A Tale of Two Pennsylvania Lawsuits

Both parties filed at least one lawsuit in Pennsylvania the other day. They suggest that Trump is seeking to create problems, not voters.

Trump and Republicans sued Bucks County for shutting down early voting (which in Pennsylvania amounts to filling out a mail-in ballot in person) three hours early the other day. As a result, the county was ordered to offer three more days of in-person early voting.

a) Declare that the Bucks County’s actions in turning away voters who sought to apply for a mail-in ballot and receive one in person before the deadline of 5:00 p.m. on October 29, 2024 violated the Pennsylvania Election Code,

b) Order the Bucks’ County Board of Elections to permit any persons who wish to apply for and receive a mail-in ballot to appear at the Elections Bureau office and do so during normal business hours before the close of business on October 30, 2024.

As a number of outlets have reported, Trump used this incident to claim voter fraud. But raising concerns and getting accommodations is, instead, how the system works.

Trump hasn’t complained about another problem in the state.

As Democrats allege in a suit against Erie County, one or two fairly major fuck-ups with their sent mail-in ballots, one stemming from their vendor, and another stemming from the postal service, have led to delays in a significant number of Erie voters getting their absentee ballots. The impact is significant: Erie’s 57% early turnout lags every other county save (gulp) Luzerne. And even though Democrats have returned their ballots at a much higher pace than Republicans — over 62% of Democrats as compared to 52% of Republicans, one of the biggest gaps in the state — there are still 9,000 outstanding Democratic ballots and 6,000 Republican ones.

Republicans may not be complaining because the differential still works out to a 3,000 vote advantage for them, in a bellwether county. Or maybe they’re simply not tracking their votes that closely.

Some of the boys purportedly in charge of Trump’s turnout have just discovered that women are voting at much higher rates than men, which has been evident for weeks.

In any case, the local Dems in Erie simply taking this in stride, finding a way to get their votes counted.

During an Oct. 24 public meeting of the Board of Elections, Sam Talarico, the head of the local Democratic Party, said his “only concern is about people who have not received their mail-in ballots yet. I’m one of them.”

In an interview on Wednesday, he said he had finally received his ballot on Monday and returned it the next day.

“I’m a little bit concerned, but I do know the county is doing everything they can to rectify the situation,” he said.

There’s a hearing on the Erie lawsuit today (though the most interesting Pennsylvania hearing will be the hearing in Philadelophia DA Larry Krasner’s effort to enjoin Elon Musk’s million dollar giveaways under Pennsylvania’s lottery law, for which Judge Angelo Foglietta ordered Elon Musk’s personal attendance).

Until then, it appears that Pennsylvania’s Democrats are simply going to work to turn out every single vote.

33 replies
  1. Peterr says:

    Harris is living inside Charlie Kirk’s head, occupying the space next door to Hillary’s lodgings.

    His tweet is basically “I hear things. If you don’t want this to happen to you, vote, guys.”

    • Krisy Gosney says:

      Kirk’s text said, hey lil baby-men you don’t want to hear ‘Kamala’s cackling’ ‘forever’ like your ex-wife’s annoying voice!

      • Ginevra diBenci says:

        I don’t think it’s their ex-wife. I think it’s the mom whose house they still live in rent-free. The ‘cackling’ is what they hear when she asks them to take out the trash, for godssake. Or calls them away from the computer for dinner.

        • Rayne says:

          I think we’ll look back on details like not opening the bus door in 2016 and wonder if that was an early symptom of whatever neuro/cognitive decline he’s experiencing (and taking us along with him,).

    • SteveBev says:

      I saw a clip of a Kirk rant on his show/podcast on this topic. The tenor of which is that women who vote for Kamala in accordance with the advice in Lincoln Project /Harris campaign ads emphasising the secrecy of the ballot : “Are betraying and undermining the men in their lives who do so much for them. This is an attack on the family unit and is anti-social”

      Maybe that clip is worthy of a GOTV ad all of its own

      • Savage Librarian says:

        Or another translation:
        A husband owns his wife and his wife’s vote.

