What Databases Are You Using? We Won’t Tell…
I’ll be in my Scottie McC daze for one more day yet, but I wanted to point those of you with free time to this Ryan Singel post and the collection of documents he’s reporting on. The EFF just got a slew of documents recording the questions the FISA Court asked of the FBI.
Does the FBI track cellphone users’ physical movements without a warrant? Does the Bureau store recordings of innocent Americans caught up in wiretaps in a searchable database? Does the FBI’s wiretap equipment store information like voicemail passwords and bank account numbers without legal authorization to do so?
That’s what the nation’s Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court wanted to know, in a series of secret inquiries in 2005 and 2006 into the bureau’s counterterrorism electronic surveillance efforts, revealed for the first time in newly declassified documents.
I’m most intrigued (though not at all surprised) by this question.
In October 2005, the court also asked the FBI to explain how it stored "raw" foreign-intelligence wiretap content and information about Americans collected during those wiretaps.
The government is supposed to "minimize" — that is anonymize or destroy — information gathered on Americans who aren’t the targets of a wiretap, unless that information is crucial to an investigation.
The court wanted the FBI to explain what databases stored raw wiretaps (.pdf), how those recordings could be accessed, and by whom, as well as how minimization standards were implemented.
The documents don’t reveal the answer to that question. The FBI did not respond to a request for comment by press time.
The question came, of course, just months before the NYT broke the story on the illegal wiretap program. You think maybe there’s a connection?
I read Ryan’s piece earlier today and was expecting you to jump in with both feet.
You’re getting predictable EW. *g*
Seriously, Ryan also refer’s to a August 7 2006 FISC order by Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly that the FBI report on whether the PCTDD or ”post-cut-through dialed digits” are captured:
Numerous Federal Court cases clearly define PCTDD as ”content” and require a separate warrant.
Examples of what constitutes the PCTDD data include any dialed digits after the completion of the dialed phone number. Stuff like passwords to one’s voicemail account or passwords to one’s financial accounts.
And the FBI’s anwer?
The PCTDD info does indeed get captured (much to the FBI Techies amazement since the wiretapping system software’s default setting says not to capture, but it still does), but does not get passed to the TA database.
How-fookin’-ever, the FBI’s own document also says this:
Basically, the FBI is saying that they can’t prevent the technology used to identify who called where from also providing “illegal” content of the call, and further, said content is then actively used for investigative purposes.
Oh, I’m getting predictable, am I? I was going to comment about Pavlov again, but I thought I shouldn’t since you had to work so hard to connect back up with us over the weekend.
LOL! Touché!
What has been reported is that both Lamberth when he was Chief Judge, then Kollar-Kotelly as his successor, were briefed on ‘teh program’ and that both believed it to be unconstituional and/or violative of law – to the point where both required specific firewalls to not only prevent the illegally obtained information from tainting the process but also to screen out applications involving those who had been surveilled under the illegal process and funnel those appliations to only the Chief Judges for handling.
We also know that generally the AG, DAG and/or FBI director need to “sign off” on applications. And there were reports of FISC actions in 2000 in response to incorrect representations to the court about matters such as targets also being targets of criminal investigations etc. that supposedly resulted in FISC taking some very strong actions, including barring individuals who fibbed to them from appearing before the Court. Fragos-Townsend might have been one of those so barred (and if so I’d like to know what happened with her license to practice)
We also know from Lichtblau that Thompson became afraid of signing off on FISA applications and refused. This is someone who signed on for the torture trip to GITMO and willingly signed off on the paperwork that disappeared Arar into Syrian torture – so I tend to believe that his refusal was linked to concern for his own career and what the Court might do to him when they found out the after the 2000 fiasco, and despite the careful firewalls demanded by the Judges, DOJ/FBI were violating those firewalls.
I still stick with the theory that the reason Comey and Goldsmith got motivated isn’t so much their worry over trying to put a less unconstitutional, less illegal, less domestically invasive program in place – but rather their knowledge that Baker had advised the Chief Judge of the firewall breaches and she was threatening to take scalps and they wanted to save their own. I think the fact that once Lamberth started to mention a few things, he made direct reference to the fact that the Court wasn’t afraid to go after someone who lied to it, is circumstantially supportive of that theory too.
