At Least Four Trump Supporters Arrested for Cheating

Thus far, four Trump supporters have been arrested for cheating.

There’s Danielle Christine Miller, charged with two felonies for casting a vote in her dead mother’s name for Trump.

There’s Larry Lee Savage Jr, who stole two ballots during a test run of voting machines in Indiana.

There’s Val Biancaniello, who was arrested for disorderly conduct after allegedly harassing voters in a line in Media, PA.

And there’s Caleb James Williams, who harassed early voters in Neptune Beach, FL waving a machete.

Update: Jeffrey Michael Kelly, who was arrested last week for shooting up some Democratic offices in AZ, was indicted on terrorism charges today.

In addition, an unaffiliated racist, Nicholas Farley, was arrested in West Palm Beach for yelling racial and antisemitic slurs at voters (I’m not counting him as a Trump supporter because he was intimidating Republican voters too).

Trump, predictably, is claiming that others are cheating.

And the Republicans on the Supreme Court permitted Glenn Youngkin to continue purging voters, including some citizens, from voting rolls in violation of the National Voter Registration Act. [Corrected the law in question.]

Update: A Chinese Green Card holder who is a U Michigan student has also been charged, for illegally voting.

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88 replies
  1. grizebard says:

    This latest judgement adds to the accumulating evidence that there is a majority in the highest court of the land that actually cares far more about the Rule of Trump than it does about the Rule of Law.

    • P-villain says:

      Yes, in the wake of this decision, it is now illegal to change voting rules close to Election Day, except when it isn’t. I have been a lawyer for 35 years, and I no longer know what the law is.

    • Mike from Delaware says:

      The majority also care deeply about restrictive voting laws. Just like Shelby County v. Holder, they provide cover to those trying to enact restrictive voting legislation.

    • Harry Eagar says:

      Did the example of an actual citizen who was purged make it before the Supremes? Or did that get revealed after whatever submissions were made?

    • dannyboy says:

      This today, from Robert B. Hubbell’s Today’s Edition Newsletter, struck a chord:

      “Our first woman president; the beginning of the end of MAGA extremism; reclaiming reproductive liberty; and overturning tainted decisions by a compromised Supreme Court affecting the right to vote, the right of citizens to choose their legislators, and the right of ordinary citizens—not corporations or billionaires—to fund political campaigns.”

  2. Brian Ruff says:

    I’m glad you mentioned that five Trump supporters in the DC area have also been caught cheating.
    What shall be done with such “turbulent priests”?

    • SotekPrime says:

      I also would not be too surprised if it was Elon-adjacent. I’m actually suspecting lazy and/or greedy subcontractor rather than direct Elon orders, but it seems very likely to at least be Elon’s operation.

      (Mostly I doubt it’s Elon directly because I would like to believe that he has enough intelligence to realize false registrations are very hard to convert to false votes, while his contractors can just have the motivation of getting paid.)

  3. biff murphy says:

    “Glenn Youngkin to continue purging voters”
    Virginia also has In-person registration at the voting location on Election Day : Nov 5
    I wondered if that was why they(SC) would go against the
    “no tampering with the electorate 90 days before election”
    It would hurt more in other states if you came to the polls and found you didn’t have same day registration.
    Registration deadlines
    In person during early voting : Sep 20 – Nov 2
    In-person at voting location on Election Day : Nov 5
    Online : Oct 15 by 11:59 p.m. EDT
    By mail (postmarked by) : Oct 15

    • grizebard says:

      Some people of course choose to vote remotely for other more pressing reasons than mere convenience, such as physical incapacity. To require any such individual to attend in person to vote accompanied by all the necessary documentation to successfully overturn the SC’s denial of their rights is a particularly cruel form of attempted voter suppression.

      Besides. the vast proportion of these denials always turns out to be incorrect. Like the Russian efforts, it’s all political manoevering to sow mistrust and create a false alibi in advance for another Trump loss.

  4. harpie says:

    ew: And the Republicans on the Supreme Court permitted Glenn Youngkin to continue purging voters, including some citizens, from voting rolls in violation of the Voting Rights Act.

