Batting Down Election-Day Conspiracy Theories

There is no truth to the rumor that Donald J. Trump wearing an apron while dispensing french fries at a McDonald’s fast food restaurant in Pennsylvania was part of his preparation for a new career move should he lose tonight [Sunday, October 20, 2024. Photo by Doug Mills/AP.]
So let’s get right to it.
There is no truth to the rumor that the staff at Mar-a-Lago has put plastic sheeting over the walls, to make cleaning up any thrown pasta easier. If anyone tells you that the custodial staff is worried about Trump throwing his dinner around once results start coming in, do not believe them.
There is no truth to the rumor that JD Vance has prepared a concession speech filled with remorse for the things he said about Kamala Harris during the campaign, and there is absolutely no truth whatsoever that Peter Thiel is preparing to have JD Vance disappeared for his failure to win.
There is no truth to the rumor that Lara Trump is planning to move to Saudi Arabia should Harris/Walz win.
There is no truth to the rumor that Fox News has a contingency plan to have an intern shut down the power to the FOX studios and take them off the air on election night if the results come in putting Harris over the top.
There is no truth to the rumor that Ivanka and Jared are giving the Saudi’s back the money they were given to “invest” back in 2020.
There is no truth to the rumor that Elon Musk is shorting DJT stock.
There is no truth to the rumor that Mike Pence has a bottle of champagne on ice for he and Mother to share this evening, should Trump/Vance lose.
There is no truth to the rumor that Alito and Thomas are so despondent at the mere thought of Trump losing that their doctors are worried about them succumbing to heart attacks in the next 72 hours.
There is no truth to the rumor that Bill Barr is preparing a memo for Kamala Harris, laying out the rationale for her naming him as her new AG should Trump lose.
There is no truth to the rumor that Liz Cheney has practicing her sincerity in anticipation of making a call later this evening to Donald Trump, offering her solemn condolences at Trump’s loss, and absolutely no truth whatsoever that her practice sessions are not going well because she can’t get through two sentences without laughing.
There is no truth to the rumor that Gavin Newsom is planning a call to Donald Trump Junior and Kimberly Guilfoyle, offering condolences on the occasion of the loss of Trump/Vance.
There is no truth to the rumor that Ted Cruz already has purchased a new home in Cancun, and absolutely no truth whatsoever that in a gesture of bipartisanship, Colin Allred has already generously agreed to bring pizza and empty boxes to help him pack.
There is no truth to the rumor that Mitt Romney has laid in numerous kegs of beer for his watch party tonight at the Romney family home, and absolutely no truth whatsoever that Mitt’s sister niece Ronna McDaniel is planning to resume using “Romney” in her name again.
There is no truth to the rumor that Trump’s staffers are secretly preparing to call in sick this evening, rather than attend any watch parties or “victory” rallies, so that they can prepare to enter witness protection programs.
There is also a rumor that the members of Putin’s election interference unit are reeling in terror at the mere thought that Harris/Walz may win, resulting in an all-expenses paid one way trip to Ukraine for the entire group. This rumor we have been unable to debunk or verify.
If you have heard other rumors that need to be shut down, please add them in the comments.
Thank you for an election-day morning smile!
There is no truth to the rumor that Jack Smith has his go-bag packed, has checked in on-line, and is tucking his passport into his jacket pocket.
Here’s a great tracking guide for today:
Some of your rumors would be great truths. Thanks for the laughs!
I mean I haven’t heard any of these things. I assume this is kinda snark, but are these rumors seriously going around? Sorry, my sarcasm meter doesn’t always work right.
To be absolutely clear, yes, this is snark.
God knows we need it today.
I thought so, sorry. But there have been some sort of Harris-centric rumors flying around the last couple of days that have been debunked. So, I don’t totally dismiss anything.
Sorry, I’m kinda dense..
Yes, we do! Thank you Peter for this post! Really helps!