        Doesn’t work in reverse, though. Strictly one-way street.

        • SteveBev says:

          Just to clarify
          The clip of Kirk’s rant comes from an interview of him by Megyn Kelly on her show. It has now been repeatedly replayed and critiqued on a variety of pro-democracy podcasts etc. I won’t link to Kelly.

          Here is MSNBC segment with M Wallace featuring her criticism of Kirk, Watters being triggered by the ad https://youtu.be/jmp4GnmS-0A

        • harpie says:

          Thanks for linking to that, SteveBev:
          Charlie Kirk and Jesse Watters have meltdown over women voting differently than their spouse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmp4GnmS-0A 10/31/24
          Nicole Wallace:

          [0:43] That message though is freaking out the right, especially its smallest, most fragile men. They’re having complete and utter meltdowns on their podcasts and TV shows. Here’s TRUMP ally Charlie Kirk […]

          [1:25] I didn’t even know there were men that still thought that women never faked anything. [1:31] […]


  2. Peterr says:

    Per CNBC, Musk’s lawyers have filed a motion to remove the case to federal court.

    And — surprise, surprise — one of Musk’s xitter followers doxxed the prosecutor.

  3. RockyGirl says:

    From Amanda Marcotte’s Salon column yesterday:

    “In the final days of a dead-heat contest for the most powerful office in the world, Republicans argued we must elect a textbook fascist to protect the sacrosanct right of a white man to be rude without being criticized for it.”

    That is it in a nutshell.

  4. Matt Foley says:

    Charlie Kirk–Jerry Falwell’s wannabe pool boy–says wives must vote for Trump because their husbands pay the bills.

    The Trump tv ads here in Philly suburbs are getting worse by the day. Last night they blamed Harris for assassination attempts. I’m actually starting to miss the ads for Ozempic.

    Trump stock has crashed 33% since Tuesday.

    • Matt___B says:

      Talk about volatile – it dropped from $43 to $33 in the course of 1 hour this morning. Looking like it will limp along at that low until the market closes later today. And the all-time low of $12 was not that long ago, on September 23.

    • Matt Foley says:

      Trump Media & Technology Group (DJT) shares continued their downward slide ahead of the presidential election, plunging nearly 12% during Thursday’s trading session. The company has lost approximately $3 billion in market value since Tuesday.

      He’s gonna make us all Rich Again!

    • Lady4Real says:

      I live in Philly. If I happen to be watching regular TV, I quickly switch off those triggering Trump ads, they are full of lies, old man pee, and vinegar.

    • Troutwaxer says:

      That tends to happen, but they usually come back (unless moderated away, of course.) I think there’s some kind of timer attached.

      • Rayne says:

        There’s a 4-minute timer for editing; once that’s elapsed commenters can’t tweak a comment.

        But if something in the comment triggers auto-moderation, that “waiting for moderation” notice will pop up and commenters will have to wait for a human volunteer to release it.

        Bear with us, thanks — and Matt’s comment has been freed.

        p.s. brand names of drugs are common triggers, BTW.

  5. SteveBev says:

    Re Musk lawsuit

    Elon no show

    His attorneys filed an application yesterday to remove the case to federal court.

    As a side note Loomer is once again at it trying to impugn a judge’s impartiality by claiming a family member (his Sister!?!) is anti Trump on X).
    https:// [. ]tribune.com.pk/story/2506557/ [ ] judge-in-elon-musk-court-hearing-faces-scrutiny-over-alleged-anti-musk-stance

    This of course is batshit

    The judge has been on the bench since 2011
    Judge Angelo J Foglietta
    He got his BA in 1972, JD in 1976 and has had a 48 year legal career
    http://www. [..] org/2009/05/19/pa/ph/vote/foglietta_a/paper1.html

      • SteveBev says:

        I should have added that the Judge is term limited in 2032. All of which would tend to suggest:
        He is of an age and with the background and tenure to not give too many fucks about anybody who chooses to piss about with him.

