Trash: F1 British Grand Prix, Sweater Vest Forfeitures & Foxsuckers

There are a lot of sports deserving of some Trash Talk this weekend, including the one and only British GP from Silverstone, Derek Jeter…Jetah…, getting his 3,000th hit and the gleeful schadenfreude over The. Ohio. State. University. having to self forfeit all its wins from 2010. All are glorious sports stories, but we will start where we always do this time of year, with the F1 Circus.

This weekend is the British Grand Prix from historic Silverstone in Northamptonshire (and Buckinghamshire) England. Silverstone has evolved over the years and, in its current configuration is a fast track with several straightaways, coupled with two near hairpins and a smattering of other turns that make it a great track for racing and overtaking. Combined with the potential for the wet stuff, Silverstone holds promise for great races.

Aussie Mark Webber of Red Bull was fastest in practice, which was hampered in the second session by the rain. the Red Bull dominance continued into qualifying this morning with Webber taking P1, followed by teammate Sebastian Vettel in P2 and the Ferraris of Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa in P3 and P4 respectively. Di Resta in the Force India, Maldonado in the Williams and Koayashi in the Sauber were pleasant surprises in P6-P8. Of the three upstarts, I think Kobayashi has the best chance to break through for a podium, but it will be really tough. Lewis Hamilton continues his downward slide from relevance with a P10 on the grid, barely ahead of the secondary Force India and Sauber machines. Brad Spurgeon has more.

One other thing, as Brad notes:

If you are in New York City or nearby, it will be possible to watch tomorrow’s race live at the City Winery. The producers of the documentary film about the late world champion Ayrton Senna, entitled “Senna,” are sponsoring the event to show off the race and then some previews of the film, which will be released in the United States on Aug. 12. The race is run in delayed time later Sunday on Fox, so this is a chance to see it live — or with only a slight delay. Reservations for the event, which starts at 7:30 a.m., can be made at [email protected].

Yeah, no shit. Once again, the Foxsuckers have decided to cravenly screw the American F1 fans. It is such total unadulterated bullshit it is hard to put into words. Rupert Murdoch and Fox deserve to be humiliated and pilloried for this MUCH more than that phone hacking kerfuffle. Fox truly sucks bags of big honking salted dicks.

Race day this year has a prediction for sunshine, but that is awfully tenuous at Silverstone. This would be slightly different from the conditions in 1961. As you may recall when this season of the F1 circus started, I pledged to occasionally harken back to 1961 as this is the 50th anniversary of the Yankee Champion, Phil Hill. I did not know Phil until about 1968 or so, and was too young to know anything in 1961, so I will have to rely on history to describe the British GP of that year, which was held at Aintree by Liverpool. 1961 was also a wet weekend, but the wet continued through the start of the race:

The 1961 British Grand Prix was a Formula One motor race, held on 15 July 1961 at the Aintree Circuit, near Liverpool. It was the fifth race of eight in the 1961 World Championship season. Following a wet weekend, with torrential rain affecting both qualifying and the race start, the Grand Prix was ultimately dominated by Scuderia Ferrari, with their drivers taking all three podium positions. The race was won by German Wolfgang von Trips, who had led for much of the race after starting from fourth place. This was von Trips’s second and last Grand Prix victory, as two races later he was killed in an accident during the 1961 Italian Grand Prix. Pole position winner Phil Hill drove to second place, on his way to winning the World Drivers’ Championship at the end of the season, and third place was taken by Hill’s American compatriot Richie Ginther.

So that was the British fifty years ago and looking forward to this year’s race. Sadly, as I will go into at the appropriate corresponding point in this year’s season, the winner of the 1961 British GP, the superb Wolfgang von Tripps did not go on to finish the season, which played large in Phil winning the Championship. That is a story for a later day.

Also in the news this week is the oh so sad passing of the Ohio State Buckeyes’ 2010 season:

The beleaguered Ohio State football program will vacate its 12 wins from last season, including its Sugar Bowl win over Arkansas.