Boy howdy, do we ever.. great stuff Peterr
(what’s it like having an ‘r’ next to your name? :~)
Southeast Missouri has been slammed with rain over the last 36 hours, resulting in flash floods. This has not stopped MAGA folks from screaming about conspiracy theories. From KSDK in St. Louis:
head meets desk
I dunno – MTG had opened many peoples eyes to the truth of ‘weather control’ – whether it be fire or water.
Behold – for the proof I offer you two jews and an actual space laser:
Coincidence? I think not.
Since we are in snark mode those could be 2 live jews doing the 2 live crew ‘oy so humid’ parody in Miami…
Let Marge know that this Jew packs a Space Laser in his pocket, but it doesn’t rise to the occasion “because I’m NOT pleased to see her”.
ht: Mae West
There is no truth to the notion that a stealth stalker roamed my neighborhood, ripping out sore loser signs.
No, to the contrary, all told, it took me 45 minutes to walk back and forth and to vote today. I saw 12 Harris/Walz signs. And zip, zero, nada sore loser signs. I did see one house with 2 American flags. Maybe too afraid to put the loser sign out? And 1 house with a 2 x 2 sign that just said VOTE. Good advice.
Everyone was very pleasant and upbeat. I feel good. There was absolutely no line, so no waiting. Actual voting took about 5 minutes. There were 4 other people already in their booths. But I was the 1st one finished. I was ready. I’ve been waiting for this day for 8 years. Not much longer now…
We were scared to put up our Harris Walz sign. We’re in the San Fernando Valley, Ca. There are no signs around us. But a little further out there are only Harris signs. We thought our sign would antagonize some people but the reaction has been only positive, like we’re representing them too. A neighbor said she wanted to put her Harris sign out but was afraid. For the last few nights I’ve been illuminating the sign with solar lights.
… solar lights ??? Whatever happened to “drill, baby, drill”? Come on, now.
Northwest valley here, and I’ve seen few signs for the presidential election, either way. Did see a car with a Donnie/couch flag the other morning, and a few vehicles with stickers, but it’s pretty much quiet.
(I saw a sign a couple of months ago: Ravi Rab for governor. That perpetual loser keeps aiming higher.
Good laughs this morning on a stressful day. I especially like the line about Ronna Romney McDaniel. I believe, however, that she is Mitt’s niece not sister.
corrected – thanks!
Is the name really Ronna Romney?
kinda like Rozanne Rozannadanna.
I thought that was the title of the Beach Boys second number one hit. Who knew.
Great post! Let’s keep batting down the rumors.
However one thing that is absolutely true: it took me a two hour wait in line before I could vote this morning because the poll ID machines kept rebooting for my precinct (no problems with the other two precincts at my polling place, which is very strange). Apparently it is a systemic glitch across the entire county — y’know, only the largest one in the state!
My favorite part of this SNAFU has been the totally vapid cover-your-ass response from Ashley Tinius, director of communications for the Jefferson County County Clerk’s Office, in the Courier-Journal’s coverage:
“There’s no, absolutely no truth to the fact that they don’t work because they are working,” Tinius said. “They’re just running slower than we would like to see.”
Pretty sure the fact that the machines constantly had to be rebooted means they weren’t working properly!
The County Clerk’s Office also apparently had no plans for notifying voters of potential delays as it wasn’t until well after local news media reported on the problems that the office started returning phone calls. What a clusterfuck.
Cursed by the Mitch Glitch.
“Sen. Mitch McConnell freezes during press conference”
LOL, I see what you did there. Sadly the County Clerk here is a Mitch protégé who has been in office about as long as he has. Time for Bobbie to butt out.
I’m especially appalled at her spokespeople essentially blaming poll workers for the problems today. Poor training and miscommunication is an executive error, Bobbie!
I think he was correct to describe them as “working slowly”. “not working” translates to “I can’t vote” and/or “It will produce incorrect totals”. He very much needs to not say that.
First off, Ashley is a she.
Second off, where do you get off saying that that is the correct thing to say? If a computer has to be rebooted every two minutes IT AIN’T WORKING.
