Fridays with Nicole Sandler

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47 replies
    • emptywheel says:

      And the Erie case won accommodations.
      Similarly, civili rights group won similar accommodations in Cobb County, GA, where ballots were similarly sent out late.

    • Rugger_9 says:

      Also potentially on the agenda IIRC is the contempt hearing for blowing off the first hearing, since the federal court said ‘no’, Elno will have to explain himself. If he still blows off the judge, he can be arrested.

      In a related matter, the reports about Musk’s sketchy use of his Stanford education visa to work illegally might get his citizenship revoked for the same reason all those Nazi concentration camp guards had their naturalizations revoked: he lied about why he came here.

  1. dimmsdale says:

    Just nodding in to express my support for, and my adoption of, the term “snot-nosed journalists.” There are two major issues you mentioned that particularly resonate with me, that will need to be addressed post-election (assuming the coming election isn’t our last, of course): the need for major media marketplace overhaul and the need to address disinformation flow in the context of the First Amendment. My thanks to this blog for addressing both of them so tirelessly.

    • Theodora30 says:

      Glad Marcy is shining a spotlight on our horrible mainstream media but she underestimated just how extreme the media obsession over Biden’s “garbage” remark really was. As the great ex-WaPo columnist Paul Waldman wrote the WaPo had a total of nine articles in just two days about this non-story — a story that is relevant to exactly no one’s life:

      “The News Media Have Learned Nothing
      The election is just days away, and reporters are making the worst possible choices.”

      We need to keep our focus on mainstream media malpractice even if—maybe especially if — Kamala wins because they will go after her with a vengeance in order to prove they are “unbiased”. And they have a long history of looking down on Democratic presidents and presidential candidates going back to Carter. The last Dem president they treated with respect was JFK.

      • dannyboy says:

        The MSM’s context, like Trump’s, is that the Democratic Candidate is sorta’ President Biden and transitioning over to Vice President Harris. .

        I’ve worked in and, like everybody interact with large organizations and it does take time for them to change course.

        But, of course, you’d think that reporting news was real-time, but ther’s a LONG LAG in their framing.

  2. harpie says:

    Marcy on Bluesky:
    November 2, 2024 at 3:40 AM

    Gosh. It turns out Youngs were disgusted by Trump’s racism and sexism, once they discovered it on their own.

    Now imagine if the press had told them about all that from the start?

    Just wait until they discover that Trump asked Russia to help him beat his first opponent. [link]

    I wonder what the Youngs would say to TRUMP’s absolutely disgusting mocking
    of NYT, Serge Kovaleski? That was in 2015.

    Trump fires back at disabled reporter as mocking controversy heats up Reena Flores Updated on: November 28, 2015 / 8:37 PM EST / CBS News

    Also… TRUMP made it into a “mocking controversy” and the Media just went along.

    • Konny_2022 says:

      I just discovered an op-ed at Teen Vogue, “a sister publication to Vogue, targeted at teenage girls and young women” according to Wikipedia: “Kamala Harris Is Not Our Savior. But a Donald Trump Win Would Be Catastrophic.” Teen Vogue’s editor-in-chief Versha Sharma starts with Gaza, coming to the conclusion after laying out a lot of information: “Pro-Palestinian voices have no chance of being heard in another Trump administration.” Then come the other arguments for voting for Harris.

      I’ve only browsed the piece so far, but will read it more closely. Even if most teenage girls can’t participate in this election yet, they may discuss the topics with elder family and friends.

      Here’s the source:

      • wa_rickf says:

        I get the sense, and I am hopeful, that a Harris Administration will treat the Gaza situation differently from the Biden Administration once VP Harris is out from under the thumb of the Biden Administration.

  3. LeftsidePortland says:

    FYI, for some reason this episode isn’t showing in Apple Podcasts. Most recent Nicole show posted is from a couple of days ago.

  4. Phillatius says:

    Psychologist John Gartner on the most recent podcast of “Shrinking Trump” with his cohost Dr. Harry Seal also made much of the viral reaction among Puerto Ricans and the number of PR voters in Penn. and observed that the alleged comedian may have just have saved democracy.

    • ernesto1581 says:

      Allentown is what, about 55% Hispanic/Latino, according to the most recent census, with over 68,000 Puerto Ricans?

      On one hand, the sentiment on the street seems to be, “Boricuas a votar Pennsylvania Wisconsin,” and “Como Puertorriqueño te diré que eso no tiene manera de disculparse!”

      On the other, shadow US Senator Zoraida Buxó of Puerto Rico joined Trump on stage the other day in the wake of the terrific “comedic” boost his campaign got at MSG the other night, and said, “The people of Puerto Rico trust you…We need this man back in the White House.”

