Devlin Barrett Makes Shit Up about Hunter Biden, Again

Because I want to address how we move forward when both law and journalism will increasingly fail to tell the truth, I want to address this weird 3-paragraph Devlin Barrett … um, blog post? … that NYT chose to publish earlier this week. Devlin picks a big ol’ straw man and carries it across the line for his right wing fans.

Here’s how it works:

  • Headline: Judge Scuppered Hunter Biden Plea Deal, Not Political Pressure
  • ¶1: President Biden blamed “political pressure” for the collapse of Hunter’s plea deal
  • ¶2: The plea deal fell apart in spectacular fashion [linking this article] because Judge Noreika rejected the structure of the deal
  • ¶3: The collapse of the plea deal because of its structure “is a far cry from the president’s suggestion that the deal for Hunter Biden to avoid prison time and a felony conviction collapsed because of political pressure”

Now, as a threshold matter, Devlin oversimplifies what happened in the plea hearing, which I reconstructed here. Two things happened and Maryellen Noreika had two concerns. Yes, there was the way the plea deal (which she had authority to reject) invoked the diversion agreement (which Probation refused to sign after having previously approved it, and which Noreika repeatedly complained she should get to approve but legally should not). Devlin’s right that that was an issue, but Noreika’s complaints extended to areas she had no authority, the scope of immunity the government offered.

But there was also the confusion about the scope covered by the agreement. And that confusion arose because, after David Weiss’ First AUSA had told Chris Clark on June 19 that, “there was not another open or pending investigation” into Hunter, Leo Wise asserted at the July 26 hearing that there was an ongoing investigation, one he later suggested might pertain to FARA.

Don’t take my word for this, though: Here’s what the linked article that Devlin pretends backs his argument says:

Judge Maryellen Noreika, a Trump appointee, repeatedly informed the two sides that she would be no “rubber stamp.” She picked apart the deal, exposing substantial disagreements over the extent of the immunity provision.

Mr. Clark said the deal indemnified his client not merely for the tax and gun offenses uncovered during the inquiry, but for other possible offenses stemming from his lucrative consulting deals. Mr. Wise said it was far narrower — and suggested the government was still considering charges against Mr. Biden under laws regulating foreign lobbying.

Poor Devlin couldn’t even get the plea hearing right.

But the plea hearing is a straw man. Devlin gets there by misrepresenting what Joe Biden said about the prosecution.

Today, I signed a pardon for my son Hunter. From the day I took office, I said I would not interfere with the Justice Department’s decision-making, and I kept my word even as I have watched my son being selectively, and unfairly, prosecuted. [1] Without aggravating factors like use in a crime, multiple purchases, or buying a weapon as a straw purchaser, people are almost never brought to trial on felony charges solely for how they filled out a gun form. [2] Those who were late paying their taxes because of serious addictions, but paid them back subsequently with interest and penalties, are typically given non-criminal resolutions. It is clear that Hunter was treated differently.

[3] The charges in his cases came about only after several of my political opponents in Congress instigated them to attack me and oppose my election. [4] Then, a carefully negotiated plea deal, agreed to by the Department of Justice, unraveled in the court room – with a number of my political opponents in Congress taking credit for bringing political pressure on the process. Had the plea deal held, it would have been a fair, reasonable resolution of Hunter’s cases.

[5] No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter’s cases can reach any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because he is my son – and that is wrong. There has been an effort to break Hunter – who has been five and a half years sober, even in the face of unrelenting attacks and selective prosecution. In trying to break Hunter, they’ve tried to break me – and there’s no reason to believe it will stop here. Enough is enough. [my brackets]

Biden made these assertions:

  1. A false statement on a gun form is not normally charged unless there are aggravating factors
  2. Addicts who fail to pay their taxes usually can resolve that civilly (note: This is the claim to which Mark Scarsi, with merit, objected, partly because Hunter waited months after he filed to actual pay his taxes, and partly because Hunter also pled guilty to evading his 2018 taxes, not just failing to pay)
  3. The charges only came about after Republicans instigated them to attack him
  4. A carefully negotiated plea deal unraveled and “a number of my political opponents in Congress [took] credit for bringing political pressure on the process”
  5. No reasonable person can doubt that Hunter was singled out [the comment to which Scarsi objected to without merit]

