WiFi Turkey
As I’ve mentioned a couple of times, I’m about to go to Kentucky for a week–and will have no WiFi (get it–WiFi Turkey?). Long time readers know that every time I go off-grid, something crazy happens–the last time, Alberto Gonzales resigned.
My predictions are one or more of the following will happen:
- At 1:20 today, a letter from Henry Waxman to Condi Rice, inquiring what State is going to do about three people apparently doing oppo research on Obama’s passport file
- Sometime next week, Wall Street will have another meltdown; this may or may not be the one that has folks hiding cash in their mattresses
- The long-awaited DOJ IG report, finding that BushCo badly politicized DOJ and that Alberto Gonzales broke several laws in doing so (I’ve asked bmaz to call me if this does, in fact, happen)
Enter your own predictions in the thread.
Speaking of bmaz, he’s in charge. The good news for you is that you’ll no doubt talk about baseball a lot more than I would. If you’re persuasive with the poor ASU fan, he might even allow a couple of March Madness trash threads.
But it also means I will ask you to be on your very best behavior. Please please please, nothing about the primary. There are plenty of other things to keep yourselves busy with without tearing each other’s throats out, and plenty of other places where tearing other Democrats’ throats out is standard behavior. Thanks in advance for playing nice.
Have a nice week!
but , EW, we need the odds for each!
have a good time — try the bourbon, too
Have a great spring break, EW, and regards to Mr. EW as well.
Meltdown may be postponed a bit; Lehman Bros have been getting a lot of scrutiny. Think the bigger iceberg ahead will be related to some large manufacturer or retailer that needs cash and can’t get their hands on it because they are too illiquid. Rather like the American Axle strike or the Plastech-Chrysler dispute, it’ll have a big ripple effect on the market.
Would be nice if Biden also chomped on Condi about the passports, but not likely (unless we pressure him).
DOJ will publish report if everybody’s on spring break and not paying attention — you’ll likely get a call on it.
ew, I hope you have a safe and relaxing time. IIRC, Scooter’s sappy Aspen letter to Judy surfaced on one of your brief getaways. As always we appreciate the notice. It makes the ew withdrawal so much easier to deal with.
EW have a good time hopefully the weather will be better for you than here in A2
Enjoy Kentucky and come back refreshed! We’ll try to survive.
Is she gone yet? ALRIGHT PARTAY!!!
EW, have a lovely and well deserved chill-out time.
Break out the keg
Enjoy your vacation EW. Week seems like a long time offline. I might go into withdrawal!
My predictions:
1) Congress will act to restore the constitution. Or not.
The national press corps will wake up to the farce that is this administration.Oops. Sorry. Still dreaming.The White House owes CREW and the US Court System an answer today on Judge Facciola’s preservation order.
Safe travels, EW.
Have a good vacation, EW.
ASU beat Carbondale in the NIT last night (grr)
I grew up in Louisville. Have a great vacation. I know they have WiFi there.
It could be true, but I’m skeptical of the notion anything “triggered” knowledge of unauthorized access to Obama’s file. It’s not necessarily at odds with the Post’s assertion that a reporter alerted “senior” State Dept. officials about the breach (people lower down theoretically knowing), but my prediction is the “triggering” story will be exposed as false. Did the employees try to shop the information to an uncooperative reporter?
Have a great vacation, ew. Spring in Kentucky can really be lovely- my daughter & I visited someone there & stayed near Kentucky Lake once in April. Camped in the forest & it was splendid- used wifi @ the Paducah Executive Inn on the riverfront.
I vote for the DoJ IG report landing while you’re off, just because I’ve been waiting so damned long for it to arrive…
Have a wonderful time!
have a great time in kentucky, ew!
my prediciton? — richard bruce cheney
experiences some sort of religious epiphany
(can that happen to a be-el-zabub-worshipper?!);
realizes that he works for us, we pay his salary,
and he serves us, not the other
way around, here — and so, in a truly-
stunning announcement, from saudi arabia,
tonight, he offers a teary-eyed apology
for telling two-thirds of us to “go leahy”
ourselves for the last three-and-one-half
[or seven and one half] years. . .
yep — it could happen. really. it could.
n a m a s t é
[confid. to bmaz — my son is seriously
considering, much to my dismay, enrolling
as a sun-devil, next fall — the whole weather
thing (a driving-blizzard here, this morning,
is not helping, on the second day of spring).
yikes. yikes. yikes.
i continue to hold meditation-intentions,
for him, that usc and/or ucla will come
through, and spare me the agony of having
to root for asu. in any sport. evah.]
