Open Thread: SCOTUS Decisions, Friday Edition
[NB: check the byline, thanks. /~Rayne]
SCOTUS will dump a second cluster of decisions this week at 10:00 a.m. this morning. As in the past, there’s no clue as to which cases have been decided, including Trump’s presidential immunity case.
Decisions released today to follow in an update and will appear at the bottom of this post.
~ ~ ~
Time-killing observation:
Clarence Thomas is a lying mothertrucker who lies
Oh, oops, he just kind of forgot to tell the American people his rich white daddy bought him some trips.
Details of the private jet flights between 2017 and 2021 were obtained as part of an investigation the committee has been conducting into reports of lavish undisclosed travel and perks provided to justices by Crow and other wealthy benefactors that have sparked calls for reform.
Crow released the information after the committee issued subpoenas in November for him and conservative activist Leonard Leo to provide information to the body. The subpoenas have never been enforced.
Mothertrucker needs to step down but you know he thinks he’s entitled because he’s been bought and paid for.
~ ~ ~
Three decisions today, none of which are about presidential immunity.
First decision: U.S. Trustee v. Hammons
Justice Jackson wrote the 6-3 majority opinion concerning bankruptcy. Several dozen Chapter 11 bankruptcies were charged higher fees when their cases were moved to a different judicial district.
Second decision: Campos-Chavez v. Garland
Justice Alito wrote the 5-4 majority opinion with Jackson writing the dissent. The case was centered on immigration and the notification issued to Campos-Chavez related to subsequent removal order.
Third decision: Garland v. Cargill
Justice Thomas wrote the majority opinion with Sotomayor writing the dissent. The case concerned bump-stocks on guns and their definition as “machinegun” which are regulated by ATF.
~ ~ ~
Suspense escalates about the presidential immunity case.
Watch this space for updates related to the decisions above or other developments related to the SCOTUS jurists.
Thank you Rayne for the post.
I hear people say it affected your self-esteem to be segregated. It never affected mine.
Clarence Thomas
I was never a liberal. I was radical. I was cynical. I was negative. But, I was never a liberal. I always saw that as too lukewarm for me.
Clarence Thomas
I still have a 15¢ sticker on the frame of my law degree. It’s tainted, so I just leave it in the basement.
Clarence Thomas
Clarence Thomas’s self-knowledge is inversely related to his self-hatred. He has little of one and a great deal of the other.
Rest assured that Clarence Thomas will continue to amend his disclosures as omissions become public knowledge.
[Welcome back to emptywheel. Please choose and use a unique username with a minimum of 8 letters. We have adopted this minimum standard to support community security. Very sorry this noncompliance hasn’t been noted until now; unfortunately with only 23 comments to date you do not qualify for grandfathering. /~Rayne]
Re-read the post, emphasis on WaPo excerpt: Thomas has still not disclosed the three trips. That information was obtained by the Senate via subpoena to rich white daddy Harlan Crow.
Thomas has not demonstrated any remorse, only intransigence when it comes to judicial ethics. We can only wonder what else that lying mothertrucker is still hiding.
Rayne, I attempted to skewer CT’s modus operandi with a sarcasm. Your inability to parse that has sent you into a tailspin.
Unless there is another Local Oaf on this blog, I don’t understand how my username does not conform to your new standard.
[My bad – attribute the error to distracted moderation. I have a lot of balls in the air today and too many open tabs, sorry about that. /~Rayne]
We now have two branches of government (Republicans in Congress and SCOTUS) that are utterly corrupt and working in concert so that there are no repercussions. I don’t think the Founding Fathers thought of that.
I believe one or more of the founders contemplated the thought that the body politic may be corrupted by parties versus individual interests. They have been proven very prescient.
Re Garland v. Cargill
“When I see a bird that walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck,” Sotomayor wrote. “A bump-stock-equipped semiautomatic rifle fires ‘automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger’ … Because I, like Congress, call that a machine gun, I respectfully dissent.”
Ed Pilkington
Joan E. Greve
The Guardian
June 14, 2024
“I’m not driving; I’m traveling.”
–sovcit logic
Another defeat for Donald Trump in court today:
[Welcome to emptywheel. SECOND REQUEST: Please choose and use a unique username with a minimum of 8 letters. We have adopted this minimum standard to support community security. Because your username is far too common (there are other Fredericks/Frederics/Freds in this community) it will be temporarily changed to match the date/time of your first known comment until you have a new compliant username. Thanks. /~Rayne]
I see how it could be read that way. But it won’t parse or land that way in the info sphere. I can more easily imagine that, were Trump asked about the bump stock ban now, he would (with all the false modesty he could manage) “concede” that the ban was ill-conceived and on second thought he agrees with the decision by “our mostly wonderful and wise Supreme Court.”
