Tim Griffin: Rove’s US Attorney Project Comes Full Circle

Remember the entire point of Karl Rove’s plot to fire a bunch of US Attorneys and replace them with partisan hacks? It was to advance the political career of the new USAs.

Perhaps his most prominent success on that measure is Chris Christie. Though Christie abandons his state even in the face of blizzards–and then blames the resulting chaos on New Jersey’s cities–he is still (implausibly) mentioned as a potential 2012 presidential candidate.

But the true measure of Rove’s success at politicizing the DOJ comes in the form of Tim Griffin.

Griffin, you’ll recall, has a history of leading the GOP’s vote caging operations in 2000 and 2004. Seemingly to reward Griffin for doing such important dirty work–and also to boost the career of such a loyal hack–Rove pushed hardest to make sure that Griffin got the US Attorney position he wanted in his native Arkansas. And though he only stayed on the job until it became clear the Republicans were trying to “gum [his appointment] to death”–to basically run out the clock on any confirmation–he was actually only US Attorney for a matter of months.

No matter, between that and solid GOP backing, Griffin won election to Arkansas’ 2nd Congressional District.

And now, TPMM reports, Griffin has been placed by Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee, the committee that spent months investigating the politicization of justice for which Griffin was the most obvious symbol.

Well, we had the equally corrupt Hans Von Spakovsky at the FEC (not to mention as head of DOJ’s Civil Rights Division), so I guess we’ll survive Tim Griffin’s “oversight” of the Judiciary Department. But if you were in any doubt about Republican’s goals to continue to politicize justice in this country, Griffin’s selection for HJC should answer that question.

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  1. dustbunny44 says:

    The judiciary is of course an important part of the governing triad (exec, congress, judiciary), and the one least accountable to voters – they are often appointed. And we know that wealthy interests have disproportionate access to them that do the appointing. The future may be full of white papers and fox pundits proclaiming the sacred wisdom of the judiciary, as its ranks get filled with cashiers and police for moneyed interests. Why not a movement to elect all judges, straight to the SCOTUS?

  2. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    These GOPers see the world in us-them terms.
    They don’t realize that progressives are also loyal, trustworthy Americans.

    There’s some kind of paranoid world-skewing perspective that seems to make them see enemies everywhere; in their closests, beneath their beds, so why be surprised that they see ‘enemies’ in judicial posts, agency manager positions, and any organization that researches global warming?

    They’re just kind of impaired that way.
    Must be creepy to believe the world is such a scary place. In my better, calmer moments I’m almost tempted to feel sorry for them.

      • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

        I was just watching Countdown online and today, KO has John Dean on — basically confirming my earlier comment about the psychology of conservatives and their fearful mindsets (!). I was so completely dumbfounded (and okay, doing a little snoopyDancing twirl-about) that I had to come back and leave a follow-up comment.

        John Dean’s comments on that segment with KO are, as always, focused on facts and very thoughtful.
        John Dean’s “Conservatives Without Conscience” (followed by Blumenthal’s “Republican Gomorrah“) are superb.

        What a weird, quirky coincidence to make that comment, then see KO’s segment today. (I’d not read the Telly article.)

        The implications of what John Dean said on KO’s program today for the upcoming Congress are truly breathtaking. The lowly amygdala may become more well known in coming months…

        • timr says:

          John Deans book got me interested in Authoritarianism, so I have spent the past 3 years reading everything that I could find-and there are a lot of studies, some multigenerational, that have been done.

          Authoritarianism is spreading and while I really hate the comparisons with the nazis and WWII, that era-the depression-is what enabled the nazi party to take power(they were elected)so the comparison is valid. Except that Authoritarianism, right now, is not exploding into a massive movement-yet.

          Substitute latinos for the jews and the possibility of something really bad happening, grows. Substitute Palin for Hitler and the rethug tea baggers for the nazi party and you get the possibility of an Authoritarian, thyeocratic oligarchy. IOW, a dictatorship.

          Well, you say that I am just an alarmist. Could be, but with most americans not bothering with voting, because it does not effect them,it could very well happen that we volunteer to give up our rights to right wing authoritarians-with the biggest military in the world(war for sale?)

          Authoritariansim is insidious. Sheeple love it because they are natural Authoritarian followers that along with the current state of education in the US bodes ill for the future. We could very well be screwed. and not just with social security either. So, should we prey for a govt shutdown to wake up the sleeping majority? or how about a default? The next 2 years will show if the oligarchs are overreaching this time or if they are right and their time is now.

