As the Thursday Night Massacre Turns into Friday Morning
Hagen Scotten, the lead prosecutor on the Eric Adams case, has joined at least six other attorneys in leaving DOJ rather than carry out Trump’s alleged quid pro quo with Eric Adams.
His letter (posted by NYT) is one for the ages:
I have received correspondence indicating that I refused your order to move to dismiss the indictment against Eric Adams without prejudice, subject to certain conditions, including the express possibility of reinstatement of the indictment. That is not exactly correct. The U.S. Attorney, Danielle R. Sassoon, never asked me to file such a motion, and I therefore never had an opportunity to refuse.
But I am entirely in agreement with her decision not to do so, for the reasons stated in her February 12, 2025 letter to the Attorney General. In short, the first justification for the motion—that Damian Williams’s role in the case somehow tainted a valid indictment supported by ample evidence, and pursued under four different U.S. attorneys—is so weak as to be transparently pretextual. The second justification is worse. No system of ordered liberty can allow the Government to use the carrot of dismissing charges, or the stick of threatening to bring them again, to induce an elected official to support its policy objectives.
There is a tradition in public service of resigning in a last-ditch effort to head off a serious mistake . Some will view the mistake you are committing here in the light of their generally negative views of the new Administration. I do not share those views. I can even understand how a Chief Executive whose background is in business and politics might see the contemplated dismissal-with-leverage as a good, if distasteful, deal. But any assistant U.S. attorney would know that our laws and traditions do not allow using the prosecutorial power to influence other citizens, much less elected officials, in this way. If no lawyer within earshot of the President is willing to give him that advice, then I expect you will eventually find someone who is enough of a fool, or enough of a coward, to file your motion. But it was never going to be me.
Please consider this my resignation. It has been an honor to serve as a prosecutor in the Southern District of New York
As NYT described, Scotten is a former Special Forces Officer and clerked for both Bret Kavanaugh and John Roberts.
Mr. Scotten served three combat tours in Iraq as a U.S. Army Special Forces Officer and earned two Bronze Stars. He graduated from Harvard Law School and clerked for Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. of the U.S. Supreme Court, and for Brett M. Kavanaugh before he, too, became an Supreme Court justice.
Earlier today, I perused the Murdoch press and there is nothing so far about this burgeoning scandal. I’ve seen no comment from Republican members of Congress, and frankly far too little from Democrats.
But this may already be teed up to go to SCOTUS. And when it does, some of the loudest voices will be those of conservative lawyers who refused to be party to an alleged quid pro quo.
Update: Brad Heath reports that DOJ finally found someone to sign the motion to dismiss.
That is a good resignation letter. I am sorry, but not surprised, that the DOJ found someone to sign the letter, even if it was for obstensibly noble reasons.
Thank you for that update from Brad Heath. I am looking forward to more comedy gold from Chad Mizelle. So absurdly funny! He probably said with a straight face too.
‘Chad Mizelle, chief of staff to the attorney general, said the decision to dismiss Adams’ indictment “is yet another indication that this DOJ will return to its core function of prosecuting dangerous criminals, not pursuing politically motivated witch hunts.”‘
What is this SDNY AUSA going to say to Judge Ho? I hope it’s “Bove made me sign it”. Ho should refuse to dismiss unless Bove signs, then dismiss WITH prejudice. IANAL, Can he do that?
I understand that it’s a Main Justice, Public Integrity Section lawyer.
I believe Bove yanked case from S.D.N.Y. and gave it to PIN to deal with. The leadership of PIN refused and resigned. Bove then gave a 1 hour ultimatum to the remaining Public Integrity lawyers ( around 22) that they would all be fired if no-one amongst them agree to sign and file the motion. Apparently one has and seemingly to prevent everyone being fired.
I’m sure I will be corrected if I have any of that wrong.
The next issue is how this attorney is going to explain the circumstances of why and how he/she is appearing in front of Judge Ho with this motion, instead of S.D.N.Y. colleagues previously on record in the case.