*** NewsCorp will announce a (friendly)takeover bid for the White House Press Room
*** A new “scandal” will emerge causing David Paterson to resign , with Joe Bruno(R – Brunswick)) taking over as governor.
***A new video will show up on YouTube, purportedly of an Obama advisor, suggesting that, with the proper packaging, an untrained chimp with ADD could be President. Oh wait…sorry! Wrong party, and it’s from 2000 . Nevermind.
thanks for the laugh!
Breaking news (EW vacation news dumps):
Missing WH, and RNC, emails recovered and released!
Karl Rove finally indicted for Plame leak (Libby flips).
The US, Russia, and Israel, bomb Iranian nuclear sites (the Easter War).
Have a well-deserved vacation…
Roger Clemens will announce his retirement from baseball.
He will recant his statement that “I don’t give a rat’s ass about
the Hall of Fame” and say that he will wear a Red Sox hat when he is
inducted unanimously (sp), along with Pete Rose, five years hence.
I think you meant indicted, not inducted.
Condi strikes again…
Hillary’s passport files looked at?
Waxman letter to Condi
One down…two to go
I think one of the questions re; Barak’s Passport etc, is, ‘Just who was the company who the ‘contractor/plumbers’ worked for?’
And; ‘What else do they do?
OK that’s 2 questions….
and …. who gave the order?
Have a happy vacation EW!
My prediction is that while you are off-line enjoying yourself Nancy Pelosi will put Impeachment on the table and Harry Reid will be in full support of her.
whatcha smokin’??
Prediction: We won’t get any fresh promises of the expeditious mass conversion of copper wire to fiber optics that we’ve been paying for for a long time.
At this time of year the need for the aforementioned conversion is especially noticeable.
Having to go cold EW, without Wild Turkey? I can feel the shakes coming on.
For starters, Scott Horton, always careful to understate his criticism, about today’s punditry:
Yeah, like Chris Matthews, constantly referring to his Philadelphia roots.
Matthews sold out long ago…
The guy is a complete bonehead…
Chris Matthews may be rock-headed, he isn’t Rocky. No matter how often he pumps his fists after climbing a few stairs or implies (Russert-like) that he came from the wrong side of the tracks in one of America’s tired, tough big cities. He wouldn’t last half a minute in a street fight; and he would definitely need to change his brown corduroy trousers were he ever in a real one.
About PassportGate, the “two” people most directly involved in repeatedly and illegally accessing the file of a leading Democratic politician, we are told, were State Department “contract employees”.
That’s an oxymoron we too easily accept. It means those jobs were outsourced, and are paid less and have fewer or no benefits than real State Department employees. That’s only one topic sidestepped in this mess.
Relatedly, I heard on CNN that the two State Department contract employees weren’t fired; they were suspended. *snark*
Within the next hour, we’ll find out that Eliot Spitzer’s passport files were also breached. Strangely, also because of imprudent curiosity!
Within the next two hours, Patrick Fitzgerald’s passport files will be revealed to have been breached – on numerous dates from 2004-2007. Only because of imprudent curiosity, however. It’s all cool.
lol — oh, gosh, I needed that.
ew –
Mr. Henry’s been running on high test since yesterday:
There it is, yes? Just as EW predicted. I’m EST, and it’s only 12.52.
On Monday, we’ll be told that neither George Bush nor President Cheney have passport files; they were among the millions of files lost in the White House’s computer glitch. Fred Fielding will assure us that their files, unlike their presidency, are recoverable.
On Monday, we’ll be told that God spoke with el Presidente over the weekend and told him he must tell his people about all of his administration’s shenanigans.
On Tuesday, we’ll be told that Cheney spoke to God on Monday, bringing along his passport files and check stubs from Beelzebub’s office.
On Wednesday, we’ll be told that God had misspoken.
Nancy Pelosi’s passport files, anyone? I feel a surge of imprudent curiosity coming on.
Any way we can access the Dalai Lama’s passport files, and pass them on to the Chinese embassy?
