What Did David Stern Do with the Truck of Documents He Removed from His Office?
4ClosureFraud published another of the depositions from the FL investigation into foreclosure mill David Stern’s office. In it, Kelly Scott, the assistant of Cheryl Salmons–the woman who oversaw the robosigner aspect of their business–included details on how Salmons appears to have created her own lost title affidavits, how they would backdate affidavits of proof of service for foreclosures when the borrower hadn’t been served properly, and reclassify files to hide them from Freddie Mac when auditors would come for a visit.
But one of tidbits that seemed to surprise the lawyers had to do with Stern moving a truck load of documents offsite to another office.
Q. Did they say anything about what’s going on with Stern or Cheryl Salmons or anybody else?
A. The only concern was that they were moving files out of the office into a different office and that Eighteen Inch Freight, I think, was picking them up. Something like that. Trailer freight, something like that.
Q. Do you know where —
MS. CLARKSON: Eighteen wheeler?
THE WITNESS: Yeah, eighteen wheeler.
BY MS. EDWARDS: Q. Do you know where they were moving them?
A. Supposedly they were being moved to Orlando’s office.
Q. And do you know why they would do that?
A. No.
Q. Do you know how long ago this was going on?
A. I think a month and a half ago.
Q. What kind of office is Orlando?
A. David Stern has another law office in Orlando, Florida.
Q. What office is that?
A. I don’t know.
Q. And was it connected with the office here in Broward County?
A. Yes.
Q. And do you know which — what the office is there or what the location is?
A. No, I just know it’s another law office for David Stern that he’s opened for foreclosures in Orlando.
Q. And did he just open it a month and a half ago?
A. No. He opened it, I think it was either sometime at the beginning of this year or the end of last year. I can’t remember.
Q. 2010?
A. Yeah.
Q. Or December 2009?
A. It could be around that time. I just can’t remember.
Q. Well do you know if these files were being moved out over concern of the investigation?
A. Oh, I don’t know.
Q. Or just because they were moving files?
A. They were just moving a particular bunch of files to that office to be reviewed. That’s what — You know, my friend expressed that they were going to be reviewing them over there.
Mind you, this is hearsay, something Scott relayed that one of her friends still at the firm told her. And she has no reason to believe this is a response to the ongoing investigation into the case. (This deposition was taken on October 4, so the description of Stern moving files a month and a half ago would put it in roughly August.)
But this is the problem with the current treatment of all this fraud as mere “mistakes.” Because it leaves the chain of custody of such documents in the hands of the perpetrators to treat just as Enron did.
Still digging on my end through money…wondering what the address was for the Orlando office, and if it was David Stern’s name on the door, or something more innocuous?
If there is an Orlando office, you mean.
Yeah, or whether the office is called “the burn room.”
Oh, I was thinking of something like “Mid-Alantic Shredding Services” since we already know how popular this outfit has been with other folks who need lots of paper handled carefully.
All kidding aside, most of these guys are great at vertical markets; if there’s a buck to be made anywhere along the foodchain, they owned it. There probably is a facility in Orlando owned by David Stern. Whether they store documentation there is wide open.
David Stern was the focus of Mother Jones’ recent feature article: EXCLUSIVE: Fannie and Freddie’s Foreclosure Barons / How the housing agencies are helping shady lawyers make millions by pushing families out of their homes – By Andy Kroll | Wed Aug. 4, 2010 12:01 AM PDT. There are several mentions of Stern’s offices, though I don’t know if they’re comprehensive:
Where in the world is David J. Stern?
1993, first digs in North Miami Beach:
1997, strip mall in Plantation FL:
2008, moves down the street:
December 2009, infinity and beyond:
Just for the record,Alan Grayson is from Orlando.
Congressman Alan Grayson (Orlando) has requested that the Florida Supreme Court halt all foreclosures involving three firms under investigation for document fraud. In a letter to Chief Justice Charles Canady, dated September 20, 2010, Congressman Grayson highlights the issue of illegal foreclosures.
Anybody here familiar with HVCC? I wasn’t ,but it looks pretty intiguing-considering the deadline involved.