But whether you buy that or not, FISC had experience with the 2000 debacle and numerous
liesmisrepresentations being made to the Court by the agents and lawyers involved and by the time of the “palace revolt” FISC seems to have twice been through incidents where a program the Chief Judges believed to be illegal and demanded be handled with firewalls, was being operated with no oversight and the firewalls had been breached.So I’m guessing that, in addition to the reports that Kollar-Kotelly was going to hold Ashcroft’s and Mueller’s feet to the fire and make them look at perjury penalty issues for further breaches, the Chief Judge also got a little more concerned about what OTHER violations, in general, were going on while Congress sat back and allowed a free for all with no oversight.
And things that were easy to do (like get the location information without warrant off cell signals, or not purge files of US citizen information to minimize) with no oversight were probably first on her list of things to pin down FBI about. Of course, FBI and NSA and WH are all different entities, so just getting info from FBI on what they did on minimization wouldn’t paint the picture of what NSA was doing with their illegally obtained info.
And we know that
And to me, this is a very key point! That the FISC was all hot and bothered by what the FBI was doing has got to be just a wee single snowflake on the tip of a monstrous iceberg.
We can only imagine what the FISC reactions might be to the ongoing massive warrantless capture by the NSA of gazillions of email messages, phone calls, Internet access of millions of Americans as documented in Hepting v. AT&T.
“breaching firewalls” “saving their own scalps” congress allowing “a free for all”
Don’t have to look very far to find very serious reasons why the American people feel little hope and have very little faith in our congress or Justice system.
For those who are reading the EFF pdfs that EW links to in Ryan’s post, here are some techie acronym definitions of the FBI systems and technology to help your perusal/analysis:
DCS 3000/DCS 5000/DSC 6000 – From the EFF:
And from Wired, there’s this:
EDMS – Electronic Surveillance Data Management System – refer to this link which provides this definition:
DWS – Data Warehouse System – A further delineation of this can be found at this link which describes DWS currently as a separate database, but will become a component of “Next Generation Electronic Data Management System (EDMS)/Data Warehouse System (DWS) System II (EDII.”
Thanks. Some of us need all the jargon help we can get.
I’ll go out on a limb here and guess that this Administration keeps MY e-mails forever (which is illegal), even though they have no trouble erasing any of THEIR OWN e-mails (which is also illegal). This would strain the nearly-inexhaustible powers of the Irony Fairy, had she not already died from a massive stroke several years ago.
That’s where the WH gets their damn pixie dust…the Irony Fairy.
Jeez, I’ve been trying to figure that out since EW’s first Pixie Dust post…
(For the record, Pixie Dust is having a profound impact on my writing…that was the first damn (oops now second) I’ve ever included in any of my writing.)
Madness, madness, madness…
A great collection of posts EW. Connection? Definitely.
That picture of the boat brig for terra detainees, like Gitmo, FBIaccessible only with layered permissions, as Fine observed in the OIG May 2008 report basically because it is DoD turf, reminded of the P3 vacuums of cellphones and probability some of those boats deployed during the noFly week after the terra incident, to vacuum airborne data as well. Then there are the mirror nodes, which are more numerous than the one Hepting documents, for fiber transported datastreams.
what is the keyboard equivalent of the emoticon for a great, big, sloppy, fervent and genuinely adoring kiss?
these posts are almost making unemployment w/o income bearable.
I’m trying to figure out what CDC means in the PDF and I think it means “Chief Division Counsel” not “Center for Disease Control”.
Based on a quick Google search, you’re very likely correct. “Chief Division Counsel” is apparently a standard title and position in FBI Field Offices.
My Google monkeys found this related USDOJ IG report from July 2005:
I wonder if some of the secrecy here relates to having massive collection capacity but crappy storage capacity and procedures. As of July ‘05, 75% of FBI offices were deleting unreviewed counter-intelligence material — a point the FISA court might have found relevant when determining the urgency of some of these taps. Suck up the data…only to delete it? Maybe covering for incompetence is part of the story here.
