The FISA 702 Canard at the Core of Trump Debates

By now you’ve heard about Peter Thiel’s batshit column, in which (with no explanation) he suggests Trump’s second term might bring about an apocálypsis that his first term did not, a revelation of all the secrets that, Thiel claims, “the media organisations, bureaucracies, universities and government-funded NGOs” have been keeping.

Among the secrets Thiel thinks Trump will tell in his second term that he did not in his first are:

  • Who else — potentially including “Fidel Castro, 1960s mafiosi, the CIA’s Allen Dulles” — worked with Lee Harvey Oswald to kill JFK.
  • How longtime Trump and Elon Musk friend Jeffrey Epstein died in a prison overseen by Bill Barr, whose family ties with Epstein go back even further.
  • Whether Anthony Fauci secretly believed and covered up that, “Covid spawned from US taxpayer-funded research, or an adjacent Chinese military programme?”
  • Joe Biden Administration’s hypothetical involvement in Brazil’s decision to uphold its data sovereignty, an Aussie law imposing age limits on Internet use, or the UK’s prosecution of violent rioters whom Thiel describes as guilty of no more than speech.
  • Whether Charles Littlejohn’s leak of Trump’s and others’ tax records was anomalous or whether the same thing happened to Hunter Biden. (I kid. Of course he ignored that it happened to Hunter.)
  • What’s behind a “50-year slowdown in scientific and technological progress in the US, the racket of crescendoing real estate prices, and the explosion of public debt” (in the same way he ignored that Hunter’s tax records had been leaked, Thiel also ignored how easy it would be to fix public debt if he and his buddies paid their fair share in taxes).

Nutty, right?

And right in the middle of these fevered conspiracy theories, intelligence contractor Peter Thiel wondered whether there’s such a thing as a right to privacy at all so long as Congress keeps reauthorizing FISA Section 702 under which the FBI continued to have violative queries incorporating US Person identifiers all the way through the Trump first term and in queries done as part of the January 6 investigation.

And on that same day, Tulsi Gabbard issued a statement reversing her opposition to Section 702, and in the process won the support of James Lankford and presumably some other hawkish Senators.

If confirmed as DNI, I will uphold Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights while maintaining vital national security tools like Section 702 to ensure the safety and freedom of the American people. My prior concerns about FISA were based on insufficient protections for civil liberties, particularly regarding the FBI’s misuse of warrantless search powers on American citizens. Significant FISA reforms have been enacted since my time in Congress to address these issues.

And all these Senators, reassured that Tulsi will continue America’s best spying advantage, will ignore all the other reasons she’s wildly unsuited for the position.

Thiel is not alone among those naively investing his hopes to end surveillance by ending 702. A slew of privacy activists have focused there, too.

It’s like none of these people remember that people close to Trump used Israeli surveillance contractor Black Cube to spy on Barack Obama’s Iran deal negotiators, Colin Kahl and Ben Rhodes.

It’s like none of these people remember that Trump had DHS — which has fewer protections for US persons than the FBI does and which was run by a Trump flunkie — to surveil journalists covering the Portland riots.

It’s like none of these people have thought through the implications of Trump’s baseless claim that Hizballah was somehow involved in January 6, which is that all the people already identified who participated in the riot will be searched under 702 for ties to Iran; searching for ties to foreign terrorist groups is literally the initial use case for 702.

It’s like none of these people have through through the implications of the immunity ruling, which would mean that Trump could spy on Daniel Ellsberg’s shrink or even his Democratic opponents, and John Roberts would still let him off the hook.

It’s like none of these people have yoked that reality to Trump’s chumminess with most of the most prolific sources for Section 702 — Facebook and Google, probably Amazon — providing him a way to get what he wants directly (to say nothing of whatever DMs Elon might find to be interesting), targeting the actual Americans rather than the people overseas with whom they interacted.

Craziest still, Thiel presents the concern that the government will continue to partner with companies run by Tech Bros like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg and Tim Apple and Sundar Pichai to surveil the world (likely with the help of Palantir software) as some great conspiracy theory. But he doesn’t realize — or wants to pretend — that he and his Tech Bro buddies are the key villains here.

Do tell us your secrets, Peter. But first, come to grips with the fact that you are the conspiracy you’re wailing about.

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33 replies
  1. bgThenNow says:

    He thinks we don’t know the “. . .causes of the 50-year slowdown in scientific and technological progress in the US (wut?), the racket of crescendoing real estate prices (huh?), and the explosion of public debt. . .” (are you freakiong serious?)

    A necklace of his pearls of wisdom.

    • john paul jones says:

      The sentence could be construed as a simple racist trope.

      Real Estate prices are up because non-white people, who don’t want to live in their own crappy countries, have used western real estate markets to (a) park and/or launder their corrupt profits thus (b) making things tough for average Jills and Joes who want to buy a family home.