[PDF] Home Valuation Code of Conduct (March 3, 2008)
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – Quick View
Mar 3, 2008 … Home Valuation. Code of Conduct. I. No employee, director, officer, or agent of the lender, or any other third party …
http://www.freddiemac.com/…/docs/030308_valuationcodeofconduct.pdf –
Portfolio.com Fannie issues appraiser guidance ahead of looming HVCC replacement – 2 hours ago
When President Obama signed the Dodd-Frank bill into law in July, regulators had 90 days to write new rules replacing the HVCC. The Federal Housing Finance …
Housing Wire – 48 related articles
Reposting a comment I left at the tail end of Marcy’s previous post How Much More Foreclosure Fraud Is Under Seal? regarding how sacrosanct the physical note used to be, and how totally offbase the current procedures are. I opened my comment with the quote Marcy included by Thomas Cox, “a lawyer who volunteers at legal assistance to make right for his years of doing foreclosures,” of his “description of the errors GMAC made even after the court started looking closely, and the detail that GMAC has now spent more on legal fees trying to foreclose on this house than the house itself is worth.”:
As I said, Tanta’s post was in February 2008 and she did not know then what happened in that case, did not even know if WaMu had sold the interest to someone else or how it was acquired.
The man who refused to pay until someone could prove they owned the note on his Florida house was Joe Lents. From googling, it looks like Broken Credit Blog has been following this case, at least to a point:
and a posting by Joe Lents himself on April 26, 2009:
Beyond that, I don’t know how to research this.
Interesting that in the heavily Republican state of Ne, it’s been made legal for Mers to foreclose…it DOES have standing to foreclose.
it’s fascinating to me, how all that went down in Nebraska…over taxes.
wow, thanks for the links –
here is (so far) the clearest explanation as to why MERS doesn’t have standing:
scroll down to bolded “The Foreclosure Mess”, there’s a paragraph that starts with:
it gets really clear from there – gonna have to go back and fully read your links – ’cause I don’t see how in the world MERS could have standing
ehhhhhhh, think you’re wrong. Date on your story is 2007. Nebraska is MERS’s Waterloo, as I understand it, where they shot themselves in the foot. From goofy memory, MERS wanted to get out of filing fees or something and so swore to the Nebraska court that they had no interest, no skin in the game. I think they were like a telephone book, and that doesn’t make the telephone company responsible for paying property taxes or filing fees on the addresses they list? But it also doesn’t give the telephone company a right to foreclose on the debts of someone whose phone number they have recorded. So, since Nebraska, MERS can’t have it both ways, as noted by Kansas Supreme Court too. From Ellen Brown’s August story, Homeowners’ Rebellion: Could 62 Million Homes Be Foreclosure-proof?:
In universal short, and thanks to MERS for making its position clear in Nebraska:
Yah, my take on it is that they can’t have it both ways…but they are getting judges who are allowing Mers cases to move forward according to my lawyer. This was just before the moratorium. There is a huge disconnect between the judges rulings and the laws. In this case it was an advantage to MERS regarding payment of taxes.
I need to go back and figure out the chronology on that. Your article cites a 2007 case… Uh oh, ping pong:
The Nebraska case I mentioned (Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. v. Nebraska Dept. of Banking and Finance, 2005) was quoted by KS Supreme Court in 2009 (Landmark v. Kesler) and in Ellen Brown’s article in August 2010. Her link takes you to a 2009 Vermont case (PDF), which cites both Kesler and the 2005 Nebraska case:
I don’t know, did Nebraska Supreme Court rule one way in 2005 and another in 2007, and the earlier ruling is cited by Kansas Supreme Court and Vermont in 2009? Kansas, California and Vermont depend on the Nebraska 2005 ruling, but Nebraska overruled itself in 2007?
Oh, help.
You know, I am not sure. I didn’t pay as much attention to the chronology as I should have. I’ll have to look some more.
Speaking of WaMu, they were purchased by Chase,
AND looky here:
WaMu Wins Court Approval of Seeking Creditor Votes for Liquidation … – 20 minutes ago
By Steven Church – Mon Oct 18 2010 Washington Mutual Inc., the former parent of the biggest US bank to fail, won court approval to send its …
Bloomberg – 19 related articles
According to this piece,the liquidation plan would divide $7 billion among creditors , based on a settlement between WaMu, JPMorgan Chase & Co., which bought the failed bank, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., overseer of bank assets to bank creditors in a separate legal proceeding.======
Treasury pays $4.77 billion in WaMu tax refund deal October 13,2010- Reuters – 12 related articles
fyi – WaMu Investors granted Class Action Cert
and, I’ll hunt around for the link – but when Seattle Federal Home Loan Bank filed suit against the Banksters in February – it was noted they took their heaviest losses in WaMu toxic paper
Here’s some ,at least to me, interesting info about MERS from Wikipedia-(I don’t know how it fits in,if at all, with the new HVCC guidelines mentioned upthread.)