“how this attorney is going to explain the circumstances of why and how he/she is appearing in front of Judge Ho”
He/she should give the judge in open court a blow-by-blow timeline of what transpired, retract the motion, and then resign on the spot.
The judge will almost certainly require a blow by blow account.
I am a bit surprised that it is assumed the lawyer in question has capitulated and is definitely inclined to act in bad faith.
That may not be the case.
He/she may have already calculated that they were always going to be required to provide an explanation and that they would be candid on the record.
They can hardly be dismissed or disciplined for answering direct questions directly.
The trick for the advocate to pull off, if this is their inclination, is:
not to give away their intentions beforehand to Bove’s goons so not being seen by them to file anything which might tips the goons off; but nevertheless also to signal to the Court that he/she will more than willingly give up the goods if asked the correct questions, which of course they are obliged to answer.
So “retract the motion and resign on the spot” is one possible outcome I suppose, but a dimwitted one and not particularly likely
If the person is a supine stooge for Bove, that won’t happen. If that is the case, not knowing the background is their best strategy.
If they are not a supine stooge for Bove, it won’t happen either.
Ensuring the court is possessed of documents which enable it to ask astute questions is one way of doing this. And it should be easy enough for some disgruntled employee other than the advocate to ensure it happens.
The advocate might begin the hearing by stating that they are appearing in response to specific directions of the Acting Deputy AG having signed and filed a motion which was made under his specific orders and requirements. And so this application Is the official position of the Acting Deputy AG
the advocate might then allude in opening remarks to a great deal of information circulating in public which might be a cause for concern to the court, and may “prompt some very specific direct questions” that is probably enough of a hint of the true position of the advocate.
The advocate can hardly be blamed if an astute and well prepared Judge has pointed and direct questions that cannot be be avoided or evaded.
After reading Ed’s post from today 15 Feb for strength.
Have Bove, Spiros, and Adams committed a criminal conspiracy to violate NY Election laws?
[Moderator’s note: see your comment at 1:22 pm. /~Rayne]
As I recall Judge Ho is a visceral supporter of Trump. I wouldn’t expect push back on dismissal by him.
You may be thinking of somebody else.
Careful. Name alert regarding “Judge Ho”. Dale Edwin Ho (born 1977) is an American lawyer serving as a United States district judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.
He argued the census voting case at Scotus. brilliant legal mind. He cited a precedent from the early republic that allowed the 1790 census to count prisoners et al.
Hide he, hide he, tidy Ho
Gonna find him a piece of the sky
Gonna find him some of that old sweet roll
Singing Hide he, hide he, tidy Ho
The Ho you are thinking of sits on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.
I had the same confusion. You’re thinking of Judge James Ho, 5th Circuit of Appeals judge from Texas, who was a law clerk under Clarence Thomas, and known for hardline anti-immigrant judgments. If Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination was ever in peril, Ho was next in line on Trump’s Supreme Court choices.
And Dale Edwin Ho was denounced by Joe Manchin who voted against confirmation of Ho’s nomination, stating Ho was “extreme left” and accusing him of “hateful words” and “partisanship.”
Dale Ho had previously been ACLU’s Director of the Voting Rights Section.
TBH, the WSJ has probably been the paper hammering Trump the hardest, I don’ read the op-ed section, and this is very much headlined on their front page. I’ve been using them the most, their coverage is at least 3x what Bloomberg (just for comps) does.
[Welcome back to emptywheel. Please use the SAME USERNAME and email address each time you comment so that community members get to know you. You attempted to publish this comment as “Charlie_in_the_MTA” triggering auto-moderation; it has been edited to reflect your established username. **Letter case matters along with exact spelling.** Please check your browser’s cache and autofill; future comments may not publish if username does not match. /~Rayne]
Thanks for suggesting I did not check (and screen cap) when I wrote this post.
NYT is leading this story. WSJ is doing an okay job. But they did not have anything on their front page when I was working on this.