Nonsense, Trump would say Biden implemented the bump stock ban and he was the one who personally overturned the law.
…and THAT is exactly what happened.
Clarence Thomas was nominated and confirmed to the Supreme Court because of his political beliefs and because he was African American, not his legal acumen. I, for one, always believed Anita Hill told the whole truth and nothing but the truth about Clarence Thomas when she testified under oath. Thomas lied under oath.
Thomas was such an empty suit when it came to his legal acumen that, if I remember correctly, he never asked a question during his time on the Supreme Court when Justices Ginsburg and Scalia were also on the Court. Thomas knew Ginsburg and Scalia were personal friends and he was well aware that Ginsburg and Scalia respected each other’s legal acumen.
Thomas is an angry despicable person.
Yep, Long Dong Silver had pubes in his coke.
“It would have been more comfortable to remain silent.” Anita Hill
Anita Hill has courage and intestinal fortitude.
She’s a genuine hero in my opinion.
Christine Blasey Ford also.
USA has two right-wing sexual harassers on its Supreme Court.
Thomas’ long term thought process is obvious. Per Pro-Publica in the early 2000s he was complaining to a Republican Congressman that SC Justices weren’t making enough money, threatening quitting. Doesn’t get the pay raise he wants, is addicted to the position of power he holds decides he will make himself wealthy no matter what so starts accepting over $4,000,000 in gifts. Meanwhile, he concludes that public corruption isn’t a thing and starts decimating public corruption laws.
In a functioning democracy (or if he had an iota of honor or integrity) he would be gone already.
I suspect he’s addicted to spending, given that his household income is far higher than most of us will ever enjoy.
I can’t remember: did Thomas replace Thurgood Marshall?
Yes. Another gift that keeps on giving from George H. W. Bush, along with Bill Barr.
This is just one more in a long line of cases where the right-wing radicals on SCOTUS strike down government efforts to protect human life, protect the planet, and protect us from corruption in government and business.
This is why billionaires fund Leonard Leo. They don’t like government regulation.
And they don’t care about your life, your liberty, or your pursuit of happyness.
Defining a machine gun by emphasizing the trigger pull – one pull, one shot vs. one pull, many shots – has been outdated for decades. The bump stock intentionally exploits that. But Thomas continues to rely on it, while ignoring a much more important criterion: rate of fire.
A civilian AR-15, for example, depending on the skill of the user, fires about 45 rounds a minute on its only setting, semiautomatic. A bump stock increase that more than tenfold, to 400-800 rounds a minute. For comparison, a common military weapon similar to the AR-15, the M-4, fires at a rate of 700-970 rounds a minute on full auto.
That should have settled the issue, but not for Thomas and his gun-happy brethren on the majority.
This is a very good argument on policy grounds (and I agree, obviously bump stocks should not be available for public ownership). But the law in question doesn’t say anything about rate of fire; even Ian Millhiser at Vox said the majority is a perfectly plausible read of the law as it is.
The problem is that our legal superstructure is set up in order to push Congress to act on these things, but Congress is incentivized not to act.
Yes, the current statute is inadequate and needs to be updated, but the rate of fire issue is relevant, if not explicitly in the statute.
I suspect Millhiser is in the minority. Thomas had to do considerable damage to the English language and normal statutory interpretation to hold that a “bump stock does not convert a semiautomatic rifle into a machinegun any more than a shooter with a lightning-fast trigger finger does.”
Thomas isn’t being merely disingenuous. He’s lying. A semiautomatic AR-15 with a bump stock can shoot 400-800 rounds a minute. The best lightning-fast trigger finger might shoot 60 rounds a minute, and require a lot more effort.
That is disingenuous. You couldn’t fire 800 rounds a minute because 1) you couldn’t carry enough of the legal 10 round max capacity magazines and 2) you couldn’t change them quickly enough unless you were super skilled.
Now where you want to go with this is the safety aspect. Bump stocks reduce your accuracy in what I’d consider a dangerous way to operate a firearm. Your aim goes all over the place.
Not so. Rate of fire is a standard specification. Fully automatic military-grade rifles easily fire several hundred rounds per minute. An M-4 on full auto fires 700-970 rounds per minute. Standard, thirty-round magazines are readily available. Some weapons, including the AR-15, accept hundred-round drum magazines.
The number of rounds fired – as opposed to the rate at which they are fired – depends on many things: training; the quality and condition of the weapon and ammunition; the number, condition, and capacity of the magazines; and so on.