Were you late to work today because you had to wait many hours to vote? What about all of the people who I saw walk in, notice the huge line, and turn right around and leave without (obviously) voting?
Well, /obviously/ none of those are true. For one thing, staff at MAL wouldn’t use plastic sheeting. They’d use nothing but the finest 50-count “Egyptian” cotton sheets. And I have it on good authority that Mike and Mother don’t drink anything stronger than ginger ale. Even that’s a bit out there for them.
Thank you for the laughs!
Thanks for the laugh.
Only Trump would believe that FIFTY COUNT Egyption Cotton Sheets are the Best, Primo cotton sheets.
Of course, the reality is that Egyptian cotton sheets can come in a range of thread counts, typically from 200 to 800. The best thread count for Egyptian cotton is 300–400.
He’s so retrograde!
There is absolutely no truth to the rumor that Kamala Harris will feature on the track “And I Know How” for the equally false debut Hilary Clinton polka album “Lock Him Up”
Will the Hillary album feature Gus Polinski and the Kenosha Kickers riffing on Grand Funk Railroad?:
‘We’re an accordion band…..we’re an accordion band…
we come in to your town – we help you polka down! We’re an accordion band…’
Or the legendary stylings of Free Hot Lunch, a Wis-Mex band out of Madison?
Thanks Klynn, for the link to the very useful chart. But they left North Dakota (3) off the list of Trump likely electorial vote states.
On page 2 with the map graphic it is noted and the state is red.
Of course that shiny beacon of sanewashing has a totally lit the eff upt frontpage raging with near-truths that wont go away without a shove-
TRUTH has many layers, but beware the fake ones.
Oh wait, here is a solid one…pure truth-
The Onion putting ink back on paper was doom for ol grey missus.
!*!*! Vote for Pedro for Class President!*!*!
this message sponsored by Napoleon Dynamite and corn fields
This just in!
Trumthp and Vance 2024never campaign has just received licensing rights for Chicago indie wunderkind Jim O’Rourke’s track “Women of the World Please Take Over” as their official concession jam-
O’Rourke was so happy with the reception and pile of cash when WalMart used it for a TV ad in 2010 that his lawyers leaped at the slimy chance.
HALF TRUE!*!*! : Andrew WK’s hit “Ready to DIE” is not a both-sides song.
It is pure Millennial energy and is clearly directed at MAGA at this juncture-a truth this Millennial can live thru! –
Jim would be the first to remind you that “Women of the World” is by Ivor Cutler and Linda Hirst:
Though he did do a mighty fine job of covering it!
Absolutely the truth:
I received a campaign call last night at 8:30 pm featuring a recorded message from Lara Trump, RNC chair, who pleaded with me to get out and vote or they would lose.
First call from a Trumper on which I didn’t use my Zenith spam call zapper. I was too busy laughing my ass off at the sound of blonde desperation bleeding across the phone into my living room.
Beg, baby, all you want, piss away beaucoup bucks on robo calls, but this vote is not for your team.
What kind of absolute shitshow of a voter contact list do they have that the Republican Party is calling you? Like they should only be calling solid Republicans who are marginal voters. I’ve gotta believe that there’s enough info out there to assure them that you are neither.
LOL my spouse identifies as an independent and votes both sides of the aisle. He leans into libertarianism. Clearly I didn’t marry him for his politics +30 years ago.
Absolutely true: “Eric” no last name given, called from the RNC at 9:20 am this morning and left a similarly whiney message to Lara’s, begging me to vote “or we will lose.”
Oh honey, I will not be the loser.
I am still snickering about this. Imagine your wife is the RNC chair, you have to work for her to save Daddy’s ass, and you can’t even give your full name because you might distract from the message.
Eric the Loser Son. *smh*
OK, the contact makes slightly more sense, especially if they said they were leaving a message for your husband. The message makes none at all–“Vote or we’re going to lose” is a message for the hardcore MAGA crowd and not for persuadable independents/libertarians.
I would guess that the person named “Eric” who called is not the second failson*, but rather some volunteer named Eric. There are lots of us around.
