Teh Gay Are Stealing the Rainbows! Who Will Protect Richie Blackmore?

Alright, this is a quick hit because it is so freaking absurd. And it flat out cracks me up. Do these dogmatic conservative religious nutjobs ever stop to think how completely insane they sound? No.

Via Jillian Rayfield at TPM:

Becky Yeh of right-wing American Family News Network’s OneNewsNow, a product of the American Family Association, writes that Morse says “the rainbow is a sign of God’s covenant with man.” Morse told ONN: “Proposition 8 was passed by a great grassroots coalition that included people from all across the religious traditions, and also people of every race and color. We are the real rainbow coalition. The gay lobby does not own the rainbow.”

Morse continued: “We can’t simply let that go by. Families put rainbows in their children’s nurseries. Little Christian preschools will have rainbows…Noah’s Ark and all the animals…. Those are great Christian symbols, great Jewish symbols.” She also described how she wore a rainbow scarf to the Prop 8 hearings to show that anti-gay marriage activists still own the symbol.

You know, I don’t recall them specifically citing the theft of rainbows, but this is literally about the same kind of stupid shit argued by Charles Cooper, Andy Pugno and their battery of genius bigots attorneys in and around the Perry v. Schwarzenegger Prop 8 trial.

They’re all ripping off Richie Blackmore.

18 replies
  1. prostratedragon says:

    Le gasp! This Morse person is Jennifer Roback Morse, who used to be an economist, complete with a couple of really credible publications.

    I guess I’m startled only because economist, uh, divergences (when digressions just won’t do) are not usually so far afield. Maybe time to review that Bentham biography.

    Thanks to Atrios for the heads-up.

  2. Petrocelli says:

    Teh Gay also stole the Pot O’Gold at the end of the Rainbow, plunging Murkah into a depression … pass it on !

  3. fatster says:

    Blackwater asks judge to dismiss suit over Iraq shootings

    “Judge Terrence Boyle listened to arguments for more than two hours as this central question emerged: Is the U.S. government accountable for the actions of contractors in war zones?”


  4. prostratedragon says:

    Meanwhile, the next active venue in that great experiment in total municipal privatization that is the City of Chicago is the sponsorship of the summer music and arts festivals (with the local art scene in general quite obviously to follow).

    Jim DeRogatis @Pop N Stuff, WBEZ91.5FM:

    As reported by this blog on Nov. 22, with little fanfare or public discussion, the city has issued a request for proposals to privatize Chicago’s biggest free music celebrations—including Taste of Chicago, the Blues Festival, and the Jazz Festival—with responding bids due by the under-the-radar hour of 4 p.m. on Dec. 23.

    What’s really going on? Some sources say that in its waning days, the Daley administration is using the city’s fiscal crisis—a budget shortfall of $655 million this year—as an excuse to turn the city’s festivals over to a private company, along with the potential economic risks and rewards of staging them, similar to the way it sold the parking meters and the Skyway.

    Others say something different, of course. But everyone says that the private company with the best positioning going in is “Austin, Texas-based promoters C3 Presents, who already have a very lucrative deal with the city to keep Lollapalooza in Grant Park through 2018.” Just in the last several days, the privatizers in general and the C3 Presents faction in particular got a boost when the current festival promoters in the city department into which they are to be merged were mostly cashiered (except for the too-legendary-and-effective-to-touch doyenne of the festivals, Lois Weisberg). And oh, I almost forgot …

    C3 Presents shares ownership of Lollapalooza with William Morris Endeavor, whose CEO is Ari Emanuel. Some day I’d like to get back to what was up with all those national Democratic Party functions moving to Chicago.

  5. MadDog says:

    Totally OT via the AP (sorry on the AP part, but I couldn’t help myself):

    Officials: CIA gave waterboarders $5M legal shield

    The CIA agreed to cover at least $5 million in legal fees for two contractors who were the architects of the agency’s interrogation program and personally conducted dozens of waterboarding sessions on terror detainees, former U.S. officials said.

    The secret agreement means taxpayers are paying to defend the men in a federal investigation over an interrogation tactic the U.S. now says is torture. The deal is even more generous than the protections the agency typically provides its own officers, giving the two men access to more money to finance their defense.

    It has long been known that psychologists Jim Mitchell and Bruce Jessen created the CIA’s interrogation program. But former U.S. intelligence officials said Mitchell and Jessen also repeatedly subjected terror suspects inside CIA-run secret prisons to waterboarding, a simulated drowning tactic.

    The revelation of the contractors’ involvement is the first known confirmation of any individuals who conducted waterboarding at the so-called black sites, underscoring just how much the agency relied on outside help in its most sensitive interrogations…

    • MadDog says:

      Btw, there is far more naughty bits that this AP piece discloses, but I was stretching “fair use” just to quote the start of the piece that I did.

      Read on for the gory details.

      • MadDog says:

        My first thought was that now that Durham had closed the Torture videotape destruction case, the anonymous folks who provided the info for this article were DOJ folks who had read Durham’s final report.

        My second thought has changed that impression.

        The AP article quotes “former U.S. intelligence officials”.

        I wonder if one of the “former U.S. intelligence officials” quoted is none other than Jose Rodriguez, who now that he’s been given a “Get Out of Jail Free” card from Durham, has decided to spill some of the beans (as well as blaming pointing the finger at Mitchell and Jessen), and as the former “CIA’s top clandestine officer”, the man is most definitely full of said beans.

        Given some of the specific details reported such as this part:

        …Mitchell and Jessen were recorded interrogating Zubaydah and al-Nashiri and were eager to see those tapes destroyed, fearing their release would jeopardize their safety, former officials and others close to the matter said.

        They often contacted senior CIA officials, urging them to destroy the tapes and asking what was taking so long, said a person familiar with the Durham investigation who insisted on anonymity because the case’s details remain sensitive…

        Few would know that specific detail, and one of those very few would be none other than Jose Rodriguez.

        And lastly, note that Jamie Gorelick “who originally represented the company” was identified as the lead attorney. Who better to represent the CIA in a DOJ investigation than a former “Deputy Attorney General” of the DOJ.

        • MadDog says:

          Yeah, and the list of senior CIA formers who might know these specific details would also have to include George Tenet, John McLaughlin, Porter Goss, John Brennan as well as your Dusty Foggo.

          Perhaps even John Rizzo who seems to consider himself “his glibness”.

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