Did Just 170,000 Passengers Get Groped by Strangers Last Week? Or a Million?
You know how I mocked the White House for dismissing the problem of gate rape by saying only 170,000 passengers had had their genitalia groped by a stranger working for the government?
I noted that their pushback was potentially inconsistent. According to “administration officials,” just half of one percent of all passengers–or about 170,000–get their junk touched.
For instance, the administration noted that fewer than one half of one percent of the 34 million passengers who traveled on airplanes in or to the U.S. last week were subjected to crotch-area pat-downs.
But that same article quoted the DHS spokesperson saying that one out of a hundred would get groped.
In airports where body screening technology is available, about one in every 100 passengers are given pat-downs, according to another official, Sean Smith, the DHS spokesperson.
Meanwhile, other sources say closer to 3% of passengers get groped.
A Department of Homeland Security official writes that less than 3% of travelers get the controversial aggressive patdowns.
According to one Atlanta Journal Constitution report this week, there are some 24 million people expected to fly in American airports over Thanksgiving week. So 3% of 24 million is 720,000 aggressive patdowns in the U.S. this week, if my math is holding up.
Note, several things may be going on here. First, there’s the question of how many people are flying. The White House says 34 million passengers have passed through security; Rozen is using AJC’s number of 24 million. And there are several ways a person might get groped: if they opt-out of the RapeAScan machine, but also if they set off either the RapeAScan machine or a conventional metal detector. So the lower half percent may be just one of those subsets of the entire group that has been groped. Also, it may be that the numbers of gropes have increased (or decreased) as the procedure has been introduced across the country.
Frankly, I think expecting 170,000 people a week to have their genitalia groped each week by government workers to be unreasonable. But the numbers may be far, far higher.
I see massive airline consolidation on the horizon…
AND privatization, if it’s not already.
Nothing like having a corporate “person” touch your junk
Napolitano and Pistole need to be fired immediately.
The TSA could shut down the pornoscanners and revert to non-invasive pat downs today.
Molesting hundreds of thousands of passengers is indefensible. And it is also worth noting that a subset of these people will be groped every single time they fly due to “anomalies” in the pornoscanners or metal joints that set off metal detectors.
This is completely indefensible.
Metal hip, humiliating groping:
Fixed it for ya.
…or National ID Cards with an Individual Security Profile attached.
What price, freedom?
The price of “Freedom”, apparently, is “Freedom”
Looks like that is the result of the end game if it is successful.
Make life miserable by Trashing of our dignity, Bill of Rights, followed by this ID card and then Welcome 1984.
We need to read Pres. Thomas Jefferson, Paine, Pres. Madison a little bit more. Its just a scene change now but the underlying motives of Greed, Power over others is always there as a Human weakness which those three great people tried to address with checks and balances in our constitution and bill of rights.
GOD! they’re showing it on TEEVEE!
Oh, now they have a woman who lost a loved one in 911 to berate US for resisting losing our right to unreasonable search and seizure
Oh, now they have a woman who lost a loved one in 911 to berate US for resisting losing our right to unreasonable search and seizure
I’ll bet it was Debra Burlingame, who’s described as a “former lawyer” in her frequent op-ed pieces in the Wall Street Journal. Her schtick has long since become predictable: no price is too high to pay for national security.
Debra Burlingame?
What is insane is that one can, in a relatively non-invasive manner, test for individual molecules. We did it in a summer school research laboratory some 30 years ago. Damn, that long ago.
this. women who need a bra with a certain amount of support have a much higher chance of setting off the metal detector and getting the grope. the airports i use so far don’t have the scanners. i wore my “wrong” bra the flight before last, set off the detector, got sent off to the “arms up legs wide” area”, and got the enhanced pat-down without being apprised that the procedure had been changed.
my annoyed tolerance slowly shifted to confusion, then rage, then humiliation as the agent kept touching my breasts over and over and over. the same area over and over and over.
the statistic i’d like to see is how many more women than men get pulled aside due to their bras alone. (and the first person who says “just don’t wear your bra” is gonna get punched. i still believe in this quaint notion of dignity and privacy).
Now, rosalind, that is such an Un-American comment! You’ve just got to stop acting like a terrorist!
The right thing to do here is to Privatize your concern, and get to work marketing a line of TSA-approved Travel Bras!
fyi – stumbled across this letter from UCSF on red flags this morning – didn’t see it in your First Do No Harm post.
t’hee hee… :)
(Is that your word smything?)
* Grope’a dope?
* Who’s your mama?
* Mikey… he likes it!!!
Oh well, nice diversionary diversion from the more substantial raping of America, or maybe this is an intended metaphor? “All your junk is ours!”
Who knows, maybe our spooks can run all this through the computer and come up w/profiling to better protect us.