Thanks ew
I have been saying for quite some time, the reason they want this ability without oversite is so nobody can see what they are stealing and who they are stealing it from
it’s clear as day
I think “NY Tech Cut Database” refers to transcriptions of surveillance. Here’s an explanation of “tech cuts” from a ruling in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. SAMI AMIN AL-ARIAN, SAMEEH HAMMOUDEH, GHASSAN ZAYED BALLUT, HATIM NAJI FARIZ:
OT, sorry. can’t help it.
bmaz and other tax law sleuths:
know anything about this?
U.S. Congress recently passed The Heroes Earning Assistance and
Relief Tax Act of 2008 (H.R. 6081), which provides tax benefits for
military personnel. The President is expected to sign this bill into
law very soon.
To help cover the costs of these benefits, the bill includes
provisions that would tighten the tax rules for U.S. citizens and
long-term permanent residents who expatriate. The key provisions
impacting expatriating citizens and residents include (1) a mark-to-
market obligation on property held by the expatriating individual,
(2) a 30% withholding tax for certain deferred compensation items
and foreign trust distributions paid to covered expatriates and (3)
a transfer tax on certain gifts or bequests to U.S. citizens or
residents from a covered expatriate.
How can they say they’re the same, if one is an ‘interpretive summary’ and one is a transcript? Those are different beasts in my view. I’d bet on them making up some of the stuff, just to make their bosses happy.
Noon in Guangzhou. Warm and muggy, but our host here says at least it is 15 degrees cooler than last week. I seem to be able to post on this site, and read it and the mothership. I cannot get Balkinization, or Atrios, which are blogspot domains, or Inside Iraq, a typepad blog, confirming EWs statement that these domains are blocked. I can access google mail and my normal mail site.
The internet at my hotel is lightening fast. I’d say it’s loading a page of this site about 20% faster than on my home DSL or my office T-1 line.
We are staying in a university district, and it is very beautiful, lots of parks and trees, and a view of the mountains, which are roughly north and west.
I hope you’ll post your China pictures on some site. I imagine you’re googling etc. search engining is restricted. Not too long ago MSFT was reporting the msn searches of Chinese citizens, and for some of them that could have meant death. Other search engines were doing the same thing. I disagreed strongly with this practice.
James Fallows had a piece in the March Atlantic about the “Great Firewall of China”. Definitely worth checking out if you’re interested in how the government accomplishes its rather subtle form of censorship.
This sounds like a lovely spot, masaccio. Have a wonderful time & plz do post some pix if you are able. Just consulted Kiwi, the globe trotting sig other, who’s been to Guangzhou. Said besides the amazing natural beauty of the area, there are several exquisite temples there- didn’t look them up myself, but there’s the Chen Family Temple, as well as Temple of the 6 Banyan Trees.
He also pointed out that any net connect from a hotel or business can be assumed to be both filtered & monitored (sometimes a bit quirkily depending on location) so there’s a chance those pix may or may not have to wait until you get out of China.
While in Guangzhou you should pass by the Pearl hotel, to see all the happy Americans bringing home their new babies. I actually stayed in a Best Western or something–it’s the hotel all the Frenchies stay in before they bring home their new babies. It was very very surreal to see all these proper Parisians trying to teach young baby girls, used only to eating rice porridge, how to eat Yogurt like a proper French toddler.
Were you able to go up to White Cloud Mtn, comes the question from the breakfast table…
I don’t think so. I went to a big park–one with restaurants and everything. But I don’t think that’s it, right?
I was on business for about 2 days.
Not likely that was it- WC Mtn. is real nature spot including several parks, hiking trails etc.