* How many failsons can one person have? Inquiring minds want to know.
Reply to boatgeek
November 5, 2024 at 1:50 pm
If it’s not Eric Trump, why give a first name at all when calling on behalf of the RNC? Why wouldn’t it be Eric the Failson if his spouse left a message less than 12 hours earlier?
I’ll try to figure out how to pull the recording and share it off my machine.
But now I have YET ANOTHER pleading robo call message from Lara Trump-RNC left at 2:00 pm. So whiney! Why can’t you guys buy my vote like that beluga whale-wannabe Felon Musk?
Rayne, if the phone rings later this afternoon, put your drink down before you answer, so that when the voice says “Hi, this is Don . . .” you don’t spill it.
Oh definitely. I need my drink hand free to press the big gray button on my Zenith ZEP100 EZ Hang-Up device.
Ope, gotta’ run, phone ringing again!
Reply to Rayne:
November 5, 2024 at 2:29 pm
I agree with you.
If a recorded call DEFINITELY from Eric Trump.
Reply to Rayne
November 5, 2024 at 2:29 pm
It’s been a while since I phone banked, but last time I did, they recommended that we say something like “I’m [first name] with the ____ campaign, and I’m calling…” In retrospect, it’s probably the failiest failson, but it /could/ be a volunteer named Eric. Poor bastard either way. A single tear rolls slowly down my cheek to the sound of the world’s tiniest violin.
Again, messaging problems though. If you’re calling people who might be turned off by your last name, then the “We’re going to lose!” is the wrong message. If “We’re going to lose!” is going to be motivating, so is the Trump name. Though it’s not exactly a surprise the RNC is running an amateur hour job on account of being run by an amateur.
Clever to say it is untrue these are all rumors. It’s hard to know how to handle non-public information and still be journalistic. That is a good solution. I think most of these anecdotes are salient and relevant to the present moment. Thanks for the confirmation!
There is absolutely no truth to the rumor that Trump’s handlers accidentally fed him boner pills before the November 1 rally where he later performed lewd acts upon an innocent microphone.
Whether the mike liked or not, presumably.
There is no truth to the rumor that Trump finally paid for Ashli Babbitt’s funeral.
Is there truth to the rumor that Trump ever paid for anything?
There is absolutely no truth to the rumour I’ve just started that JD Vance has lately cancelled a 6-month forward reservation for a dementia clinic induction and recycled a large quantity of documentation on the 25th Amendment.
I heard that Elon Musk is moving down to South Africa to revive that country’s apartheid. Any truth to this?
Well what I heard, via Digby, is that originally floated as success conquest tour Muxk and Trumthpx would be taking their gangster rap show down there.
Have ya heard their rapper names? 2 Live Coup and Naziby Nature LOL!*!*!
They are quickly rebranding it as a ‘maybe they’ll give us the home we want tour’…they are looking to Zef it up and draw lines again, but I suspect the only lines they will be doing will be crushsnortedAddiez or chain gang lines, unless they end up hanging out by their lines!*!*!
I LOVE Heather “Digby” Parton!
There is no truth to the rumor that Musky and Trumpy are planning to pay the reparations that they owe in South Africa.
Guys never intended to pay, is the way I hear it.
There is not any truth to the rumor that Elon will activate Tesla self distruct systems after K A M A L A’s victory.
And especially not UgliTruk self-destruct systems!
Ah – contingency order 66.
There is no truth to the rumor
that sinews of Trump campaign staffers have been stiffened by Lara intoning
“I Won’t Back Down”
There is no truth to the rumor that Jeffrey Epstein’s voice on the tapes was AI generated when he said, “Trump was my best friend for ten years. He liked to fuck his friends’ wives. First time he fucked Melania was on my plane.”
No truth to the ‘alternate fact’ that DJT showed us how he sucked up (and down) to Epstein. Nor to the ‘alt-fact’ that Epstein would not f*** anyone that tiny mushroom dick had already penetrated. “oooh, too yucky” he whined.