Q: does this imaging provide metric overlay for “junk calibration” recording? Could be useful for all kinds of marketing usage now that I think about it.
looks like the apologists are going to go with the oligatory “fear mongering by Fox News” play
not working quite as well as it has in the past – they’re getting hammered over at HuffPo
Rush Holt wrote a letter.
From [rocket scientist] Rep. Rush Holt [D-NJ] to on 11/19/10:
The Congressional Biomedical Caucus hosted a presentation of the new technology by TSA in March 2010.
Potential health risk: basal cell carcinoma…
And then,
Here’s the report [pdf] from the GAO which Holt refers to [pdf]:
AVIATION SECURITY; TSA Is Increasing Procurement and Deployment of the Advanced Imaging Technology, but Challenges to This Effort and Other Areas of Aviation Security Remain; Steve Lord, Director, Homeland Security and Justice Issues; 3/17/10
Holt also mentions that earlier this year the US Marshalls Service was inappropriately storing scanned body images at a US court house.
Did he say dignity?
TSA apparently didn’t consider that people might have some.
TSA on defense; Pistole: Fliers’ ‘dignity’ was overlooked; Politico; 11/23/10; 7:37AM
That’s a weird graphic.
I wonder if you told the person giving you the “enhanced pat-down” that you were gonna touch them the same way and places they touched you……would you get arrested?
I’m showing up nude at the airport next time. No scanner or pat down should be necessary. Long live the Patriot Act. Peace
They lost the argument. It is like Bush saying, I only waterboarded a few people or we only raided 1 million US citizen homes.
in the spirit of the football season: “touchdown (there)”!
Airport Security Memo.
It’s okay, I only beat my wife and children once a month, whether they deserve it or not.
When did groping even one child become okay, Obama?
Maybe because they are strangers and wearing a badge and uniform, that makes it OK . . .
I have to start seriously wondering how these people were raised. I think this is bizarre, like unbelievable that people are such cows. It honestly makes NO sense to me.
Are they changing gloves with each new person, or risking spreading a whole host of various diseases and parasites?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Where have you gone Walter Gropius?
A nation turns its lonely hands to you
woo woo woo
Nifty Propoganda Reporting this morning had a segment on where they *claimed* – with absolutley no attribution of course – that “two thirds of Americans are absolutely fine” with the RapeScanCancer machines and/or “love pats.” And then went on to sneeringly jeer at us pussies who protest to the furthering of all of our freedumbs…
What was Jabba the Ailes just babbling about? That NPR was so “insanely liberal” that it was “Nazi”??? Needless to say, a statement like that makes no sense except to RushGlenn dittoheads.
I’m seeing a pattern with that.
Should we re-name the head of TSA the Gropenfuehrer?
The TSA does not promise happy landings.
Why should the WH care about gate rape? While they hear us griping about the groping, they’re also seeing Faux News and many on the right spend time talking about this rather than talking about how wrong Obama is on just about everything and about the shitty job he’s doing on the economy and government spending. And investors today are more focused on Korea than on the slow growth of the economy.
These issues have been Thanksgiving gifts for the WH.
Of course, none of those gropees works in the White House or is a high government or corporate official. Like the rule of law, groping that does little to enhance security – but a great deal to normalize the police state – is only for the little people.
None of those WH groupies are gropees.
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
It’s a bit vague… /s
Ask the TSA mauler to show you his warrant.
Base on how the USA currently works
some phony organizations funded by RAPISCAN will tell americans how getting grope by strangers is healthy and makes you a better person
and CNN, Fox Phony News, ABC, CBS, NBC, will support everyword they say!
some call this war on terror, when all it is old fashion evil capitalism
Polls will soon say, American love being GROPE! (my bad they already have)
what a country! WOW!!!
you are correct but the faux news stations will not do that until a plan for upper class white people is in place so they could go to another line where there is neither a cancer ray or state mandated rape
the main problem here is the fact that they changed their pat down procedure specifically for punitive purposes so people would be reluctant to opt out of the cancer ray
all of a sudden they can turn palms up and reach under your undergarments
this is pure extorsion
as a side not, just tried to edit and I could not
oh, that’s right, everyone already knows that
Adam Savage got groped and still brought razor blades.
On this topic, I defer to Saturday Night Live, MD, and their cadre of board certified medical assistants and gendarmes. Calling, Tina Fey.
If 720,000 people get an “enhanced” grope today or tomorrow, and the “grope” is as repugnant as I understand, we’re going to see the complaint rate go wayyyy up. Older women, families with children. The expression of fear and confusion on some people’s faces from inside the porno scan in pictures taken at airports in the last week is enough to make me cry. They originally justified the porno scanners as secondary screening and random screening. Now they are quickly moving to making it the scanning method for everyone and designed the grope to teach people a lesson who declined the pornoscan. They underestimated when Americans would say “enough”.