The school announced the self-imposed penalties as it awaits what are likely to be even more serious penalties from the NCAA for a scandal that saw players trading memorabilia for tattoos. Longtime Coach Jim Tressel has already resigned and star quarterback Terrelle Pryor, at the center of the tattoo imbroglio, has left early for what he hopes is an NFL career.

Athletic Director Gene Smith said wiping out the 12-1 2010 season is a significant price for the university to pay for the school and the team. Four players caught up in the memorabilia-for-tattoos scandal are returning.

Here is what I want to know: if the 2010 season needs to be forfeited, why the hell doesn’t the 2009 season (and bogus Rose bowl win), which relied on the same tainted players and congenitally corrupt Sweater Vest coach and administration, have to be forfeited too? It was a long term pattern of abuse of NCAA rules that started long before the 2010 season. OSU is still pulling punches and acting with oblivious and insulting impunity.

Lastly, Derek Jeter got his 3,000th hit today, a stud like home run, as well as his 3,001st and 3,002nd hits, the last a game winner for the Yankees. The man is all class and all style. A tip of the cap to Derek Jetah….Jetah.

Music this week courtesy of the one and only Ringo Starr, who turned 71 years young Thursday (and was serenaded with Paul McCartney signing “Birthday” for him).

So, that is it folks; let rip the hounds of trash!

33 replies
  1. Jim White says:

    My heart bleeds for the Sweater Vest fans.


    Heh. Heh. And they can take Urban Meyer as part of their punishment.

    As for Jeter, I am congenitally unable to root for any Yankee (although I did have a grudging respect for former Forker Reggie Jackson) because of my years as a suffering Royals fan.

    • bmaz says:

      Hey Reggie was, as you probably know, an ASU boy. He used to come to Tempe all the time, and always came to a friend of mine’s bar. Have talked to him many time; he is an absolutely great guy. And is totally nuts about cars, so we got on pretty well.

        • bmaz says:

          Hmmm, bet you didn’t know Reggie came to ASU on a full ride football scholarship to play for Frank Kush (tight end I think); but, obviously, turned full time to baseball along the way.

  2. emptywheel says:

    You’re missing another superb sports event: the Japanese women take on the host team–who are an average of 4 inches taller than they are–and win in soccer.

    Pretty stunning game.

  3. emptywheel says:

    Which is not to say I’m not enjoying the shame of OSU. I’m just hoping they don’t try to bring RichRod back since he beat Tressel now.

    • bmaz says:

      Oh, I am sorry, I have slighted my Michigan friends, who now have one less loss against OSU, and by all rights, should have two less losses.

      I also forgot to point out that the Suckeyes are back to 0 for 9 against SEC teams in bowl games. Which is right up there with Woody Hayes’ futility against the Pac-8/10 in the Rose Bowl. Very sad. But true.

  4. masaccio says:

    No Tour de France? Tremendous heart from Thor Hushovd of Norway, mainly a tough heavy sprinter, holding on to the yellow jersey, while the sprinter Philippe Gilbert of Belgium nearly caught the winner at the wire in a difficult stage in central France.

    Only one guy out for doping this year, and a couple of teams making a big deal out of their anti-doping programs.

    If it weren’t for the doping problems, I’d say these cycling is a lock for most masochistic sport. Just listen to the announcers, talking about the suffering and pain.

    • Petrocelli says:

      As an ardent fan of Test Cricket, I have to agree that the tour de France is a lock for “most masochist sport” title …

      • nomolos says:

        Yesterday’s OD against Sri Lanka was absolutely thrilling…a perfect build up to the Test vs India beginning in a couple of weeks. India has just romped through WI and look in great form. Should be an exciting match. I just hope they keep Broad the hell away from the team.

