Ball of Thread: Devin Nunes’ Collusion

While we were distracted over the week, LOLGOP released the fourth installment of our Ball of Thread podcast, in which we explain how the House Intelligence Committee helped Trump deflect from his Russian entanglement.

LOLGOP is also doing a Patreon for this effort (which is separate from my own Patreon), where we’re doing bonus releases. The Steve Bannon one associated with this — in which I lay out how Trump scripted Bannon to deny talking about sanction relief, after the inauguration but not before, incorporates Nixon talking about his own limited hangout.

You can also listen to the podcast itself on these outlets:

Listen on Apple

Listen on Spotify

Listen on Audible

Listen on Podcast Addict



1 reply
  1. Fancy Chicken says:

    Thanks for reminding about the Bannon piece on Patreon. I’m terrible about checking there for stuff but will do!

    Love this series btw, have recommended it to a few folks.


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