Politicians need to be vetted for sociopathic, manipulative, Bushco traits just as boy scout leaders and youth workers and clergy need to be looked at to ensure they are not drawn to these jobs because they are pedophiles or closeted homosexuals.
My mattress is stuffed with euros!
I bet Goldbars Luskin is pretty pleased now he was paid in goldbars….
Need your help friends. Trying to explain to two teenagers why passport files are private. And why ICE is different from “the government”. Their only frame of reference is the “hall pass” passport on the last page of their school agendas, which any teacher or admin can look at simply by asking.
TexBetsy, I would start by talking to them about privacy as the default in any democracy. Liberty is the default. Innocence is the default. It just amazes me that so many people have lost those convictions, especially in your country but it’s true here too.
I grew up with a very old-fashioned Tory dad, but he understood and believed in those principles and taught them to me when I was only ten or eleven. Something is very wrong in our schools if democratic principle is being untaught and undermined in favour of policing systems in the halls.
ICE isn’t different from the government, it is the government, but with fewer manners.
Passports, of course, are like a hall pass, but let you go from country to country. As in trying to go the loo, or from study hall to the assistant principal’s office and back again, without it you get clipped behind the ear and marched back to wherever you appear to have come from.
It contains more details about what you should be doing than your hall locker, more potentially icky stuff than your gym locker, and more secrets than you share with your best bud.
Having it looked at illegally is like having your mom or dad read all your e-mail, listen to all your phone chats, and clean under your bed and between the mattresses.
Morning Campers! Anything going on here? This country is getting so crazy that I’d decided to go set up camp in the Great White North with Ishmael and Skdadl. Funny thing is, can’t find my passport; I’ll bet my government can help me with all the information though.
Okay, seriously, mom is away for some well earned vacation. The work here will continue unabated though, so don’t go wandering off anywhere. Main posting may, or may not, be light today; I don’t know how my schedule is going to play out. Fridays are always a bit hectic, and today is, more importantly, my wife’s birthday. Also turns out that there is no school today; apparently it is Good Friday or something, who knew? The upshot is I also have my daughter roaming around here acting bored (time for her to learn to transcribe dictation!). If anything meaty breaks, I promise I will be around and will get a post up right away. I am working on a Trash Talk thread for all of us to play with, and that will be up shortly.
In the meantime, use this thread as an open discussion forum for a bit and I will be in and out, but keeping my eye on what is going on. And that is a lot easier than it used to be, because this new MacBook Air is absolutely awesome in regards to portability. I am one satisfied customer so far. Hoop it up!
Vancouver is a great place to live … if you’re a Duck … *g*
Move to Toronto, the place sizzles year round …
LOL…EW’s Magic Eight Ball is in high gear again. I’m thinking more revelations, crimes and misdemeanors this week while EW’s in Kentucky sipping Wild Turkey…
I can’t wait to find out the name of the contracting company. They are spying on everybody — this is just the tip of the iceberg.
have a safe trip, EW. we’re in good hands with bmaz
If there is no IG, who is going to conduct an investigation?
There is an “acting”.
well that’s debatable
Don’t have a name and can’t find it. Undoubtedly a recent grad from Regent U., somewhere near the bottom of her/his class. A real ace though, I’m sure.
ha ha, Is it curious or not that Krongard left on January 15th 2008? So noone was around to investigate, anyway, so why all the BS from McCormick this morning, as if they actually had anyone in place to act on the knowledge of the breach? There really is noone home, and the lights are already turned off.
Dick Cheney will resign(to spend more time with his gun rack) , McCain appointed VP.
dickie scruggs’ son pleads guilty to failing to report a bribe. prosecutors recommend 3 years probation.
Off grid? SATELLITES (for a small fee)!
Prediction while EW is away (from yesterday): The Beatles will reunite !
Anyone know why the State Department seems more intent on guarding the anonymity of the contracting company involved in the passport fiasco more than hmmm say Obama’s and Clinton’s passport information?
Extraterrestrials will land on the White House lawn, take one look at George Bush, and leave saying they will return in 10,000 years when we are less stupid. The White House will spin this as a great victory since if the space aliens had first met Dick Cheney they probably would have bombed the place.
A good sorcerer will disclose that evil sorcerers have captured most of outsourcing.
(NYT article today about Spitzer)
There’s a statute prohibiting travel across state lines to engage in sex? Whoa. A lotta people are gonna be in trouble.