        My pool team, Sweden, is still in the WWC and should be able to put away the Aussies today although the Matildas are a determined bunch with a fair bit of talent. Germany looked disjoined yesterday and I think not starting and then not bringing in Prinz at half time was a bad mistake. Her presence on the field would have help focus the team to play as a team. England was beaten by a more skilled, fitter team.

        Now Silverstone. A track that had a great history, character, neat places to pitch a tent and pee in the woods has become a sterile, Ecclestone ugly, track that starts races in the wrong place. Thank goodness it still rains there or the race would be as boring, boring, boring as all the new and newly designed Tilke tracks are. As for Fox delaying the broadcast of the race I shall watch it, as I do all my “non-american” sports on the ‘net

        Sorry to see Wiggins out of The Tour though today’s stage looks to be the one to sort out potential winners from the early pretenders. I shall be watching that and all the other “real” sports on fromsportcom

  5. emptywheel says:

    On the world cup game:

    Japan scored one of the biggest upsets in the history of women’s soccer Saturday, defeating the two-time defending champion Germany, 1-0, in overtime of the World Cup quarterfinals and thwarting German expectations of winning a third title on home soil.

    In the 108th minute, the substitute forward Karina Maruyama took a diagonal pass from midfielder Homare Sawa and put an acutely angled shot past German goalkeeper Nadine Angerer. It was the latest goal ever scored in a Women’s World Cup match and one of the most stunningly decisive.

  6. rosalind says:

    for those missing da football, a new video from Funny or Die “Field of Dreams 2: NFL Lockout”. If you watch, watch til the end for some fun cameos.

    in Dodger Divorce news, while awaiting the Bankruptcy Judge decision July 20th on whether Frank McCourt can use a loan he arranged to meet immediate expenses or will be forced to use a loan from MLB, the Dodgers finally fired Steve Garvey from whatever freakin’ ceremonial position he still held while simultaneously popping up on every local tv and radio show spouting off about his alignment with a group of investors to buy a baseball team, any baseball team (hint hint). in this rare instance i am firmly “team mccourt”.

    attendance at dodger stadium today: roughly 10K, with a sizable group outside the gates protesting.

    up the road, prince william’s team took the polo gold cup in Santa Barbara with his lovely bride kate doing the honors.

    and wills and kate, ever the proper guests, have been taking helicopters to and fro, sparing we commoners from the hellacious gridlock that usually accompanies a certain VIP.

    • bmaz says:

      Oh, the Intrepid Emptywheel Roving Reporter makes an appearance! Must have sensed me wondering where she was as the awesome Hollywood Gold Cup was being run. Wow, what an awesome race.

      10K on a Saturday at Chavez Ravine??? Holy fuck.

      • PJEvans says:

        McCourt has ticked off a lot of fans.
        (I think his lawyer ought to be disciplined: he admitted changing the pre-nup agreement after it was signed, without telling Mrs McC either before or after the change was made. I assume Mr McC was aware of it.)

  7. JTMinIA says:

    @10: This whole “build it and they will come” to Iowa thing is really getting on my nerves. I laid out an entire, multi-stage rally in the fields near my house and the only Loeb I got was that really annoying “Stay (I missed you)” song coming from a car driving past.

  8. Petrocelli says:

    *cough* … Indy Car racing in Toronto on Sunday … and no matter who wins, we promise not to trash the joint, a la Vancouverites !

  9. Jim White says:

    Holy Crap! Legendary win for US women in World Cup, overcoming really bad calls by the referees and playing down a player for a very long time. Former Gator Abby Wombach gets the tying goal in last minute of added time in overtime; US wins 5-3 on penalty kicks.

    • bmaz says:


      I do not know enough about the technical rules of soccer to comment on whether the reffing was bad, or they were legit calls (have seen both sides on twitter); but it is easy enough to see the comeback and victory. Wow. Unbelievable. And I thought nothing this weekend would touch the finish in the Hollywood Gold Cup yesterday, but this absolutely killed it. Wow.