Is there any truth to the rumor that after such recent Epstein Trump “receipts, revelations and publicity ”
Alina Habba has been demanding the release of “The Epstein Island List” in stump speeches for Trump [3:47]
Wouldn’t Pence’s bottle of champagne be “sparkling wine” since it doesn’t have any alcohol in it.
Any comment on the rumor that Ivanka and Melania have pre-drafted all documents needed for a forced competency hearing?
he might go for sparkling cider…
See, this is how you can be absolutely sure there is no truth to that rumor about Pence.
I was relieved to hear from Borowitz that the US has released alcohol from the strategic alcohol reserve in time for election night.
(from someone who has been doing time at the detroit absentee ballot count and will definitely be needing a drink when this is over.)
Bless you. I owe you a cocktail of your choice. Or several.
Hope the likker cabinet has long since been restocked for this special day.
Restocked, and a delivery truck is parked out back to keep it stocked.
Yeah, but I hate the tequila I bought. Seems they stopped making the stuff I liked.
I should probably put up a BYOB post close to poll closing time for tequila thirty.
Rayne at 1:44 PM –
Perhaps try alternating that Tequila with shots of Whisky, Rum, Vodka, Fireball and Gin – repeat as necessary.
We can call it CrossFit for the liver.
Add some haiku? (So stolen from the DK):
Voters out in droves,
Longer lines: democracy!
President Harris
And one for the Orange Turd (not stollen or stolen)
Birds fall from the sky –
small animals sneer at me.
I have shat outside.
Is there any truth to the rumor that I am more optimistic right now than I have been for the past several months?
Veddy noiche – well done HC.
There’s no truth to the rumor that the backing trio MSNBC has hired to give us afternoon election day coverage – Chris Jansing, Andrea Mitchell, and Katy Tur – has been signed to play another trio from Macbeth, opening at the Folger Library in December.
ooh, that’s a zinga!
Individually, their usual coverage is among the least interesting or balanced on MSNBC. Collectively, it’s toil and trouble.
But mercifully, Andrea Mitchell is finally retiring !!
Katy Tur is very good on Trump campaign-related pieces, because of her experience as the 2016 MSNBC reporter on the Trump beat.
She and other women at MSNBC have a strong habit of deferring to Andrea Mitchell, which lessens their ability to do a good job. Andrea was a real trailblazer, but in many ways is past her prime.
(And why they have brought Chris Matthews out of mothballs is beyond me. Yes, he’s a Pennsylvania guy, but still . . .)
I found Katy’s softball interview of Eric Trump the day after the Butler assassination attempt to be really smarmy. Access journalism at its finest.
Andrea is tiresome to watch but she’s going back to foreign policy beat reporting after (thankfully) retiring from her anchor desk.
Chris J. is part of their mainstream horse-race crew – nothing more need be said in that regard…
There’s no truth to the rumor that Donald Trump recently signed Herschel Walker to be his lead White House speech writer. Nor that he hired Mark Robinson as Cabinet Secretary to promote his Peace and Purity of Essence commission.
No truth to much-applauded story that prior to jail time, the large white loser will WALK, yes WALK, from MiragaLardo to tRUmp tower, in a live ‘pay-for-view’ grift for his endless legal appeals.
No truth to the rumor that the Dem’s will earn trillions of dollars from tickets purchased all along the route. Tickets range from just watching, to access to whips (wet noodles, ropes or spiked leather), and/or catsup filled spray guns. Mocking laugh tracks provided whereever requested.
There is no truth to the rumor that Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman are planning an interstate crime spree in case they need to get locked up in prison next to TFG.
Some people are blessed with a sense of humor, others not.
No truth to the rumor that Trump will cut the debt by requiring all Republicans to repay their covid socialist handouts.
There’s no truth to the rumor that Donald Trump skipped a weekend of television and tweeting to make sure that his campaign staff and rally site hosts were paid in full, or that he chose to forego his usual 10% commission on all donations to make sure that happened.
There’s no truth to the rumor that his usual commission is 75%.