“Reuters could not immediately determine the name of the prosecutor, though the names of attorneys filing motions normally appear on those motions when they become public.” – I hope it’s someone on the verge of retirement trying to save his colleagues, because it’s probably the end of his career as a lawyer. See Bork, Robert.
His name is Ed Sullivan, a veteran career prosecutor. And Bork’s career did not exactly “end” when he did Nixon’s vile bidding.
“Oh, Eddie, geeve me a kees!”
Is he into “really big shews”?
(Sorry, showing my age!)
The SC’s majorities clerks and small armies of friends have probably been gaming out dozens of possible eventualities at an ever accelerating pace for a year. Some of them may plug into this one.
Will the judge in the case be aware of the resignation letters? Do judges have to refrain from reading about cases before them?
I believe DoJ finally *extorted* a career prosecutor into dismissing Eric Adams’s case.
I read somewhere that Sullivan is near retirement age, and took one for the 22 attys. Bove locked in room and threatened with termination. This clownshow gets more weird by the minute.
It is very, very difficult to hold a boundary in the face of this level of threat. On paper, the obvious boundary move that truly supports all the attorneys in the room plus the people who resigned already plus the rule of law plus the future is… to all say no, and call the bluff, because it’s not a gift to the rest of the people to “take one for the team” in this case – what happens the next time the extortionist walks in with an even yuckier demand? So if all 23 people (or whatever the true number is) get fired then they do (would they really? cause many extortionists are cowards), and some day in the mythic future Bove signs his own damn order or no one ever signs it – on paper this is a perfectly fine hill to die on.
On paper. I’m sad that the extortion worked, but I can’t claim to know that I would have held firm myself, as it’s not me dying on the hill, and this is Olympic level boundary holding territory.
wait wait – in the process this flipped and the co-signers (or somebody else??) made Bove own it! OK! Whoa. Interesting. Shows I am not myself at Olympic level for boundary holding – at least not in lawyer land.
“Some day, and that day may never come, I will ask you to do a service for me.”
{Raspy voice] Some day – and may that day never come – I will call upon you for a favor.’
The people who thought this story was over last night are the same ones who think Jason is really dead halfway through a Friday the 13th movie.
Good comment, Frank. and good to see you here.
I read the title, and been hoping this is related to the other Valentine’s day massacre, the one where 200,000 fed employees have been illegally fired for a made-up cause, so they are not even entitled to severance.
Not saying the Hagen Scotten story is not important, of course (it is very important), but the other story is just very important to me. And also frustrated by all the media who are too afraid to say this is illegal.
I’m afraid the firing of all probationary federal employees probably isn’t illegal. It’s stupid as hell, how are you going to maintain a workforce doing stuff like that? But probably legal.
Whether what Bove did is “illegal” in the sense that he could be prosecuted for it? Also probably no. He might face disbarment, though. I’ll guess he doesn’t care.
Also very short-sighted.
How would you like to be a recruiter for the USDA, and when you make the rounds at the college recruiting fairs, no one wants to talk to you? If you stop someone and ask why, the answer will be something like this:”Sorry, I’m looking for a job that after I relocate I don’t get tossed out the door in a couple of months, not for something I’ve done but because someone wants to sweep house of everyone new. And no, I don’t trust that this won’t happen again.”
Not to mention the damage you do to the existing workplace culture. The institution at which I presently work did a RIF a few years before I was hired, in which a few employees were told on arrival in the morning that they had been terminated and were escorted out by security. People who lived through that were still talking about it a decade and more later.
Making former USG employees unemployable and the USG anathema to new hires is entirely the point.
Replying to EOH . . .
I have a feeling that a fair number of these newly involuntarily former USG employees will have no problem finding a new job.
Some of these massacre victims at the DOJ I suspect will receive multiple job offers from well-heeled firms. “We need more lawyers who stand up for the law rather than engage in bullshit.”
Where do they think the workers, even one in 4, is going to come from? Do they think fired federal workers will go to the slaughter houses, hotels, roofing crews, fields, etc where immigrants work to take those jobs going vacant now? It is so crazy. When citizens find out how much they depend on government workers who are now gone, maybe then there will be more push back.