      • Jim White says:

        The call on awarding a second penalty kick after Solo blocked the first one was shaky at best. The officials claimed she came off the goal line toward the kicker, but at most she was 6-12 inches off it and the announcers said they see players coming a full yard off the line routinely without being called. And then on Brazil’s second goal, replays showed Brazil very clearly offside on the play; it was an amazing kick but shouldn’t have been allowed.

        • emptywheel says:

          Right, but that’s after the US player–forget who–had a pretty obvious hand ball not called, which might have sent her off. In a sense, the US was lucky they had someone sent off (I think that call wasn’t necessarily unquestionable).

          All in all, the reffing suck, calls went in both directions, but it still sucked all around.

  10. JohnLopresti says:

    Something about F1 must be state secrets, as the CCTV surveillance cameras for which the UK is infamous silo each digital btyte and nybble.

    Plagiarizingly from 97 years ago:

    **THE cars came scudding in towards Dublin, running evenly like pellets in the groove of the Naas Road. At the crest of the hill at Inchicore sightseers had gathered in clumps to watch the cars careering homeward and through this channel of poverty and inaction the Continent sped its wealth and industry. Now and again the clumps of people raised the cheer of the gratefully oppressed. Their sympathy, however, was for the blue cars–the cars of their friends, the French.

    The French, moreover, were virtual victors. Their team had finished solidly; they had been placed second and third and the driver of the winning German car was reported a Belgian…** JamesJoyce, After the Race; Dubliners.

    The rest of the tale is familiarly frivolous, until carefully read.

  11. scribe says:

    And in No Fun League news, Pacman Jones has been busted again: disorderly conduct in a Cincy area bar, sometime around 3AM today. I heard on the radio it took two cops to hold him down, which left me wondering: only two cops? He’s getting weak in his old age.

    That, and he seems to have left the trash bag of singles at home last night. Good choice, that.

    Also, a very nice job by CC Sabathia for the Yankees today, pitching a 1-0 complete game shutout against the Rays at Yankee Stadium.

  12. bmaz says:

    Just to spend a short moment back where we started, Alonso of Ferrari took the first win for the team this year in a very nice drive. Vettel and Webber rounded out the podium. Awesome nose by nose finish for 4th with Hamilton barely (and maybe questionably) nudging out a hard charging Felipe Massa. Hamilton has sure turned into a guy that is hard to like.

  13. rosalind says:

    out and about running errands, i heard a replay of an interview Curt Shilling did on ESPN radio about the current grumpiness going on between players, coaches and Umps, and have to say it was one of the most interesting five minutes, how he kept notebooks on all the Refs with their strike zones, personality quirks, what players the ump hated, what players the ump loved, etc. highly reccommend:


    • scribe says:

      It needs be noted that, in addition to all his other records and stellar performances, Derek Jeter has never been ejected from a game.

  14. Quebecois says:

    Hey bmaz, I haven’t been around in a long while. Enjoying the season so far, made it to the Montréal event. Here’s a look at my day in pics.

    • bmaz says:

      Awesome pictures!! Man, looks like you had a good weekend at Circuit Villanueve. And don’t be a stranger here now, we need your input!

  15. orionATL says:

    johnL @20


    i enjoyed reading your comment very much.

    “the cars came scudding in towards dublin…”


    “…through this channel of poverty and inaction the Continent sped its wealth and industry. Now and again the clumps of people raised the cheer of the gratefully oppressed…”

    you know, this guy writes like he might have some talent.

  16. mattcarmody says:

    I only recently got interested in F1 racing after resisting by comparing it to NASCAR for a long time.

    I have only one observation to make regarding FOX’s move to monopolize the coverage and screw everyone out of seeing it live. There’s obviously a ton of money in the sport and if the spnsors became aware that people were losing interest because Murdoch’s minions were preventing people from watching the events in real time, it might have an effect.

    Can you imagine NBC telling people they can’t watch Wimbeldon because of the time and then airing it later after the results are known?

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