Joe Biden made absolutely no claim about why the plea deal unraveled in the hearing!! Devlin simply made that up. Rather, Biden observed factually that “a number of my political opponents in Congress [took] credit for bringing political pressure on the process.” [my emphasis]

The words, “political pressure,” are about Republicans claiming credit, not about what led David Weiss to renege on the earlier assurances there was no ongoing investigation or led Noreika to complain about the scope of the diversion immunity (it remains unanswered what led Weiss to renege and what led Noreika to complain about the scope, much less what led Weiss to refuse to fix any of the flaws Noreika pointed out, but to instead ratchet up the charges).

And Biden’s opponents did take credit.

James Comer took credit that same day. Jason Smith took credit when David Weiss got Special Counsel status. The disgruntled IRS agents claimed credit in … the very article Devlin linked.

“It appears that if it weren’t for the courageous actions of these whistle-blowers, who had nothing to gain and everything to lose, Hunter Biden would never have been charged at all,” a team of lawyers for one of the I.R.S. agents said in a statement, adding that the initial agreement reflected preferential treatment.

Where Biden does say those same Republicans had a role in the case is in the charges being filed in the first place. “Several of my political opponents in Congress instigated them.”

The record is less certain on that claim. Hunter’s attorneys provided a bunch of evidence that Weiss equivocated throughout May and June 2023, as Republicans in Congress, Donald Trump, Bill Barr, and the disgruntled IRS agents claimed that prosecutors had stymied the investigation (a claim not backed by the very documents the IRS agents released).

But one place you might look to measure that claim is, again, the story Devlin claims backs his false claims. That story famously describes that Weiss told someone he didn’t want to bring any charges (which someone who might be Weiss “forcefully” denied).

Mr. Weiss told an associate that he preferred not to bring any charges, even misdemeanors, against Mr. Biden because the average American would not be prosecuted for similar offenses. (A senior law enforcement official forcefully denied the account.)

It also describes, in a story about the pressure from House Republicans, how Weiss changed the terms he was willing to offer.

On Tuesday, May 23, after four days of silence, Ms. Wolf delivered unwelcome news. Mr. Weiss had revised what he wanted in the deal, now demanding that Mr. Biden plead guilty to two misdemeanor counts of failing to pay his taxes. It crossed a red line for Mr. Clark.

The article that Devlin links claiming it supports his incomplete representation of the plea hearing (the straw man Devlin uses to make false claims about what Biden said) actually supports both of Biden’s claims about political pressure: the pressure led to charges in the first place, and those who applied the pressure claimed credit for killing the plea deal.

All Devlin did with that link is prove that Biden, not Devlin, made claims that match the public record.

And yet NYT published his little blog post as if it — and not the reported article which it claims to rely on — were true.

25 replies
  1. Peter Ben Fido says:

    Perspicacity. That’s what this blog delivers for me, and this posting is as clear an example as could be sought.

  2. Yogarhythms says:

    NYT’s publication of Devlin’s bs is the replication of viral infection of trust. Low discernment readers and voters follow the words legacy 4th estate publishes and feel the power of arguments presented. Factory farms raise animals to feed populations. NYT’s factory farm like production of news is a very efficient cost effective intellectually digestible product. Trust requires a healthy diet to fight against infection. Emptywheel serves 3, small farm, squares and organic sides galore daily. We are in this together.

  3. Inner Monologue says:

    I almost spit my coffee out reading this headline. No one could accuse you of burying the lede. Thank goodness.

    • A Better Mitch says:

      I may not be considered a long time reader yet, but have been coming here long enough to be familiar with Doc Wheeler’s “potty mouth”. For me it’s one of her many endearing qualities.

  4. RitaRita says:

    The NYTimes has a jump on the bandwagon editorial about the dangerous precedent set by Biden in pardoning his son.

    Oddly enough I don’t remember their editorial about the dangerous precedent set by Trump pardoning his father-in-law and then appointing him as Ambassador to France.