The MERS eRegistry
The MERS eRegistry is a system of record that identifies the owner (Controller) and custodian (Location) for registered eNotes.[8] Built by MERS with the endorsement of the Mortgage Bankers Association and launched in 2004, the MERS eRegistry satisfies the “safe harbor” requirements of E-SIGN and UETA legislation.[9] Both Fannie Mae[10] and Freddie Mac[11] require the registration of eNotes on the MERS eRegistry before they are eligible for purchase.
In February 2009, MERS was selected to manage the day-to-day operations of the Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO), although the Mortgage Bankers Association will continue its full control over MISMO. MBA President and CEO John A. Courson said the selection of MERS as a management partner, “will result in the continued enhancement of data standards and transparency, which are critical to the return of investor confidence and liquidity in our marketplace.”[12]
BTW, the Wiki states that MERS was originally founded in 1995 in Reston,Va.
When you talk MERS, I believe you are talking Fannie and Freddie: More from the Mother Jones article:
So if anyone wants to find out about David J. Stern’s offices, they could just ask Fannie and Freddie, he’s been their hatchet man since the 1990s. From MoJo, he was on their most favored attorney program in 1997, he was Fannie Mae’s Attorney of the Year in 1998 and 1999, and as of the August 2010 MoJo article, “Fannie and Freddie have kept him as a designated counsel. A Freddie Mac spokesman cites Stern’s ‘good standing” in Florida…’ A Fannie spokeswoman did not respond to requests for comment.
I linked above to a Daily Kos diary, BREAKING: Fannie to Servicers: Don’t Mention Mers, but to make it more explicit:
ot: via Huffpo – Daily Beast-Newsweek Merger Off: Website Drops Out Of Talks
Well, this song came to mind as a result of reading this and previoius threadds: Friend of the Devil, (Jerry Garcia) see also
I used to play this song in one of my previous bands.
Bob in AZ
can’t get this one outta my head
Anybody seen any signs of the Cheney shredder truck in Orlando?
The WH is running out the clock on the statute of imitations on much of the fraud … and stalling while foreclosures steamroll ahead abets destruction of evidence, and hiding the magnitude of the banks’ debt. It also lets them pillage the MBS shareholders via extracting fees for the servicers’ diligent service.
At some point the economic incentive to foreclose will zero out, but there’s no reason to stop the party now.
ew: Here’s one for your sleuthing. The HuffPo article The New Tax Man: Big Banks And Hedge Funds describes the next step, in which newly-created bank subsidiaries, hedge funds and private equity swoop in and buy up hundreds of thousands of foreclosed homes at tax lien sales. The report goes into a fair amount of detail, naming names, but fails to tell us how so many homeowners fell into tax arrears. I suspect the servicers are to blame, as a part of the overall bank strategy of reclaiming the homes with clear titles. Titles to homes purchased via tax lien sales come all cleaned up of all other liens.
wavpeac has described how the servicers intentionally tack on bogus fees, then credit payments first to the fees, then whatever is left over goes to the MBS, leaving the tax escrow accounts possibly deficient. Do the servicers’ pay the taxes? I’ve read of intentional late payment of taxes by servicers in order to incur late fees. This kind of scheme is not beyond their realm of deviousness.
was it you or scribe who laid all that out for me in a Cynthia Kouril thread a few weeks back ?
It was me.
Note also that one of the leading investors in this is one Mr. Mudd, who is noted as having been the head of Fannie (or Freddie) when they got into the business of pushing subpime, liars loans and all the other predatory practices which set this whole train in motion. Sounds like he had a plan back then. One is compelled to wonder who else was in on that plan.
Back to MoJo’s article on David Stern:
@4 mentioned Alan Grayson’s attempt to have the FL Supreme Court halt all FL foreclosures until system fraud could be assessed, and as I recall the FL Supreme Coutt’s answer was we can’t, but go to the Bar. Has anyone, and what’s holding that up? Hell, charging for serving papers on fictitious people? Foreclosing on people who aren’t late in payments and gouging them for fees? Even if his records are in China or Cheney’s shredder, fictitious people — there’s nothing to document.
fraud + laundering = “fraundering”
hence you describe robo-fraundering
signingI like that!