Sure, you empty a typical thirty-round magazine within seconds. That’s not effective, unless you’re firing into a crowd, like the Las Vegas shooter. He stacked his gear in his hotel room. Within ten minutes, he fired over 1000 rounds, killing about 60 people and wounding about 500.
Without a bump stock, he would probably have been exhausted before firing 400 rounds. The slower rate of fire would have allowed people more time to recognize their peril and hide or escape. That’s one reason machine guns are banned. It’s a reason the AR-15 should be banned.
I say we ban all these cheap shithole country AK imports; keep America’s shootings American!
Strip Show
Why did Clarence jimmy Crow
Prying back his cover, whoa
Let’s begin the blow-by-blow:
It looks like lots of dough
In Mama’s Harlan bungalow
He ups odds and tempo
I wonder if she’ll ever know
She bore her very own psycho
And what about that nephew, bro
Abracadabra, gone, presto
Not like Nazi treasured ammo
As he drinks champagne, feeds on roe
Gall and greed from the get-go
Oath and ethics, a strip show
Is it all quid pro quo
What exactly does he owe
If anyone is curious how easily even a well intentioned person can be corrupted:
I’m a water polo ref, and in every game I care not who wins other than the team that legally plays better and scores more goals that day. When reffing UMichigan v Michigan State some years ago (a rivalry), a coach snuck up behind me during dead time and quietly said, “I really like your reffing. I’m going to insist the assignor put you in our next tournament.”
Besides snapping my suspenders and feeling like I just found a twenty dollar bill, I couldn’t help making a few iffy calls in his favor. The jedi mind trick flattery worked. (Car pooling home with the other 3 refs, we discovered he said the same thing to all of us).
I can’t imagine someone providing private jet flights, lodging in luxury locales, private school tuition for my kid… Thomas should have his ass kicked to the curb.
Thinking of that PBS promotional ad from the recent past which exhorted the viewer to be more [insert adjective ex. Inspired, Passionate; Empowered, etc.].
Be more skeptical. My second kid went to MSU and I’d definitely be more skeptical if approached by an MSU coach. Ditto UofM or any other coach.
You’d think our justices would be that way, too, but nope — some are and have always been corrupt.
I was younger and only encountered angry players, fans, parents, and coaches. To have someone butter the bread rather than burn it in the toaster was a new experience.
I have grown and now can only be corrupted by things not easily at hand, like a chocolate malt.
The New Republic hilighted Sotomayor’s dissent to the bump-stock decision (her dissent was joined by the other liberal Justices)
Thomas seems to have no sense of irony.
In his early career, he chafed at the notion — held by some — that he was only successful in school because of affirmative action.
Yet Thomas’ appointment to SCOTUS was a very cynical example of race-based hiring.
Thomas was appointed to replace Thurgood Marshall, a towering figure on the court — who was also black, but his political opposite. Prior to Marshall’s appointment, Marshall had won 29 of 32 cases he argued before the Supremes. Thomas had *nothing* approaching that level of achievement; he was appointed because he would do conservatives’ bidding.
His whole “high tech lynching” speech at his Senate confirmation hearings was soaked in righteous indignation. That confirmation fight (much like Kavanaugh’s) was indeed a shitshow that focused on the nominee’s character. We now see that his character is truly as bad as some believed at the time.
I thought both times that any candidate for any judgeship that behaves that way – Thomas complaining about high tech lynching, Kavanaugh actually crying & whining – should automatically be disqualified for lacking judicial temperament, but alas, I have no power.
In my state, the Judicial Nominations Commission sends out blind peer-review questionnaires on judicial candidates. 99% of the time, I’ve never heard of the person, but once it was a former colleague whose temperament clearly disqualified them in my mind. I did my best to make my questionnaire into a blackball. I can’t say if it worked, but I can say that to this day, they have never ascended to the bench.
Covering the Friends of the Court The Supreme Court’s corruption scandals will not soon be forgotten, but many already fail to appreciate their full implications.
The above is an introduction to this:
Supreme Transparency
Here’s the Power Broker page for Garland v. Cargill
It lists Manhattan Institute, Buckeye Institute and NRA,
and links to the AMICUS Briefs from those organizations.
For example, here is the AMICUS from the NRA:
Here is the page for the NRA
THOMAS has conflicts with all three.
[^^^ “All three” = Manhattan Institute, Buckeye Institute and NRA]
ALITO has conflicts with Manhattan Institute and NRA:
GORSUCH has conflicts with Manhattan Institute and Buckeye Institute:
Buckeye Institute:
Manhattan Institute:
Reply to harpie
June 14, 2024 5:08 pm
Thanks for following the rabbit warren these two jurists have dug themselves.