      Many rolls of paper towels are waiting to be thrown, many real estate bargains are simply going begging.

    • LeftsidePortland says:

      Thanks, Nicole. Side benefit was I actually saw your faces! Never watched the video stream before. Definitely going to do it again now.

  5. Savage Librarian says:


    Different orbits, different planes,
    Different forfeits, different gains.

    But we still have things that align:
    The grit to face a steep incline,
    The novel way we toe the line,
    Spit and polish, a bit of shine.

    Different rhythms, different tones,
    Different systems, different zones.

    But we have things that are the same:
    Essence yearning to take aim,
    Planting stakes to make a claim,
    Tracking back the way we came.

    Different times, different space,
    Different rhymes , different grace.

    But we have things that calibrate:
    Hesitation to take the bait,
    Losing patience while we wait,
    Hopeful interest in our fate.

    Different minds, different smarts,
    Different kinds, different hearts.

    But we have things that measure up:
    Ample fuel on which to sup,
    Sentiments to fill the cup,
    All the reasons to say “yup”.

    5/14/17; rev. 10/27/24

    • megmomof4 says:

      Thank you for this!!

      [Thanks for updating your username to meet the 8-letter minimum. Please be sure to use the same username each time you comment. /~Rayne]

  6. cmarlowe says:

    I know any idiot can quote a poll and I don’t want to bring too much wrath down upon my head, but this does seems significant. The Des Moines Register just released the following result for Iowa, FWIW, which I found to be shocking:
    Harris 47%, Trump 44%

  7. allan_in_upstate says:

    How women are driving the vote in WA’s bellwether Clallam County [Seattle Times, paywalled]

    “Dorothy Bertsch doesn’t pause a beat when I ask her why it could be that women, especially senior women, have been surging out to vote in her neighborhood.

    “It’s because we’re mad,” she said.

    Bertsch, 69, lives in Sequim, which sits on the eastern edge of the famed “last bellwether” county in America out on the Olympic Peninsula. Clallam County runs along the Strait of Juan de Fuca out to the most northwesterly point in the Lower 48 states, Cape Flattery.

    It’s known nationally for being politically correct. As in: It’s backed every presidential winner since 1980. It’s the only one of America’s 3,000 counties with a perfect record in that period, having picked 11 presidents in a row.

    So far this year, it’s likely tilting blue, political data experts say. The reason is that patterns for ballots returned so far show that roughly 2,000 more women have voted there than men, which is 6 percentage points higher in the small county.

    The lion’s share is voters like Bertsch — senior women.

    “Older women have become a voting powerhouse in recent elections,” says Ben Anderstone, a Seattle-based political consultant. “They’ve been shifting blue, mostly because of Donald Trump’s unusual weakness with them.”

    A pair of pollsters, one Republican and one Democrat, in September called women over age 50 “the critical voter group no one is talking about.” …”

    Admittedly, WA is not a battleground state, but Clallam County is as battleground as it gets.
    But it doesn’t fit the NYT or horseshoe left narrative.

    • RipNoLonger says:

      Amazing to think that squim (as pronounced) would have any blue hues. It’s pretty damn rural/farmer or retired/Boeing/etc. I felt like I was in the Nebraska or Kansas prairies when I was there – no love for liberals.

      • Ithaqua0 says:

        They had their town taken over by Qanon, nut the good people rose up and kicked them out at the next eection.

  8. Magbeth4 says:

    Check out the NYT’s Editorial re: Trump. It seems, perhaps(?), that they have finally listened to the people who read the paper. Maybe, the cancellations at the Washington Post showed them the importance of standing up to a horrible choice for any elected office, and the dangers of not revealing the things about Trump they should have been revealing the past 20 years. Readers canceling subscriptions makes a strong message. Could this be the beginning of the end for “both-sides-isms?”

    • Rayne says:

      I think the cancellations *at NYT* after WaPo’s stupid refusal to endorse is what scared NYT management. It wasn’t just that WaPo trashed ~10% of its subscriptions but readers’ anger didn’t stop there.

      Hope the hell Kahn et al are terrified enough not to stop at repeating their endorsement but to revamp the entire paper — ditch the worst access journalists, clean out the dead wood in Opinions, look more closely at what has attracted readers elsewhere and what has won Pulitzers.

      Annoys the hell out of me we didn’t see more of David Fahrentold’s kind of work, or more of Daniel Dale’s caliber of fact checking in either WaPo (where Fahrentold’s still employed, IIRC) or the NYT. Instead we got more of the same suckage following right along where the influence operations led, combined with biased work (ex. ageist crap like “Biden is old” while ignoring Trump’s manifold failings).