Enjoy your vacation.
Predictions for the big news stories this week:
Dick Cheney will go turkey hunting with predictable results.
George W. Bush will admit to an extramarital affair.
Bill Gates will endorse Barack Obama, as will Warren Buffett.
Chelsea Clinton will announce her engagement to Marc Mezvinsky.
In other words, nothing that will requires EW’s analytical skills.
Prediction: Hilary suspends her campaign after an Easter weekend of prayer.
Er, Hillary.
Not your fault. It’s these keyboards. Mine still hasn’t learned to spell. *g*
Sure it’s not a malfunction between the keyboard and the chair?
Me, I blame my ‘rented fingers’…
Oh now I get it.
Hey Ishmael and Skdadl – Jeebus, MSNBC just showed footage of a bunch of wildlife, including bulls, wandering around in traffic in Toronto. What the hell you got going on up there??
This was news to me, bmaz, but so I googled and found this, which is probably as much as we need.
(I have to tell you, bmaz: Mississauga is not exactly Toronto. I don’t mean to sound snobbish or anything, and some of those ex-urb types are a lot richer than I am, but Mississauga is … Not Toronto.)
What an awful story, though. I fail to see why the cops had to shoot that steer. Bloody cowards. Of course the animals were panicked. How stupid was it to leave it to the OPP and the local police to round them up? Very stupid, in my view. The OSPCA could have done a much better job if anyone had been smart enough to call them. I really lose my temper over stupidity-to-animals stories.
Oh, dear. Now I am seriously upset. Our police are getting kind of trigger-happy lately, more often with their tasers (which keep killing people, oddly enough), but to shoot a panicked steer? I mean, how much of a greenhorn do you have to be? (I may live in Toronto, but I come from Alberta.) I’m getting madder and madder by the moment here.
Sorry about the geography faux pas, I just heard the bubblehead on the TeeVee say Toronto and repeated it. Yeah, I think the trigger happy cowboy cop mentality from the US is, sadly, rubbing off on you folks. for my part, I am kind of embarrassed by that….
Just read the G&M article, doesn’t seem like animal cruelty, may have been an over-reaction, but more likely a degenerating situation where a police officer felt people were endangered. OSPCA staff were on site.
From the G&M:
If there was nobody around, then who was endangered except an officer who didn’t know how to take cover?
Och, I’m sorry. Maybe it was a better end for that steer than the slaughterhouse would have been. But I am always sorry to think of animals being panicked. I’m sorry to think of people being panicked. Damn and drat.
Mmkay … EW will shake her head in exasperation when she sees her site has become a blog about cattle … *g*
A Trailer carrying live cattle flipped and 4 cows ran off. They got 3 the easy way … animal control people were present … the 4th bovine charged and injured 3/4 people. She was charging the crowd/police when they shot her and the animal control people approved of the action …
I find it funny that people who eat meat from farms & slaughterhouses, where animals are mistreated much worse than this are so angry …
Don’t have a Cow, man ! *g*
Doh! Am having a cow right now. Mmmnn, burgers!
Happy b-day Mrs. bmaz!
Enjoy Spring break Miss bmaz!
bmaz, don’t forget a birthday cake!
My prediction: impeachment…oh, come on, I can dream can’t I?
Completely EPUville here, but, my prediction for this coming week- a young man tutored & counseled for so long over @ Covenant House L.A. makes his chops & earns an acceptance plus scholarship into UC Riverside or Santa Cruz. Jeez, Carlo, take yr. pick. We broke apart “Down & Out in Paris & London, yr. fave, until our eyes bled- then you wrote about it, w/an LBC twist. I knew you had the gift the 1st time I read your essays…
He called this evening, & we’re planning a celebration @ C House plus @ my house. Sometimes there is a God, who works these things out…a God called sweat, effort, & tenacity.
It’s late here in S.M., & preview should have been my friend. Punctuation not withstanding, happiness prevails for “One of the C House Kids.”
White House claims to have dumped email hard drives:
Scandalous news released in the dark of night, while EW is on vacation.
Have a great time in Ky Ew.
Have you ever seen a lunar rainbow? You can in Kentucky. Beautiful spot at Cumberland Falls
Carter Caves is a must. Breath deep going through the tight underground cave crawls (that is if you are claustrophobic like me)
Carter Caves