    • Scott_in_MI says:

      “His attorneys filed an application yesterday to remove the case to federal court.”

      And were granted it, according to the article, though the Philly DA’s office is trying to get it moved back.

      • P-villain says:

        The article you saw was wrong. The application to remove stays the state court proceedings until the federal court decides whether to grant or deny the application.

        Just another example of how the rich and powerful can work the clock in our judicial system.

        The case will be moot before the federal court holds its hearing.

      • SteveBev says:

        I think the Guardian and other reports were updated after I first read them ~ 4pm GMT And posted comment.

  6. Matt Foley says:

    Bidenflation is so bad that Trump’s job at McDonalds doesn’t pay the bills. So he was forced to take a second job as a trash collector.


    • P J Evans says:

      First trash collector I’ve seen in a white shirt and tie, and dress shoes.
      (The noes I worked with were dressed for the job.)

    • grizebard says:

      He is a trash collector, though, metaphorically speaking. Collects it then excretes it through his megaphones, Truth (cough) Social and Shitter.

  7. dopefish says:

    OT: foreignpolicy.com has a nice article highlighting Trump’s Russia connections, and his administration’s interference in the efforts to investigate them:

    The Enduring Mystery of Trump’s Relationship With Russia

    Some of these tactics were reported in a 2020 book by New York Times reporter Michael S. Schmidt, Donald Trump v. The United States: Inside the Struggle to Stop a President. Schmidt wrote that Rosenstein quietly curtailed the investigation by making it strictly about whether Trump or his campaign officials committed criminal offenses through colluding with Russia or by covering up such collusion. Apparently bowing to pressure from Rosenstein, Mueller dropped the original counterintelligence probe into Trump’s long-term business ties to Russia—in other words, ignoring any questions about what might have motivated Trump to favor or collude with Moscow.

    McCabe said he was unaware that Rosenstein was doing this. “Had I known at the time that there would be no investigation of the counterintelligence concerns, I would have continued that work at the FBI,” he said.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      So, DoJ leadersheep forced Mueller, among other things, to drop investigations into Trump’s finances and ties with foreign intelligence services. Two of the most likely areas in which they were likely to find wrongdoing, if not crimes.

      Sounds a lot like investigating Supreme Court wannabe Brett Kavanaugh, without looking at the subjects of women, alcohol consumption, and unexplained pay-offs of his large debts. Or investigating the mob without addressing murder, drugs, racketeering, gambling, bribery, or prostitution. It’s corrupt.

  8. m00n_silverside says:

    Hey checking in for no reason other than to say I grew up in the New Hope rural countryside of Bucks County when what floated on the air was farm, cattle and kine (not mowers, pools, burgers and Tide ! ) and how surprising it seems that Bucks County keeps popping up in the news with a maga punching a poll-worker and now this …Ai-yai-yai !!

    Having gone home to meet my son for a dinner and catch-up (he goes to Temple in Philly) not having been back in years, I was shocked about how much support there was for DJT. In fact, there was a 500 acre horse farm in Lahaska a few miles outside New Hope near the county seat of Doylestown, multi-million dollar historic period stone-house-and-barns horse farm that sat for years on the market, a beautiful piece of land but now…with a 3/4 mile long very expensive looking maga display of signage! Cry! …very depressing as well as unexpected, New Hope being an arts community famous for the arts, disestablishment folk, Abbey Hoffman Andy Warhol et al. A preponderance of Harris/Walz signs thankfully, but it made me sweat.

    Times change !

    Also, today’s BBC Radio 4 “Today Programme” was in part produced in Philly. One of their remaining veteran presenters presented from Philadelphia and was featured interviewing a number of folks-on-the-street, (around the one hour-thirty five minute mark). It was definitely riveting.


    • Matt Foley says:

      I’m in Philly suburbs (Montgomery County) and am familiar with that New Hope area. It seems the farther you go from universities the more they support Trump. Go figure.

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