Maybe someone gets paid on commission.
I wonder if it’s going to be the TSA employees who finally say “enough, I’m not touching another labia”
Seems this has turned into a group-grope-discussion.
“The audacity of grope” (wandering, unfocused mind today, sorry)… “grope you can believe in!”
Rapiscancer machines.
DHS Spox Sean Smith managed Lieberman’s 2006 re-election campaign and accused Tim Tagaris of hacking Joe’s website so, yeah, he has LOTS of credibility with me.
I am envisioning the return trip with folks stuffed with turkey and trimmings and Grandma’s pecan pie…could get messy.
Maybe TSA could make it more fun to be felt up. How about if the gropers-to-be lined up as whores at the Bunny Ranch and the accostee-to-be walks the line to pick out her/his favorite, then saunter off together, in order to know each other better before the deed. The better healed, first class passengers, might even afford a Ménage à trois.
All this attention to this issue is such a waste of time and effort. No one has to fly, you don’t like the TSA, drive.
If you don’t see this as another step towards a more authoritarian government and trampling of more civil liberties, then you just don’t get it. Osama bin Laden has done more than make fearful rabbits of our citizenry and leaders(?), he’s caused and government over reaction and failure to follow the rule of law and Constitution.
And the cargo goes unscanned…go figger!!
If you don’t like being groped at the airport, don’t fly.
If you don’t like censorship, don’t write.
Napolitano now talking about extending the scanning to trains, boats, and “mass transit” (which presumably includes subway trains and buses). Next step for body scanners could be trains, boats, metro :
Where is this insanity going to end?
Top government officials are exempted: Click here to find out more!
TSA: Some Gov’t Officials to Skip Airport Security:
The words which have been bothering me were those of the TSA exclaiming that, “… travel was a privilege, not a right.”
Sorry buckos, travel IS a right.
The U.S. Supreme Court has declared the right to travel to be a fundamental right, notably in United States v. Guest 383 U.S. 745 (1966).
You will lose on that argument every time legally. There are a plethora of legal cases in every jurisdiction stating that while travel is a right, a designated mode like by automobile or airplane is indeed a privilege.
I believe all those cases (saying that using a particular mode of transportation is a mere privilege) have dealt with single modes of transportation. If several modes of transportation are limited (like if they extend the scanners to trains, buses, and boats, as Napolitano was suggesting today,) and if the sole remaining means of transportation (car, bicycle, walking) are too time-consuming and impossible for the disabled, mightn’t that amount to a substantial denial of a fundamental right?
Yes, you would certainly think that would start to be problematic; to be honest I am not sure how it might play out, I just do not know this area of law well enough. I am pretty sure there is not a clear cut answer to that yet because, as you surmise, in the past there have bee sufficient “alternatives”.
bmaz, that is fascinating. I just stumbled across an article which says “In Kent v. Dulles, 357 U.S. 116 (1958) at 125-126, Justice William Douglas, writing for the majority opinion (5-4), stated:
‘The right to travel is a part of the ‘liberty’ of which the citizen cannot be deprived without due process of law under the Fifth Amendment.'” LINK.
So, I do have the right to travel, but not the right to travel by a specific mode. And there is no way to turn the argument around, to say that my inability to travel by a specific mode precludes my being able to exercise my right to travel? (For instance, “I can’t travel by airplane because procedures mandated and practiced by the government at the airports would lead to severe distress and psychological harm, while I need to travel a great distance in a very short time to attend to a family member suddenly stricken by a major health crisis and only an airplane can get me there in that short time.”)
That would be my take as of now I think.
Thank you so much, bmaz. I’m sure a majority of the current Supremes wouldn’t agree with that approach, but I sure hope somebody tries it.
Perhaps the administration likes to fondle the numbers.
Know Your Options at the Airport
ACLU is giving away “Hands Off!” stickers
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Learn more About TSA’s Naked Power Grab
re: Gloves.
As far as I call tell. They do NOT change them during a shift…..by that I mean a work period, not a groping effort.
This is just so absolutely disgusting – and medically outrageous. Untrained people wearing increasingly dirty gloves are probing people crotches – ok genitalia – hundreds of times per day. If a doctor or nurse did this he/she would loose their license. Pornography at taxpayer expense.
Arkansas man sues over new TSA full-body scans
” . . . detrimental to his ’emotional, psychological and mental well-being.'”
Oh, this is excellent. The health care professionals are now starting to get involved. LINK.
Full-body scanners popping up at courthouses
US Marshalls use the radio waves detectors.
A mother tries to get her breast milk through the TSA gauntlet. LINK.