In the rich tradition of Wolfowitz and Bremer, Bush to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Larry Silberman; I guess for all his fine work training up the
fine legal scholartorture criminal John Yoo.Here’s a little description of Scottie’s friend on his victory lap in Europe…
“Not a tear was shed, nor a cheer raised. Not even the protesters have bothered to turn out as President Bush has wound his way around Europe on the final visit of his two-term occupancy of the White House. Instead, he has come almost like an anonymous diplomat to hold talks in private, say a few words to the cameras and –unless the UK has something very unexpected up its sleeve this weekend – to depart almost unrecognised, and certainly unacclaimed.
“There’s a fanciful version of this event, spun by the commentators in Washington and followed even by some here, which says the very anonymity of Bush’s visit is a tribute to the success of the relationship he has now developed with Europe. Where in the aftermath of the Iraq invasion, relations were fraught and loud, now Bush and Europe are pretty comfortable with each other. The EU’s three main leaders – Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy – are all positively pro-American. Even Iran does not divide them.
“Well, this may be the gloss which diplomats wish you to believe. But it’s the opposite of reality. The silence that has accompanied Bush’s final foreign tours is the silence of failure, not the quiet of accomplishment…”
more of The Strange Legacy of President Bush in Thursday’s The Independent
Congratulations, Drational.
Diary rescue.
So is it what these databases may have on our congress folks that keeps them in line?
EW and MarieRoget, I hope to visit both tomorrow, weather permitting. The forecast per weatherbug is “tons of rain”. I expect that’s one of those techie terms.
The internet is indeed quirky. This morning it was really fast, now its slow. And, some of the ads are in Chinese. I’ll click through a couple of those, that ought to confuse anyone watching.
OT – Breaking News Per Scotusblog:
SCOTUS rules 5-4 that GITMO prisoners can pursue Habeas challengs. In a stunning blow to the Bush Administration in its war-on-terrorism policies, the Supreme Court ruled Thursday that foreign nationals held at Guantanamo Bay have a right to pursue habeas challenges to their detention. The Court, dividing 5-4, ruled that Congress had not validly taken away habeas rights.
Woot! That is good news. Scary that is was only 5-4.
Again per Scotusblog, here’s the opinion by Justice Kennedy in Boumediene.
Yeah, a squeaker when it shoulda been a bunny.
Appalling that it was 5-4. How did 4 people who don’t believe in the rule of law end up on the Supreme Court?
Excellent question. Let’s all ask Chuck Schumer that one.
And again from Scotusblog:
Redundancy on my part due to not refreshing. Thanks for that Kennedy opinion link, MadDog.
No problemo! More is always merrier! *g*
Just up, via TP:
Supreme Court Backs Rights for Guantanamo Detainees
From the AP article–
Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the court, said, “The laws and Constitution are designed to survive, and remain in force, in extraordinary times.”
Oh thank heavens. I remember when he was nominated–I lived in Sacramento at the time. I remember reading all the local media about him and his background. My instincts were that although he was much more conservative than I, but he seemed…reasonable. Can’t explain it, but he didn’t scare me like the others.
Wonderful news.
From the syllabus in Justice Kennedy’s opinion:
Isn’t that a quote for the ages?
I may have missed including where that part quoted comes from which I believe is this following blurb/semi-footnote: Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137, 177.
And from page 6 in the Syllabus of Justice Kennedy’s opinion:
What’s the deal here? I thought Yoo got to decide what the law is!
First Articles of Impeachment now Boumediene, a good start to bringing some accountability into the picture.
In light of decisions like this it should be shouted from the rooftops that McCain is willing to adopt the entire Bush legal philosophy to get elected. The Democratic majority in the Senate will be comfortable enough to prevent the worst people from being appointed to the Court. But we may get another one or two Robertses, or a Latino Clarence Thomas if such a person exists.
Yes, yes, yes. Some won’t care, but I hope and believe the majority will.
This is where the MSM could do us all a service by asking McCain about this highly important SCOTUS decision.
Who am I kidding.
Have to drive in to the office now. Justice Kennedy will be receiving an email attaboy later when I’ve got time to properly compose one for not giving in to whatever Roberts’ arm twisting or other “persuasion” was no doubt used on him.
Read you all later.
(Per brownsox yesterday Chambliss is leading his two Democratic opponents by 15 points)