What most people may not remember is that one’s mortgage payment pays multiple sources: not just the lender, but your taxes, certain insurance, etc. Don’t neglect to notice the “escrow account,” which adds a flat fee to your monthly mortgage to cover things like your property taxes. If you are depositing your mortgage payments into a special account rather than your lender, you have to remember to pay your property taxes out of that.
Bob in AZ
Gitcheegumee @ 10 ….. and everywhere else at FDL that you post links. Copying and pasting from somewhere that results in a link with …….. in the middle of the link means that the link is missing something where those dots are, and will not work. You need to copy and paste in the full link separately, anew, each time. Copying and pasting an old comment that dotted the interior portion of a link won’t cut it.
cbl2 @ 21
Mason linked to the article in David’s MERSy post this morning. HuffPo posted the article today, although it’s part of an ongoing investigation into the tax lien vulture scheme. I read the article and posted about it on David’s subsequent ‘Law Expert’ post, suggesting he look into how the homeowners manage not to pay their taxes. I can’t believe HuffPo didn’t look into that aspect.
sounds like it was our scribe then – he laid the tax lien scheme out – the kind of thing we see in late night informercials –
p.s. it came up in response to my general question as to whether Banksters were bothering to pay property taxes on foreclosed properties
fyi – here is scribe on the tax lien scam – two weeks ago
Interesting article RE: Grayson and what he is trying to do about foreclosures and the banks –
(not a huge Grayson fan but I do like this)
cbl2 @ 27
Yes, I obviously read scribe’s comment (my reply is downthread) and synthesized what he wrote with my understanding of the HuffPo piece. And also added in wavpeac’s input about bogus fees.
I’m sure there’s a simple explanation for all of this.
The sprinkler system in the office probably went off one day, and he simply took everything home to dry all the papers slowly and carefully in his oven.
Just a general comment on the main article: The kind of rank hearsay described in that deposition is, in and of itself, enough to support a search warrant for those documents. It does not take much to support one.
scribe @ 34
I was thinking the same thing: conspiracy many years in the making. Reading the HuffPo article one realizes that the hedge funds, private equity and TBTF banks have gone to a lot of trouble creating dozens of shell companies with mail drops under whose cloak they are carrying out their endgame of vulturing-up the tax liens. That would only make sense if they were assured of volumes of houses in the pipeline, which makes me even more certain that failing to pay the taxes was part of a planl.
So not only do we have masses of foreclosures, but a second pipeline leading to the end that not only do the ‘little’ people have all of their equity stripped via defective mortgages, but in the end the MOTUs get all the houses for keeps too.
Putting this together with Kelo presents even worse possibilities for those who own their homes outright but are perceived to be ‘in the way’ of somebody’s renewal plan.
Look how well that turned out:
Think of what Elizabeth Warren said at Netroots Nation this summer about a sponsorless amendment in the 2005 bankruptcy act that made Lehman’s failure in 2008 not a bankruptcy but a run on the bank giving the fantasy casino banksters a head start on pulling out real assets over everyone else? My paraphrase, here’s my transcript (more at link):
I have a feeling that because Nebraska is a pro corporate state they may have over ruled themselves. I know my Lawyer did not care about the MERS stuff or proving that they had the note. He’s more interested in suing for my balance and forcing them to prove that I owe what they say I do. But then again, I am not certain that he understands or has kept up with all this information.
Your balance… that’s the thing that gets me, that if you didn’t default and did everything right, in 30 years after diligently paying off your mortgage you can find that there is no title.
Good luck.
They took our jobs. They took our kids for war. Now they want our homes.
I like oversimplifying: this reminds me of the story I heard about the talking trees in Jamaica.
The first tree has a guy behind it saying “psst..buy some ganja? Great stuff!!” When the tourist buys some, the first tree’s cousin steps out from behind the second tree with a badge and confiscates the bag then demands a fine to be paid (in cash to him of course) or you go to jail. Now the cousins have your money AND your dope and wait for the next sucker to come by.