    What the Editors presumably fail to recognize is that Trump will use the fact that even the left leaning NY Times thought Biden was setting the precedent to justify Trump’s much more egregious abuses.

    The right wing smear machine has had a multi-pronged effort against Hunter and Joe Biden for many years: Congressional pressure on the DOJ, “investigative” efforts in Ukraine, led by Giuliani, the jihad against US Embassy staff for not supporting Trump’s narrative, Trump’s attempt to bribe Zelenskyy into saying an investigation into Biden had been opened, fiddling with Hunter’s computers. The lazy mainstream media has aided the effort by chasing the baubles without much attempt at determining their truthiness.

  5. Fancy Chicken says:

    The next day- by Barrett and Glen Thrush. The title is pretty hilarious after the first piece.

    It’s rather short, spends two paragraphs discussing the fact that the gun charge was very unusual and that ATF when it reviewed the gun application a few years back didn’t believe Hunter would have been prosecuted if he were “lesser known”.

    It’s only quote is from Eric Holder supporting Biden’s decision. To me it’s a little bone NYT threw out to pacify their left leaning readership who support POTUS’s decision
    and have already decided NYT’s shitty reporting on Biden during the election damaged the party.

    At least at WAPO about 99% of articles have a comments section and Barrett was always called out for his consistently anti-Hunter slant and the “facts” he chose to focus on. There were often multiple comments with links to Emptywheel and other articles to help other readers understand Barrett’s bias.

    No such thing with NYT except on opinion pieces.

    This is deeply problematic as it prevents the first and possibly only fact check a reader might avail themselves of in a biased article or “analysis” so you never see any reader push back.

    With that noted, I really, really look forward to Dr. Wheeler’s discussion on how to move forward through this morass.

    • emptywheel says:

      It’s just insane that people paid to do journalism profess incompetence to look at the actual record.

      • Inner Monologue says:

        This made my brain flip. I read your sentence like this: “It’s just sane that people paid to not do journalism profess competence to not look at the actual record.”

        These people are depositing paychecks, but not for journalism.

  6. harpie says:


    1] 7:58 PM NYT on Bluesky:
    December 1, 2024 at 7:58 PM

    Breaking News: President Biden pardoned his son Hunter, saying his prosecution was political and designed to hurt him politically. [link][photo]

    Links to:
    Biden Issues a ‘Full and Unconditional Pardon’ of His Son Hunter Biden The pardon comes weeks before President Biden leaves office and transfers power to President-elect Donald J. Trump, who spent years attacking Hunter Biden over his legal and personal issues.

    [2024/12/01/us/politics/biden-pardon-son-hunter[.]html] By Michael D. Shear and Zolan Kanno-Youngs // Reporting from Washington // Published Dec. 1, 2024 // Updated Dec. 3, 2024]

    2] 9:48 PM NYT Change Bot: Change in Headline [< See first comment here ??] Dec 01, 2024, 09:48 PM
    [link] 2024/12/01/us/politics/biden-pardon-political-pressure[.]html]

    Biden Pardons His Son Hunter, Citing ‘Political Pressure’
    by Devlin Barrett Published Dec. 1, 2024 // Updated Dec. 3, 2024

    Change in Headline > Judge Scuttled Scuppered Hunter Biden Plea Deal, Not Political Pressure Mr. Biden’s plea deal did fall apart at the last minute last year. But it did so after the judge overseeing the case raised issues. [screenshot]

    • harpie says:

      On 12/2 Barrett was also by-lined on this article with Glenn Thrush:

      Were Hunter Biden’s Prosecutions a Result of Political Pressure? A Look at the Facts. The gun case federal prosecutors brought against Hunter Biden was relatively rare, but the tax charges he pleaded guilty to may have been less unusual.
      By Glenn Thrush and Devlin Barrett Dec. 2, 2024

      At 7:00 PM on 12/2, the NYT Change Bot shows a period was added to the title: Dec 02, 2024, 07:00 PM

  7. Matt Foley says:

    Apparently Repubs think filling out forms wrong is the worst possible crime. See also mail-in ballots with incorrect/missing date. In PA Montgomery and Bucks counties the boards of elections wanted to count them but the court ordered them not to so they did not, but the MAGA pecksniffs are still calling for the BOE to resign.

