Fridays with Nicole Sandler

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9 replies
  1. HarryNLeadbelly says:

    Two things re Biden. I keep hearing about all these Dems who are supposedly attacking Uncle Joe’s stamina with the actual goal of getting rid of Kamala. But I never see actual examples, unless you count those who simply fail to spell out a plan that includes her, which doesn’t prove anything sinister. Plus, in the past week or so everyone I’ve heard says, yes, of course, she should lead the ticket, it’s a no-brainer, and anything less would be catastrophic, full-stop. Maybe there are some slimy exceptions but I don’t think it’s accurate to paint the broad movement with this brush.

    Second, apparently just before the Trump shooting Biden had a call with the Dem caucus that really shook up a lot of reps. Not hard to imagine since I’ve been shaken many times watching him during and since the debate. The point is this is not primarily about the polling. And it’s not about his ability to govern. It’s witnessing firsthand his grave limitations when it comes to prosecuting the case against the aspiring dictator. Without better short-term memory and mental discipline he simply has no realistic way to turn widespread impressions of the race around – unless he makes the heroic decision to stand down and become a revered elder in the one party that puts the preservation of democracy above personal power and ambition. The second George Washington. No, it may not work, but if handled nicely, it would instantly reengage that big swath of the electorate that has tuned out and decided they can’t abide either old man. Harris would be massively energizing. It’s very hard for me to imagine her losing a race Biden could have won; on the other hand, I can easily imagine her bringing enough momentum (prosecuting the GOP) to win the House and keep the Senate.

    • Rayne says:

      Do you hear any of these unnamed sources as well as the loud mouthed Dems who’ve spoken out actually saying, “Step aside and let Kamala helm the ticket”?

      Point them out.

      It would do you well to note how many of these same unnamed sources and loud mouthed Dems are not BIPOC.

  2. Magbeth4 says:

    Re: Biden dropping out; today, I was so outraged by the RNC convention and Trump’s performance, I drove to to my local Democratic Headquarters and spent an hour with a wonderful woman who showed me how I could turn that outrage into canvassing my neighborhood. I left with signs, etc., and a sense of determination to keep plugging on in Biden’s behalf. AOC’s video on X convinced me that the Group Think around the Drop Biden effort did not match the reality. She warned about the polls and the poor Media analysis.

    I’m not giving up the Ship! Defeatism is Russia-bot-fueled, for sure.

    • pH unbalanced says:

      Yeah, I got laid off from my job this week, and I’m definitely thinking that what I should do with my newly free time is find some election work to do.

      (Finances will be fine for a while, so that isn’t a worry.)

      • Beavis C Dawg says:

        Sorry to hear that. I don’t know where your at but in OH we are poll workers being retired. The usual pay is about $125 for the day which is 16 hours and carries an oath (Ever Changing) before each election plus training. It is a satisfying job and we enjoy it. Most voters will actually thank you for working the polls. I don’t how your state staff their elections but don’t expect to work in your home precinct. They tend to move them around here because there is always a shortage and they need an equal number of each party for staff.

  3. Clare Kelly says:

    “In an impassioned defense of President Biden, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York offered a frank assessment of the risks of removing him from the presidential ticket in an Instagram Live that aired early Friday, shortly after Donald Trump delivered a lengthy speech at the Republican National Convention.

    “I’m going to be honest for them. I’m in these rooms. I see what they say in conversations,” she said. “A lot of them are not just interested in removing the president, they are interested in removing the whole ticket.”


    “Biden kind of stomps with older people, like electorally, which is one of the strongest and most consistent electorates. And it’s actually a hard electorate for Democrats to win,” she said.

    Shannon Larson
    Boston Globe
    July 19, 2024

    I recommend reading the piece, unless you’ve already seen the Instagram Live post.

  4. xyxyxyxy says:

    re-keeping non-white Kamala away from nomination if Biden drops out, in “We’ve Got People” Ryan Grim writes how close Jesse Jackson got to the Dem nomination for the presidency and how white Dems did everything they could to try to keep Harold Washington from becoming mayor of Chicago.
    Also about the success of AOC.


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