatrist. It also occurred BEFORE her complaint was filed, so could be the source of her heresay allegations.

    Did any of you see anything even resembling “souvenirs of the mailing events” having ever been found?
    Didn’t think so.

    I find these email exerpts and paraphrases extremely suspect. It occurs to me that Dr. Ivins may have been aware that some of his problems may have been caused by the medications but those portions of the messages could have been edited out.

    • Librarianna says:

      Oops. the first excerpt seems to be in reference to 9-11 rather than the anthrax attacks. My bad.

      Nonetheless, anger isn’t really an inappropriate reaction. As I recall there was a lot of it going around…

  37. egregious says:

    I believe October 2 was the first time “inhalational anthrax” was in the news in this case. I remember feeling sick to my stomach hearing that phrase wrt terrorism. Interesting that’s when judyjudyjudy’s book came out. It’s all about catapulting the propaganda.

    So what else was in the Aspens letter besides bioweapons and Iraq and Iran, there was some fourth thing they were supposed to hype.

  38. Slothrop says:

    Posner’s first book, however, is almost entirely the FBI case against LHO.
    He is way too forgiving of FBI work to judge anything related to this one.
    Citing Posner as an “expert” is laughable.

  39. damagedone says:

    I have heard a couple of times that Ivins traveled to many mail sites to send correspondences. Since there has been no mention of Anthrax being found in his car, I assume FBI did not find any? Any auto records of where his car was (or the mileage) during the time frame? Sometimes people slip up even when they are trying to be careful. On the other hand, it may indicate that he did not travel to the Princeton campus.