I’m having serious doubts about the rumor that at his “release party” Steve Bannon snorted lines of coke off Roger Stone’s back.
You mean — off the Nixon tattoo?
What I want to know: with or without a straw?
$100 bill!
No truth to rumor that JD Vance let homeless Rudy borrow his couch to crash on.
There’s no truth to the rumor that homeless Rudy would rather sleep under a bridge than on JD Vance’s couch.
There’s no truth to the rumor that JD’s wife has invested in companies making 60’s clear vinyl furniture covers.
There’s no truth to the rumor that anybody in Georgia will be casting their votes for Donald Trump Jr., despite Herschel Walker’s plea for them to do so!
There is no truth to the rumor that Trump will only go to jail if he can take his pet dog with him.
The one he wears on his head?
…or the one wearing guyliner?*
*Apologies to any canines who take offense.
No Earl of – he is merely a mobility scooter for a rather large Tribble.
With Plankton calling the shots in his head – absorbent and porous and Orange is he…SpongeTrump NoNuts!
That’s not a dog, it’s “his patented Weave”™®©!#%
Which snarling yapper do you mean?
This ?
That ?
Guys, I mean, a real dog. You know he doesn’t like animals, such as dogs, cats, and eagle, right? And, he really will resist going to jail, right?
Is irony dead in this country, or what? Besides, it’s not nice to pick on someone because he is balding.
So, once again, with feeling: Trump will only go to jail if he can take his dog…the one with the wagly tail.
Did I not give you dogs ? They were surely separated at birth albeit the tail of the Miller-hund was seemingly acquired from a lizard according to the rumour? ;-)
I just got home from voting in person. After lunch so no waiting. The woman at my sign-in table is my MAGA neighbor down the street. I said hi and she acted like she didn’t know me. Even after I gave my name she didn’t acknowledge me with a “hello” or smile or nod or anything.
In my polling place, every so often one of the “check in” election workers would cry out “Hey, we’ve got a first time voter here!” and the whole room would burst out in cheers.
Never seen that before, but it put a smile on *everyone’s* face.
(It was the busiest I’ve ever seen, too. Not a huge line, but I was told it has been very full and very steady since the doors opened at 6am.)
In every previous election they were very friendly to me. Not this time, not this woman. If there is any problem with my signature she’s the first person I will suspect.
If there was a problem with your signature for in-person voting, they wouldn’t have given you a ballot.
You’re good.
Oh, that’s great to cheer a 1st time voter! Yay!
Just put my ballot in the box! Sure feels good after waiting 8 years! DC is insane today! Many, many street closures. Lots of riot fencing all over the Hill, even at the Treasury, but esp at the Naval Observatory. Stores have boarded up windows with signs saying they are still open (even UPS). Not a parking space to be found! Parking tickets galore, though — I guess that how DC will cover their bill. Harris is hosting election night at her Howard U office (they gave her an office suite, as an alum), so ALL the streets around Howard are closed (G St to W St, Florida to Michigan). We’ll see what tomorrow brings. I’m hoping for the best.
Thanks for the local coverage, posaune. Hope all went well for you at the Cleveland Clinic. Hope you are feeling well.
Reply to posaune:
November 5, 2024 at 2:58 pm
NYC is a big street party today. A lot of Upper West Siders have been deployed as election monitors across the northeast, particularly lawyers, so I am grateful for that.
Just teasing about the lawyer joke; my daughter, favorite cousin, and brother-in-law all practice.
Posaune at 2.58 pm, DC police issue a boatload of tickets every day – except to the triple parked cars in front of churches on Sunday.
There is no truth to the rumor that Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman arrived at their polling place on sedan chairs carried by law office staffers of Rudy Giuliani, and absolutely no truth to the rumor that Moss and Freeman were passing out ginger mints to poll workers as they were allowed to skip the line of waiting voters.
Excellent visual Peterr.
Tell me – I implore; is there balm in Gilead? And is there any truth to the rumor that Doug Emhoff will Karaoke the Adam Sandler diddy ‘Hanukka Song’ – substituting ‘Kamala’ for the titular holiday?