Many of those “probationary” workers had been there more than a year and were doing excellent work. In a sane world, they’d be kept.
ToldainDarkwater: It is illegal.
This is in violation of the law and regulations. The regulations are very clear (5 CFR 315.803, 4 CFR 315.804). A probationary employee is not an “at-will” employee. They can be dismissed on a case-by-case basis due to either specific performance issues or conduct, and the termination letter should, at minimum, contain specific information about the inadequacies of their performance.
Firing 200,000 employees with blanket languages stating they are dismissed due to “performance”, without anything about the performance issues, when many of them have stellar reviews and performance awards, is a violation.
They could use a RIF to dismiss probationary employees without a cause, but RIF comes with its own protections, require 60 day notice of the RIF etc. What they did here is dismiss probies en-masse, claiming there are “Performance” issues without any details, to bypass a RIF. This is illegal.
I understand a lot of the letters didn’t have the form filled in – still had the [subject] stuff everywhere.
Thank you for this. Maybe there is hope. I’ll sleep better tonight.
And they fired physicians, dentists, pharmacists, et al, from the Indian Health Service last night.
I added a possibly helpful site at your previous comment.
Thanks for the kinks. I’ll check it out!
“Kinks” might be too much information.
More there now.
and LOL! EoH!
earlofhuntingdon says:
LOL. Didn’t catch this typo till now
I think a lot of the public that is following this story have a mental picture of probationary federal employees as people fresh into the workforce. However, at one place I worked, a new (probationary) hire came in from the private sector as a GS-13 step 7 ($144,697 on the 2025 scale) — his first GS position. It’s not unusual for very experienced and qualified people to decide they want to work in federal agencies.
Also the term “probationary”applies to career government employees who have merely moved over to a new agency. They are not all newbies.
I scream, you scream, and Hagan does!
More like a Hagan *diss* as I read it. Still, hat tip to you, SL.
Thank you both. The epic resignation letter plus this = just what I needed.
DOJ also announced it’s dropping the investigation of Vince McMahon for cover up of sexual misconduct. His wife Linda McMahon is trump’s pick for dept of education.
One of Sigourney Weaver’s lines from *Avatar* comes to mind: “They’re just pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain.”
Well, Judge Ho could not stop DoJ from tanking the case like it did for Roger Stone and Michael Flynn or unintentional incompetence like Special Counsel Durham’s team did. But he should make DoJ go on the record at trial.
Hochul may yet pull the plug on Adams, precisely because he is being blackmailed by Convict-1. I also wonder where Bove is admitted to the bar, because I am pretty sure something like this should make it into a disbarment hearing if the quid pro quo is proved.
Proved? They (Homan and Adams) said it out loud in the Fox News interview together today.
Noted, but realize the RWNM go-to here would be they were ‘just joking’ and it’s not proof of anything. But, I agree they did have a deal.
Now we have reports that Adams is filing suit against DoJ or something. Neither Convict-1 nor his minions will be pleased about this if true (it will be docketed if it is) and we’ll see how quickly the Adams case is re-filed.
Bove is from Seneca Falls, New York. His father, Emil Bove Jr., is a retired assistant New York attorney general.
Bove III clerked in NY and worked in NY including S.D.N.Y. so my guess is NY
Seneca Falls famously was Frank Capra’s basis for the small town in It’s A Wonderful Life.
So, Bove is basically Mr. Potter’s corrupt prosecutor sock puppet
in the alternate reality version of Bedford Falls. Which we’re living in.
Bove worked at SDNY? Ouch!
Bove was investigated for some debacle in that last case he supervised at S.D.N.Y. ( a failure of disclosure was involved) above was held not to have been aware of the non-compliance with disclosure obligations, but that was because he had failed to supervise properly.
I’ll return with the cite for this.