      The same non-white people also infest the universities and tech industries (they don’t want to work in their own crappy countries) and being inferior, have dragged down the overall level of research and development.

      As to the third clause, I’m at a loss to see how Thiel is connecting it to the first two, but it might be: white people, seduced by the money flooding in from non-white people and their crappy countries, have succumbed to greed, and Joe and Jill Average have come to expect government handouts, which the politicians are only too happy to provide.

      Like all racist tropes, it only works if you are looking out from inside a mesh of ideas which have coherence but which are not supported by anything other than resentment, or in the case of ageing white South Africans, nostalgia.

  2. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Thank you. Calling Peter Thiel’s grossly manipulative and anti-intellectual column “batshit” seems unfair to bat feces. Whatever he’s doing or wants, his column distracts from it.

    • Ciel babe says:

      “ Bat guano, or feces, has a long history of use as a soil enricher. It is obtained from only fruit and insect-feeding species.” The batshit column was produced by an entity consuming items well beyond fruit and insects and is thus accurately considered toxic, in batshit terms.

    • Ginevra diBenci says:

      So true. Although in my observation, it takes a certain level of testosterone for the chemical reaction to take place.

      • Ciel babe says:

        Yes, on average testosterone levels to identify with hero / philosophy (using the term loosely) – but let’s not forget the female character self-debasement. And that’s new MAGA too now! Ugh.

    • Ciel babe says:

      Ann Patchett in interview (Forum, NPR/KQED) about re-writing her books, and re-reading books in general: “Ayn Rand doesn’t work after age 15”.
      Or shouldn’t.

  3. zscoreUSA says:

    Lord only knows what secret conspiracies Thiel is tied to or has funded. Somehow pizzagate and Qanon trolls overlooked his desire for the blood of young people.

    And Thiel is tied to whatever is going with the desire to obtain Greenland, which currently is expanding into more hearts and minds of Americans.

  4. Benji-am-Groot says:

    “…Peter Thiel’s batshit column…”

    What. In. The. AF.? And JD Vance waiting in the wings. Stop the Thiel indeed.

    From Ed Walker yesterday: “Now I think millions of Americans choose to abdicate their freedom and responsibility to judge based on their own principles.”

    How many MAGAts ‘principles’ will be shaped by the anemic squitter the FT chooses to publish?

    FSM help us.

  5. Thomas Paine says:

    They are all flakes – Elmo, Thiel, Zuckerberg – all these social media goons.

    The adults who control the platforms (Apple, Microsoft, Google, Android, etc.) like Cook and Google are going to have to step in at some point and tell these goons to knock of the authoritarian plays or the information appliance platforms will only support Mastodon, Bluesky and Web browsers.

    Toxic social media will be the end of our civilization.

      • -mamake- says:

        Exactly. Exposed to these creeps for years in CA.

        These tech bros are the epitome of arrested development – pubescent boys jerking off in their tiny minded, mirror lined tech bubbles. Contempt is not strong enough to describe how I feel re: them.

  6. WT Pickens says:

    Awesome. And totally bizarre. Greatly appreciate your working to expose Peter Thiel for the utter shyster he is. The combination of Kash Patel and Tulsi Gabbard fills me with gloom. It will be monstrous.

  7. J.W. Gage says:

    “ Tech Bros like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg and Tim Apple and Sundar Picha”. Tim Cook perchance?

  8. Zinsky123 says:

    In my humble opinion, we are reaping the bitter fruits of the Citizens United SCOTUS decision. It’s no coincidence that the first non-incumbent president elected after that fateful decision was supposed billionaire Donald Trump. Unlimited amounts of money in American politics is going to destroy our elections process. Elon Musk just essentially bought the 2024 election for Trump at a price of a quarter billion dollars. Thiel is just another confused tech bro weenie who wants to uses his virtually unlimited pool of money to have an inordinate influence on American politics. Based on his list of crackpot conspiracy theories and fanboy fantasies, he seems like his emotional maturity level is stuck somewhere around that of eighth grade, pre-pubescent boys. Go away creep…

    • kpavlovic says:

      “There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.” John Rogers

      • Ciel babe says:

        So good! Will be re-using.
        As posted above: “Ayn Rand doesn’t work after age 15”. -Ann Patchett

  9. Ginevra diBenci says:

    “Thiel also ignored how easy it would be to fix public debt if he and his buddies paid their fair share in taxes[.]”

    Yeah, this. Thanks to the GOP pols these guys have on a leash, an ever-greater concentration of the nation’s wealth goes to them. And stays there, never to “trickle down” or benefit the rest of us, including the public schools Thiel implicitly slights with his “50-year slowdown” comment. Why don’t you encourage Trump to axe the Department of Education for lols? That’s gonna work out just great for you.