    • gmokegmoke says:

      “Apparently Repubs think filling out forms wrong is the worst possible crime.”
      Unless you’re a Supreme Court Justice or a Trmp

  8. Bugboy321 says:

    The GOP seems to have figured out that they can play the stupid card and win every time, because they know most voters are 1. quite illiterate 2. as well as mathematically illiterate and 3. emotional reactionaries. Mission accomplished.

    Back when “systemic racism” was the target of their efforts, “systemic” would routinely be exchanged with “systematic” when speaking, as in “there is no systematic racism”. These are Ivy-League educated people who very well knew the difference between those two words. “Herd immunity” is another example involving mathematical illiteracy, which sounds like a great idea until you do the math and learn that even 1% mortality is still over 3 million dead.

    These people are all taking that alleged Karl Rove quote to heart:

    “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out.”

    • Matt Foley says:

      1.2 million covid dead is “high survival rate” and “personal choice” according to MAGA pro lifers.

      But Laken Riley’s murder and 13 dead in Afghanistan is an outrage.

      • Bugboy321 says:

        I had to talk a staffer off the ledge because he was sure live virus was used in vaccines, which is why he didn’t understand why herd immunity was such a bad idea.

        After patiently explaining to him the history of vaccines, including how up until recently chicken eggs were used as virus incubators in a long, expensive and laborious process, he’s like “what do you know about vaccines?”. To which I say “Having spent 35 years+ in the mosquito control business involving a long list of infectious diseases, some of which have vaccines, don’t you think I might know a thing or 2 about vaccines?”

        He didn’t get that very important detail wrong all by his lonesome, someone or something walked him to it. I almost feel sorry for these people, this is a guy that got suckered into shelling out his hard earned cash to go see “2000 Mules”…

  9. Capemaydave says:

    That MAGA might want a bunch of trials of all the people Trump n other GOP folks claimed were “treasonous” or other such crimes seems a reasonable conclusion – a conclusion that NatSec monitoring might show (I have no access but Biden does)

    That many elements in the press refuse to ackowledge where we seem to be heading is clear.

    Trump supporters I know are still apoplectic about “the laptop” n “Nancy Pelosi” to name 2.

    The natives are restless n with inflation likely to pick up, trials might b a welcome distraction.

  10. marc sobel says:

    I’m shocked that right wingers would lie about what people said, what actually happened, and whether there was political pressure.

    And there’s gambling going on here.

  11. wetzel-rhymes-with says:

    Because I want to address how we move forward when both law and journalism will increasingly fail to tell the truth . . .

    “The fingers tire feeding twigs into the fire but the fire is passed on and when it will die out no one knows.” – Zhuang Zhou

  12. Upisdown says:

    Here is how I see the media’s failure on this Hunter story. The conservative media was always clearsighted with their narrative that Hunter was only about using his father to get rich, and that Joe was happy to oblige. So, they proceeded to have the narrative drown out the facts. It started with Schweizer, then Rudy and Solomon grabbed the baton, they passed it off to Rupert wrapped in a laptop full of porn, then Comer and Jordan took it the final lap. No private citizen has ever been treated the way the entire Republican party treated Hunter Biden.

    The MSM mostly stayed away from serious fact-checking because Hunter Biden was an addict and he wasn’t running for president, so they felt no obligation. I believe that Legacy media surrendered too much right off the bat. The Shokin/Burisma narrative was so clearly Moscow generated BS, but there was little pushback. The emails on Hunter’s laptop were not at all what the NY Post claimed them to be, but MSM focused on validation of the device over checking the validity of the right wing’s “smoking gun” claims. And when House Republicans did their investigations, MSM like Barrett, would label Hunter Biden’s business as “shady” and “questionable” when it actually pales in comparison to what goes on at Mar-a-Lago and Bedminster on a regular basis.

    I urge any remaining honest member of the press to expose the five-year injustice done to the Biden family. All to benefit their own power grab and the real source of corruption.

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