    MANY [most? all?] of the ROBERT’s COURTesans LIVE in Virginia.

    I know Clarence [Insurrectionist Spouse] THOMAS and
    Sammy [Upsidedown American Flag Spouse] ALITO do.

    AND John [“For The Ages”] ROBERTS himself, as well.

    • harpie says:

      Chris GEIDNER:
      October 30, 2024 at 10:16 AM

      […] Both the district court and appeals court gave reasons for their decision. Today’s Supreme Court decision, technically staying the injunction pending Virginia’s appeal of the case, contains no explanation of why the justices took this action.

      This is a disturbing shadow docket decision, up there with the 2021 shadow docket decision allowing Texas’s S.B. 8 vigilante abortion law to go into effect despite Roe. […]

        • harpie says:

          A Texas Woman Died After the Hospital Said It Would be a “Crime” to Intervene in Her Miscarriage Josseli Barnica is one of at least two pregnant Texas women who died after doctors delayed emergency care. She’d told her husband that the medical team said it couldn’t act until the fetal heartbeat stopped.
 Cassandra Jaramillo // Kavitha Surana Oct. 30, 5 a.m. EDT

        • Rayne says:

          Absolutely infuriating, because the fetal heartbeat could continue even after the mother’s heartbeat stopped.

          Death by denial of civil rights.

        • MsJennyMD says:

          Harpie, I read the article. I cried. Hospital claiming it would be a “crime” to intervene. No intervention is a crime! The lack of value and respect for women and women’s health is unconscionable.

          What happened to doctors taking an oath to do no harm? Judges and politicians practicing medicine without a license is illegal.

          Yes, Rayne – “absolutely infuriating.”

        • Rayne says:

          Why they didn’t treat the infection is beyond me. They could have admitted her for that – an infection – and then let nature take its course which would be “delivering” the infant though it was likely dying/dead.

  5. Alan King says:

    Yup. The only aim is to cast enough doubt to rerun Jan 6. It doesn’t matter if those casting are their own people.

    • Rayne says:

      Scary, though: Trump’s social media post is incitement to MAGAs to harass Pennsylvania voters because of his cheating allegations.

      At which state will he aim this incitement next?

      So bloody sick of his weaponized DARVO projection.

    • Alan King says:

      What can be done? My thoughts:

      1) Monitor the formation of the “alternate electors”, doxx them, and send them a lawyerly letter from a top law firm.
      2) Establish a cordon around the Capitol for a few days before the certification.

      I don’t think there is much else one can do. Folks can gather around polling places. Politicians can talk about vote stealing. Courts must follow due process.

      • Rayne says:

        What legal purpose does doxxing “alternate electors” do?

        Slates of electors for either party are already public record, and the “alternate” status is merely the GOP refusing to acknowledge their party lost the election and submitting their slate anyhow as legitimate.

        The cordon formed around the Capitol should be law enforcement at DOJ’s order as well as the head of Capitol police. A cordon of citizens is an invitation to riot and an unpermitted gathering.

        Do NOT advocate any unlawful preventive or preemptive measure in these threads.

  6. Just Some Guy says:

    Wouldn’t it be Kelly Gee, currently Virginia’s Secretary of State and a Republican, who is purging voters in Virginia?

    Also let’s not forget the dumbass in Texas who wore a MAGA hat to the polls, then assaulted election workers:

    Here’s a link to report election threats to the DoJ and FBI:

    I hope nobody needs to use it, but you never know.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Gee is the Sec’y of the Commonwealth, but the daily checking of voters’ address information against DMV address data is being done because Youngkin demanded it. As the case laid out at the district and circuit court levels, there’s insufficient correlation between the two databases to use discrepancies as a reason to remove a voter’s registration, especially this close to an election.

      • Just Some Guy says:

        Youngkin can demand all he wants but both you and I know that it’s a different constitutional officer than Governor that handles election rules and voter rolls, and all the sophistry in the world — or in a comment — doesn’t change that fact.