  10. Matt Foley says:

    “Thiel also ignored how easy it would be to fix public debt if he and his buddies paid their fair share in taxes.”

    Add: “and repaid their covid handouts from daddy Trump.” I’m sure Elmo and Ramaswampy will see to it.

  11. Brian Ruff says:

    His conspiracies could be solved with “one weird trick that will SHOCK YOU”:
    A mirror.
    These folks live in opposite land. I noticed years ago that conservatives were growing sick of losing every “good faith argument” when it came to their policies, so they decided to just declare victory and move on.

  12. gmokegmoke says:

    Glad people are looking more at Thiel. He worries me more than Musk as Thiel is less flighty and makes plans that take years to come to fruition. He is not above subterfuge either, as in the Gawker takedown.

    Thiel, Alex Karp, and Joe Lonsdale are all Palantir people. Saw an interview with Lonsdale the other day with Walter Isaacson and had to turn it off. As with Thiel and Karp, each one presents to me as an extremely damaged individual who talks too fast and feels too little, if anything at all.

    When Trmp was first elected the Grandmothers, a group of women from indigenous peoples across the world, published a piece in which they called people like Trmp and Putin “moys,’ boys in middle-aged men’s (or older) bodies. The moys have taken over. Thiel and Musk bought the Presidency and the USAmerican government. We will all have to live with the consequences.

    • Ciel babe says:

      Man-babies, throwing man-baby tantrums.

      And yet our society consistently normalizes and rewards man-baby behavior, to the detriment of all – men, women, nonbinary folks and (I’d argue) man-babies. Why is that? How do we all, including me, do it?

      Does the “how” include the expectation that women are the ones who call out the behavior?

      Think “consistently” is an exaggeration? Skim advice columns and see how many are “my man-baby husband can hold down a job but can’t work out how to pack lunch for our 5 year old I don’t know what to do” or similar – and how many reactions are “if you’d just stop being a controlling perfectionist [and be OK with 5 year old having no lunch wow you’re so crazy] this would magically resolve”. The little things lead to the moy takeover.

  13. Bruce Olsen says:

    Spot on, except for the comment about needing to collect taxes from them.

    There are plenty of good reasons to tax these (almost exclusively) guys, but the Federal government does not need their tax remittances to operate.

    In 1945, Beardsley Ruml, head of the NY Fed at the time, stated that “Taxes for Revenue are Obsolete”
    https //

    Go ahead, burn a few of the good institute’s server cycles on a cause rather more noble than shilling for Austrian economics.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Taxes don’t fund the federal govt, as much as they express policy about what economic activity to aid or suppress. Taxes very much fund state and local govts.

      • Bruce Olsen says:

        All true, but these discussions of public debt are about federal-level debt (and its fellow traveler, deficit spending).

        The statement “Thiel also ignored how easy it would be to fix public debt if he and his buddies paid their fair share in taxes)” adopts false framing in at least two ways:
        — First, the federal debt does not need to be “fixed,” which I take to mean “paid down”. Similarly, deficit spending is not something that needs fixing.
        — Second, there is no link between the federal debt (or the money needed to operate the government) and taxing the wealthy. That would be true even if, for some reason, the US decided to pay down the debt.

        Both parties use this framing—decrying the size of the deficit and warning that we’re saddling our grandchildren with debt—and neither is likely to stop. But perpetuating this framing makes it harder to enact the type of policies most Americans prefer.

  14. Ciel babe says:

    “It’s like none of these people have through through the implications of the immunity ruling, which would mean that Trump could spy on Daniel Ellsberg’s shrink or even his Democratic opponents, and John Roberts would still let him off the hook”

    Agree, still super pissed at that ruling, predicting it’s destructive consequences could rival those of Citizens United – and yet don’t the same principles (discussed on other threads) apply re: Why doesn’t Biden just use immunity ruling to publish those Volumes? Trump doesn’t personally spy – he doesn’t personally do anything that’s real work – so who will do such things given the risk to themselves?

    Or does the line of reasoning in Biden vs Cannon Docs Blockade only work on Biden actions – Because the pain of directly defying Trump (and by extension rabid supporters / handlers) far outweighs defying a federal judge? Because it’s easy to believe Trump will immediately pardon everybody preemptively whether or not that’s how it works but it’s hard to envision Biden playing that kind of hardball? All of the above?

  15. Booksellerb4 says:

    Just wanted to mention that the comment section for the Financial Times on this op-ed was ever so fun to read!

    As to Thiel’s word-hash haberdashery – truly a belfry of bat-shit infested tone-deaf echolocation unlikely to find path, prey or…pith, excuse my lisp.

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