Ball of Thread: The Mueller Investigation

LOLGOP had already started the (probably two) posts on how Bill Barr bolloxed the Mueller Report when we realized we hadn’t actually done the report itself! So here’s my take, in readily accessible format.

The Patreon site has a rough transcript; remember: subscribing to that is separate from my own Patreon, but we’re also releasing bonus episodes.

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11 replies
  1. john paul jones says:

    About halfway through. Incredibly detailed, and it pulls together a lot of the previous postings in a chronological way, which I find uniquely valuable (addicted as I am to narratives). So great. Thank you.

    • Error Prone says:

      We absolutely must remember Bill Barr for that! We absolutely cannot forget his role in events. Trump, all things, yes, he’s there. But Bill Barr, even more the actor in chief for how things ultimately ended. Two hundred years from now who’ll know the difference? If it ends like that, the effort of unlocking detail should be its own reward.

    • gruntfuttock says:

      I foresee a special set of Bill Barr dominoes going for a record-breaking domino-toppling event with one final, extra large domino knocking Bill himself into a tank of gunk.

      Well, that was Saturday morning TV in my day ;-)

  2. John Lehman says:

    Thanks for illustrating some of the details of this filthy gordian knot.
    Hopefully Kamala can simply cut it…for the good of the Country and the World.

  3. Savage Librarian says:

    2020: Hindsight is Foresight

    Once upon a time,
    far far away,
    where the only crime
    was having feet of clay,

    I wonder if we’ll find
    the ones who wouldn’t say
    they were inside a bind
    until they looked away.

    Who were those misanthropes
    who monetized those souls,
    the thieves who demolished hopes
    through their petty power goals?

    First there were the slippery slopes
    and then there were the holes,
    then there were the envelopes
    full of polling passed to moles.

    And His Heinous DJT,
    was he royally inclined,
    Did TIH shake Kuwaitis
    while he was never fined?

    Net ‘n’ yahoos that Israeli
    cyber mercenaries mined,
    Did they meme some shady baileys
    that twisted humankind?

    WikiLeaks and GRU,
    Guccifer and Stone:
    Sickly freaks; and we argue
    like Lucifer and crones.

    Quickly speak, charge and sue,
    Representatives alone:
    Inquiry harms the few,
    But sets the nation’s tone.

    (Nov or Dec 2019?)


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