        Furthermore, as a resident and voter in another state where the Republican SoS is doing the exact same damn thing that Gee is with no pushback from anyone — not from litigators, nor our Democratic Party Governor, nor his party officials and our other elected representatives, and certainly not from the local news media — I’d prefer the blame be placed properly.

        In fact, this should be a wake up call to all y’all who live in states where the Secretary of State is a Republican. The Kris Kobach playbook is alive and thriving.

  7. SelaSela says:

    I’m not saying it very often, but in this one case, I hope Trump is right and he is loosing PA. It’s more likely he is preparing the ground for another violent coup in case he loses again, when no one still knows what would be the result.

    I’m horrified by the possibility of a 2nd Trump term, and I’m horrified by the fact that this election is still a coin-toss.

    • dannyboy says:

      This election is not a coin-toss, as I see it.

      The basis for all arguements for “The Coin-Toss Theory” are bogus, flawed, or lies. F-the-Polls, those are used to control our voting. F-the Interviews, they are meant to distort reality into thinking these interviewed people are representative of the voting population, they’re not.

      I suggest everyone using their intelligent minds, which are on display every day here. Our flaw is that we analyze and comment on others’ shit. Stop with the thinking of others, who are f’king with all kinds of disinfo, lies, conspiricies, & threats and you’ll find yourself really believing what you know.

  8. Matt Foley says:

    I’m going out on a limb and saying it was MAGA who blew up those dropboxes.

    Won’t be long before Sloppy Steve commits another crime for Trump.

    • xyxyxyxy says:

      In a month he goes on trial for theft of build the wall funds in NY. Let’s see what he’s going to do in the next month to derail the trial.

  9. Savage Librarian says:

    I’m proud of how law enforcement responded to this incident at a polling place at a library. This was the last library that I managed before I retired. I loved working there. At that time there was a woman from India and a man from Jamaica on the staff, as well as staff of many other ethnic and cultural backgrounds. That library is part of the Jacksonville system, but it is in a separate city with its own mayor.

    And I have to add, this is a far different response than what happened at another branch I managed where white supremacists threatened staff, customers, and me. We were instructed to ignore and tolerate the abusive behavior. And we were told we were not permitted to call law enforcement for help. That was when Susie Wiles worked in the Jacksonville mayor’s office. A person in the know told me he believed she played a significant role in how things played out.

    But now Jacksonville has its first woman mayor. She is doing a great job. And she lives at the beach so she is quite familiar with what is going on there. That’s one of the reasons I’m optimistic about the election and future. As I’ve said a number of times, it has always seemed to me that the experience I had was a fractal of what has happened nationally. After much effort, I eventually prevailed. I think that our struggle to maintain democracy will prevail as well.

    “Police: 18-year-old arrested after waving machete toward 2 women at Neptune Beach polling location”

      • Savage Librarian says:

        Southern Poverty Law Center categorized them as a hate group. They participated with the KKK in militia training. They pledged allegiance to the Confederate flag.

        They did a variety of things to intimidate people. They threw things. They shouted. They insisted on only being helped by white people. They exited out of doors that were only for emergencies. They put unauthorized posters on the walls. They littered the building with propaganda. They got up in people’s faces, invading their personal space. And more…

      • Savage Librarian says:

        Since I was forbidden to contact law enforcement, I contacted the U. S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR). They investigated and subsequently mandated systemwide training for all staff. They mandated that a special policy that gave preferential treatment to the offending group be rescinded. I also took legal action for violation of my Constitutional rights.

  10. HorsewomaninPA says:

    The fact that 2500 fraudulent registrations in Lancaster County, PA were discovered when they were submitted is an example of how the system IS working.
    However, to a person – everyone I know who votes in PA is concerned. I’ve been awake at night worst-case scenario planning if someone pulls something in our precinct on election day. Luckily, our precinct’s team of poll workers are the best. (I’m the Judge for my precinct). All 6 of them stepped up when others stepped away and they all (R’s, D’s and an I) are in the courage mindset, not the fear mindset. We all see our roles as critical and I think most folks who serve on the front line of elections now are doing it because they recognize the threats, and don’t run from them. Wish us luck and every other poll worker in this country!