I’ve been doing research into wiki software, have been thinking it might be a solution to tracking all the details related to individuals, groups, and timelines. These two corrupt boneheads make a perfect case for a wiki trial run.
To harpie – this is some great information and digging by Supreme Transparency, and many thanks to you for pulling this together.
To rayne – I think a wiki would be a great way to start connecting the dots and perhaps to let some others add material. I’m not sure how Marcy organizes her incredible information trove, but whatever she does, it is worth copying.
There was recently an expose of US individuals and their linkages to the Russian efforts in Ukraine.
Ukraine site: https ://texty. org. ua/projects/112617/roller-coaster/
[Moderator’s note: second link “broken” with blank spaces to prevent accidental clickthrough. Sites located in certain countries are more prone to attack; because we can’t vet the site’s security, the link is deactivated and community members cautioned to use at their own risk. /~Rayne]
1] NRA [Leonard LEO]: [link to Amicus above]
2] Buckeye Institute [KOCH Network]:
3] Manhattan Institute [KOCH Network, Paul SINGER, Harlan and Kathy CROW]:
THANKS, Rayne and RipNoLonger! :-)
I thought we might find that some of the language THOMAS used in this “opinion” was from the NRA’s AMICUS brief, but look at this:
The Group Helping the Supreme Court Rewrite America’s Gun Laws Is Worse Than the NRA Lithwick / Stern JUNE 15, 2024
Don’t have time to delve further….
Sure feels like somebody knew the NRA was going to be compromised or would be rolled up and an alternative organization was needed to do the work NRA would increasingly not do.
FPC may have been launched in 2013 in tandem with efforts to defeat a particular piece of CA state legislation, but the timing — Maria Butina met Paul Erickson in Russia in 2013. Quel coinky-dink.
ADDER: Ugh. FPC’s PAC became a national entity after 2016. Thin financial reporting across 3 entities.
Clarence Thomas just made mass shootings easier. With a gif.
The Supreme Court’s conservatives made bump stocks legal again on Friday. Sonia Sotomayor read her dissent for the liberal justices from the bench. Chris Geidner June 14, 2024
Here is FPC’s 8/29/19 press release for their Cert. petition:
And here is their Cert. petition,
complete with the illustrations THOMAS included in the Opinion:
2019-8-29: FPF, et al. submit petition for certiorari with the United States Supreme Court Petition for Certiorari []
I’m starting a new THREAD below [as soon as it gets out of the pokey] about a new NYT article about a questionable Georgetown “researcher” [William English] that includes:
R-SCOTUS to American families victimized by mass murders by auto weapons “get over it”. Either we vote these GOP scoundrels out or suffer the consequences in our schools, malls, hospitals and bedrooms.
My favorite interpretation of Thomas, roughly remembered from a New Yorker article: He is a black nationalist separatist and he doesn’t believe the constitution as stands will ever be free of racism. So he decided the quickest way to bring the downfall of America is by promoting the farthest right wing agenda possible.
That New Yorker description of Clarence Thomas rings like a cracked bell.
Heh… almost plausible.
More seriously… I recall some article not long ago, in I forget which publication, that tried to give an explanation of Thomas’s philosophy by looking at his votes and his public speeches and maybe one or two other sources. It can be summed up, if I remember rightly: The rights revolution of the 1960s was bad for America, because a strong traditional family in a patriarchal system is the only solid basis for a society; it was especially catastrophic for black Americans, who are in even more in need of this strong hand because of their longstanding economic and social disadvantages.
Also sounds like a plausible explication. Though if that’s his conscious philosophy, that doesn’t mean it can’t mask other, more deep-seated drives. And it certainly isn’t incompatible with personal greed. Not to mention loathing of women.
The “Nash maneuver” explained at the end of A Beautiful Mind can work. A person can learn to deconstruct their psychotic delusions with analtytical philosophy, neurology, and psychology (+ prayer for me), but it doesn’t work so well for the agonizing sadness in the second half. For a few times, I think a person can hold off attribution, let themselves cry, and they can avoid depressive cognitions. It’s important not to depend on internet forums or other “artificial” relationships, like work, to provide social support.