      • JanAnderson says:

        It’s been left to late night hosts to point out, inform, the obvious. And yeah, it’s funny – like gallows humour is.

  9. JanAnderson says:

    My daughter met her love halfway from Ontario and Connecticut last week, ahhh long distance relationship, they’re making it work. He’ll be moving here, that’s the plan.
    Anyhow we asked her (naturally) how he and his folks were feeling about the upcoming election. He is confident Harris will win.
    I’ll take my future son in law’s word for it. The guy who cried in 2016 when Trump won. The first election in which he was eligible to vote. A young man who has not given in to despair.
    Sorry, you’ll lose and we’ll gain a son America. Yeah, it’s just the usual slagging :-)

    • dopefish says:

      Tim Miller from The Bulwark interviewed Ann Seltzer, the author of this Iowa poll who has a sterling reputation polling Iowa during the last several election cycles.

      Some of The Bulwark commentators have recently been talking about this large contingent of older American women, who are probably very angry about the Dobbs decision and don’t want to see their daughters and granddaughters grow up with fewer rights than they had–in many cases, rights they themselves had to fight for, during the 60’s and 70’s and 80’s and on and on. They don’t want to see America go back.

      Pollsters have been herding towards the center and trying to make sure they don’t under-weight the Trump vote, but they have probably under-weighted the angry-about-Dobbs vote instead, and this Iowa poll might be revealing some of that. I hope on Tuesday night we see a lot more of it.

    • Savage Librarian says:

      Yes. Happy Birthday, Nicole. Enjoy your day. Things are looking good. I firmly believe things will be getting better. Take care.

  10. Rugger_9 says:

    On election matters, it seems that Convict-1’s campaign is going all in on lying ads on all the college football today. I haven’t seen any Harris ads, so I wonder what was the idea leaving an open field and not just on Faux but on ABC and CBS too.

    Both FL and TX are going to bar federal monitors at polling stations. Frankly, if DeSantis and Abbott have nothing to hide, they wouldn’t care but I think there is skullduggery going on beyond mere grandstanding. Let’s see how quickly DoJ pushes the matter even if the 5th CA lets Abbott have his way.

  11. m00n_silverside says:

    Hey listening to the NS Shjow every week, I just wanted to say it was pretty nice when you could hear the compassion in Marcy’s voice toward Nicole who said she’d had a tough week. I am moved by that kind of thing and was moved.

    OT I think I mentioned a little ago I had my voter location changed to somewhere I haven’t lived in 6 years by a human agent in that previous location’s Board of Elections office. 60 miles away, have no connection there, nothing. It was repaired by my local Board of Elections commissioner where I live and she confirmed my sworn-affidavit-vote got counted and she also said she had to *re-repair” my voter location *again* and couldn’t explain what’s going on.

    So…Yesterday I had my bank account hacked and a thousand dollars stolen while xferring money between savings and current accounts. I’m pretty fluent in infosec but still it happened. Never experienced it before in my life, so am pretty outraged, I haven’t sh*t saved so can’t afford to lose money. cry!

    Any feedback/direction would be reeeallly appreciated. I am going to to report it and, since it was Friday, am waiting for my bank to tell me what the heck happened, am terrified they’ll try to BS me. It was no accounting error but still no idea what to expect–the money was captured in transit between savings and checking making off with $1400 without a trace.

    Have family in FBI, retired UK intelligence and lived in the UK for a long time, 4th amendment activist, antiwar activist and utter loser when it comes to having gotten “anywhere” in life but lol oh well

    I am posting b/c I am dying to know if people experience nuisance retaliation or other BS like this cuz no, I am not nuts, and yes, I use my voice in public forums and seem to experience weird but clear untraceable harassment online. The voter thing and banking thing is real-time tho

  12. dopefish says:

    Another great show. Ann Seltzer’s poll of Iowa dropped on Saturday, showing Harris up by 3 points there (which is a much better result than poll-watchers were expecting) and now the NYT Siena College Poll is out too and it also looks good for Harris.

    Also on the humor front:
    Kamala Harris showed up on Saturday Night Live, opposite Maya Rudolph who was portraying her. Its hilarious!

    The funniest line was probably:
    real-Harris: “Its nice to see you Kamala, and I’m just here to remind you, You got this! because you can do something your opponent can not do, You can open doors!”

    (a reference to Trump’s garbage-truck stunt where (link to a Newsweek story) he nearly slipped and fell while trying to open the passenger-side door on the truck.)

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