The MOTU convince everyone that home ownership is the ONLY way to achieve the “amerikan dream”, charge more than than the price of the bait for the fee (interest) on the right to use the item (the loan), then use every trick in the book to trip you up. If you trip up, they use their ownership of the legal system to take your money AND get their bait back to set up the next sucker. Even if you succeed in navigating all the obstacles, you still only “own” something worth a fraction of what you paid for it.
Simple huh? Whose dream is this?
Bill Clinton’s? Robert Rubin’s? They were the ones who wanted to help Middle Class workers to achieve the American Dream, and implemented policies to match. At the basis was a reasonable idea that got taken over by a team of sorcerer’s apprentices who relaxed the criteria for getting a home loan too far, and then the Bushies came along and seized on it as a scheme to fleece the Middle Class for the benefit of the aristocracy.
Bob in AZ
Wouldn’t this be a great closer to motivate the base for the mid term GOTV to have Prof Elizabeth Warren out there talking about the illegal foreclosure ie thatvisionthing@42 … But oh wait that would mean that the Obama administration really does care about consumer protection and the middle class. My self identified” elderly cranky conservative little C neighbor” out here in the country in Central Texas has a faded bumper sticker from the 2008 cycle – Vote against the Audacity of Hype /Vote Republican . He asked me yesterday by the mail boxes if I had to choose between Obama and Eisenhower who would I choose ?
Having Liz Warren out “talking” about some simple minded pablum is not going to do diddly squat other than further defraud American citizens. And you can bet that is exactly what Obama has in mind, creating some half ass way to paper over this to help the banks, in return they will attempt a few more “modifications” (likely another HAMP clone where the banks actually use the process to gain further advantage over distressed citizens) and once again the further dying American people are screwed in favor of big banks and big business. And you think Obama using Liz Warren as a traveling snake oil salesman for this is a good idea? Really?
Gee, I thought the big lure of Warren joining the administration was that she was going to be the technocrat really setting up the complex infrastructure of an extremely complex CFPB structure; well that sure as hell is not what is occurring if her time is being spent using her as just another gadfly the administration sends out in the fields to sell their crap to the masses. So, what is it; is Warren the technocrat that will help the entire country by working up the hard details on the CFPB or a talking shill for a bunch of hollow Obama pablum?
The odds are almost perfect she was never the former in the eyes of Obama and Geithner and coopting Warren to sell their useless dredge in favor of banksters is always what they had in mind for her. The question is why anybody would think this is a good thing.
Where it all started…
When I began collecting info on this stuff in 2004, I couldn’t find anything about GMAC/was Homecomings financial (ditech, lending tree…etc…)owned 51% by cerberus since 2001. Wells fargo was mentioned in articles as were other banks, and there were plenty of complaints online. The complaints often had posting from Homecomings right below them basically calling the complainer a liar who hadn’t paid their loans. There was a full court press by GMAC to keep this stuff on the quiet. It was maddening. Even the complaints would be scrubbed to the point that I couldn’t find the complaint boards at times, but they would always come back with brand new complaints.
GMAC knows darn well what they have done. They purposely became involved with the Katrina survivors and donated 1 million in funding for a reason. What they did to those folks was absolutely sickening.
OT – In case folks missed it, the EFF posted news yesterday about their Jewel v. NSA appeal. The Obama administration continues to have a one-track State Secrets Privilege mind:
In Jewel v. NSA Warrantless Wiretapping Appeal, Government Still Singing Same Old State Secrecy Tune
The government’s regurgitated opposition appeal brief is here (48 page PDF).
And relatedly, the NYT’s Charlie Savage had this piece yesterday:
U.S. Pushes to Ease Technical Obstacles to Wiretapping
I found this part of Charlie’s story less than credible (I’m not saying that Charlie fibbed, but that his sources aren’t passing the smell test):
And in case anyone is foolish enough to still believe in Santa Claus, just a friendly warning that all our toobz are DOD’s now:
Yeah, “technical obstacles” my foot. Its that dam* Constitution getting in the way of the fascist takeover of our country, once again.
Bob in AZ
Rot spreads, and cancer kills its host. Too bad for the cancer cells in the end, no? They’re not protecting anything, they’re killing their legitimacy as my government, and yours, and yours… One by one, each by each. There is no brain, there is only useless paranoia. Maybe that’s the eleven-dimensional way to return power to the people or to get us to realize we had it all along? So Lincolnesque, the best way to end a bad law is to enforce it strictly.