    • shekissesfrogs says:

      Perhaps they see enemies everywhere they are duplicitous.
      They fix the intel to take us to war, sign on the dotted line to declare war – or relinquish oversight and let the President go to war against a verb.
      They’ve bought the stock in, or built the companies that build the weapons used in those wars, or maintain the occupations.
      Naturally, they’re tying up the loose ends: capturing the justice system that may hold them accountable, and deploying the in-country security to defend themselves or their personal profit from the new serf class they’ve impoverished.

  3. brendanx says:

    Speak of the devil. Anything to the story, posted as a diary at dailykos, that he was involved with the Swedes in their case against Assange?

  4. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Words fail me. The execrable Griffin – who stole lines from the Gladiator to encourage his troops (eg, “Unleash hell”, though I would prefer the one about already seeing sunshine and being in the Elysian fields) – has gone from an ethics-free Rovian gofer to faux US Attorney to a seat in a Republican-controlled House. Would it be too daring to inquire into who he owes favors to in exchange for such a stellar rise based on such a meager foundation?

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      Would it be too daring to inquire into who he owes favors to in exchange for such a stellar rise based on such a meager foundation?

      As the ancients used to say: “To bring my enemies to black despair, may the gods grant their every prayer.” Here’s hoping TimmyG – as well as his patrons – have every wish granted, oblivious of the fact they’ll be unleashing their own, private hells.

    • Cynthia Kouril says:

      Haven’t ever read the Devil and Daniel Webster? Griffin clearly sld his soul to you-know-who.


  5. posaune says:

    For some reason, the Tim Griffin hedge puts me in an incredibly deep despair.
    We all knew the Bushco DOJ was completely rotten, and, even with the painfully sore disappointments of this administration, somehow, I had hoped that the waters of putridness might just recede. No More.
    Does it ever end? What will be the denouement? soviet style corruption? will it take the apparatchiks 20 years to fail? where is our Vaclav Havel?

  6. jdmckay0 says:

    I didn’t know Griffin got that seat.

    Wonder what his campaign platform was?…

    Not that I’m surprised, but after this supposed election seachange while US going down the crapper, utterly remarkable in the dysfunctional sense how thoroughly and unabashedly repubs are picking up right where they left off in ’06.

    Oh well…

      • LittlePig says:

        Birds, yes. Fish, no (that’s over in Western Arkansas).

        Griffin ran against Joyce Elliot, an uppity black woman. Given my fellow Arkansans voted for Anger Bear McCain instead of an uppity black man in ’08, I was not surprised.

        I am however really shocked at just how *much* racism is left around here. I knew there was a lot, but for a slimemold like Griffin to be elected really shocked and saddened me.

  7. nailheadtom says:

    Hasn’t the administration pretty much always been able to replace US attorneys for any reason? Didn’t Clinton fire a whole bunch of them at the same time and install his own guys? Why is this a story?

    • dakine01 says:

      It’s called timing. Clinton “fired” the USAs who had been appointed by Bush I. Although I think the standard up till then had been for the incumbent USAs, especially if they had been appointed by a member of the party that had just lost the WH, to submit their resignations.

      The difference here is all the USAs that Bush II fired were his own appointees. Appointees that apparently had the audacity of trying to actually follow the rule of law.

      But you know this don’t you?

      • tejanarusa says:

        ohmygawd – we aren’t going to have to go through all those arguments again, are we?
        “Execrable,” that’s a good word for Tim Griffin, and many of those awful unqualified totally politicized USA’s.

        In a slightly related event, the newly elected judges in my county were sworn in on the first. Twelve of thirteen Republican. Never happened before. Sweeping in with them two former judges who were on the bench when I last practiced, and who were so bad they were part of my giving up in despair.
        Our justice system is truly going down the tubes, along with our democracy; of course, that they would self-destruct in tandem is only logical.

        • timr says:

          plutocracy rules. Justice of by and for the rich and connected. And this is different from our current system, how?(news art. black man convicted of rape exonerated by DNA evidence after 30 years in prison,in Texas.)and how many people on death row have been found innocent? and does being innocent mean that you should be released from prison,or not executed? Or am I misremembering what one of the SCOTUS said.

    • sona says:

      perhaps bc clinton did it as he started his first term as potus, not way into his second term as bush tried to do

  8. Tominator says:

    Why do I want to say Griffin was Rove’s boyfriend? Didn’t he work closely with Rove before becoming USA?

  9. RickMassimo says:

    Slightly OT, but the only possible reason Christie wouldn’t run in 2012 would be because things were getting better and he decided he couldn’t win and would wait until 2016.

    You couldn’t make a more perfect GOP presidential candidate in a lab.