Blog post re Nejad case
George Conway, this morning on MSNBC, said he does not expect Hochul to get rid of Adams–for the reason that he’s a Black mayor elected in NYC. I’m inferring that she’d be afraid of losing votes, although for the life of me, I cannot figure out what makes her tick…if she ticks at all.
Does she not understand how unpopular Adams is with much of the Black and Latino communities in NYC?
Meanwhile, in Copland …
Staten Island Democrats won’t endorse Mayor Adams, pick Cuomo: ‘Enough is enough’
Hochul might finally do something – when it’s too late and she’s lost both the left and right of her party. That good policy makes good politics gets drilled out of you early in centrism boot camp.
“Staten Island Democrats” is normally a contradiction in terms.
It would be nice to see a sycophant arrested and charged over these illegal acts for no other reason but to see what the SCOTUS would do with the “I was just following orders” defense.
Here’s Chris Geidner with the information:
February 14, 2025 at 6:30 PM
And here’s Anna Bower:
February 14, 2025 at 6:27 PM
As Geidner says in his THREAD [above]: this is all on ACTING Attorney General BOVE.
It is almost as if I had a premonition
“ The advocate might begin the hearing by stating that they are appearing in response to specific directions of the Acting Deputy AG having signed and filed a motion which was made under his specific orders and requirements. And so this application Is the official position of the Acting Deputy AG”
Yes, I meant to acknowledge your very helpful comment earlier this morning, when I first saw it, SteveBev. Thanks!
@ harpie
In fairness I didn’t imagine Bacon and Sullivan would make Bove own it on the papers, with his signature. Genius move. It took poker players’ skill to induce him to do that.
M. Gessen’s NY Times column about collective hostage taking in regard to the Adams case dismissal is instructive. This is a very frightening moment.
Outstanding link thank you. Yes, my own kid was subject to collective hostage taking in elementary school which involved not getting to eat lunch if kids at her table were “misbehaving” (as defined arbitrarily to whoever was supervising lunch). Enraging. But effective – it took the kid months to tell me about this – fear of collective punishment is hard.
Also calls out why “You’re taking us all hostage and giving us a fake 1 hour deadline to comply with this insane ask? Wait what? Oops your video is breaking up” seems like the only sane response on paper but simultaneously so impossible in the moment.
Thank you, coral reef. Masha Gessen is one of the very few writers who could make me regret canceling my Times subscription last summer. The concepts discussed here are valuable to keep in mind going forward.
I made the mistake of continuing to scroll, however. Thus I encountered the wit and wisdom of Ross Douthat, whose most salient gift seems to be leaving out what’s actually the problem. Here he informs us why Bove should not have pushed out Danielle Sassoon:
“…before administrations get to some immense high-stakes clash, it’s likely to have many, many smaller legal battles that it needs to have lawyered effectively. The Trump administration has picked a lot of those battles already, and quite a few of them — over the scope of the president’s control over the bureaucracy, especially — are fights it should be able to win.”
Reducing what Trump has sent DOGE to do to “the bureaucracy” to a mere matter of executive “control”–what a neat little trick. No matter the NYT keeps him on. I knew canceling was overdue.
I think Gessen has begun using their first inital of M rather than Masha; I’ve seen it multiple times this way.
Thank you for the correction, LaMissy! I scrubbed my comment for feminine pronouns, but was unaware of the other switch. I appreciate the update.
Collective punishment violates the laws of war.
Gessen’s point.
Murdoch media also blacks out local news.
Phila Inquirer:
Feds say Sunoco hazardous pipeline leaked fuel in Bucks Co. for at least 16 months
The federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration said the line poses, a “risk to public safety, property, or the environment.”
Fox 29 Philadelphia:
Drill, baby, drill!
That should (but won’t) get them a massive fine, plus mandatory training of everyone involved.
I can’t seem to find anything on President Musk’s 13th child on Murdoch media, either.
Musk’s thirteen kids makes me me wonder how many abortions Trump hid with NDAs.
MAGA Christian family values!
Orin Kerr:
February 14, 2025 at 10:21 PM