    • dannyboy says:

      October 22, 2024 at 7:26 am
      One of my earliest peeks into crazy was driving on the main drag in Lancaster, PA past theaters offering Jesus shows onstage, riding behind a car whose licence plate read:

      ” I Follow Trump ”

      There’s their religion.

  11. synergies says:

    I hope I’m within topic. I had to search today to find out what the attendance was at the Washington DC rally at the Ellispe yesterday, 75,000. Incredible! I watched online.

    I’m blown way though, that I had to search to find out the total in the obviousness that the oligarch owned news isn’t giving any credible coverage to Kamala. It’s so obvious. But what really gets me is Kamala’s campaign consultants aren’t utilizing greatness. That I didn’t get among my daily hugely amount of emails asking for donations, the number in attendance. I hope that’s self explanatory the possibilities for working it with a positive. Emphasizing again, I hope that’s self explanatory. A positive would be positive.

    I repeat it’s so obvious we’re being downed by no credible coverage by le news so that when WE have real news, 75,000 at a rally which gets under the insane TFG’s mental insanity thereby increasing it, nada. Highlighting: “which gets under the insane TFG’s mental insanity thereby increasing it.” This close to the election, I’d be pushing 75,000 at the site of the insurrection. WOW just WOW!

    I’m 73. A lifelong political junkie. I see the huge difference. The news normally would have had easily, 75,000 people. That’s a historically huge rally. They are on TFG’s side. Campaign consultants?

  12. Publisher1953 says:

    Although the Supreme Court seems to be trying to tip the scales, in the Virginia case, I don’t see any great harm from this decision. US citizens taken off the roll in Virginia can easily re-register on voting day (or ahead of time if they wish) and their votes will count. It would be a different situation of course if a voter’s name was removed from the rolls and there was no option re-register. It’s plain wrong for any non-citizens vote (which would certainly be the case for me, as I’m a Canadian — who has twice managed to gain Green Card eligibility/status but decided that I really prefer living in Canada.)

    I also agree that most of the abusers and cheaters are on the Trump side; and (at least the ones caught cheating) aren’t exactly the brightest lights in the world.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      All three progressive Justices dissented from this emergency docket decision, which might be a clue that it was made for political, not legal, reasons. That makes it suspect.

      Gov. Youngkin is using insufficient evidence to interfere with the voting rights of the Commonwealth’s citizens. He does it days before an election, when it may be difficult or impossible to undo the harm in time to vote. His timing is specifically suspect under federal law. The Supreme Court’s interference fails to respect explicit legislation, but refuses to give any rationale for it.

      Youngkin’s program is not a legitimate use of state power, only its appearance. As the lower courts demonstrated, the two databases at issue serve different purposes and are prepared according to different timelines. Purported discrepancies between them do not correlate with a citizen changing voting districts within the commonwealth, let alone reveal the existence of non-citizens who attempt to vote, a vanishingly small problem, which is already a felony.

      This presidential election could come down to a few hundred votes in each of half a dozen swing states. The Supreme Court just signaled to every red state that it is free to disenfranchise its voters, even temporarily, under the guise of policing voter rolls, including between now and the election next week. It is ignoring an explicit federal statute to do it. How close does that come to “great harm?”

      • Shadowalker says:

        They’re using a sledge hammer when a scalpel should be used. How many Trump voters did they purge? Read a report about a woman in Texas who was removed from the rolls for being a non-citizen, only problem is she has the papers to prove it and she was planning on voting for Trump because of the immigration issue. They keep this up and they won’t have anyone left to vote for them.

      • punaise says:

        FIFY: “The Supreme Court just signaled to every red state that it is free to disenfranchise its voters disembowel democracy”

  13. dopefish says:

    Off-Topic: This event a few weeks ago at the American Library in Paris, had historian and author Timothy Ryback discussing with CNN international correspondent Jim Bittermann about his book “Takeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to Power”, which covers day-to-day events in Germany in the 1932-1933 period, and some of the disturbing parallels to the MAGA movement in the United States.

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