That’s definitely untrue and yet the actual truth is somehow more pathetic:
oh wow, what an absolute huge asshole!
I hope the judge throws the book at him and puts him in jail for contempt of court and they get whatever search warrants they need to get the stuff back, like is it considered stolen and thus cops? or I guess it’s civil, so a repo. company? either way, I can’t believe his gall and hope it doesn’t go unpunished!
Giuliani’s conduct seems both intentional and straight-up contempt, as well as a fraud on the court. Sanctions should include a warrant and jail time. Needless to say, messing with a bankruptcy court is a federal beef. If his lawyers helped him, they’re in a heap of trouble, too.
Sigh – I so wish this rumor were true.
I heard that the remaining 11 indicted false electors in Arizona, facing a trial date in 2026, along with Rudy Guiliani and Mark Meadows have all cast their vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in hopes of leniency in sentencing when they are finally convicted, and they are wearing their, “I Voted” stickers proudly around their homes and when they go shopping.
No truth to the rumor that JD Vance has been face-down on his couch since late last night, or that Mark Robinson hired Hulk Hogan to tear off Robinson’s clothes at his final rally yesterday.
There is no truth to the rumor that the Harris/Walz campaign is planning on following up tonight’s event at Howard University with a press conference on Thursday at Four Seasons Total Landscaping.
There’s no truth to the rumor that Four Seasons Total Landscaping is where Rudy has stashed his stuff
There’s no truth to the fact that Don Trump Jr Rumbled this last night:
“If I can do what I’ve been doing for the last few months just getting crapped on by everyone all over the country…you can wait in line.”
I love the image!
There is no truth to the rumor
that Sammy [Upside Down American Flag Spouse] ALITO follows the Constitution.
November 2, 2024 at 11:10 AM
Links to:
Sam Alito Got Knighted…
It turns out Sam Alito hates the Constitution as much as you thought he did.
Joe Patrice October 31, 2024
Which quotes “The Intelligencer”:
Reading about that order – it’s not medieval, but it is recognized as an real order – was interesting. It’s also a mess, because the boss people have to be catholic and in the male line of succession to the family It was Farnese, not sure who it is now, because of at least two schisms.
Time to impeach!
There is no truth to the rumor that TRUMP is NOT a Little Chickenshit:
November 5, 2024 at 3:19 PM
Links to: Trump campaign denies and revokes journalists’ election night credentials after critical coverage [Yeah, sure…THAT’s why the credentials are revoked.]
This is fun.
What about the rumor that Vlad has finally released the pee-pee tapes?
Trump Media stock down today. His most devoted investors think he’s gonna lose.
Just looking out for No. 1. What could be Trumpier?
Peterr’s Elon Musk rumor might have to be moved into the under investigation category
If by down, you mean about 1%, to just under $34, sure. It was up most of the day, closer to $38-39. In after hours trading, it’s back above $35.
Trump committing election interference by spreading lies about cheating in Philly.
He’ll do anything to stay out of prison.
I think its been confirmed that in Georgia that if a voter votes for Harris/Walz the machine will automatically switch the vote to the Republican ticket. Its sure to work 100% of the time.
That’s a little on the nose, dude.
It was first mentioned on the social media cite Tribel. I wouldn’t put too much faith in the poster’s intent to be truthful.
I don’t think you understood the assignment. -__-
There is no truth to the rumor that it is a mere coincidence that Netanyahu fired his less-than-bloodthirsty-enough minister of defense on the day of the US presidential election.
There is no truth to the rumor that there will be a monument at Arlington National Cemetary for
They’d need to install a pissoir, with the related plumbing, as they’d have to do for the former guy.
So at Fox, do you think they’ll be raising Arizona?
William SHAKESPEARE [of BlueSky]:
6:33 PM I am to wait, though waiting so be hell
Waiting Is The Hardest Part [Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers]:
Feeling it, harpie. Broke out the booze and a fresh post by Peterr.