Yesterday, I let one touch upset with my wife, and so the activation took on attribution and became “a reason to be sad” and I had to go hide in the bedroom with an episode of writhing agony that if I were in public would certainly have been transported. I’m grateful my adult children did not witness. Since then I’ve managed to forestall two crying jags by recognizing the activation in my throbbing fingertips and going for a walk in the sunshine. I don’t know if this is working due to the sunshine or because I”ve got a gospel country song I’m working on called “The Lord Brings The Sunshine”. The radiologist next door understands that my idea for a PET scanner invention but radiologists in general have little kid physics. I’m working on a manuscript on that, and my primary job, which is too important for me to be doing something else that hasn’t already been through “preclinical”, some country songs, two companies, one I’ve had for 25 years, and another new one about speeding clinical discovery, plus two 501-C3s. Nobody can pull as hard as a maniac genius as long as they can keep it together. It’s not a picnic. I’m falling behind in my reading here. Love you all.
The only way to fix the bump stocks issue is the same way to fix any such issue in America — elect legislators who will pass effective legislation and make it stick. CJ Roberts has long been explicit about this — that he would prefer the American people grow up and take responsibility for their own governance, as their constitution expects and requires, and quit turning to the courts or the executive to magically fix things the way a child might run to mommy to kiss the owie and make it all better or run to daddy to make the scary monster go away.
The court’s majority makes it clear — ATF’s rule did not square with the law. It’s the rule that any rational person would want, but to make it stick, the underlying statute has to be clarified. For that to happen, the Congress will have to take action and write the clarification into law.
But ironically, as a jurist, Roberts is helping to make sure the American people don’t grow up, by working to entrench even further the privileges and disproportionate power of a childish minority driven by superstition, ignorance, entitlement, and an unearned victimhood narrative. And also the even tinier minority who childishly believe their wealth entitles them to dictate terms to everyone else. He’s a hypocrite.
Pretty sure the radical majority on the Supreme Court see no irony in what they do, which is wholly intentional.
To further emphasize the other responses to this comment [from 2020]:
Chief Justice Roberts’s lifelong crusade against voting rights, explained
He has fought to undermine voting rights his entire career. Ian Millhiser Sep 18, 2020
An appalling disposition towards imprudent rulings & unethical judicial practice in cases about dangerous guns is a grotesque manifestation of the supreme court’s steep descent under Roberts. Please note: SCOTUS’ nonchalance regarding deadly gun violence which takes the lives of tens of thousands of American children, women, or men every year is in distinct contrast to the remarkable regulation of guns within the SCOTUS edifice, within the chambers of its members, and otherwise within close proximity to their persons, residences, & various vacation properties. Follow the link here to understand some of the plunge into gun lobby gobbledygook at the sadly diminished & unprecedentedly unpopular supreme court: “Any Good Hunting?: When a Justice’s Impartiality Might Reasonably Be Questioned” via Social Science Research Network (SSRN) – Elsevier ~~~>>>
A full citation for that paper is preferred, especially since SSRN readily provides it. Should note the author is not affiliated with an academic or other institution but published this as “independent.”
Thanks for including the suggested citation.
Here’s an Existentialist gospel song. I got the melody for it today. Parts of the lyrics are another fellow’s. Writing it has gotten me through this last tough patch, I think, of whatever I’ve been going through since my Dad died a few months ago. There is also a great deal of stress in my job. Where I work is as treacherous as Versailles, and if I’m not great every day, they are justified to shoot me on a utilitarian basis. If you don’t post this song, Rayne, it’s alright, and I’m sorry for the pain I’ve been lately. Cheers.
He Brings Her Sunshine
She ain’t got no roof
She’s dancing in the rain
She loves her life
She enjoys every day
It doesn’t really hurt her
What the world throws her way
He brings her sunshine
And knows that even though
She’ll go through some hard times
He brings her sunshine
Like an angel on the wing
The light in everything
He brings her sunshine
He can see your light shine
He can hear your laughter ring
There’s a song in your heart
Go ahead and let it sing
And you will also
Find the sunshine in everything
Her eyes, they see
I’m just the person I’m supposed to be
I love her
And how she sees the sunshine in me!
NYT with more new info on the topic here:
[Continued from above: ]
The Gun Lobby’s Hidden Hand in the 2nd Amendment Battle Case after case challenging gun restrictions cites the same Georgetown professor. His seemingly independent work has undisclosed ties to pro-gun interests.
June 18, 2024 Updated 9:28 a.m. ET Mike McIntire and Jodi Kantor
[Mike McIntire has been reporting on gun rights, and Jodi Kantor on the Supreme Court.
They welcome tips at nytimes[ ].com/tips.]
Thank you, Harpie.
Among other things from the NYT piece:
“His academic focus has been ethical behavior and public policy — among his research interests is “how to lie with data science.”
We might find out on Thursday just how successful he’s been at it.
RIP Willie Mays, one of the greatest baseball players ever. I was a bit too young to catch the prime of his career, but he was still force to be reckoned with at Candlestick Park in the late 60s.